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Her Forbidden Cowboy (Cowboys After Dark Book 12)

Page 10

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “I don’t think you’re capable of kissin’ badly,” he chuckled.

  “You know what I mean!”

  “I sure do, sugar, and I can manage that.”

  Pulling off to the side of the road, he stopped the car, and leaning across the armrest, he placed his hands of the side of her face and drifted his mouth over hers. She moaned softly as she brought her arms around his neck, when they finally broke apart, she dropped her head against his shoulder.

  “I feel things with you…” she whispered, “things I’ve never felt before.”

  “I know sugar. We’re on the same page, even more than you know.”

  When they entered the house and walked into the dining room, Cathy discovered he had laid a romantic table, complete with candles and a small bouquet of flowers in the center. The smell of the rich lasagna filled the air, and the red wine he’d opened and left to breathe was ready to be poured. As they sat down and clinked glasses, Cathy couldn’t remember ever being so happy. Everything was perfect. The Cabernet slid across her tongue like velvet, the pasta was divine, and if she’d thought Scott was handsome around the barn, he was devastating sitting across the table from her in his caramel sweater. He was smooth and easy to talk to, and she couldn’t take her gaze from his warm brown eyes. As she finished off the last mouthful on her plate, he reached across the table and took her hand.

  “You enjoyed that,” he grinned, “and I know you want some more.”

  “I do! You gave us such small helpings.”

  “That’s because we’re gonna come back down here in a little bit, and it’s gonna taste even better.”

  “It will?”

  “It will, and while I put it back in the oven to stay warm, and clear away these plates so we’ll have clean ones when we come back, do you know what you’re gonna do?”

  Her butterflies sprang to life, and staring at him, she slowly nodded her head.

  “Get ready, then wait for you on the bed the way you told me to.”

  “Before you do that, come on over here.”

  His voice had taken on its authoritative tone, and a warm chill rippled through her body.

  “I don’t think I can move,” she whispered.

  “You’d better,” he said with a wicked smile. “I don’t like givin’ instructions twice.”

  It was enough to bring her to her feet, and though she was feeling a bit wobbly, from both the wine and the anticipation of what was to come, she left the table and stepped to his side, placing her hand on his shoulder for support.

  “Kick off those shoes and spread your legs.”

  Though unsteady on her feet, she did as he said, feeling her heart begin to race, and a hot flush moving through her body.

  “Did you did as you were told?” he murmured, moving his hand under her skirt.

  He lightly touched her pussy, and she closed her eyes, letting out a long, low moan, but when he thrust a finger inside her, she almost fell forward.

  “Oh, Scott, oh, my gosh,” she whimpered, “you’re making me so weak.”

  “You’re lusciously wet,” he mumbled, moving his finger in and out. “Mmmm, it’s real nice to feel that.”

  “I’m feeling weak,” she repeated. “I don’t think I can stand here any longer.”

  “Just a few minutes more,” he said softly, moving his hand from her sex to her backside. “Still a bit tender from my paddle?”

  “Yes, Sir, a bit,” she whispered. “Ouch, especially when you pinch me like that.”

  “Good, and it’ll be stingin’ a bit more real soon,” he promised, “now sit on my lap, that’s my girl, just like that.”

  With a grateful sigh she settled on this thighs, and as his hand began kneading her breasts through her dress, she rolled back her head, whispering his name.

  “You’ve got such lovely titties,” he purred. “I can’t wait to see them in my rope.”

  “Scott, you’re making me so crazy.”

  “Then you’d best head on upstairs.”

  Opening her eyes, she slipped of his lap, and after pausing to softly kiss him, she moved slowly across the room and out the dining room door.

  Picking up his glass, Scott swirled the rich red wine and downed the last of it. Cathy had voluntarily told him everything about seeing Renaldo on Sunday, and while it had eased his mind, it had simultaneously caused him more concern. Cathy didn’t want to be with Renaldo, she wanted to be with him, but if he returned saddlebags full of money, her mother would have a complete meltdown.

