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Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1)

Page 3

by P. S. Power

  "Get ready. We must fulfill the Count's wishes." Her voice was, perhaps, a bit more nervous than it needed to be. She ran her slightly oily left hand under his shirt and pushed his face into the pillows.

  The man didn't get what was coming at all, she knew. He'd seen the tool coming out, and hadn't protested, since it was a thing they'd done together before. Riven had also seen her select the very modest one to be used first, and she didn't think he was fully aware she'd changed the order of use.

  Putting the larger cock against him, she sighed again.

  "Push back. Make yourself take it all." Then, without much warning, she pressed the thing into him.

  It wasn't some tremendous stabbing thing, since she was fucking him, not raping him for her own pleasure. He gasped in discomfort anyway, freezing a few seconds later when he realized what was going into him was a good bit more intense than the finger sized thing he'd expected.

  "Gah. Ah." He groaned a bit as she slowly slid the thing into him. His hips tried to pull away, but she followed him until he had no place else to go.

  Then, after having a few inches inside of him, she began to work it in and out. This time she didn't reach between his legs to pleasure him either. That would make it harder on him. Not that she really wanted to, but she didn't honestly know what her husband would expect her to do to the man. He'd been near a rage, and while he was kind as a rule, and even treated his enemies without more violence than was needed to protect his people, telling him that Riven had been gently tickled and had his manhood sucked till he screamed in pleasure might not be enough.

  There was a fine line, then, as to what she needed to do.

  Make the Baron suffer enough that he knew it wasn't simply a game, but not so much that he remembered it as her being more than a little hard with him, later.

  "Relax, Riven. We have to go on until you take it all. Then, when you've learned not to speak ill of Timon Baker, you may have your release and service me." She accentuated that statement with a slightly deeper thrust, earning a gasp that sounded a tiny bit pained, but wasn't anywhere near a scream.

  After all, the man was well used to this kind of thing.

  "What?" He stopped talking after that, as she worked the first several inches of the wooden cock in and out of him. She was still moving slowly, letting him get used to it, rather than truly punishing him with it.

  He quivered a bit though, and after a bit more groaning, grunting as she forced him to accept what she was doing, his pillow muffled voice came again.

  "I... Thought this was about those people..."

  The ones that had died, slowly and painfully, because he wanted more coin.

  A little ruthlessly, Maria smiled, then bore down, pushing the dildo deeper inside him, stretching him to the point that he actually did scream, if softly. Not that anyone would hear him doing it.

  "No. You should be punished for that, but a Baron in his barony is the law. This is about the other mistake you made. Even hinting that you'd rape Tim Baker, or that he enjoyed that kind of thing, it's insanity, Riven! Even if it wasn't what you meant in truth, that kind of thing could have our entire Kingdom ruined, in hours. I know that it might harm your pride to think of a young man from so far away as being that capable, but it's simple reality now. I assure you, in the seven years that Marvin and I have been married he's never even hinted that I treat one of my lovers like this. Now get ready, because I'm doing this to save your life, I think."

  She gave him a half moment to understand what she'd really said. She didn't think that her husband would actually kill him for those reasons, but after a bit, his head on the pillow and turned to the side, he nodded.

  "I understand." Then he tensed, knowing what was coming.

  Taking a deep, shuddering breath, she nodded, and reached between his legs again, stroking him gently at first. He'd gone partially soft, thanks to the pain he was in. She didn't move the large dildo for a bit, only holding it in place, until he grew hard again. Then, after closing her eyes, she started to stroke him furiously.

  "Hold then, and take it as best you can!"

  Then, feeling a bit scared for her lover, she took him, forcing the device inside him to the hilt, and began to work his manhood in time with the thrusts she made. He cried out, but she didn't stop, taking him with enough vigor that she knew, from personal experience, that he would find it hard to sit the next day.

  He wasn't quiet about things, and just because she was secretly a monster inside, she kept going, even after he spent himself on the coverlet. Her hand kept going in the front too, as she made him suffer a bit from the back. He wasn't crying, but it was clear it wasn't that fun for him either.

  "Do you understand, dear Riven? Tell me you do, and I'll stop." She nearly added a begging please to the end, but didn't need to.

  He was more intelligent than that.

  "Yes! I misspoke and... Ahg!" He yelled as she pulled the thing all the way out, not going slowly. Then he laid on the bed, panting for a while. When he spoke, his voice was raspy, but not hard. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

  She set the tool aside, and made him turn over, laying in the spot that he'd made on her coverlet. It was cruel perhaps, but she wasn't really done with him yet.

  "You didn't mean to imply that you were threatening to rape a person that has undergone such before? One that you owe so much at the moment that it should be him taking you to task for this, rather than me? Baron or not, there are things you simply don't say, Riven. Not anywhere, or to anyone. We've kept this punishment light. Perhaps too much so for the rage of my husband. I highly suggest that when you leave you let him see you limping mightily. Elsewise, I don't doubt that the next time you meet him, you'll receive another invitation for something similar, but far more intense. I know that this might be an insult and make things difficult between us, but truly, I did it to help you. I hope you understand that?"

