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Page 9

by Clarissa Wild

  The large wooden doors creak, but I stay put. I’m not in the right mood to help people right now.

  However, when I notice a girl sits down next to me, I look up and a hint of a smile forms on my lips.

  “Laura. What are you doing here?”

  “I … saw you outside, so I thought I’d come say hi.”

  It’s been minutes. “And you waited until now?”

  She swallows, seemingly having trouble with her words. “Yeah … uh … Bruno, Diego, and I were playing soccer in the alley next to the church, and I happened to overhear your conversation. I wasn’t sure if I should even come up to you or talk. And then you went inside and so … well, here I am.”

  “So you … eavesdropped?” I frown. I did not expect that from her. Then again … I didn’t expect her to start rubbing her pussy in a confessional either. People can surprise you.

  She rubs her lips together and smiles coyly. “It wasn’t on purpose. I mean I was there, and I can’t turn off my ears.”

  I sigh out loud and shake my head. “How much did you hear?”

  “Enough to know you had a completely different job before.”

  “You can say it out loud,” I say. “No need to hide it if you already know everything.”

  She licks her lips and takes in a big breath. “You were a drug dealer.”

  I’m not saying anything, but I guess not denying it either speaks volumes.

  “Or you did something with those drug dealers. What did you do exactly?”

  “Anything and everything I was told.”

  “How long ago?” she asks.

  “Long time … Nine years.”

  “Wow. So you’re like what … thirty now?”

  I chuckle. “Close enough. Twenty-nine,” I answer, looking her straight in the eyes. “You?”

  “Twenty-five. But I’m mature for my age.”

  Oh, yes … that I already knew.

  “So why did you become a preacher then?” she asks.

  I take a deep breath, hoping this conversation won’t go in the deep end. “Oh, you know. I just kinda rolled into it.”


  I narrow my eyes at her. “You sure do ask a lot of questions.”

  “I’m just curious.” She shrugs. “I wanna get to know the guy I showed my pussy to.”

  I laugh out loud from that comment. Can’t help it. Her dark humor matches mine so well.

  “On point,” I muse. “But aren’t your brothers waiting outside?”

  “Nah, I told Diego to take Bruno home.”

  “Hmm … so you’ve got plenty of time on your hands.” I lick my lips at the thought of fucking her right here on this pew. I’m such a filthy pig.

  “So … talk.” She winks, pulling me from my wicked fantasies.

  “Well, if you really wanna know.” I clear my throat, lean back against the wooden bench, and stare up at the large statue in the back. “I wasn’t a good kid back in the day. I mean my parents … they were druggies, so they couldn’t do shit for me.”

  I still have her undivided attention, despite sharing that dark piece of me, so I continue.

  “Since they didn’t take care of me properly, I took care of myself. And after a while … I ran away.”

  “Oh, wow …”

  “Yeah. I ended up at this church, right here. Margaret, you know her. She practically raised me.”

  “Oh, my … I never expected that. No wonder I hear you call her Mother sometimes.”

  I nod. “She is my mother to me. The only one who truly cared about me.”

  “So you were prepped really well for the role as a preacher then?”

  “Yes and no.” I take a deep breath again. We’re arriving at the part I hate the most. The part I regret more than anything. “When parents don’t take care of their children, it leaves a mark on their lives. Like a scar. It never fades, no matter how much you scrub. When my parents brought me into this world, even though they never wanted me in the first place, it made me feel like I didn’t belong.”

  “That must’ve been horrible …” She bites her lip but listens to my every word.

  “It was but mostly because I couldn’t deal with that sense of rejection. Still can’t. I mean look at me. I’m a drunk, useless fuck because of it.”

  “Hey, you’re not horrible. We all come with baggage,” she says. “I mean my brothers and I ran away from our dad and went to live with our aunt because he was that abusive. And when she died, I was the only one who could take care of my family.”

  “That must’ve been hard on you,” I reply.

  “Yeah, but we all have a past that shapes us. It’s not necessarily bad.”

