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Blood Wars: Book 4 (The Talisman Series)

Page 11

by Brenda Pandos

  Dad scratched his head. “Uhh. 1995.”

  “It was ’94.”

  I bolted upstairs, rubbing my ears, before they sucked me into their argument. Smashed pictures hung haphazardly on the walls and the broken glass crunched under my feet. I tried not to think too hard about the damage and rounded the corner. Someone, thank God, had removed the mirror. But all around me was destruction—like a tornado came through and left nothing.

  I stepped over the heaps of clothes and shredded books, and opened the one drawer left intact. There was nothing inside. Aladdin, our cat, appeared from nowhere and wove around my ankles, mewing loudly.

  I squatted down and scratched her soft head. Watching her sweetness, compared to the chaos, did me in. I lost the strength to dam up my tears, and nothing was going to stop the wave of anguish.


  The rusty hinges squeaked under my weight as Nicholas watched me swing at the rinky-dink motel play yard. Due to a marathon, a surfing contest, and a concert, every room in the Santa Cruz area was booked for the weekend, all except the Blue Bird Motel. Even still, Dad refused Gran’s invitation. I, on the other hand, was about to hitchhike there, if it weren’t for the dark-haired officer in plain clothing watching my every move.

  “If I jump, will you catch me?” I asked Nicholas as my hair blew back and forth over my face.

  “Always,” he said with a smile.

  I giggled and pumped my legs harder. “You might have to compete with dark-and-brooding over there.” I nodded to where the cop leaned against the wall. The sunglasses at dusk gave him away.

  “He’s nothing. Jump.”

  I held tight onto the chain and closed my eyes as the cool air blew across my skin. “Only if we run away after I jump,” I suggested.

  Nicholas laughed. “And go where?”

  “Anywhere. We’ve got money now.”

  “We?” Nicholas perched an eyebrow. “Your parents, you mean.”

  “No. Us,” I said with a sly smile. The idea thrilled me. I couldn’t imagine being with anyone but him for the rest of my life.

  “Two high school dropouts, living life on the run. Sounds like a perfect plan.”

  I leaned back and tried to touch my toes to the sky. “Sounds perfect.”

  “Let’s not forget Q, our spy car. What happened with her anyway?”

  I sighed. “Q’s dead.”


  “She… needs a new transmission.”

  “Then give her one.”

  I smiled. He knew my love for that dear old car. “My parents don’t think that’s a wise use of the money.”

  “I thought it was your money.”

  “It is.” I hummed and wished on the first star I saw. “But they’re holding it for me. Then again, since there’s a never ending supply of my… essence, we’d just need a supplier who’s willing to start my trust fund.”

  “I might know someone. Jump.” Nicholas moved into position.


  He laughed and held out his hands to me. “Trust me.”

  My heart sped up, and I let go of the chain and flew into the air. Somehow, the vision of him sweeping me into a circle didn’t happen. Instead, I plowed into his body like a wrecking ball. We fell in a heap onto the sand. After we regained our balance, he held me tight and kissed the top of my head. The cop didn’t even move.

  “See?” he whispered into my hair.

  “I’m serious,” I murmured as I leaned into his chest. “I want to run away.”

  “I know.” His hand wove around my chin and lifted my face so he could gaze into my eyes. “And I love you for it.”

  Chills fluttered over my skin. I loved him, so much, I was seriously entertaining my lunacy. “I can’t live in fear anymore. This is irrational. Like my Dad settling for this bed bug hotel.”

  I peered over Nicholas’ shoulder, noticing the cop had moved. I soon found him running off what looked like a hooker, leaving the perfect opportunity to run. I gripped Nicholas’ hand. “Let’s go.”


  “Now. Mr. Dark-and-brooding is busy.”

  “Julia,” Nicholas cocked his head, “I promised I would never let anything bad happen to you,” he whispered. “But we can’t leave.”


  He covered his lips over mine and pressed into me, seeking entrance with his tongue. His taste overcame my senses. His smell, his warmth, all that was him washed over me and I craved more. Then the fear that something was going to take him away from me rocked my bones. The last good thing I had. I stiffened.

