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Blood Wars: Book 4 (The Talisman Series)

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by Brenda Pandos

  I swallowed away the dryness in my throat. “Yes. I’m sorry. It’s a long story.”

  Katie laughed caustically. “Damn, girl. I could see why you’d kept Mr. McHotty’s incorporated a secret, but seriously? How did you two, or should I say three, hook up?”

  I laughed at her implied nickname of the guys and her jealous tone. Maybe I did still have a bit of my gift? Dread quickly took over. Nicholas and I hadn’t even thought to create a story on how we’d met. Stupid.

  “Uh,” I choked out. “Through a friend on Facebook.”

  “Both of them?” Katie asked.

  “N-no. Just Nicholas,” I said quickly. “I met Phil. Today. In the office. When we picked up Nicholas’ schedule. Today.”

  Sam’s eyes narrowed. I was such a horrible liar.

  “You said that already,” Katie huffed. “And you and Nicholas, I assume, are together?”

  “Well, yeah,” I said hesitantly.

  “And you didn’t care to tell us?” Katie glowered.

  Sam’s silence spoke volumes as Katie continued with the interrogation.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized. “We have a friend in common and started chatting over a post with these super cute puppies and hit it off. I didn’t really get what was happening until he decided to visit me, then couldn’t leave. It happened very quickly.”

  Katie shook her head. “Dang. Must be nice to be so rich and have major pull with the parentals to just move on a whim.”

  “It wasn’t like that.” We walked into English, and I took my seat in shame, wishing the lecture would start. This was supposed to be the best day of my life. Instead, my two best friends were giving me the fifth degree.

  Lunch couldn’t come soon enough, and I waited anxiously for Nicholas and Phil to return from their latest period. The nervous worry of why Cain was teaching here stole away my appetite, but getting a moment to talk to Nicholas about it wouldn’t happen until after school.

  “Oh… Gee. Guess who’s here,” Sam mumbled for my benefit.

  I glanced up to see Phil saunter by, already chummy with a group of popular jocks. Nicholas followed not so closely behind.

  Phil cast his award winning pearly whites our way.

  “Sam,” he said with a nod.

  Katie’s head snapped up from her yogurt just before Sam’s fork hit the table.

  “Okay, what is going on here?” Katie demanded. “Are you Facebook dating, too?”

  Cameron and Dena watched wide-eyed, and before I could say anything, Sam shot out of her seat and headed directly toward Phil. My heart lurched watching them talk. Then with a gentle tug on her hand, Phil led her outside.

  “Seriously,” Katie’s voice hardened. “What the hell is going on?”

  Nicholas slid into the seat next to me and squeezed my knee under the table. It took all my self-control not to go outside and listen in. Why, all of a sudden, had Sam gained the courage to talk to Phil? She’d never been so bold, ever.

  “Am I being punked?” Katie asked.

  “No.” I picked at the crust of my sandwich to keep from looking concerned. “Maybe they know one another.”

  “Like you and Nicholas do?” Her eyebrow shot up as her gaze flickered between the two of us.

  “Who knows?” I faked a smile and turned to Nicholas. Taking his hand and sprinting out of here crossed my mind for the eighteenth time today.

  Dena shifted in her seat. “Is that how you two met? Facebook?”

  Before Nicholas could answer, I jumped in with my contrived story, thankful he agreed during all the crucial crescendos. I hated lying, but how would I begin to explain the truth?

  Moments later, Sam returned to her seat, her face flushed.

  “What was that about?” I asked.

  “Yeah.” Katie snickered incredulously. “I mean since when do you corner hot guys?”

  “What?” Her face pinched. “No, it was nothing…”

  “Nothing?” I asked.

  Sam rubbed at her forehead. “I’ve just had the worst déjà vu, like I’ve lived this day before and can’t change the outcome.” She swallowed hard. “He knew my name.”

  My entire body tightened and Nicholas squeezed my thigh in response.

  “Weird.” Katie sucked on her soda, bored. Sam’s reason didn’t reach her level of juiciness.

  “So what did Phil say?” I asked.

  “He, um, said he knew someone that looked just like me and that we had the same name. Weird coincidence, huh?”