  “I am …” I sigh. “It was just never enough for me. No matter what Margaret did, she couldn’t fill that void left by my parents. I became increasingly unhappy with myself and the world, despite the fact she tried to make it as joyful as possible. I still sought my worth somewhere else. I wanted to feel good. Like I was somebody. Someone people wanted around.”

  “You hung around with the wrong crowd.” She fills in the blanks perfectly.

  “Exactly,” I say. “I joined a gang. Did whatever they asked. Loved the praise and hated the refusals but I went with it anyway. I knew I was disappointing Mother, but that didn’t stop me from seeking out more. Her love just wasn’t enough for me. And to this day, I regret that decision. I came back to her on my knees, begging for her help, and she still gave it to me. She let me back into her home, back into her life, back … into her heart. She even let me become a preacher for this church. Why? I did nothing for her. I took and took without giving back. There’s no way I can ever make it up to her.”


  “Well, how do you make up that you didn’t appreciate the love a stranger gave you, despite the fact you had nothing to offer her in return? What she did was selfless … and what I did was selfish. There’s nothing good about me.”

  I sigh.

  It’s tough to think about, but at least I’ve got some shit off my chest now. It helps a little.

  “That’s not true. I see how you are with people; you do want to help. You can be a good person; I know it.”

  “Hmm …” I wonder how deep she can see. There’s much more she doesn’t know … and I’d rather she didn’t. Some things are better left hidden.

  “Would you say that if I told you I once robbed a crippled lady?”

  She keeps looking at me with those pristine blue eyes that make me wanna drown. Fuck. How can I ever say no to her? How can I ever deny her anything if she keeps looking at me like she would accept the most heinous parts of me?

  “Would you still want to talk to me if I told you I once sold drugs to a homeless boy?”

  I swallow away the lump in my throat, feeling more and more angry with myself over the awful things I’ve done. Reminiscing about these things is never good for one’s self-worth.

  “Would you ever want to see me again if I told you I'd killed someone?”

  She gasps and blinks, and I look down at my hands that dangle between my thighs. “You can go if you want. I won’t stop you.” I pause. “But you need to know that’s not who I am. Not today. Not anymore. I don’t kill anymore.”

  It’s quiet for some time, but she doesn’t move.

  Instead, she does the most peculiar thing.

  She places a hand on my knee and says, “I don’t judge people on their past sins. I judge them by their strength and their ability to do what’s right in the present.”

  My lips part, but I have no clue how to respond.

  “You were threatened, weren’t you?” she murmurs.

  I nod, unable to discuss this subject.

  “If you didn’t do it … they’d kill someone dear to you.”

  “Yes … but I also did it to prove myself, and it was wrong.”

  “You did what you thought you needed to do. And you’ve already repented for that by preaching for these past nine years. You have to stop punishing yourse

  I close my eyes to stop myself from feeling too much. She reads me like a book, and her words slice through the tangled veins coiled around my heart like a knife through butter.

  She squeezes my leg slightly and says, “I’m not leaving. I know you’re struggling. That’s why I came to you. I feel you … You’re like me.”

  Those words. I know exactly what she’s talking about. From the moment I first saw her, I already knew we had a connection on a different level. Something you can’t taste or touch, but something out of the ordinary. Something that makes us understand each other.

  And I do the most irresponsible, stupidest thing ever.

  In broad daylight, for every passerby to see … I grab her face with both hands and smash my lips to hers.


  1 Peter 4:8 – “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

  Her lips are as tantalizing as I imagined them to be. Fiery, so damn delicious, and when she kisses me back, it only makes me want her more. Even though it feels wrong, I can’t stop, and I won’t. Her mouth is so sweet and everything I hoped it to be.

  My tongue darts out to lick her lips, eager to find its way in. Her lips part, allowing me to slip through and claim her mouth as mine. And fuck me … does it feel good.

