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Possessing Providence [Warriors Of Kelon Book 6]

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by Castle, Angela

  “Shhh, my little one, it will be alright. The healer will come, he will fix this.” There was blood on his hands. He was shaking and she saw a wild look in his dark eyes.

  Fix what? Was she broken? There wasn’t any pain, nothing except tired…so so tired. She struggled to keep her eyes open.

  “Shit, shit, shit! They’ve been shot! Someone call an ambulance, now!” Natasha hovered over them both, yelling.

  He was hurt? She wanted to do something, to help him, but lay there helplessly, only wanting to sleep.

  “Z, I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before.”

  “Oh, my corami, my beautiful little one, stay awake. Keep those eyes open for me; you must obey me, little one. You have to obey!”

  She wanted to obey his panicked command, but it was too hard. Darkness fell as she closed her eyes and the sound of Zelron’s roar faded.

  * * * *

  Red clouded Zelron’s vision, redder than the blood coating his hand, or soaking his clothing. He ignored the throbbing, dull pain in his shoulder and rose to his feet, Providence's limp body clutched in his arms. He could not lose her. His life had not truly begun until the moment he first laid eyes on her. She’d become his life. She’d bonded deep within his soul.

  Why did she do something so foolish as to throw her little body onto his? He knew the projectile would have hit his heart, but he should be protecting her with his life, not the other way around.

  He stumbled as blue flashes of Kelon weapons whizzed past his head. His fellow Kelons were firing on someone, something? He glanced down at Providence. He must do something. He needed to save her.

  “Zelron, we have neutralized the threat! Get your female on board the ship, now! We have to hurry if we are to save her!” The station commander’s voice sounded in his ear. The other two herded him towards the fire skimmer.

  “Our healers are more advanced with humans than they are with their own.”

  Zelron took a seat and the warrior pulled a healing kit from the side of the ship while the other two strapped in and closed the door. The rumble of the engines firing vibrated under his feet as the craft lifted off the roof.

  One of the young warriors knelt before him, holding the healer’s kit in his hand. Zelron growled, yanking the blood suppressant from the other Kelon’s hand. “No one touches her but me!”

  “Your corami. I understand, but we are all here to help, Zelron. Your hands are covered in blood. You are injured and losing much of your own blood. Your mind is not clear, but fogged with the need to do battle and protect.”

  Zelron was torn between wanting to tear everything apart, and at the same time not wanting to let his corami from his arms. She was his! No one could touch her.

  The young warrior held up an injector. “This is for your shoulder.”

  Zelron did not flinch, allowing the young warrior to press it to his neck. He jumped back as the drug hit his system.

  “No! I will kill…” It was too late. His grip tightened on Providence before he slumped forward, blacking out.

  Chapter 14

  Heavy. Providence never realised death would feel heavy. Lights swam before her closed eyes. She wanted to open them to see where she was, to see if she was in heaven, hell, or some place in between.

  “You can do it, Providence. Open your eyes for me.”

  Whose voice is that? It was deep and male for sure. Maybe it was the devil’s voice. All her sins finally caught up with her, like the time she snuck out of the house at night and gone with Danny Sims on a dare to egg Mrs Rooney’s house with rotten chicken eggs.

  Or the time when she got mixed up with Ray the Ratchet from high school, who taught her to pick locks. They broke into the Thompson’s store. Although she didn’t take anything, she never told anyone Ray stole a whole rack of cigarettes and chewing gum.

  “There are many here who want to meet you, lovely lady.”

  Lovely lady? The devil wouldn’t call her a lovely lady, unless he was high on crack. Prov fought harder, forcing her eyes open, only to find her vision blurry. She blinked rapidly, clearing her eyesight.

  The man leaning over her appeared youthful, handsome with a clean-cut jawline, but the high, plated ridge on his forehead and midnight black eyes marked him a…

  “Kelon?” Her voice croaked like a frog. She tried clearing her throat.

  A wide smile lit his features.

  “Hello, Providence. Nice to finally have you awake. I am Solron, head healer at Kelon Prime Healing Centre, or what you would call a medical centre. You had us worried for quite some time.”