  “That is weird.” I nodded robotically, a little too pronounced.

  Sam gave me a look. “He blamed it on the Black Moon.”

  My head yanked backward. “Black Moon?”

  “When there are two new moon cycles in one month.” Sam tore the rind off her orange a little too forcefully as if to keep her shaking hands busy.

  “Oh,” I said just as the warning bell rang.

  As if on command, Phil appeared and motioned to Nicholas. “Time for Pre Calc.”

  “I know,” I said through my teeth. “It’s not like I don’t have a class in the same building. I’ll take it from here.”

  Phil shrugged. “Be my guest.” Then he winked at Sam and if she could melt into a puddle, she would have. Keeping this a secret wasn’t working.


  After school, Nicholas and I worked every angle to figure out why Horace/Cain magically appeared at school and couldn’t come up with anything. Instead, we started a list of the vampires we knew in the previous lifetime and marked the ones we’d run across. He knew a ton more than I did and they’d all lived in L.A., which wasn’t all that shocking—Slide and Blondie made the list, too. The wall in my father’s office came to mind, and I wracked my brain to remember some of the people pictured. With all of Dr. V’s hybrids, the number could be endless.

  I stared at his parents’ names, Alora and Preston, listed at the top. How Nicholas came to be, or reincarnated, or whatever happened to bring his memories into this lifetime was such a mystery and a miracle. I burst into tears, nervous and scared he’d evaporate before me. Nicholas just held me, and he would have the entire night if I wasn’t filling in for Mindy at the deli tonight.

  After a long three hour shift, I finally was able to go home. With swollen eyes and clothing that reeked of luncheon meat and mayonnaise, I fought the desire to slip my eyes shut while driving home at ten. Everything had started to crash around me. A yawn turned into a chuckle as I drove past the spot I’d broken down. Thank goodness my gas gauge actually worked in this time.

  “Don’t get any ideas,” I said superstitiously while petting the dashboard. “Let’s just get home.”

  Cruising around the corner, I spotted my house. Then a tall blond popped out of the bushes. He had his arm cocked back like he was about to lob a rock at my parents window.

  “Holy, crap.” I slowed down as my headlight lit Phil in full view.

  His tenacity was getting the better of him apparently. Why couldn’t he let this go? Good thing he didn’t throw the rock. The master bedroom wasn’t my room in this lifetime, but my parents. Mine was on the other side.

  He froze in my headlights, poised as if he was about to run. If my street wasn’t a dead end, I could have driven right past and let him escape. To my chagrin, he didn’t move.

  “Phil?” I stepped out of the Quantum. “What are you doing here?”

  He stuffed his guilty hands into his pockets and smiled at me like I amused him.

  “Taking a walk.” He looked upward, and I remembered Sam’s mention of the black moon. “Nice clear night, huh? We don’t see stars like this in L.A.”

  I quirked my head at his attempts to distract me. “You walked here?”

  His eyes narrowed. “How do you know where I live?”

  “I don’t,” I stammered. Caught. Totally caught. “I just assumed…” Crap, I’m so blowing this.

  “Odd we know so much about each other, isn’t it?”

  I blew out a breath, too exh
austed to deal with this. “No, Phil. It’s ten o’clock and it’s late and I’m tired. And you’re… Why are you here anyway?”

  He shrugged and my insides ached to just confess already. My brain knew better. When he didn’t answer, I said, “You’re creeping me out, Phil.”

  His face creased in pain, punching me in the gut.

  “Like I said, I was taking a walk.” He turned and walked away with his typical vibrato. I’d hurt him, though.

  “No, don’t go like that.” I sighed and tried to follow. “I didn’t mean—”

  “Goodnight, Parker,” he snapped.

  “Stop!” I yelled.

  “I’m no creeper. I’m gone.”

  I stood there helpless with my wadded up apron and keys in one hand and my phone in the other. Should I text Nicholas? What would he say? I pocketed the cell and walked up to the house, noting the bluish tinge on the walkway from the moon.

