Possessing Providence [Warriors Of Kelon Book 6]

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Possessing Providence [Warriors Of Kelon Book 6] Page 9

by Castle, Angela

  Win was a big guy, standing at six-foot-five. Once a rugby player, he gave it up after injuring his knees. Now overweight, he spent most of his time at his computer, designing game software. Providence helped set up all the power circuits for the back shed, computer room.

  Darkness fell and Zelron slept the whole three hour drive. With the car off, she unbuckled her belt and leaned over him. In the faint lamp lights outside the Wrangler, she brushed the hair from his face, gently tracking his rugged jawline, stopping at his scar.

  The masculine beauty floored her every time. His hand moved to cover hers, his eyes opening. She loved his eyes; it was like staring into the universe itself—so full of depth and mystery.

  “We’re here.” Her voice was but a whisper.

  She felt his hand creep from her hand to around her neck and with one small tug, she went sprawling over his large body, his other arm banding around her waist.

  “You are mine.”

  She frowned, why would he say that now? “I see it in your eyes, little one. You doubt my words.”

  She swallowed. “I think we need to get you home to your people. You’ve suffered so much and I…I want to believe you.”

  “I have suffered, but finding you eases all my burdens. I cannot lose you. I would suffer more without you.”

  Damn him, being all sweet and possessive. “Say you are mine.”

  She sighed. There was nothing she could do but surrender. “I am yours.”

  He tugged her head closer, pressing his lips over hers in a deep possessive kiss. She melted against him, her hands curling into his bare shoulders. No doubt remained, he owned her—body, heart and soul, so why couldn’t she bring herself to tell him of her love?

  He pulled back. “I must stop or I will take you in this transport.”

  She blinked and opened her eyes, trying to clear her muddled brain. “Yes, okay. Come meet Win and Marg. I know they’re going to love meeting you. And Win can help with what to do.”

  * * * *

  Trusting his little Providence was not a problem, it was the other human male he did not trust.

  “Un-frikken-believable! I have a Kelon in my home!” Win, Providence’s male friend, gaped at Zelron. The human was a little shorter than him, but had far more weight. He also had facial hair growing from his chin and his hazel eyes were wide while he stared at Zelron.

  “Duh, Win, he’s standing right here. Believe it.” Providence shook her head, but a smile played on her lips.

  The other human female listened to Providence tell their story and went off to find them something to wear.

  “I got clothes. I pulled out your largest ones, as he’s taller than you, but you may want to shower first.” Marg barged back into the room, dumping the clothes on the centre table of the computer room.

  “Here, love.” The heavy-set female handed Providence a smaller bundle of clothing.

  “I’m going to leave you two here to talk. I know the Kelons have a space station near our moon, so there has to be a way to contact them. I’m going to have a shower, I’m all icky from what they…well I need a shower.”

  He watched Providence’s skin turn red. What had she not told him? He gripped her arm. “Did they hurt you? You said…”

  “No, no, I’m fine. They did something else. I need to go wash it off.”

  Damn it, why could she not tell him? “Little one, tell me, now.” He was going to go back to the lab and rip their heads off. He should have never let them live.

  “Damn it, Z, they put shaving cream down there, okay? They were going to shave off my hair.”

  She folded her arms and her skin flushed a deeper red. Guilt assaulted him for making her say it in front of her friends. He foolishly stood stock still and made no effort to comfort or apologise. It was his responsibility to make sure she was unharmed.

  “Oh, honey.” Marg put her arms around Providence in comfort, and glared at Zelron. “I don’t care if you’re an alien, sit down and chill.” Marg pointed to the large chair. Zelron obediently sat. “Everyone is safe here. Go wash, hun. Win and I will keep your friend busy.”

  “Thank you.” She walked out the door. Zelron moved to get up and follow.

  “Mr. Zelron, I’ve been trying to follow your station’s progress, but it’s hard with the military lockdown.”