  The man seemed a bit sullen, but didn't throw her off when she leaned in, looking up into his eyes.

  Then, carefully and knowing he'd be very sensitive, she took him into her mouth. The oil that covered him was slick, but not unpleasant tasting. It was one of the reasons she liked to use that particular variety. It had a light orange flavor to it, a taste that was just enough to cover the base oil used.

  Having just gone, the natural reflex would be for him to go soft and recover then, but she didn't allow it, even as he moved to try and push her away a bit. Not enough for her to think he didn't want her there, but enough to show that what she was doing to him was hard for him to handle in the moment.

  Maria sucked the head into her mouth, hard. The vacuum that created caused him to begin to grow again as she worked on him. It had nothing to do with desire on his part, she knew, but worked. Still, she needed to breathe, so backed away a bit, and used her hand on him, so he couldn't lose interest. Going back and forth that way she had him back to nearly full attention in about ten minutes, so increased what she was doing with her hand. Normally, if they reached this kind of point, she would have asked him to take her, but given what they'd just done, she decided that it would be giving him too much control of the whole thing. Instead she wrapped her fingers around the base of him, at the root of his hardness, and squeezed.

  "Now, I want you to get on all fours again. Do it. Now."

  The man groaned, sounding a little scared of her. She understood that one. The natural assumption would be that she was about to return to fucking his ass. Probably with an even larger and more painful tool. She wasn't even half that cruel though, and when he flipped over and got his arms and legs under himself, she simply started to milk him with her hands. Hard.

  It forced blood into the tip of his penis, and he groaned as it happened. It wouldn't hurt him though, or cause much pain. It was however, him having to put himself in a vulnerable position, leaving her in control of him. She wasn't exactly being gentle either. After a few minutes of this, she slapped his behind with her open palm. Not very hard, and only to get hi
s attention.

  "Now, I'm going to do this again until you spend a second time. Then I want you to clean up and leave. Remember to limp on the way out. Do you think you can do that? Or... I know."

  It was a different toy, and nearly as thick as the mid-point of the one she'd used on him already, but much shorter and meant to be worn under the clothing. If she sent him off with it, she'd need another, but that was fine. They weren't that hard to purchase. There were shops in the market that sold them, after all.

  Making sure he finished first, stroking him hard as he was on all fours took a long time. Almost nothing came out this time too, but it was enough she knew that he hadn't just faked his response to try and get away.

  A bit wickedly, she slapped him again.

  "Now, don't move. This will help you. Here."

  His ass took the plug she had for him easily enough, being recently stretched, and it didn't hurt him, for all that wearing that kind of thing was awkward. Getting a towel, she wiped him down, since he was covered with sweat, and had been laying in his own seed at one point. She lingered over the task, trying to make it feel as nice as possible. It was one thing to play a bit harshly with her friend, but another to send him away thinking that he'd been forced to do what he had.

  Again, she knew it was a fine line to tread.

  If he felt truly abused, there could be a duel over it. Possibly one where he challenged her for her actions, or her husband for causing it. Or, if he were less bright than she thought, Tim Baker, because his name had come up in the matter. There could even be assassination attempts, or other less than honorable lashing out toward them. So she made a point of helping him clean himself, then covering him with a smattering of soft kisses, turning the whole thing into a game, of sorts.

  "There we go, love. Now, bear this well on the way out and make certain that you get that food to your people? Please? I'll take it as a personal favor."

  The man sighed, but got his pants back on, and started to move away, but at the curtain he stopped, let it fall and crawled back onto the bed.

  For a moment she expected that he'd want to take her behind in the same fashion that he'd been used. That would be symmetrical, she knew. Uncomfortable, but she could bear it, in the interest of keeping him on her side for the time being.

  Instead he reached into his trousers’ inner pocket, and pulled a folded piece of paper out. He didn't speak about it, just handing it to her, then walking away. She knew that she needed to go with him, but opened the thing first. It was clearly the message that he'd wanted to give her.

  Looking at it, reading the whole thing, Maria nodded, knowing that no one would see her. It wasn't complete by any means, but she could get a good sense of what it meant, even at a quick reading. The rebellion was about to make a last effort to take the throne and place Kedrin, the King's brother on it. The idea was to use poison, but not one administered by food. No, they wanted to put it on, and in, a woman, and then have her entice the King to have sex with her. That part was nearly brilliant.

  If they used the right lady, then no one would be able to search her that closely, and no one used a poison detection amulet on another person, just food and drink.

  The plan itself seemed to be one of desperation however. A true last gasp. If the King didn't die, like he was supposed to, with his heir still on the Moon, unable to come back for several years, then the whole thing was finished. If found out, trying such a thing would be a good enough reason for anyone taking part in it to be put to death. Count, Countess or offline Prince.

  Several people seemed to be part of the plan, but she couldn't tell who exactly. No names were used, just codes for each of the people that were taking part in it. One called Corbie, who was to provide the special poison for instance. The one that was supposed to put it on the woman was called Wren. Songbird had people inside the palace who might be able to help the lady who did the actual deed get out. It was far from certain of course. Those people were all low ranking, and didn't know that they were going to be blackmailed to such an end.