  Confusion made her frown. Her memory was hazy. She wasn’t dead, but why would she think she was dead? Where was Zelron?

  Oh, god, Zelron! Images of his bloodied shoulder and the yelling on top of the roof of the television station came to her. She tried to sit up.

  “Zelron, he…he was hurt…Zelron!”

  “Providence, calm yourself! Your heart rate just shot up. Let me assure you Zelron is fine. In fact, he has been a royal pain, as my wife is fond of saying.”


  “Oh, yes, really. We have sent the grump to wash and eat. We had to make him do it, or he would never have left your side. Sara convinced him he needed to exercise, too, in order to stay strong enough to look after you once you awakened.”

  Prov’s chest heaved with a sigh of relief.

  “It is just plain logic.” A soft, woman’s voice answered from the other side of the room.

  Solron helped to sit Prov up on the soft bed. A pretty woman with white blonde hair waddled into view. Her belly distended, she was clearly in advanced pregnancy.

  “Hi, I thought you might want to see a human face when you woke up, and someone to talk to. I’m Sara and Solron is my husband—and the best doctor in the entire universe.” Solron moved to pull up a sofa-like chair and Sara eased herself down into it.

  “Only because I have the best corami in the entire universe.” He kissed Sara’s forehead. “Now remember, easy, my love.” His hand caressed her rounded stomach before moving away. “Sara can answer your questions. I will go fetch Zelron. He will want to know you’re awake, or we will never hear the end of it.”

  Prov tried to shift, but found her limbs sluggish. “Don’t worry; you’ve been laying here for awhile. It’ll take time for everything to start working again. So, where do you want to start?”

  Sara smiled kindly.

  “Zelron, I remember he…he was shot.”

  “The bullet passed cleanly through his shoulder. Kelon men are tough. He lost some blood, but he is as strong and healthy as he can be.”

  She liked hearing it, but she wouldn’t be happy until she saw him herself.

  “I think I was shot too.”

  “Everyone is still talking about how you threw yourself over Zelron. From the direction and angle of the shot, it would have been a direct hit to his heart, killing him, but since you were there, the bullet hit your middle back to the left side of your spine, effectively breaking your back and puncturing several organs. It narrowly missed the nerves of your spinal cord. A fraction of an inch closer and, well, it would have been harder to repair.”

  Prov now took stock of her surroundings—the tall, sandy coloured walls, the row of empty beds and the strange equipment hanging over them. “Where am I?”

  Sara drew in a deep breath and rubbed her tummy. “Don’t freak out, but they brought you back to Kelon. As my husband said, you’re in the medical centre.”

  She remembered Zelron talking about his planet. It didn’t freak her out.

  “It was only logical,” Sara continued. “Solron is the best doctor in the galaxy and specializes in human anatomy.”

  “Ah, how long have I been here?”

  “Again, don’t freak out, but two weeks.”

  “Two weeks!”

  Sara leaned forward gripping her hand. “Slow, deep breaths, Providence. There was a lot of damage to your body. Solron didn’t have any choice but
to keep you in an induced coma, so you could heal properly. He spent hours microscopically piecing back together the shattered bone in your back. Heck, you almost died twice. Zelron went nuts the first time and we had to sedate him, and then again when he wouldn’t leave Solron to work.”

  Despite learning she’d almost died, all she could think about was her big Z man and how like him it was to go nuts over her. Tears welled in her eyes and she sniffed back a sob.

  “Oh, and so you know, Solron also planted a microscopic translator behind your ear, so you can understand their language.”

  Prov nodded in understanding. “I want to see him.” No, she needed to see him, emotion welling in her chest.

  “Your heart rate has picked up again. My hubby won’t like that. Please calm down, Providence.” She stroked her hand. “I get you love him; I love my Kelon husband to bits. He saved my life in more ways than I can count. They have a way of getting under your skin and into your heart before you even know what’s happening.”

  Wasn’t that the truth? Prov’s heart was well and truly caught and caged by her big Z.