  “What?” he asked.

  Tears prickled my eyes.

  Life before as mortal and half-vampire, fighting against the world, was so much more predictable. The rules were so easy back then. Nicholas could save me from everything. Now, I knew nothing.

  We needed to get a grasp on things. “At least you know how to make me forget my problems.”

  He smirked. “I’m serious. I’ll always be here. You’re safe with me.”

  My gut ached knowing he couldn’t keep that promise. “Maybe we just need help. Hey, that reminds me. What was Harry’s last name?”

  He blinked at me and his smile faded. “You don’t think I can handle this?”

  “Of course you can.” I looked away. “I just—”

  “Get a room,” I heard Phil say from somewhere behind us.

  “Hardy har,” I said, and untangled myself off Nicholas’ lap.

  We stood, but Nicholas moved away from me. The rejection stung.

  Unaware of our fight, Sam and Phil crossed the parking lot, hand-in-hand, and I wished I hadn’t brought up Harry in a way that questioned his ability to protect me.

  “Have you been ignoring me?” Sam asked with a frown.

  “What? No.”

  She tapped her phone. I pulled out mine and noted a slew of texts from her. “Sorry. I’ve been busy.”

  “I see.” She glared at Nicholas. “I’ve been worried sick. What did the cops find out?”

  “Nothing, yet.”

  “Do I need to beat someone?” Phil asked. I knew he was referring to Katie.

  I laughed nervously, glancing at Nicholas. “I highly doubt Katie would stoop so low.”

  Phil’s eyes narrowed. “It reeks of Cain.”

  Nicholas glared at him. “Seriously? You’re still using that name?”

  “He’s the only one with motive.” Phil nodded.

  “I know Horace and he didn’t do this,” Nicholas said.

  “Seriously? Man.” Phil kicked a rock. “Who’s to say he doesn’t remember the past. His vibe is evil.”

  Nicholas’ eyes tightened. “He’s a humanitarian, not to mention a personal friend of the family and he’s offered to protect Julia.”

  My glance shifted between the two. I couldn’t go with my convictions without betraying Nicholas. Somehow I needed to stop this conversation before it moved from bad to worse.

  “He has everything to gain by scaring Julia’s family. Don’t you see that?” Phil leaned in.

  “He wants to rid the world of cancer.”

  “He stands to make billions off of her.”

  “He has full intentions to pay her for it.”

  Sam stood between the two and held up her hands. “Come on, guys. Let’s not argue.”

  “If it’s not Cain, then we need to figure out who’s behind this,” Phil said.

  “The cops are on it,” Nicholas countered.

  “And we trust them, too?” Phil blew out a breath.

  At this point, I’d had enough of the testosterone. “Stop it. All that’s going to happen is I’m going to live my life normally and show whoever did this that they don’t scare me,” I said. “Plain and simple.”

  Sam’s mouth dropped open. “They threatened to kill you.”

  “And lose out on the precious capital pulsing in my veins? No way.”

  “But what if they don’t know that. What if they think you just know the cu
re?” Phil asked.

  I laughed and shot a look at Nicholas. “Then we’re all targets, ‘cause you all know and dead people can’t talk.”

  I sucked in a deep breath, wishing I could tell Phil the truth. That I believed him, but if I said anything against Cruor, I’d drive the wedge between me and Nicholas even wider. At this point, with all the media attention, I was safe and his plan backfired. We didn’t come running, so this would be the end of it.

  “Look,” I started. “They’d have to get through the cops and my personal body guard.” I slipped beside Nicholas and rubbed my body against his, hoping to repair things. He slid his arm around my waist, but I could still feel the tension between us.

  Sam frowned. “You’re a target. Who’s to say they won’t lock you up and siphon off your blood?”

  I rolled my eyes. Mr. Cruor might be desperate, but he wouldn’t mistreat the maker of millions. “And how long will that last? I only have so much to give.”

  “I’m not joking, Julia.”

  “It’s no big deal.”