  He turned his attention to Providence’s friend. She slipped out the door, out of his sight. It was hard to deny his instincts and not follow her, to make sure she was safe. She was his responsibility to protect.

  He turned his eyes to the screen, easily recognizing Kelon technology—a space station. From the angle and focus, it must have been taken via distant lenses.

  “I had no idea we had a station here, near Earth.”

  “It’s been there for about eight months, now. It was built not long after the big firefight in the sky. Earth and Kelon have a peace treaty. They protect us from your enemies, and we…” Win smiled. “I hear Kelon guys are fond of human women, so there is an agency in Sydney, I think, where willing ladies can sign up.”

  He was only fond of one little human female. “She is mine.” He growled.

  “Gee, you are grumpy. We get you like Providence. She’s a sweet girl and has wasted way too much of her life trying to make her father happy. It was a weight off her back when he finally died,” Marg spoke up as she put her heavy-set bottom in a chair. “What she needs now is someone who can make her happy and not treat her as a possession.”

  Zelron did not take offence, but understood her meaning. “I understand. I will take care of her, always.”

  “Now, I think there are a few ways to contact your people without Kelon technology to help.” Win said. “Military, of course, has the frequency bands to contact the station. There is the news station not too far from here; their transmitter is powerful enough to get out into space, or you could go to the agency in Sydney.”

  “How far is this Sydney?”

  With a button’s push, Win brought up a map on his computer of the continent.

  “It’s an eight to nine hour drive, by car.”

  Zelron pondered this. He doubted they had much time. Without doubt, the company would be after them.

  “There is also the matter of contacting your law. The humans, who took me and the others, must be brought to justice.”

  “M.A.R.C. Cosmetics have a lot to answer for, but I doubt you can to go to the normal police—this needs detectives or something. Let me look it up.”

  Win turned back to his computer, typing away at his board. Zelron glanced to the door, itching to get up and find his little mate.

  “Federal police, with abduction, abuse, medical experimentation. I have a phone number here.”

  Zelron turned back to Win. “These Federal police will...”

  “Think we’re crackpots.”

  Zelron bolted to his feet at the sound of Providence’s voice. She looked refreshed, clothed in baggy shirt and pants. She rubbed at her damp hair with a towel.

  “We need to make our voice heard, so the police take notice. M.A.R.C. Cosmetics can’t keep getting away with this crap. I mean, Zelron’s blood has literally gone into that shit.”

  Unable to help himself, he reached for her, pulling her into his arms and holding her tight, simply breathing in her freshly washed, floral scent.

  “Easy, big Z, it’ll be okay.” She glanced up at him. Her arms hooked around his waist, a small smile on her lovely, pink lips.

  “As you see, I’m still safe and sound. I think it’s your turn for a shower. I don’t even want to know where the blood came from.”

  She had such a tender heart and was not accustomed to violence. He wanted to wrap her up and hide her from everything, keeping her in his arms and close to his heart. A day or even a moment without her was unbearable.

  “So, what’s the plan if we can’t go directly to the cops? We have to move quickly, however, god knows what they’ll do to the lab, most likely destroy the evidence.”

; “You two are the evidence. I’d say go directly to a reporter, one who’ll bend over backwards to help you out, and I may know who.” Win turned back to his computers. “Natasha Strickland, big time investigative journalist, and guess what, she’s right here in Melbourne. I happen to have her address.”

  “Uh, why do you have her address?” Providence turned in Zelron’s arms to cast a worried glance at Win.

  Win shrugged, scratching the hair on his chin. “I’m kind of a big fan. I can’t hack military databases, but I can hack other things.”

  “Uh, huh.”

  “Well, anyway, I’ve got it. Go there as soon as you’re ready. With your big guy here, she’ll believe you. More importantly, she’ll help you, especially as she gets an exclusive story on how she had a hand in bringing down the corrupt M.A.R.C.”

  “You’re creepy, sometimes, Win, but you’re right, this is what we need.” She turned to look up at Zelron. “I think this would be our best bet.”