  The doors at the end of the hospital room burst open. Zelron, her magnificent warrior, was dressed in some kind of black uniform with a tight-fitting tank top that displayed the wonderful sight of his muscular shoulders. How she knew the strength in those arms as they swung. He marched like the solider he was towards her and Sara.

  “…remember what I said—she is weak and you must be careful.” Solron ran behind him.

  Prov’s heart caught in her throat and she was unable to form words when he stopped at the end of the bed, his dark gaze sweeping her over.

  Solron came to help Sara from her chair, but Prov couldn’t tear her eyes from Zelron.

  “We’ll leave you two to talk, but behave, big guy.” Sara admonished.

  “I know how to care for my mate!” he snarled. Wow, Sara was right, he was Mr. Grumpy. He aimed a glare at Solron. Sara shrugged as Solron shook his head before lifting his wife into his arms and carrying her out. The door closed softly behind the couple.

  Say something idiot! “Hi.” Very glib, Prov.

  The way he glared down at her… She gasped when he reached down and gripped her upper arms, lifting her from the bed. He sat on the side and pulled her into his arms. “Never, ever throw yourself in front of me again!”

  Unable to stop the overwhelming emotions swamping her, she burst into tears, sobbing against his chest. “I couldn’t let them kill you, I couldn’t. I’m not sorry, I can’t be. I love you. Please don’t be mad at me.”

  “My beautiful foolish Providence, the thought of you leaving me in any way is more pain than I can bear. I could never be mad at you. You saved my life twice.” His hands slipped into her hair, he held her head captive, tilting it back to stare into her eyes. He swiped away her tears with the pads of his thumbs before lowering his head to kiss each of her eyelids.

  “You are my soul, my heart. My corami.”

  Weakly, she clung to his upper arms while he placed kisses all over her face, before finally kissing her lips, deeply, possessively.

  Slowly, he pulled back and her eyes fluttered open. “It is my responsibility to protect you. So, promise you’ll never do something so foolish again?” His tone softened into a heart-tugging plea.

  She never has been able to deny him anything since meeting him, so why stop now? She smiled up at him, feeling the love for him swirling within her, wanting to burst out.

  “Only if you promise never to get shot at again.”

  He kissed her forehead and she rested her head against his chest, soothed by the strong beat of his heart.

  “Before you were hurt, I was going to ask you where you wanted to live. I would not have taken you from your planet without your consent, but at the time I did not have any choice. If you wish to return to Earth, I will go, too.”

  “You would do it for me?”

  “My home is anywhere you are, my beautiful corami.”

  “Are there any secret testing facilities on Kelon wanting to keep us prisoner, or anyone likely to shoot at us?”

  “No, never. You are safe here.”

  “Then, I think it will be a smart choice to stay here.” She lifted her head to look up at him. “I’ve already found my home, my big Z man. Right here in your arms.”

  He smiled, lowering his head, rubbing his big nose along hers. “Then, I will hold you always.”

  Chapter 15

  Grumpy didn’t begin to cover how she was feeling, with Zelron’s overzealous efforts to look after her.

  Although a little weak from spending so long unconscious, she felt fine and wanted to learn about the planet she will call home. Zelron perfected hovering to an art. If she got out of bed, he was there; if she wanted to go to the kitchen for a drink, he would growl at her to sit back down.

  Yes, she loved him, but he was driving her nuts! Not only that, he hadn’t touched her other than to cuddle her against him and kiss her forehead.

  Their home belonged to his father, who was killed in the war while Zelron was in Kelon warrior training. His mother re-mated with another and moved to the other side of the planet.

  It put greater emphasis on how long Prov’s Kelon husband had been alone, and she wanted to make him happy, but after a week of his brand of ‘care’ and no sex, she was about ready to scream.

  Talk about extremes. Back on Earth he got her addicted to sex, and now, here on Kelon, he treated her like a fragile flower, not touching her at all.

  All her efforts, trying to touch him, even bluntly telling him she wanted him were rebuffed with not yet, or you are too weak and I have to take care of you properly.

