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The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2)

Page 9

by Addie Jo Ryleigh

  She struggled to find the words to make him forget the last few minutes. Considering her lack of experience with amorous situation—or men in general—she was failing horribly.

  Fortunately, he came to her rescue. “No need to torture yourself, princess, we both know that should never have happened.” The heat in his eyes cooled before he continued, “Or happen again.”

  As much as she knew it needed to be said and was thankful he agreed, Anna felt a loss.

  Her voice sounded surprisingly steady and unaffected by regret when she responded, “I agree. I’m not certain what came over me.”

  His smirk of a smile held enough power to curl her toes. “Come now, we both know you possess ample intelligence to understand exactly what came over you.”

  He dropped his gaze to her lips and she swore she could taste him all over again. Only when he spoke again did the spell break. “What came over us.”

  His admission confirmed he’d been equally affected by their moment of recklessness. A position she’d never been in before. Men typically looked past her, a truth she’d been comfortable with. Maybe even preferred, considering none of them had held her interest either.

  Not the case with Nate; when not exasperating her, he stirred feelings she was unequipped to handle. A reaction clearly not sane or particularly preferred. Too much depended on her staying a step ahead of him.

  Unsure what else to do, she adopted her most authoritative demeanor—the one she deployed only in the most extreme situations at the school. “Be that as it may, Mr. Frederickson, you were correct in your initial assessment. It shall never happen again.”

  Seeing a flash of defiance cross his face at what he probably perceived as a challenge, she added the blow that would sever any connection between them. Though the idea of destroying the bit of friendliness they’d built turned her stomach, she held firm. “My father hired you for services that don’t include stepping beyond your place here.”

  Anna stilled as her words dashed over him and erased all warmth and desire from his face. An icy coolness remained that seemed to reach out and strike her in the heart. Her accusation had been unfair and unwarranted. She’d wanted his kiss as much as he’d enjoyed bestowing it.

  She still did.

  Nate gave her one last frozen glare before turning and striding away, leaving her alone with a pang of remorse and a longing to unsay the horrid words. Especially since she hadn’t meant a single one.

  Fear, of what Nate’s ability as a Runner might mean to her future, kept her from rushing after him. The hurt she’d glimpsed on his face before remoteness had taken control strengthened her resolve to see her deception through and find a way for the school to succeed. She’d gone too far and hurt too many to turn back now. She needed something to make everything she’d done worth it.

  Anna trudged back to the house, minus the determination that had encouraged her initial trip to the stable. Her thoughts seemed mired in a mixture of wonder at the memory of Nate’s lips as they’d touched hers, and misery at the hurt her words had caused. Her mind thus occupied, she didn’t notice Mr. Rollins until he emerged from behind a hedge and stepped into her path.

  “Lady Annabel, fancy meeting you here.” The mockery in his voice disavowed his cordial greeting.

  She glanced around, afraid Nate’s men—or worse, Nate—would find them together. Despite Mr. Rollins being dressed in a uniform similar to other members of the staff, his appearance might be questioned. Especially since she typically didn’t conduct drawn-out discussions in the garden with the staff.

  “What are you doing here?” she hissed between numb lips. He knew never to come to the house. She’d met him on the property before to make payment but never had he appeared uninvited.

  “I figured you could use a reminder as to your approaching payment deadline.”

  Please, go away. “I’m well aware of what day it is.”

  He shuffled closer but she refused to be intimidated. Mostly because it was the reaction he craved.

  “Then I needn’t remind you of what will happen if you are a single day late. I will go directly to your father with information on his missing artifacts.”

  “I know our agreement and you need to leave. It wouldn’t be in either of our best interests for someone to see you here.”

  As his eyes narrowed, Anna realized her mistake. He wasn’t a man to take directions from others. She feared what he’d do when he suddenly glanced behind her.

  “Saved by the watch.” His gaze returned to flick over her face. “Don’t be late, Lady Annabel. Or my next visit will be with your father.”

  With his parting threat, Mr. Rollins slipped behind the hedge and disappeared.

  Curious as to what scared him away, she glanced behind her to see one of Nate’s men approaching. Thankfully he was too far away to have heard Mr. Rollins’ parting remark or notice any differences in his uniform. To avoid questions, she gave the man a small nod and half smile before fleeing to the house.

  Chapter 15

  Few things ever dove beneath the surface of Nate’s carefree demeanor. He never allowed anyone or anything the opportunity. He’d learned from his father, only to have it again proven by Diana. His place in life would never be in a position above his lowly station as a bastard.

  So, he shouldn’t be surprised by Anna’s reaffirmation of the fact. He sure as hell shouldn’t be hurt by it.

  Much to his displeasure, he was surprised. Not by what she’d said, but how it gutted him to hear the words fall from her lovely lips.

  Lips he’d mere moments earlier tasted with complete abandon.