  “I trust you.”

  “Thank you. We’ll leave once you have a shower. C’mon, I’ll show you where it is.”

  He took the offered clothes from the table and followed her out, knowing he would follow her anywhere.

  * * * *

  Oh, wow, her big alien sure knew how to fill out jeans and a t-shirt. Win’s old rugby jersey stretched over Zelron’s chest. Yes, she loved watching him naked, but seeing him like that flipped every darn switch in her brain into overdrive. Now that he was clothed, why did she get the sudden urge to tackle him to the ground and wrestle him out of those clothes?

  “They are a bit tight.” He tugged at the fabric of the shirt. She gripped the steering wheel, glancing at the prominent bulge in his crotch.

  His hair, freshly washed, hung again down his back in a long braid.

  “You look, uh…” edible, scrumptious, badass sexy. “…just fine.”

  She clutched the paper with Natasha Strickland’s home address in the more up-market Melbourne neighbourhood of Yarraville.


  They climbed from the car and he followed her up the sidewalk to the house. He stood right behind her while she pressed the door buzzer.

  It took a moment before the main door to swing in slightly, showing the security door, preventing further entry.

  “Uh, are you Natasha Strickland?”

  “Who’s asking?” The tall woman with immaculate dark hair eyed her, and then Zelron standing behind her.

  “A friend said you could help us. We need to contact the Kelon space station in orbit around our moon.”

  Scepticism flashed in her pretty blue eyes. “Why would you need to do that?”

  “Because my big friend, behind me here, is Kelon.”

  Natasha stared up at Zelron. “This is Zelron; his ship crashed here during the big firefight the Kelons and the other aliens had over Earth, only he was never rescued, but captured and experimented on by none other than M.A.R.C. Cosmetics. I’m Providence Velour. Six days ago, I went into the Northern Factory in Butterfield Creek to fix an electrical fault. It’s where I discovered they were not only keeping Zelron captive, but they have other aliens down there, doing god knows what to them.”

  Natasha moved and unlocked the second door, swinging it open. “I think you better come in.”

  Chapter 13

  Frankie gripped the steering wheel, his teeth grinding as he stole glances at his phone’s screen. He bypassed the odd house with the Star Trek symbol stuck to the front. His targets hadn’t stopped here long. He continued following them into the Yarraville area, easily finding the now abandoned Jeep Wrangler. They haven’t gone to the police, yet, so what were they up too?

  Spotting his targets exiting the building, he noted they were now with a third person. Frankie tensed, easily recognizing celebrity television reporter, Natasha Strickland. The boss wasn’t going to like this. No need to let the boss know what was happening, however, it was time to pull out his sniper rifle. If they were heading to the television station, all he needed to do was set himself up and wait for the right moment.

  Whether they talked or not, it didn’t matter. It was only a matter of time before he finished his job.

  * * * *

  Providence was certain her heart was going to pound out of her chest. She sat and watched as Zelron talked into the microphone.

  Television station personnel set up the equipment he needed to make the call. Of course, Natasha Strickland insisted she record everything on camera.

  However, it didn’t matter as no one understood the low, growling tones of his alien language. She realised how hard it must been for him to have learned English. Her smart, strong and handsome alien was so out of her league.

  The visible relief on his face while he communicated with the station above brought a lump to her throat. He was kept, tormented and tortured for too long. Now, he was going home.

  “The police are on their way to the station. It looks like we’re all going to sit down while you make a full report.”

  “My people will land on the roof when they have tracked the signal coordinates to this location.”

  Natasha kept staring at Zelron in a way which made Prov uncomfortable, like he was a tasty treat she’d like to devour.

  “How did you get those scars, honey? Did the company do it?” Natasha moved in almost purring, running her hand down his side.

  “No, long ago in battle with Xersons.” He stood up, moving away from Natasha’s grasp.