  What was she going to do? Zelron was a warrior, used to fighting battles. Maybe it was time to start thinking like him and draw up a battle plan to seduce her husband.

  She thought back over their time in the cells together, remembering the first time he explored her body, and discovered her clit. Damn, I’m even hornier than before!

  She heaved a heavy sigh, drawing Zelron’s attention.

  “You are not eating.” Zelron’s statement pulled her from her reverie.

  She glanced down at her untouched plate. Solron gave Zelron a long list of foods to help her regain her strength. It was clear, he was not used to cooking, but as she didn’t know how to prepare the alien foods, she was helpless to assist. It wasn’t unpalatable, but she was just too wound up and lacking appetite.

  Solron arranged for an elderly Kelon couple to come in and help in their home, but they were not due to start until next week.

  “I’m not hungry for this.” She pushed her plate away.

  “I know my skills in the kitchen lack, but you must eat.” His tone held that same bossy edge.

  She lifted her gaze and glared at him, and decided to try another tactic. “I’m hungry Z, but not for food.”

  His puzzled frown made her scoff out a laugh. “What is it you want, human food?”

  “Damn it, Z, what I want is my husband to touch me.”

  “Providence, we’ve talked about this; when you are ready, but now you are still weak from being hurt.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m fine, fit and healthy, but if you won’t take care of me I will.” She pushed to her feet and stormed away from the table.

  The house was double storied with three bedrooms above. The master bedroom faced out with large glass windows which automatically tinted at night, preventing anyone from seeing in.

  Her heart raced while she marched up the stairs and heard his heavy footfalls behind her.

  “Providence? What are you talking about?”

  She slammed the door before he reached it and hit the locking mechanism on the right-hand side. She headed into the bathroom and grabbed the bottle of lotion Sara gave her. The cool air caressed her heated skin when she pulled off her clothing and lay on the bed, propping her head up on the pillows.

  The door rattled. “Providence, what are you doing? Why h
ave you locked the door?”

  “Because, I’m going to pleasure myself!”

  Her body tingled and she lay back, taking deep breaths and focussing on her body, already aroused from being near Zelron. She ran her fingertips along the line of her collarbone and neck, her head falling back. She moaned, loudly.

  The door rattled again. “Little one, open this door now!”

  Oh, so now she was little one. She continued to ignore him and grabbed the lotion, dripping it onto her breasts, enjoying the feeling of it sliding over the slope of her large tits. She glided her fingers over the nipples, sliding them down over her breasts, getting them all wet with the lotion.

  Nipples now hard, she cupped and squeezed her breasts together. She loved it when Zelron sucked and teased her nipples, so she pinched them between her fingers and tugged.

  She moaned again. It felt good, like someone tugging at an invisible string all the way to her clit and her moistening pussy.

  “Oh yes..,” She went louder with her imaginary Z touching her in the right spot, gliding her hand down over her quivering tummy. “Oh, there, touch me there!”

  “Open now, or Elron help me, I will break down the door!” The loud thump of his fist against the door made her jump.

  She lifted her head “Go away, I’m doing fine without you!”

  Silence fell and she paused, wondering if he was still there. She couldn’t stop now, not now when it felt so good. She has been needing release all week.

  Reaching her hips, she opened her legs wide, feeling the cool air washing over her wet pussy. Running her fingertips up the inside of her thighs, she arched her hips, her fingers reaching the sweet meeting point between her legs.

  A whoosh sounded over her laboured breathing and she knew Zelron found a way to open the door without breaking it down.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and continued, her heart rate now galloping, knowing he watched everything she did, everywhere she touched.

  She ran her middle finger over the edges of her swollen pussy lips, so softly at first, she barely felt it, setting off sparks, making her belly quiver.

  Her pussy was so wet, there were juices flowing out of it. She reached down and, using her thumb, she slowly dragged it up, parting her soft pussy lips and burnishing her hard clit. Running it back down, she dipped the tip of her thumb into her pussy, and then dragged it up her pussy lips, spreading the wetness.


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