  “There has to be an answer,” he muttered. “I’m not lettin’ that manipulatin’ woman come between us, that’s for damn sure, and I’m not gonna let her break my girl’s heart by throwin’ a hissy fit either.”

  As he began to clear the plates, he promised himself he’d put it out of his head until the morning.

  I’ll think on it hard while I’m unpackin’. Somethin’ will come to me, it always does.


  Entering the bedroom, Scott stopped and stared at the exquisite picture before him. Cathy had started the fire, and the soft glow was casting a golden sheen across her body. Resting on her knees and elbows, the scene looked like an erotic oil painting.

  Pulling off his sweater as he walked slowly across the room, he could feel his cock surging to life, and reaching the foot of the bed, he stripped off the rest of his clothes staring down at her nakedness. With her knees spread, and her back arched, all her charms were exposed to his eye, and he could see her pussy glistening with its need. Stepping closer, he touched her wetness, and she mewled softly as he began to explore, sliding his finger into her seam, tickling her clit, pushing it into her soaked entrance before sliding upwards to the cleft between her cheeks. She gasped as he lightly touched her puckered back hole, and he lingered for just a minute before placing his hands on her moons, spreading them apart. She gasped, but didn’t move, so he released her, a reward for her surrender, then traveling his hand back to her pussy, he placed his thumbs on her lips and opened her up.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured.

  She made a strange bleating sound, and as he pushed his finger forward, gliding it in and out, her noises became louder, as though she was building towards an orgasm.

  “Are you already so hot you’re nearin’ a climax?”

  “Maybe,” she whimpered. “I’ve been feeling it ever since I left here today.”

  “Such a naughty girl,” he sighed. “I owe you a spankin’, don’t I?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Then we’d best get that outta the way before I introduce you to my rope.”

  “Ooh, your rope,” she mumbled, repeating the word almost like a chant.

  He began lightly slapping the center of her cheeks, just above the stain left by the paddle earlier that day, swiftly moving his palm from side to side allowing the sting to slowly build. When she began to cry out her protests of pain, he paused, moving his fingers back into her depths, stroking two fingers in and out of her channel with gusto, changing her cries to moans of pleasure. He longed to thrust inside her, to fuck her into oblivion, but gritting his teeth he stepped away and sucked in the air. She was wriggling her ass, silently begging him for more, and he almost caved. His cock was pleading almost as much as she was, but forcing his eyes away from the salacious sight, he walked across to his antique trunk set against the wall by the door.

  He was an antique junkie, and had dabbled in the business for a short time, but he hated parting with the unique pieces he found, so he’d returned to collecting for the sheer pleasure of it. The moment he’d set eyes on the barrel-topped wooden trunk, he’d known its purpose. Raising the lid, he stared down at its many titillating contents. His collection of rope was in a separate container, and lifting it out, he carried it back to the bed.

  “What am I gonna to do with you?” he mumbled, sitting on the edge of the bed and soothing his hand across her face. “You’re so flushed. Roll on to your back and catch your breath for a mi

  Letting out a grateful sigh, Cathy flopped on to her stomach, then turned over and stared up at him, thinking if she squeezed her thighs together she would spontaneously combust.

  “I need to come so badly,” she whispered. “I’ve never been so close for so long.”

  “You didn’t play with yourself durin’ the day did you?”

  “A bit, but it was more like scratching an itch. I didn’t let myself go all the way.”

  “From now on, you only get to do that if you call me and ask for permission.”

  “Ooh, that makes me want to come even more.”

  He couldn’t stop a sinful smile curling the ends of his lip, and the pleading in her eyes sent a fresh wave of energy into his cock.

  “Damn, girl, you get under my skin,” he murmured, and lowering his head, he gently kissed her.

  It was supposed to have been a soft brushing of his mouth against hers, but his fever captured him, and suddenly they were grappling, their lips were crushing against each other, his fingers were caught in her hair, and hers were digging into his back. Finally breaking apart, he looked longingly at his container of rope, then back at her.