  “Well, we can still use that. Handsome, battle-scarred Kelon hero, victim of greedy cosmetics company.” She glanced in the air, swiping her hands about as if she could see the words written there.

  As they sat waiting in Strickland’s plush office, Prov turned to stare out over the night-time city of Melbourne. Feeling eyes on her, she glanced back to find Zelron standing over her.

  He squatted down, taking her hands into his larger, warmer ones. How he dwarfed her hands in his. Only he could make her feel small, delicate and, most of all, a woman.

  All her life, she’d battled to be something she wasn’t. It took Zelron to make her realise she was all female; that is was something to be celebrated and not hidden. Her dad was wrong and she felt determined to never live in his shadow again.

  “My little one, all will be well now. My people are coming.”

  She forced herself to smile. “That’s great. You get to go home and have a nice long holiday.”

  Her heart fluttered and her stomach pitched when he looked at her seriously. Was this it? Was now the time he would tell her goodbye? “Before they come, I need to ask you…”

  The door burst open and a wiry guy with large earphones hooked around the back of his neck barged in. “Hey! A huge spaceship just landed on the roof and we got cops downstairs.”

  “You bring the cops up here, while we go get the Kelons,” Natasha ordered.

  Zelron pulled Prov to her feet, following Natasha out the door and up the stairs.

  Cool gusts of summer wind hit her as the door opened; bright lights shone from the craft still humming on the roof.

  “Are you getting this?” Natasha yelled at her cameraman who was hovering behind them.

  “Yeah, yeah, getting it.”

  Zelron made to stride forward, but fear made Prov yank her hand from his. He paused, turning to look at her.

  “Go! Your people are waiting.” She hung back beside Natasha.

  He frowned again, but turned and walked to the ship where three other Kelons disembarked and were standing there. Zelron marched up and saluted.

  One of the Kelons pulled Zelron into a brief hug. They stood talking for what seemed an eternity.

  “Breathe, Providence.” Natasha gave her a nudge.

  She let out a breath she didn’t realise she was holding. Her emotions were in more turmoil than the day she was put into the cell with Zelron.

  “Are you going to go to Kelon with him?”

  “What?” Prov glanced sharply at Natasha, startled
by her comment.

  “Oh, c’mon, the possessive way he looks at you… Despite what he’s gone through, I doubt he’ll go anywhere without you.” She sighed. “I wish a man looked at me like Zelron looks at you. Do you love him?”

  “More than anything in the world.” The words slipped out with the full force of her heart. Yes, she loved him.

  “Have you told him?”

  She narrowed her eyes at the reporter. “You really are nosy.”

  “Hey, you guys came to me. I admit I’m angling for more in this story. My viewers are going to eat up this romance.” She smiled. “As a woman and not a journalist, take my advice—tell him.”

  Funny how it took a stranger to make her see her true feelings. It was time to give up her fears of losing her Z man, and hold onto him with both hands. He promised a forever-until-death-do-you-part relationship. She believed his words. She knew as much as she was his, he was also one hundred percent hers.

  Zelron turned and held out his hand towards her, motioning her to come to him. Providence’s feet moved before she gave them the order, and she walked to meet him halfway. There was a smile on his face as she approached, a smile speaking more than words could. The love shining in his starlight eyes made her heart soar.

  Something whizzed past her ear and Zelron’s left shoulder jerked back and a jet of warm liquid sprayed across her face.

  He growled, loudly.

  It took only a split second to realise he was shot, but the only thought filtering through her brain was to protect the man she loved. Launching herself forward, she jumped onto Zelron, wrapping her arms around his neck, and then crying out when something sharp slammed into her back.

  Her body went as limp as a rag doll. She couldn’t move her any of her limbs, but Zelron caught her before she fell.

  Why did everything suddenly slow down? There were yelling and loud bangs sounding behind her. People ran as Zelron turned her, laying her on the ground. She tried to reach up to grab onto him.

  Why won’t my arms move? Why can’t I feel anything?

  “Z…I…I can’t move…”


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