  The memory of her rebuff still managed to clench his jaw as he rode across the southern boundary of Brodford’s property. Needing some distance from the utterly provoking woman, he’d relieved his man who’d been positioned the furthest from the house. Shirking his duty or not, he’d assigned Grant to Anna before he’d escaped. Nate could not bear to cross paths with her yet.

  Rational thought pushed past the unexplained ache and told him she was right. He was there to do a job and he should never have, and could never again, kiss her.

  Yet her rejection somehow struck him in a way his father’s and Diana’s never had.

  Not long after learning the identity of his father, Nate stopped putting any value into anything the man had to say. The duke’s behavior had been deplorable in every way. To the point of being criminal.

  As for Diana, she might have been born a lady but her conduct fell far short of the mark. Which had suited him to a point. She’d found pleasure in his body but it didn’t take long for him to learn she had no desire to share what she saw as a base indiscretion with her world. He’d been good enough behind closed doors. Beyond that he hadn’t been worthy of her, a truth she’d painstakingly explained when he’d mistakenly shared his deepening affection.

  When not away on assignment, Nate might call Gabe’s ducal estate his home but he never forgot his origin. A bastard son of a duke, born to a household maid who’d been so far below his father’s care he’d dismissed her and his unborn child. Nate had never been allowed to forget. Every time he’d dared to approach the sphere of the ton, he was condemned to his fate and forbidden to enter their world.

  Gabe’s status as duke might gain Nate some leniency with the exalted ton, but welcomed he was not.

  As much as his placement in life had torn at him, it had never mattered as much as when Anna had thrown his lowborn position in his face.

  Tension, and a fair amount of residual unfulfilled desire, overrode his body. Enough to make his thighs squeeze the sides of Rascal, causing his mount to sidestep in displeasure.

  “Sorry, boy, I shouldn’t take it out on you.” Nate gave his stallion a pat on the neck in a quest for forgiveness.

  As he straightened in the saddle, his ey
es caught a flash of movement along the horizon. A fair distance stood between Nate and the object, but there was no mistaking the steady gallop of horse and rider. The identity of the rider was a mystery Nate had every intention of solving. Anything to distract him from thoughts of his parentage and Anna.

  Years of instinct and training took over as Nate nudged Rascal and set him on a quickly calculated line meant to intercept the other horse before it hit the trees lining the edge of the property. Nate’s blood pulsed in his veins as he gave chase and he welcomed each beat as it pulled him from his inner misery.

  He doubted the rider was the thief. Never before had the burglar struck during the day, since anyone with a touch of sense would have noticed Nate’s men posted around the property.

  There was a great possibility the rider had nothing to do with anything, but at the moment all Nate cared was that it gave him something to do. Anything other than reliving the feel of Anna’s soft, untrained lips beneath his . . . and her subsequent dismissal.

  Accustomed to the chase, Rascal embraced the opportunity to break free of all restraints. After giving his initial instruction, Nate focused on the other rider and let his horse do the rest.

  Closer, Nate noted the person’s broad shoulders and bulkier form and knew the rider was indeed male. With the man’s hat pulled low, Nate couldn’t make out his features.

  The trees approaching quickly, Nate gave another nudge to Rascal’s sides and spurred him faster.

  Near enough for the other rider to hear approaching hoof beats, the man turned his head. Nate received a clear glimpse of his face, almost unseating him in the process.

  Looking back at him was the same man Anna had met in Witterson’s garden.

  Uncertain what the discovery meant but more determined to find out, he leaned over Rascal’s neck in an effort to nudge the horse faster.

  Just when Nate thought he’d intercept, the other horse veered to the left and with a quick jump over a pile of brush, entered the trees.

  Nate followed, determined to overtake his quarry. But the search was futile. The man was evidently familiar with the estate and knew the best path to evade him.

  “Damn!” He’d allowed the perfect opportunity—to learn what Anna was up to—slip through his grasp.

  Witnessing Anna’s friend from the garden fleeing her father’s estate intrigued him even further. Nate could only assume the mystery man had been visiting her.

  He ignored the unfamiliar rush of jealousy surging through him as he wheeled Rascal in the direction of the house and ate up the ground between him and the woman he’d been avoiding.

  Chapter 16

  As she roamed silently through her father’s parlor, Anna pondered her disaster of a day. Staring blankly at each artifact, all of them became a blur of nothing behind her unshed tears. She blinked back the desperation and focused on her father mumbling to himself as he studied a recent acquisition. An ever-present smile rested on his aging face.

  Somehow alerted to her inspection, he glanced up and gave her a look full of fatherly love before returning to his work.

  Instead of lifting her spirits, his freely given affection stabbed her in the heart.

  How could she betray him? Her noble reasons to keep the school open for less fortunate young girls, in honor of her mother’s memory, had become clouded by the inevitable pain she would bring to the one person who had always accepted her as is.

  Her anguish at how she’d severed her moment with Nate had been eclipsed by Mr. Rollins’ threat. Nate’s disappearance from the estate after their kiss had left the perfect opening for Mr. Rollins to approach her with another incentive to meet his demand. His threats had become less evasive.