  Today had been horrific. I’d hurt Phil, kept things from Nicholas, and denied I knew anything to Sam, all in the wake of Cain’s return. If only I had some way to gain peace about this, to stop the fear haunting my heart. Instinctively, I peered into the bushes and looked for Scarlett. Her furry cat self would always appear and tell me about the doom and gloom coming. Had she been reincarnated into this life, too? Was her absence a sign I was freaking out over nothing?

  If only someone could read my fortune for real and tell me things would be okay. Even without my gift, I knew that wasn’t possible.


  At midnight, my phone vibrated on my nightstand. I rolled over with a groan and looked at the display. Sam.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Julia?” Her voice was broken and raspy on the other line, reminding me of the night she’d called when she’d been turned into a vamp.

  I bolted upright in bed. My stomach knotted. “What’s wrong?”

  “I remember,” she moaned between sniffles. “I remember it all. Becoming a vampire. Nicholas, you, Phil. I died. Mr. Cruor killed me.” She cried harder. “He stabbed me right in the heart.”

  I flicked on the light. Part of me expected to find Phil sitting at my desk or peering in through the window. No one was there.

  Speechless, I clutched the phone and fumbled for what to say.

  “Don’t tell me you don’t remember because I know you do.” Her accusatory tone carved knives into my heart. “I thought I was going crazy today. It wasn’t déjà vu at all! I’m your best friend!”

  Tears welled in my eyes and the wall surrounding the secrets burst. “I’m so sorry. I wanted to, but I didn’t know what to say.”

  “How about the truth?”

  “I thought you’d freak,” I lied, well, it was partially true.

  “Really?” She laughed icily and dread washed in my belly. “Well, Phil knows, too. I can see it in his eyes. The secrets won’t stay buried for long.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to catch my breath. “All the more reason we just pretend it didn’t happen.”

  “What?” she gasped. “Why?”

  “Because.” I took a controlled breath. “Do you want Katie to remember, too? You weren’t there, but I killed her. And what about Todd? What if he starts stalking you again?”

  She gasped. “I know. I just… I can’t deny this anymore. Cain is here. He’s our teacher. I’m learning History from my murderer!” she yelled a little too loudly, and I shushed her.

  “You’re going to wake up your mom.” I caught myself. Her parents weren’t divorced in this life. “Your parents, I mean.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” she hissed and the phone went dead. I stared at the display to be sure. Then I called back and got Sam’s voicemail.

  “Sam, I’m so sorry. Please don’t be mad. Let me explain. Call me back.”

  I hung up and typed in a text.

  Me: I’m sorry.

  Sam: I’m talking to Phil tomorrow.

  Me: No. I can’t handle it if you all die again. Don’t you understand?

  The silence ticked on as I waited for her reply.

  Sam: Do you really think by talking about it, we’ll die again?

  Me: I don’t know, but I don’t want to chance it.

  Sam: Ok. Sorry I hung up. We’ll talk tomorrow.

  Me: It’s okay. I deserved it. Yes, let’s talk tomorrow.

  Sam: *smilie face*

  I fell backward into my pillows, the adrenaline evaporating and leaving me jittery. Staring at the ceiling, I knew I wouldn’t fall asleep anytime soon. This complicated everything.


  The next morning, Sam met me in the parking lot. “I had nightmares all night.”

  I hugged her; thankful she forgave me. “Me, too.”

  “I still don’t understand.” She pulled away and frowned.

  “I’m a horrible friend.” I looked at her concern and sighed.

  “No, you’re not. I’m talking about how we remember. ” She closed her eyes briefly. “Did it really happen?”

  “I don’t know. Felt pretty real.”

  “So what do we do now? What do I say if Phil asks? You know he will.” Her eyes reopened, then she scanned the distance over my shoulder, and I turned.

  Phil’s blond head bobbed among the giggling cheerleading squad. He’d picked up right where he’d left off apparently.

  “I love him,” Sam whispered.

  My legs almost gave way at her confession. I put my hand on her shoulder, partly to steady myself. “Just let things happen one step at a time.”

  “He doesn’t want me now, not when I’m ordinary and plain.”

  “Don’t say that, Sam. He’s just… he doesn’t remember.”