  As I come closer, her fingers grasp my shirt and pull me in. Our mouths are locked in a lustful battle, needing more and more. Heated kisses make my body crave hers, and my hand instinctively reaches down her chest, brushing my fingers along her tits before letting my fingers slide up her blouse.

  I lick the roof of her mouth, and when she moans, my cock responds with a thump in my pants, wanting out so badly. I groan when her hand travels down and grabs my dick.

  “Fuck,” I hiss against her lips.

  She grins and kisses me again, rubbing my length through the fabric, and fuck me, does it feel good. I immediately reach for her tits, not caring about her blouse and bra still being in the way, and I squeeze them tight. The more I touch her, the more I can forget about my troubles, and the more I want to be deep inside her.

  “You don’t know how fucking long I’ve wanted to do this,” I murmur as my lips travel along her neck.

  “How long?”

  “Since the first time I saw you.”

  “I know … I’ve seen you looking … that’s why I did all those dirty things with you.”

  I lift my head and look into her mischievous eyes. “Then why did you ask?”

  “I just like to hear how much you’ve been craving me,” she teases with a smirk, and it makes me wanna smash my lips to hers again.

  “You should be more careful, taunting me like that. Unless you’re okay with committing the dirtiest of sins … right here in church.”

  “Right here?” she moans.

  “Yeah, did you think I’d let you go anywhere? Not a chance,” I growl, placing a few hot kisses on her neck and shoulder.

  “Fuck … I don’t think I’d be able to say no, even if I wanted to,” she mutters as I massage her tits.

  I chuckle and whisper into her ear, “So you want me to fuck you?”

  “Is that wrong? Is it wrong that I’ve been fantasizing about being fucked by a preacher?” She rubs me so hard my cock is stiff as wood.

  “Fuck no,” I say, grinning against her skin as I give her another kiss. “I’m about to make both our fantasies come true.”

  I flick her bra to the side and let my hands roam free, brushing past her nipples until they harden. With my other hand, I grab her hair and pull her head back, grunting as I lick her skin. I feel like an animal, but I don’t even care anymore. All I want is to bend her over and fuck her in every goddamn hole until I’m sated. Right here, right now.

  Does that make me a bastard?


  But this church has seen worse.

  Much, much worse.

  I know so because I was the cause. Just like I’m the cause to her sitting right here in my arms, waiting to be taken. My desires drew her in like a moth to a flame, and her willingness to be naughty only made me that much more interested in her.

  But now I’m tired of waiting. I’m going to take it all.

  Except for the moment I wanna rip her blouse off, a door opens to the left, and I scramble to take my hand out of her blouse. “Shit,” I hiss.

  “What the fuck?” she mutters, and I place a hand over her mouth, shushing her.

  “Quiet. It’s Mother.” I place a finger on my lips, and she nods. “I’ll take care of this.”

  I slip off the bench and will my dick to go down as I watch Mother walk out into the main area. I meet her halfway, and she gives me this peculiar look like I’m not supposed to be here.

  “Still here?” she asks.

  “Yes,” I say with an awkward smile as I walk beside her. “I’m not interested in going out tonight.”

  “Well, that’s a first,” she scoffs. She briefly glances at Laura, whose face is completely red, and they both wave at each other.

  “I’m going to meet the girls,” Mother says.

  Girls. I snort. They’re not even close to young.

  I guess she means the women she plays bridge with.

  “I know,” I say, accompanying her.

  “I told Carl he could go, so he went out the backdoor. I’ve already locked it. But if you’re staying here, I don’t need to lock the front, do I?”

  “No, I’ll take care of that,” I say. “You go out and have fun.”

  Right before we arrive at the big doors, she turns around and asks, “Are you sure? I mean… I’m a bit worried about you.”

  “Yes, it’s fine! I’m feeling great.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I roll my eyes and put my arm around her shoulder, opening the door for her. “Yes. Now go out and have some fun, will you? I’ll watch over the church; don’t worry.”

  “All right,” she says as she scurries out. “Don’t stay up too late. You need a good night’s sleep. Maybe it’ll finally be a new beginning for you.”

