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Princess Next Door

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

Taking the lead, he walked her toward one of the lounge chairs, getting her to lie down.

  She stretched her arms out and he put her legs on either side, spreading her wide. When she kept trying to cover herself, he winked, and got her to put her hands on the arms of the chair.

  “You’ve got to learn to trust me.”

  “I don’t see how me being spread-eagled like this is going to show me any of your skills.”

  “That’s because you have no faith in me whatsoever.”

  She rolled her eyes, and he cupped her pussy, silencing any protest from her. He changed in position so that his face was just above her pussy.

  Her gaze was on him, and he spread the lips of her pussy open, and licked across her clit, flicking back and forth, watching as she gasped, and her body shake as he teased her.

  “Holy … oh, my.”

  His mission was to get her to cuss, if for no other reason than to get him to fuck her, or at least to say it.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he gave it a gentle tug before releasing her and licking her, going back and forth, teasing her until she was shaking with her need.

  With just a few minutes of his tongue on her mouth, she came, crying out his name, her entire body quivering.

  He was surprised at how quickly she came apart, but he didn’t mind, not at all.

  “You taste exquisite,” he said.

  “You really are talented.” Her gaze moved to his aching dick. “Could you show me?”


  “Show me how you like to do it.” She nodded at his dick.

  Wrapping his fingers around his length, he began to stroke himself. They’d known each other such a short time, and yet it felt endless. He felt like he knew her, and there was no pressure.

  She moved forward, wrapping her fingers around his cock, working with him.

  Her lips brushed his, and as her hand took over, he played with her tits, pulling her close as she worked his dick.

  The pleasure was intense as he came, holding her while he did.

  Chapter Six

  Standing in the grocery store Wednesday evening, Wynter looked at the carrots, trying to figure out which ones would be better, the short, dumpy ones or the long ones. Cooking for one was a nightmare, but tonight she was determined to cook for two.

  So far Zane had taken care of their meals for the past couple of nights, and he could cook. His lasagna was the nicest she’d ever tasted, and he’d even offered to give her the recipe. She’d wanted to watch him cook, and he’d agreed but for another night. Last night he’d done some other concoction with shrimp and pasta, which made her mouth water for more.

  Tonight was her turn, or tomorrow seeing as he was working late, and she wouldn’t see him tonight.

  Picking up several large carrots, she placed them in the basket she held over her arm, and moved on to some peppers. Her thoughts were constantly moving back to Monday night when he’d showed her exactly how wicked his tongue could be.

  After they’d enjoyed their meal, she’d insisted on going back home to get some sleep, and giving him a chance to rest. When she’d been at home, she’d started to do some research on how long it took for a woman to reach orgasm.

  Much to her embarrassment, everything she’d watched and read stated at least thirty minutes. She’d not even lasted five.

  She didn’t know if that was normal or not, so she had no choice but to ask Tammy. Of course, asking your friend for orgasm time hadn’t been the most comfortable conversation.

  “He clearly rocks your boat.”

  “Is it normal?”

  “What’s normal? When Marshall has me going, it takes a few seconds, but we’re talking a buildup.”

  Tammy had then told her about the buildup, the caressing and teasing that brought them to their knees.

  She finished her shopping, and was making her way toward her car when someone shouted her name.

  “Wynter, Wynter.”

  Carey, her ex, was rushing toward her. Holding her shopping basket in her arms, she forced a smile to her lips.

  “Hey, Carey, how have you been?” she asked.

  They’d been friends, not much else, not that they needed to be much else. She also wasn’t a believer in being rude. She’d been the one to end things with him, and he’d not been heartbroken. He’d shrugged, and said there were more girls out there.

  “I’ve been great. I’ve just seen your parents.” He held up a shopping list. “Asked me to pick some things up for them.”

  “Great.” She’d not seen her parents since she moved, and even though she’d been tempted to call them, she just hadn’t.

  The point of moving away had been for her to flesh out her life on her own.

  “Your parents are worried about you, you know.”

  “Not that worried. They could come and visit me anytime if they really wanted.” She hoped they didn’t.

  He chuckled. “They’re pissed that your grandparents left you enough money to start over. They feel they undermined their authority.”

  She forced a smile. “I really need to get going.”

  Wynter turned in time to see Zane’s truck pull into a parking spot. His friends and the man himself spilled out. They were laughing, and she smiled.

  Glancing back at Carey, she saw the sneer on the guy’s face. Before she could make her excuses, Zane moved up beside her.

  “Hey, Princess,” he said, placing a hand across her shoulders and kissing her head.

  Carey looked like he’d seen something crazy.

  “Hey. I was just picking up some things.”

  “Yeah, I’m about to get some supplies to show you how a mean lasagna is made.” Zane looked toward Carey. “Hey, I’m Zane.”


  She watched as they both shook hands, and seemed to linger on their handshake, which didn’t make her feel uncomfortable at all … not! She’d told Zane about Carey the night she’d had one too many beers.

  “You two are together?”

  “Yes,” Zane said, answering before she got the chance. She smiled and rested against him.

