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Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1)

Page 11

by P. S. Power

  That got Trice to scream in pleasure.

  "Fuck! Don't stop. Don't stop! I'm almost there..."

  Maria started to anyway, as Tor pulled out, but hard hands on her head held her in place, as the woman ground upward, gyrating.

  "I said don't stop you filthy whore! Use your tongue... Oh!"

  Then, after a moment, they were all able to sit back, breathing hard.

  Chapter eight

  One good thing about having sex with Tor, Maria understood almost instantly, was that the Wizard gave you exactly what you wanted. A lot of men would have petted her behind after the rough treatment it had gotten, or kissed her perfunctorily, but he actually took the time to hold her. Naked still, he cradled her against him, his partially erect manhood throbbing a bit.

  Even better, it made Trice slightly jealous. At first Maria wondered if it was about her not paying enough attention to the other woman, so she reached out, her hand being snagged out of the air. It was placed against her friends face, gently. Nuzzled a bit, then kissed.

  Trice didn't make her keep guessing what was going on however.

  "It's him, not you. Since I married his brother he won't touch me. I mean, barely even a hug over the holidays. Just totally cut me off." She sighed, and shook her head a bit. "It isn't like Tim would care that much. He's far less country than Tor is, that way."

  The dark haired man cuddled Maria a bit closer, and nodded, his chin rubbing on the side of her head.

  "True. That was all your choice though, so don't blame me for it now. I told you that would have to happen before you married him. Several times, if I remember the conversation. I understand why you did it, but there are rules about things like that."

  She snorted, her tone upset. That was less than good to hear. Not just because Maria wanted her friend to be happy either. Being in the middle of a fight was always awkward.

  "Your rules, Two Bends. Even your own parents aren't like that outside of that backwater. I'd get them to talk to you about it, but you're the Ancient of Vagus now. You shouldn't need to be instructed on things like that." She huffed a bit, a thing that Maria realized was a copy of a thing that she often did herself.

  Complete with crossed arms, and the look away. That way whoever was watching her could look at her breasts, which were being held up, and not feel observed doing it. Glancing up, she noticed that Tor was doing exactly that, and getting hard again.

  So it wasn't that he didn't like Trice, or find her attractive, it was really just about who she'd married?

  Maria tried to change the topic.

  "I need to get cleaned up. I have to go and beg soon."

  Trice glared a bit at the man behind her, but started working some amulets, bringing a strange looking structure into the corner of the room, after clearing some space. She waved at the shower stall that had appeared there, the colors garish and lovely at the same time, almost glowing. The sides had intricate patterns in them, much like relief carvings. The whole thing wasn't there, naturally, and as she watched it slowly change, the figures moving and colors becoming more subdued, the themes somehow matching the room.

  "Tenet-shower. The water that comes out isn't real, but it will get you clean and leave you dry at the end without a towel or air blowing all over you. I asked for him to build me one, and he came up with this. Isn't it lovely? I want him to do some wall art like this, too. If you stare at the pictures long enough they'll become whatever you're thinking about." She demonstrated, doing just that, and Tor's face appeared in the side of the thing as Maria walked up to it.

  The controls were remarkably simple, and the water that poured out certainly felt real enough. There was soap in there too, on a small shelf. After a moment Tor followed her, needing to clean up as much as she did. They washed each other gently, her hand finally landing on him, because he was already hard for the second time.

  She grinned, but knew it wasn't about her. No, he was glancing out at Trice.

  Maria nodded, because she could actually be helpful on that one, she thought. All men, and most women, lost all good sense and judgment when aroused enough. So she worked her hand, as the water poured down, taking the last of the oil away, leaving them both very clean. She sped up her ministrations, leaving Tor gasping just a bit. When he was just about at the highest point he could reach, but not exactly there, she stopped and turned the amulet off.

  Suddenly she was totally dry, including her hair.