  The vile man had startled her in the garden. How could Nate abandon his required post at her side, thus allowing Mr. Rollins to approach her?

  No longer confident she had control of the situation or in Mr. Rollins’ claim to be a gentleman, she’d never been so relieved to be interrupted by Nate’s man.

  Her thoughts returned to the priceless items before her, bringing them into focus. Powerless against the creditor, Anna knew time was running short.

  A dark shadow fell over the doorway, drawing her gaze. Unsure of when or if he’d return, Nate’s sudden appearance startled her. Given the determined set of his jaw, trouble was brewing.

  His hard gaze landed on her and she found herself inexplicably torn between pleasure at the first sight of him since feeling his lips move over hers, and dread at what was written across his face.

  He knew something.

  Those blue eyes regarded her questioningly. Perhaps he might not know the significations of what he’d discovered, or what it meant, but he’d definitely learned something.

  Her dread won out as Nate’s focus locked on her, and she wished Foxmoore hadn’t left the estate after meeting with her father. She needed a barrier. A distraction. Still engrossed with his work, her father would be of no help; he hadn’t even registered Nate’s arrival.

  Flee. She must escape before Nate pieced together whatever he’d exposed and managed to pull her world from under her.

  If there was ever a time she wished for more experience with men, now would be it. She didn’t know how to be charmingly coy or even gracefully direct to get what she wanted from men. Essentially she hadn’t a clue how to fumble her way through the unavoidable exchange with Nate.

  She could only hope, with her father in the room, Nate would go only as far as social manners allowed. Then again, in the few days she’d known him, he’d crossed far beyond what was appropriate. Her lips still tingled in proof.

  While contemplating ways to avoid his muscular frame, he’d closed the space keeping them apart, enabling him to speak to her without her father overhearing. “Just the woman I was looking for.”

  After her cool dismissal and his quick exit from the stable, she knew nothing less than a matter of import would have sent him after her. With any luck she had enough haughty demeanor stored up to bluster her way through the next few minutes.

  “I can’t imagine why. Other than you being assigned to guard duty, we have nothing in common. And even less to discuss.”

  The same flash of remoteness from the stable entered his eyes. This time she was prepared, and his momentary reaction only managed to squeeze half the air from her lungs. She hated herself for purposely inflicting pain, or whatever it was he held behind his carefree exterior. But the determination that quickly replaced his wounded appearance reminded her it was either him or her. She was fighting for her future.

  After a hooded glance at her father, Nate took a step closer, sending shocks of awareness through her body. Even with her inexperience, her body craved more of this man; a distraction she didn’t need at the moment. Especially with how those clear blue eyes stared, as if having his way in their latest confrontation was a foregone conclusion.

  “Now, now, Anna, no need to assume the princess with me.” His voice drifted softly, ensuring the words stayed between them. “Especially since I know how you look without the crown and with passion running through your sweet little body.”

  She tried to suck in air but the room seemed to have lost its supply of oxygen. Breathing shallowly, she had to take a step back to find her balance. With only two sentences, the man managed to tip her on her axis and send her spinning. All with her father a short distance away. Thank God Nate hadn’t found her alone. Hard to tell what lines he would cross to get what he wanted.

  What exactly does he want? She studied his face closely. If he knew she was the thief, surely he’d go directly to her father. No need to confront her first. Why the sensual charm? After his cold retreat from the stable, she thought he’d be nothing but businesslike with her.

  She also hadn’t missed the fact he’d dropped the honorific ‘lady’ and had called her
Anna. Something she wasn’t ready to admit felt intimate in a good way.

  “Mr. Frederickson, I don’t believe I gave you leave to address me informally.” She knew she sounded petty and pompous, but she needed to find her footing and put some distance between them.

  His eyes crinkled at the corners right before he chuckled. Loud enough to send a flash of heat to her belly, yet low enough to keep her father from hearing.

  “My dear Anna, after feeling your sweet tongue against mine, I think my disregard for your title is the least informal thing you should worry about.”

  She thought she couldn’t breathe before. Nate had removed all the air from her lungs at the mention of his tongue on hers. Much to her chagrin, it wasn’t in abhorrence. Fierce desire his words stoked within her depleted her ability to breathe.

  At least the shift in conversation dissolved the look of resolve from his appearance. Instead, the guise of hunger in his features failed to silence her craving.

  This little interlude must end, especially since it was only a matter of time before her father surfaced from the past and became aware of the tension permeating the room.

  “As interesting as this discussion may be, I feel a headache coming on and must retire.” She attempted to rush past him.

  Before she could clear his side, his hand cupped her elbow, effectively trapping her.

  He bent his head, his warm breath feathering against her ear as he whispered, “I’m only letting you escape because your father is in the room, but know this conversation is far from over.”

  The pressure of his fingers eased and she didn’t wait for him to fully release her before she fled, not knowing if she should take his final words as a threat . . . or a promise.


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