  “This’ll be an introduction,” he murmured. “If I spend an hour lacin’ you up, I think we’ll both lose our minds. Slide on over and sit on the edge of the bed.”

  As she moved into position, he opened the bag and retrieved a long length of white cotton cord, and tethering her wrists behind her back, he continued moving it around her body. The joy began to overtake him as he wove the tapestry, encircling her breasts and pinning her arms, then standing her up, he slid it between her pussy lips and into her crack. Tying it off at her waist, he picked her and laid her on her back, instructing her bend her knees.

  “Shuffle your feet apart,” he said softly, “I wanna see that rope buried in your pussy.”

  Cathy felt as if she was under a magic spell. She’d felt no desire to resist as he’d wrapped the rope around her. On the contrary, the more helpless her state, the more relaxed she became, but the intense carnal hunger was still coursing through her body. Softly groaning as she moved her feet apart, she looked up at him, then whimpered, wishing he would rub her to her climax.

  “What is it, sugar? Tell me how you’re feelin’. Do you like my rope?”

  “I love your rope,” she murmured, her voice just above a whisper. “I love your rope so much, but I need to come so badly, and the way it’s rubbing against me is making it even worse.”

  “Or better.”

  “It’s making my need more,” she sighed.

  “More, yep, that’s the word,” he muttered, fondling his cock, then sitting next to her, he ran a finger along the outside of the rope nestled between her lips, bringing it to rest on her clit.

  “Won’t you?” she pleaded.

  “Won’t I what?” he teased, gazing at her beautifully bound breasts.

  “Rub me so I can come?”

  “If I do that, then this will be over, and I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”

  “But we have so many nights to do this again.”

  Her words rustled through him. She was right. No matter what her controlling mother said, or threatened, Cathy was right. He wasn’t going to let her go, and he knew she was already bound to him, as much as her body was bound in his cord.

  “Okay, baby,” he said softly. “I’m gonna let you know what it’s like to orgasm bein’ tied up like that. Next time, you’re legs will be tied as well, wide apart.”

  “Ooh, I’ll love that.”

  “I know you will, sugar,” he purred, climbing over her and straddling her body.

  Holding his cock with one hand, he sent the other against her sex, watching her writhe as he massaged himself to the bursting point. He knew her climax would happen fast, and he knew it would be fierce, but he wasn’t prepared for the howl of erotic euphoria that escaped her lips. It tossed him over the edge, but as powerful as his orgasm was, he was captivated by her paroxysms of pleasure, and they continued long after his cock had emptied itself of its essence. Her convulsions were almost frightening him, and not wanting her to hurt herself, he moved swiftly to her side and held her tightly until they finally waned and she fell limp. There were only three knots in his bondage, and with practiced fingers they were quickly untied, leaving the rope slack around her body.

  But Cathy had been impervious to her liberation. She was free of her body, completely weightless and floating on a linen-white cloud. Never had she felt so utterly serene, and as she flew across grassy fields and happy horses, she heard him calling her. She didn’t particularly want to leave her effortless world, but she wished very much to feel his arms holding her, the strong, powerful arms that she knew would always keep her safe, so she focused on his voice, somehow knowing it would guide her back.

  “There you are,” he sighed, watching her eyelids flutter open.

  “What happened?”

  “Did you feel like you were off someplace?”

  “I didn’t feel it, I was,” she breathed. “It was amazing, and I still feel all tingly.”

  “I’m gonna get this rope off you, then we gonna rest for a bit.”

  “This is heaven,” she whispered. “I never want to leave this place, I never want to leave you.”

  “You don’t have to worry,” he said solemnly, “I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

  Softly kissing her, he removed the cord, wound it up, placed it back in the box, then laid down next to her, hugging her tightly against him.

  “You’re gonna wake up in a bit, and you’re gonna be real hungry.”

  “I’m starving right now, but I can’t move, I don’t want to move.”