  "Well! That works. I'll need to see about getting one of these for home. Now, since you've been being silly Tor, how about Trice and I take turns finishing you off? If everyone else is fine with it, and you want her, why shouldn't you do it? Did you take an oath or something?" That was possible, but he shook his head.

  "No, but Tim-"

  "Won't mind at all. He only married me to save my life, you know that. I should have found some other way, but, well, you know, I'd run out of time."

  That was story that Maria had heard, of course. Rico Gala had been her betrothed, by a bargain made when they were both very young children. Except that he was insane, and loved to kill things. Like young women. For sport. The deal said that either of them could marry first, so Trice used that loophole to protect herself. Just before Rico died, as it turned out.

  Not that it was suspicious, or anything.

  Maria reflected on that one, since she and Marvin had been ready to kill the man themselves, to protect their friend. In the end it had been someone unexpected that had actually managed it. Her spies on the scene, one of whom was an eye witness, had described the small floating form that hung outside of the Baron's window at the time.

  A small, misshapen man.

  There weren't a lot of people that fit that description who’d also had access to magical weapons. None, actually, she realized. Not now. Back then however, one Countier Lairdgren, Gerent, would have fit the bill nicely. Risking his own life to protect his love. It was beyond noble.

  It was also incredibly sad, because Trice didn't love him in return, as much as she wanted to. No, she loved Tor, who was perfect and pretty, kind and generous. Also being a stick in the mud.

  Maria stomped her bare foot, then kneeled down and started to suck him, fast and hard, bringing him to the edge. Just as she got him to that point, she stopped again. Moving aside, she waved at Trice.

  "Finish him for me?"

  It was clearly agonizing for the poor man, in the moment. His morality, as backwards as it was, wanted to say no, but his body betrayed him, as the dark curly headed girl took him deep into her mouth, then her throat. Impaling herself on him, so fast and hard he could do little else but moan and then throw his head back.

  "Ah!" There was a shuddering, and he held her head, then suddenly let go, petting her hair instead.

  She swallowed it all, as if it were an elixir, and then took him back into her mouth, slowly playing him with her tongue, not letting him go soft, even as he simpered at the intensity of it all.

  When she finally stopped Trice simply looked up at him.

  "I love you." She whispered. Her voice hoarse and low enough it was hard to hear.

  "I love you too, but... We can't do this. It's wrong."

  Maria giggled, getting both of them to glare at her.

  "What? This isn't wrong. Even the rules here say that it's perfectly fine. You're just being weird, Tor. You didn't have any problem doing me, did you? Do you think that Alyssa Baker will have a problem with this? I haven't heard of her being jealous of your lovers, you know. In fact, Petra suggested that I seek her out for that myself. We should have some things in common that way? If that's the case, then stop being silly, and follow your heart." She smiled at him, letting her own eyes soften, even as she remembered the feeling of him inside of her. "Life is far too short to turn down love. No one in any world expects you to, either."

  He looked down and sighed, then smiled, shaking his head.

  "Words of wisdom from Maria Ward? What's next, talking cows?"

  She shook he
r head, but didn't feel offended. If he didn't think of her as wise, well, she simply wasn't, was she? That was normal enough.

  "You haven't created talking cows yet? Just as well, I'm not certain I could eat them then. Not with all the begging and pleading."

  She closed her eyes, and got into her red and black gown again, with matching black slippers.

  "Now, not to be rude, but I need to find some way to entreat Queen Tiera and to get Timon Baker to lend me an amulet. You, Torrance, should go down on Trice. She took care of you, and not offering would be poor manners." It was simply true, but it was still cute how emphatically her friend nodded.

  "Exactly. That's a real thing too, so..." She pointed at herself down there, as if commanding Tor to kneel and deliver on the spot. He did, but he blushed first. Even after all they'd just done.

  Then, he didn't love her, did he? It could make a difference.

  The Countess would have been a bit jealous of them, except that she was loved. By her husband, at that, which was a rare and wonderful thing.