  Nicholas’ Charger rolled over the gravel behind me, and I knew the seconds to stop her from doing something stupid were fleeting, but I didn’t know what to say.

  She shirked away from me and flipped her hand toward Nicholas. “And you still get him.” She stormed off. “The universe hates me!”

  “Sam, wait up!”

  She disappeared through the crowd before Nicholas joined my side. “What’s going on?”

  I looked up into his beautiful blue-eyes, startled once again, expecting the green from before.

  “The universe hates me,” I said before taking his hand and filling him in on the newest developments.


  History had begun, and I could almost feel Phil’s eyes probing into my soul as the frosty tension between me and Sam lingered. She’d ignored me in PE and I could barely stand it anymore. Her nervousness was evident from her continual swiping of her hands over her jeans. Then she dug out her phone and held it under her desk.

  “Ms. King,” Mr. Cruor said while he kept his back to the room.

  Sam gasped and shoved the phone into her pocket. Mr. Cruor swiveled around and his glare met hers. He held her there as he’d done to me the day prior, and I watched Sam sink lower into the chair.

  “Are you ready to begin?”

  She nodded ever so slightly. Then, as if on cue, everyone’s spines straightened, including mine, and I wished for Mr. Marshall to come back. Anyone but this guy. There was no more dreamy looks from girls. The class had grown so quiet, I could hear Phil breathing heavy behind me.

  Then Sam started to sniffle. Oh, crap.

  Mr. Cruor stopped lecturing and crossed his arms. “Is there something wrong, Ms. King?”

  Before anyone clued in that something was up, Sam jumped up and ran from the room.

  Mr. Cruor let out a loud exhale. “Ms. Parker. Tend to Ms. King, please.”

  I left immediately and headed into the hall. Sam wasn’t out there. The door to the bathroom swished shut.

  “Sam?” I pressed the door open. “You in here?”

  “I can’t do it, Jules.” She was shaking all over as the tears rolled down her cheeks. “He keeps looking at me that same way.”

  I walked over and hugged her. “It’s not him, okay? And even if it was, we’re safe now
. He surely isn’t the Prince of Vampires.”

  The lights above dimmed momentarily as if reacting to my words. Sam didn’t notice.

  “Then tell that to my stupid brain, because I can’t stop thinking about it—about him. There’s no way I’m taking history from him.”

  My stomach knotted, and I hugged her tighter. Sam was going through post-traumatic stress and she needed to talk to someone, but who? In the past life, we’d depended on Scarlett, the half-vamp cat shifter whose mission was to make sure I fulfilled my prophecy. She’d had the ability to erase memories, but now… we were stuck.

  “Maybe you can transfer out?”

  “Are you crazy? Not this far in the year. I’m never going to sleep again. I’ll flunk everything. I won’t graduate.”

  I didn’t know what to say, so I hugged her. “That’s crazy. Sure you will.”

  “I just can’t stop the feeling he’s going to kill me. I need…” she sucked in a breath and collapsed against me. “That fortune lady.”

  “What?” I pulled away and shook my head. “No. That’s not a good idea.”

  “Why not? It’s not like you’ve got a better one. She knew stuff. Maybe in this life, she knows why we remember.”

  “No, she was nuts and creepy.”

  She blew out a breath. “She knew who you were.”

  “And she told me to stay away from Nicholas. And for you to marry Todd, remember?”

  She whipped around, completely ignoring me, and studied her reflection in the mirror. While she wiped at the mascara smudged under her eyes, she started to smile. “Yeah, but, she still knew. Let’s go see if she’s there?”


  “It’ll make me feel better.” Hope filled her eyes, and I knew there was no arguing with her.


  Sam smoothed her hands over her hair, pulled down her shades, and exited the bathroom. I blew out a breath, hoping the Madame wouldn’t be at her shop.

  “Damn you, universe,” I cursed under my breath as I followed Sam back to history.


  After school, Sam waited by my car in the parking lot, arms crossed over her chest. She refused to move until I agreed we would go visit Madame. Sure enough, just like I’d remembered, the glowing words Fortune Teller were illuminated in the window.


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