  “That’s okay, sugar, you will soon, and then we’ll go back downstairs and have more lasagna and wine.”

  “That sounds soooo good,” she sighed, then yawning, she curled against him and began to drift off.

  Staring up at the night through his skylights, Scott felt more at peace than he had in many years. Marianne Coleman’s threats suddenly didn’t feel threatening at all, and he had a very strong sense that the woman was going to be put in her place. He had no idea how, but the voice in his head was whispering to him, all will be well, the answer will come.

  Across town in his luxury suite, Renaldo Cavalleri grunted loudly as his orgasm shuddered through his loins. The noises coming from the redhead he’d picked up in the hotel bar didn’t sound convincing, but it didn’t faze him. He had no ego attached to his sex life. He’d been a globe-trotting bachelor for years, and had long since given up trying to prove himself. Rolling off her, he pulled off his condom with a tissue, and padding into the bathroom he flushed it down the toilet, then moving across to the counter, he stared at himself in the mirror.

  Though he had no particular inkling to marry, he knew it was time. He wanted children, preferably a boy first, a son to carry on the Cavalleri name and ultimately run the family business, then a little girl he would turn into a princess. Catherine Coleman was an ideal candidate for a wife, and her mother had made it abundantly clear she would be delighted to have him as a son-in-law. He’d appreciated the quiet, private conversation he’d had with her very much. He’d seen how destructive in-laws could be, and he knew no such problems would exist with Marianne and David Coleman.

  Catherine herself checked all his boxes. She was young, so she’d be easy to control and persuade, she was very attractive, and that mattered; his children had to be beautiful. Her family was wealthy, which meant he didn’t have to question her motives, and last, and perhaps the most important thing of all, she was into horses.

  Though he was a businessman, Renaldo’s world revolved around horses. It hadn’t been planned. He hadn’t been raised with them, and how he’d come by his extraordinary talent he had no clue, but he could ride anything. Horses that were difficult and temperamental, turned soft and yielding in just a few minutes under his hand, loose in an arena they would follow him around, and people would whisper th
at he had a kind of mystical power over them.

  He was a gifted rider, and he was happy to nod his head and accept the many compliments that come his way, but Renaldo had been born with another gift. He rarely felt fear, and he’d never experienced any qualms on horseback. The first time jumping a fence, all he’d felt was joy, and as his love of riding took hold, he secretly believed his lack of nerves transmitted itself to his steed. Horses that stopped at jumps with others, didn’t hesitate when he was on board. They were his life, and he treated them like precious jewels. His wife simply had to be a horse person, and had to feel it in the depth of her soul. It was why he’d insisted on meeting Catherine at her barn. He needed to see how she related to her horses. If it went as he hoped, he would court her, seduce her, and if there weren’t too many speed bumps, he’d ultimately marry her.

  “Can I order some dessert from room service?” the redhead called, interrupting his thoughts.

  “Sure,” he called back. “Get whatever you want, and order me up some vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.”

  He washed his hands, and as he splashed hot water on his face, he idly wondered why Catherine had put him off until Sunday. Did she have plans on Saturday night? Her mother had assured him Catherine wasn’t dating, and he hoped the information was correct. He had no desire to compete, or to deal with a jealous boyfriend.

  “I suppose I’ll have my questions answered when I see her,” he murmured, “and I must say, I’m quite looking forward to it.”


  Cathy had woken in the middle of the night, and gazing at the night sky overhead, she thought she’d never seen the stars so bright. They seemed to be twinkling just for her, and she wondered if it was because she felt truly blessed. She’d been captivated by Scott the first day he’d sauntered towards her, his cowboy hat slightly crooked on his head, and his eyes crinkling at her as he’d smiled. Now she was in his bed, staring at the heavens, and deliriously happy. She fallen back asleep, and hours later, when his wandering hands had brought her back to life, and his cock had pressed lovingly inside her, she’d closed her eyes and surrendered to the ride, knowing he would send her tumbling into a wondrous orgasm.


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