  “Uh-huh … I will,” I reply, and I wave goodbye before slamming the door and locking it with the key I’ve got stashed in my pocket.

  When I’m sure Margaret’s gone, I turn around and see Laura standing in the middle of the hall, staring at me.

  I don’t wait.

  I’m so tired of fucking waiting that I do the first thing that comes to my mind.

  I run toward her and grab her, lifting her up, and I smash my lips to hers and kiss her like the hungry wolf I am. She wraps her legs around my waist as I take her bottom lip between my teeth and nibble, wanting to taste every inch of her. I can’t get enough; that’s how horny I am… or maybe I’m addicted to her.

  Kissing her as I go, I carry her all the way to the front of the church until her back hits the altar. There, I set her down right on top of the white cloth. In one fell swoop, I manage to chuck almost all the items off, including a chalice and a few unlit candles.

  “We’re desecrating holy ground,” she murmurs as I continue to steal kisses from her.

  “If you’re gonna do it, you’d better do it good,” I growl back, grinning against her skin as I let my lips roam free. She moans out loud as I reach her tits and grasp her ass at the same time. Squeezing firmly, I assert my dominion over her body. With my teeth, I tear off the buttons of her blouse and spit them out, shoving it aside so I can finally touch her naked body.

  “Fuck … you’re so fucking delicious,” I whisper as I twist her nipples and kiss her on her stomach.

  She squeals and giggles a little. “Jesus, you’re horny.”

  “Jesus ain’t horny, babe; it’s all me.” I smirk at her eye-roll, and in one swoop, I’ve ripped down her panties and lifted her skirt, exposing her bare pussy. Licking my lips, I slide my thumb down her slit, making her squirm on the altar.

  “I’m gonna fuck that pussy raw,” I growl, rubbing her clit. “But first …” I bend over and kiss right above.
“Lemme get a taste.”

  My tongue dips out to slowly slide along the edge, making her practically beg for it. Her fingers tangle through my hair as I roll around her clit. She pushes down, unable to stop herself from wanting more. And I definitely have more where that came from.

  She tastes delicious … and I like it a lot when she’s a saucy vixen.

  “How much do you want it?” I murmur against her sweet, delicate skin.

  She mewls. “Fuck, I want you so fucking much.”

  I twirl around her clit, expertly avoiding it while watching her face scrunch up from desperation. “Beg for it.”

  “Oh, please, give it to me,” she moans, biting her bottom lip.

  I lick my lips from excitement, and her taste only turns me on more. So much so that I start rubbing my dick while I’m licking her.

  “Call me by my name,” I whisper, planting a kiss on top of her clit.

  “Fuck, just give it to me.” Her voice is heady and feverish.

  Another quick dip between her slit has her bucking.

  “Who?” I muse, sliding my finger along her entrance until she practically leans in to receive it.

  “Fuck me, Frank!”

  Fuck me; I love it when a woman is so needy that she’d do pretty much anything for it.

  What can I say? I’m a sucker for giving a woman everything she needs.

  Pleasure. It’s all mine, and I’m claiming her now.


  I cover her pussy with my mouth and let my tongue roam free. Her engorged clit is so damn wet I can’t help but suck and lick everywhere. Top to bottom, not an inch of skin is missed. She tastes so good, and all I want is more. So when she grips my hair and rubs her pussy against my face, I stick my tongue into her pussy and roll it around.

  Her moaning squeals tell me she’s close.

  That and the fact she’s as wet as a monsoon.

  Fuck me.

  I rub my dick even harder, wanting to feel every inch of her pleasure myself. I’m a greedy fuck.

  I grab her waist tight, digging my fingers into her skin as my animalistic urges bubble to the surface. My tongue swivels back and forth across her pussy, licking up all her wetness until she begins to squirm underneath me. I know she’s close—I can feel it—so I shove two fingers into her pussy and make her feel what I’m going to do to her in a minute.


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