  Smiling she let herself out, wondering if she would be better off just waiting for one of them to come out. She had no clue how to get the Queen to part with the weapon she needed though. For that matter, she didn't know how to even set up a meeting with her. It would probably take weeks of being on a waiting list, if it were allowed at all. Except that she didn't have that kind of time.

  Sighing, she got ready to dun the poor woman, presenting herself on her very doorstep, to cry and beg, if need be. Hopefully that wouldn't have her arrested.

  She pulled out her communications device, and looked up Tiera's name. It wasn't listed at Queen Tiera, or even Tiera Baker, just Tiera. One name only.

  Being a daring soul, she tapped the name, setting the link up. After all, if it was some other Tiera, she could always apologize. The face that appeared seemed a bit stressed though. Almost on the verge of tears. It was the right person though. Tall and lovely. So much so that she almost didn't seem real, somehow. Like a painting made too perfect and flawless. Or a carving made out of white stone.

  "Tiera Baker, how may I help you?" The face schooled itself quickly, since it was clear that Maria wasn't instantly recognized. Or at least that Tiera wasn't recognizing her, which might well be a polite fiction, in case Maria was contacting her for something secret? It was true, so she smiled and nodded.

  "Hello! I was wondering if I could have a weapon from you? I should be able to bring it back in a few weeks. One of your shield stripping wands? I need it to kill King Richard. He knows all about it, but it's important that I have the right tools for the job. Oh, and while I'm begging, I hear tales of a new kind of weaponless jump ship? I don't suppose I could bribe you for one of those with sex?"

  The woman, who was perhaps twenty now, if not younger, froze for a moment, then nodded a bit.

  "All right. We can meet at least. Are you calling from Earth?"

  That made it clear that she knew who was on the device with her, didn't it? Maria shook her head.

  "No. I'm in the main hallway, just a few feet outside of Tor's bakery?"

  "Oh? I'm at home. If you head left from the shop there, and then take the right hand tunnel at the end it will take you right to my place. See you in about ten minutes? I'm at the very end so you can't miss it."

  The line went dark, and Maria hurried, walking as fast as the press of bodies would allow, until she got to the correct tunnel. That one was well lit, the large glowing emeralds on the ceiling lower here. The light radiated from the air around them, but the things were huge, being the size of both her hands placed together.

  The tunnel wasn't short, so Maria focused, raising into the air about four inches, then moved forward a good bit faster than she could have run in a dress. True to her word, there was a nice double door at the end. Before she got to it, the thing opened, and the Queen herself stood there, her face smiling, but her eyes still too close to tears.

  Without thinking about it, Maria dropped to the floor in front of her, bowed low, and then reached forward, taking her into her arms.

  "Are you all right? Is there something I can do for you?"

  Because, as everyone in the world knew, that was the very first thing to ask a ruler when you met, wasn't it?

  The girl shook her head.

  "No... I... Well, please, come in?" She moved back, the ornate carvings on the door showing a scene that had people working, using magical devices. One of them, cutely enough, was clearly making the carvings on the door in front of her. It was well done, and she touched the white stone as she passed.

  "Is this Tenet Baker's work?" It reminded her of the shower, but that could just be the lunar style.

  The Queen nodded though.

  "Yes. He did it for my birthday. Please. Can I get you something to eat, or drink?" It was clear that they were alone, with not even a servant to run simple errands. That seemed an oversight, given how people on Harmony fought for jobs. That would be a plumb one too, wouldn't it? People would probably fight for it.

  She also didn't seem to have any security either.

  Maria followed her to a sitting room, the place being large enough to have several, though it was a bit plain inside. Austere, even. She sat on the sofa that was there, and took the monarch’s hand, to prompt her not to sit elsewhere.

  "Now, what's the issue? What's upsetting you?"

  "I... It's silly, really. My friend, Sherri Bonner, is getting married, to Mark Sorenson. They're moving to her space station, so I won't be seeing her as much anymore. This place is too big for just me. I should be happy for her, but... I don't really want to be alone."