  Nicholas squeezed my hip. “Julia’s right. She has security now and the cops are on it. There’s nothing else to worry about.”

  My spine straightened at the words security. When I meant bodyguard, I meant him. Not Mr. Dark-and-brooding following me around like my shadow. “Look guys, nothing is changing. I’m going to continue on with my life and all of this will die down. You watch.”

  Sam sighed and rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t be stubborn, Parker. This is just the beginning and you know it.” Phil gave me that pitiful look he’d given in my dream; the one that sliced into my soul. Everything inside me wanted to agree, but I couldn’t. Not in front of Nicholas.

  “Well, this is the plan. So, deal. The discussion ends here. The cops will handle it.” I sat on the swing again, and pumped my legs.

  Phil shrugged at Sam, then glared at Nicholas. “If that’s how you want it.”

  “That’s how I want it.”

  “Then I guess we’re finished.” Phil nudged Sam toward his car. She glanced backwards once, her face sad. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to take back my blood donation. Why didn’t I listen to the little girl that looked like Scarlet?

  But I couldn’t, and my tiny grip on my freedom was fleeting. Everything had changed and more than anything, I wanted to run away.


  By some force of magic, my parents let Nicholas take me to school. Maybe that’s because we had an escort following us. Dark-and-brooding was replaced with Surfer Guy, youthful enough to be confused as a high school student. Luckily, he drove his own car.

  The plan was for us to act natural and help him to blend in. Being as cute as he was, anonymity was not going to happen with the female student body. I just hoped he wouldn’t be obvious in tailing me.

  “Could this day suck even more?” I pulled down the visor and gasped at the two streaks of hot pink blush on my cheeks and the line of foundation. My hair stunk of mold from the motel shower and the greenish lighting had made my makeup application a disaster. I blotted what I could off with a tissue.

  Nicholas tilted his head and peered at me from over his sunglasses. “They’re trying to make things as normal as possible, Beautiful.”

  I snorted and snapped the mirror shut. “Yeah, right.”

  “I think, of all places, school will be the safest. Horace has things covered, too.”

  My jaw flew opened. “What?”

  “He’s had death threats of his own.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I talked to him.”

  “You did?” The air whooshed from my lungs. “And told him what?”

  “I thought he needed to know what happened at your house.”

  I splayed my hand over my forehead. “You’re not supposed to tell anyone anything.”

  “And why not?”

  I gritted my teeth. “Because he’s under investigation.”

  Nicholas laughed. “For what?”

  “As a suspect.”

  Nicholas shook his head. “Yeah, well, I’m sure his death threats cleared him, besides he’s got the best security team in Santa Cruz. Ex-FBI and they know what they’re doing.”

  And they work for the enemy. “That’s great for Mr. Cruor.”

  “Horace’s offer still stands, you know. Why can’t you accept he’s on the good side and wants to protect you?”

  I tried to keep my face neutral as I counted down from ten to calm my anger. “Because I watched him murder everyone I loved, and that’s really hard to forget.”

  Nicholas’ chest rose and fell. “That’s not who he is now.”

  Yeah, right. “I’ve yet to see otherwise.”

  “What else does he have to do to prove that he’s on your side?”

  “Prove?” Leave me alone for starters. I laughed. “Helping his brother find the cure to cancer with my blood isn’t proof, especially when it benefits him the most.”

  Nicholas huffed. “If he was in it for the money or even the cure for himself, then why tell you? He could have just kidnapped you. He doesn’t need the money, trust me.”

  I pressed my fingertips to my forehead. I’d run through this scenario so many times, I was getting a headache. If I didn’t agree, he’d just keep arguing, and without proof, I wouldn’t be able to convince him otherwise. “I’m sorry. I just keep getting this funny feeling he remembers and is just faking.”

  “I highly doubt it.”

  “How could you be so sure?”

  Nicholas’ face hardened like how it had when he’d been forced to drink blood for the first time. His evil side had been activated, and his lust for blood overpowered everything including his love for me. “I’d know.”

  A shiver pulsed down my spine. His tone made me afraid to ask how he’d know. Did he enjoy being a bad vampire that much?