  “He’s my neighbor.”

  “Do your parents know about this?” Carey asked.

  “You mean the ones that couldn’t even get off their asses to help her move?” Zane asked.

  Okay, she was enjoying this moment a little too much.

  “I’ve got to head home. I’m going to be cooking your dinner for tomorrow.”

  Zane kissed her head. He waited for her to say her goodbyes, and then walked her to her car, taking the groceries from her hands as he did so.

  “You don’t like him, do you?” he asked.

  “How could you tell?”

  “You looked annoyed, as if you were waiting for an excuse or a reason to leave.”

  “He’s the guy my parents wanted me to marry. They picked him out in high school, and I had no choice but to date him. Believe me, it wasn’t fun. He’s so full of himself.” She stood by her driver’s side door, and smiled. “You saved me.”

  “I’m always here to serve my damsel in distress.”

  “Have fun tonight.”

  “I could stop by later. My shift ends at eleven.”

  “What about performing?”

  “The bar’s fully booked. I’m dropping the guys off at home before I head in for my shift. I’m only covering for someone else who left.”

  “Then I’ll be waiting.” She suddenly couldn’t wait to get home.

  He stepped in close. “This is not about showing who you belong to for that loser. This is about me.” He cupped her face and slammed his lips down on hers. She couldn’t resist wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him close.

  Her body ignited as if he alone held the flame, and she kissed him back with a passion that rivaled his.

  “I’m not going to want to go to work after this,” he said.

  “I’ll see you tonight.”

  He stepped away from the car, and he stood watching
her as she drove home. The moment she got home, she unpacked her groceries quickly and rushed up to the bathroom. Undressing, she ran herself a bath, and took the time to shave and wash every single part of her. It had been a long day at the school, and also a really warm day.

  Once she was done, she settled on a sheer negligee that she’d been saving for something special.

  She’d seen it years ago in a store, and she’d picked the last one in her size and hidden it away for only herself. She loved the feel of the silk against her skin, and how sexy she felt. Glancing in the mirror, she pinned her blonde hair up and wondered if she was going too far.

  She shook her head. No. This was being herself, and since seeing Carey, she was determined to live life her own way, and that meant being with Zane.

  She liked Zane a lot.

  He made her laugh and smile, and he’d made living next door to him a pleasure.

  She still didn’t like his taste in rock music, even though he kept trying to turn her to the dark side as he kept calling it.

  It was just funny to her.

  Making her way downstairs, she saw she still had some time before he got home, so quickly putting on an apron, she grabbed some of the shrimp she’d bought for herself, knowing they’d stretch to at least two people.

  Marinating them, she assembled the salad, made the dressing to go with it, and then placed a batch of brownies in the oven.

  By the time Zane arrived, her nerves were getting the better of her. The moment she opened the door, he pulled her into his arms, and she found herself becoming addicted to his kisses.

  They were like a drug, filling her with so much need that she didn’t want him to stop.

  “I think your mouth is a skill all on its own.”

  He chuckled. “You’ve not seen anything yet.”

  “I made you some dinner.” Her stomach chose that moment to growl.

  “You didn’t feed yourself?” he asked.

  “I was waiting for you.” And now she was starving and embarrassed. Her stomach was making so much noise.

  Zane took the lead, entering the dining room, helping her sit down, and he’d not even seen her sexy negligee as she still wore her apron over the top.

  He served her up some food, and ordered her to eat as he served himself.

  The food was delicious, but her stomach still kept making noise.

  “I think you could be a better cook than me,” she said.

  “Wait until you taste my grilled steak. I’m a master at it, and I like mine rare.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I love mine pretty much burned and rock-hard.”

  He started to laugh. “Wait until you taste mine. You know you’re going to have to try it.”

  She took a bite of the shrimp and smiled. “I may just do that.”

  He winked at her. “You’ll love it.”

  “How was work?”

  She listened as he told her about his day, and then he asked about hers. It wasn’t long before they were both laughing at each other’s stories. He’d grab her hand, giving it a squeeze. She loved watching him laugh.

  He didn’t hold anything back, and she adored that about him.

  When it came to the brownies, he decided she was the better baker though.

  “I can’t even get a boxed mix to work. It’s always sunken and gross.”

  She smiled and stood up, taking their dishes into the kitchen. She was washing them when he moved up behind her, placing his hands on her waist.

  His lips went to her neck, and she gasped.

  “I want to see what you wore for me.”

  She didn’t deny it, and drying her hands on the nearest towel, she tossed it aside and removed the apron, dropping it to the floor to let him see.

  “You make it impossible for a man to wait for the right moment.” He pulled her close, kissing her neck, and she gasped, arching against him.

  “Then don’t.”

  She was tired of waiting.


  Zane had spent a great deal of time thinking about Carey, the guy he’d seen talking with Princess. There had been judgment in his eyes, and he hated it when people did that. She’d told him about the kind of life she’d lived, and even though it had been a good life, she’d been met with expectation from her parents. Expected to marry, expected to have kids, her life to be entirely different.