  Maria hugged her, even if she didn't know her that well.

  "I understand that! As soon as everyone finds out that Marvin and I were betraying the rebellion the whole time, I think that I might find myself alone, too. You have friends though, and jump craft, so your friend can visit you, regularly, correct? After the first blush of the marriage wears off, of course. You don't want to be that clingy friend that tries to insert themselves into everything." She felt bad, saying it that bluntly, but got sniffle and a nod in return.

  "No doubt. Well, now, I can get those things for you. A warning however, don't kill the King. That won't end well, especially if you use a weapon I gave you. Here, let me see about getting..." She wandered off, leaving Maria there alone. She didn't stand, since they were both women, but it took a while. When Tiera came back she had a tray loaded down with sweets, tea and a carafe of wine. There was also a small amulet on the silver tray, and a white stylus that looked much like a writing pen, except that one end was a loop of stone and the whole thing was white.

  Setting the whole thing on the table, the young Queen waved at it all.

  "Lemon cookies, orange sweet rolls, a light golden wine, and soothing tea. Also that weapon and ship you wanted. You'll have to find someone to teach you how to jump though. I'd say ask Sara Debri, but she hates you."

  Maria picked up the two amulets, her hand stopping halfway back.

  "She... does? That's odd. I'm not even certain I know who that is. I mean the name is clear, and I think we met once or twice. Did I offend her somehow?" It wasn't a good thing if she had, was it?

  "From what I hear it was about an incident at school, involving Tor? She was going to have you killed, years later, when she found out about it, but King Richard begged her not to. I have that from him, by the way. So we may not want to force you two together. I know, you should ask Gerent. You're friends, right? He's mentioned you. Fondly." She seemed a bit sad then, but shrugged. "He's my adopted brother, so I have to follow family rules with him, or the others will freak out."

  That got Maria to smile, even if the news about Sara Debri was odd. Maria had an enemy who wished death upon her? One that had only held back thanks to the King begging for her life? That was very different than what she would have thought. Worse, the woman was an immortal now. It would be best to try and fix things there, if she ever got the chance. />
  Still, Gerent was sweet, and very genuine in all he did. Strong too. Powerfully so. Many nobles talked a good game when it came to backing up their friends, but as far as she could tell, Gerent Lairdgren followed through, didn't he? Twice she'd heard of him killing those that were a threat to people he knew. Both of them at great personal risk, too. Anyone could be brave when it didn't matter. Few managed when the cost could be their own life.

  Looking at the still rather sad Queen, Maria nodded.

  "Well, here, why don't we have a bite to eat, then..." She was going to suggest sex, because the woman clearly wanted to be comforted, but the pale lady winked at her.

  "Then you can get back? Or do you have further business here?"

  She grinned, "Honestly? I still have more to do. I need to beg Timon for the use of his fake Truth amulet. It's the real reason that the rebels came to me in the first place, you know. No one else could get past the gate at the palace. Except that I managed it, easily enough. Have you ever entertained King Richard? In bed, I mean? He's quite worth it."

  There was a strained look for half a moment, then a shrug.

  "My uncle, by marriage. I don't know how well that would go over with anyone, but perhaps I should ask after him sometime. In a few more years I'll be able to go there and visit, after all. Until then, you can just come here, and we can..." It was strange, but she stopped speaking, as if shy, suddenly.

  Maria wasn't that way though, luckily.

  "Have sex? Go and find likely men and women to entertain us together? Go to the free whore house here and take on all comers for a contest? We can do all of that, if you want. The last one lacks a bit, dignity wise, however. We might want to skip that particular one."She giggled, as if she'd been naughty, but the look from Tiera was rewarding enough.

  "It all sounds fun though. I... Don't get a lot of that, anymore. I never thought being a Queen would be so much work. I would like to be friends however. Now, let me get with Tim and see if he'll bring that thing over for you? It will take less time than finding him, and your rebellion friends will be eager to hear from you, I bet."


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