  I bit my nail as we approached school. Cop cars were everywhere. “Oh, this is great.”

  “It’ll be okay.” Nicholas interlaced his fingers with mine and squeezed.

  “Everyone is going to figure it out. With all this attention, Katie won’t be able to keep a secret.”

  “If she wants to stay in Horace’s good graces, she will.”

  “Is that what you’ve got on her?” I removed my hand from his. “Or is it something else? You two seem awful chummy.”

  The tendons on his neck tightened. “You don’t need to be jealous or worried about Katie.”

  “I’m not jealous.”

  He slowed behind the long row of brake lights from cars ahead of us. As we inched closer, we saw that each car was being visually searched before entering the parking lot. My heart rate jumped at all the activity.

  “Just go,” I whispered.

  “Go where?”

  “Just drive somewhere, like up the coast. I don’t want to go to school today.” I squeezed his knee. “Please.”

  He glanced over sympathetically. “I can’t. We’re being followed. Besides, I promised your parents I’d take you to school. ”

  I pulled my hand off his knee and crossed my arms. “Fine.”

  “Please, Julia. Don’t be mad. I’m frustrated too. I hate that you’ve been threatened and that you’re a target. The cops are here to make sure nothing happens to you or anyone else at school. It’s a precaution. Your secret will still be safe.”

  “You can’t promise that.”

  “If we act normal, it will be.”

  I shook my head. It was delusional to think that Mr. Cruor would protect my secret. Revealing it would make me more dependent on him. Maybe that could be my proof.

  Nicholas pulled up to the officer and rolled down his window. The officer shined his flashlight inside as if it were night. His beam stayed extra long on me.

  “Hello, Julia. We’re taking extra precautions today.”

  I forced a weak smile. “Great. Thanks.”

  He nodded. “Continue on.”

  We found a spot to park. Surfer Boy
parked next to us and got out. I was supposed to introduce him around and make sure he got his schedule, which magically matched mine, but the rebellious side of me didn’t want to anymore.

  “Act normally,” Ethan, aka Surfer Boy said as he flanked my other side.

  “Yeah, right.”

  As I scanned the crowd, everyone seemed to be staring. I no longer trusted anyone, and I wanted my empathic gift back.

  “I can’t do this,” I whispered to Nicholas as we moved through the whispering crowd.

  “I promise, they don’t know.”

  “Then why are they looking at me like that?”

  “Like how?”

  Mr. Cruor stood at the end of the hall surrounded by a hoard of girls, the ex-vamp tramps. He signaled with his finger for me to come over.

  “Great,” I huffed. “What does he want?”

  Nicholas shrugged and walked with me over to him.

  “Come in my classroom.” Mr. Cruor held out his hand to his door. Ethan tried to follow. “Julia will be out in a moment.” He shooed Ethan away and closed the door behind us. Slide stood in the corner of the room.

  “What do you want?” I asked tersely, thankful Nicholas was by my side. Maybe now he’d see the truth.

  Mr. Cruor motioned for us to walk away from the door. He nodded to Slide, who snatched my bag from my hands.

  “Hey, what do you think you are you doing?”

  Slide emptied the contents onto Mr. Cruor’s desk and rummaged through it while holding some scanner thing. A tampon lay in the center of the mess and my cheeks flushed hot.

  “That’s my stuff.” I ran toward him and tried to put everything back, but Slide was ripping out the threads inside my purse. “What do you think you’re doing? That’s a two hundred dollar bag!”

  He pulled out a wire that had a small circle attached at the end.

  “What is that?” Nicholas asked.

  Slide slid it into a sliver bag. “Hand me your phone.”

  “What?” I said. “No.”

  “Do it,” Mr. Cruor said plainly.

  I shook my head.

  “Julia, they’re listening. Do it.”

  With a huff, I took out my phone and placed it in Slide’s palm. He pulled out a tiny screwdriver and quickly slid off the back. He pulled out another round miniscule circle attached to the battery, which he put in the bag. “She’s clear.”


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