  If she’d followed their rules, he wouldn’t have her in his arms right now.

  “Once we do this, there is no turning back,” he said.

  “I don’t care about turning back, Zane. I don’t want to turn back the clock. I trust you, and I want you. I know it’s going to hurt, but there’s no one else I want to be with.” She took his hand and placed it against her breast. Her nipple was hard as it pressed against his palm. “You make me feel so much, and I don’t want that to stop. I want this with you, Zane. I’m not going to regret it.”

  Gripping the back of her neck, he took possession of her lips, and like every single time before, she melted against him, her arms wrapping around his neck. Running his hands down her back, he squeezed her ass and tugged her up into his arms. She wrapped her legs around him, and he carried her from the kitchen.

  He didn’t break the kiss as he took her to her room. Easing her down onto the bed, he switched the light on.

  “Don’t you want to turn it off?”

  “Nope. I want to be able to see all of you, and I don’t want you hiding from me.” He pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to one side, and next removing his jeans.

  The hard line of his cock was easily outlined in his boxers, but he got rid of them quickly.

  “Oh, I got these.” He watched as she moved up the bed, opening the drawer. “Do you have any idea how many different condoms there are? I was so confused.” She placed a couple on the bed, and he lifted a few up. “Did I get the right ones?”


  She knelt on the bed, and he reached behind her head to take the pin holding her hair up. He watched as her hair fell around her in waves, and he ran his fingers through the length, pulling her up so that he could claim a kiss once again.

  Princess moaned, holding onto his arms, and he didn’t want to let her go.

  “I’ve never bought condoms before.”

  “There’s always a first time for everything.” He kissed her lips once again and closed his eyes, breathing her in.

  He wanted this to be so damn perfect for her. She’d gotten under his skin in more ways than he could deny. Even his friends said that he was different.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked.

  “A little.”

  “If at any point you want me to stop then you’ve got to tell me and I’ll stop.”

  She nodded.

  Slowly, he slid his hand down her body, cupping her pussy. Pressing a finger through her slit, he felt how wet she was. Teasing her clit, he watched her as she began to thrust onto his fingers.

  “Do you want my mouth on this pretty pussy?” he asked.


  He moved her onto the bed, and he crawled over her, kissing her lips, and trailing down to take one nipple and then the other, sucking them hard. He bit her, and she cried out. Soothing the pain with his tongue, he began to kiss his way toward her thighs.

  She had the prettiest cunt he’d ever seen. Spreading her legs, he circled her nub with his tongue, gliding down until he got to the point just at her entrance when he moved back up, and began to suck on her.

  Princess writhed on the bed, and he caught her hands, locking them at her sides. Her body arched as he drove her to her first orgasm. He didn’t want to stop sucking her pretty pussy, but he also didn’t want to wait another second.

  Kneeling between her thighs, he tore into the condom and rolled the latex down over his shaft.

  Staring into her blue gaze, he pressed the tip of his cock at her entrance and began to slowly sink inside her.

  She tensed up, and he had no idea the kind of pain she must be
feeling. Her nails sank into the flesh of his arms, and he slammed every inch of his cock inside her. She cried out, and he took hold of her hands, wrapping his arms around her, kissing her.

  Her cunt clenched around him, and he wasn’t in any rush to move. Her pussy was so tight. He felt every ripple as she became accustomed to him.

  She’s yours now.

  Zane kept on kissing her lips, refusing to let her go, wanting to take care of her, to hold her.

  “That hurt,” she said, gasping.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes, and he felt like the worst bastard imaginable for hurting her.

  She nodded. “I knew it would hurt.”

  He released her hands, and pushed some of her hair off her face. “I’m not going to move. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I’m being a girl.”

  “I really like that you’re a girl.” This made her laugh.

  Zane stared into her eyes, and he couldn’t understand the twisting in his gut, or what it all meant. She was part of him now, and all he wanted to do was to give her everything she ever wanted.

  Time passed, and he felt her wiggle and suddenly arch up. “It doesn’t hurt so much now.”

  Easing up, he pulled his cock out, taking his time, watching to make sure she wasn’t hurting. She gasped, and he stopped. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. I don’t. Please, I want it.”

  Thrusting back inside her, he did several slow thrusts, seeing that the pain was no longer in her eyes. Rocking inside her, he began to speed up, feeling her pussy tighten around him, and he went deeper, feeling his own orgasm begin to build, spreading through him.

  “Oh, wow, that is so … amazing.”

  “I’m not going to last, Princess.” He groaned as the pleasure went to the next level. His balls tightened, and he thrust deep within her, and his orgasm spilled into the condom.

  He dropped his head against her shoulder, holding most of his body weight off her so he didn’t squash her.

  She ran her hands up his back.

  “That wasn’t one of my finest moments,” he said, kissing her shoulder.

  He pulled away to look at her.

  “You don’t think that was a finest moment?” she asked.

  “No.” He stroked her cheek. His heart was pounding, and even though all he wanted to do was slump down and go to sleep, he didn’t. “I can do much better.”


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