  If any of them stood on honor or duty, then that part would fail, leaving the assassin to be captured, and probably tortured to death.

  Of course, as far as the rebellion knew, there was only one woman on their side that could possibly get past the Truth amulets used at the palace gates.


  At any rate, they wanted to use the special amulet that the Wizard Timon had made, which could be substituted for a regular Truth device, thus allowing the young lady to come and go unchallenged, even into the company of King Richard.

  Those lines were enough to convince her that Riven hadn't read the missive he was instructed to pass, at least. If he had, then he might have been a lot less unkind toward the wizard in question. No one sane would go after a man that could kill them and then lie to the world baldly about the deed, while making it seem that they were totally innocent of all wrong doing. That several people knew about the thing made sense though. It was the excuse that she and Marvin had used to explain how they could swear fealty to the King and not really mean it at the time.

  They had, of course, but Tim had saved them when challenged on it, by producing a working amulet that could allow exactly what they needed. The thing there was that she and Marvin didn't actually own the thing. It was, as far as she knew, with Timon Baker, on the Moon.

  Where it belonged. They'd never claimed to own it however, just that they'd rented the use of it, which the coconspirators seemed to understand.

  No, the rebels just wanted her to go to Harmony, along with Marvin, since they weren't sure who had the needed connections there, and retrieve the thing, then work out a plan to get it into place at the right time, so that the rather attractive woman they'd chosen could get into place to try and seduce King Richard. Killing him with her love, as it were.

  There were so many holes in the idea that it was doomed to fail, right from the start. In fact, it was such a bad plan that she almost felt bad for the people involved. At almost every point, it pretty much had to go wrong, didn't it?

  First, even if she could get the amulet, getting it into place was going to be almost impossible. Yes, they'd claimed to have done it before, and she actually might make that part happen, by simply going to the King himself and begging him to set that part up, so they could finally end the rebellion and she could have her life back. The people she was working with didn't know all that though, and wouldn't have trusted her if they did.

  Then, even if that part worked, the King wasn't exactly the sort to just jump into bed for every set of sweet red lips that were moist and ready to part for him. He could have been, if he wanted, being both the King and not too hard on the eyes, but most of his time went into actually ruling, and when he bothered to dally with anyone, it was almost always either his own wife, the Queen, or with his lover.

  His male lover. Baron Coltress.

  Maria's father.

  Sending in some chipper little doxy to offer a bit of unusual bed play probably wouldn't work for him, given all of that. So if they wanted to set anything up like that, it would need to be a lot more clever than anyone in the rebellion seemed to be ready for.

  She wanted to roll her eyes, but simply read the letter several times, then put her clothing on. It was a different outfit this time, since the evening meal would be coming soon, and in Ward they ate outside in the warm months. She opted for a soft, almost see through gown of white, which was traditional for the area. She made a small inner pocket on the left hand side, which was different than normal for her, and took a bit of focus to get the magic in place properly. The paper was refolded and placed in it. The thing was damning enough that she wasn't going to keep it anywhere that a maid, or one of the footmen, might find it. They might feel honor bound to try and stop her, to protect the King. Even if sworn to the Count, some of them would probably turn on them to protect a beloved ruler.

  That meant it was staying on her until it could be memorized and destroyed.
br />   To her surprise Riven was standing at the door, waiting for her, so they walked out together, the large man limping a lot, still holding the plug in his behind. It would be mildly uncomfortable, but not so much that it would truly damage him. It did serve to make it seem like the man wouldn't be sitting well for a long time. Almost as if she had nearly ruined him that way.

  It had to be a bit embarrassing for him to be taken out to his carriage, led by her like she was doing. She held his hand the whole time, and saw her husband looking on, from near the high table at the front. No one was outside for the meal yet, being a bit early, but he was taking time to speak to one of the local women. She was short, being of merchant stock, and rather pretty.

  Debbie Smalls.

  It was very clear that Marvin was more than a bit smitten with the woman, and that they'd been lovers for years. Maria didn't mind, given the hardships that the successful lady had been through over time. Marvin was paying most of his attention to first Baron Klepter, and then, as the man rode away in his shining wooden coach, to her.

  She moved over easily enough, and hugged Debbie closely. The woman had never been her lover, or suggested it, so Maria hadn't pushed the point, but it would be fun to try that sometime, if they got the chance. They were friends regardless.

  The Count let his eyes follow the Baron, as he left.

  "I take it that he won't be making such mistakes again anytime soon?"

  Maria sighed, but had to shake her head.

  "I don't know. I tried to be harsh with him, but I fear I'm too kind for such things really. Still for a time he should have the right message."

  That got her smiled at, from her giant husband.

  "Well, that's all we ever really get, isn't it? A few moments of peace before the next storm rolls in." Then he rested his hand on her shoulder, and gave it a small squeeze.

  She nodded, knowing that was just true. The best you ever really got was a momentary improvement. You couldn't punish people into permanent change. They had to want it for themselves.


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