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Page 23

by Clarissa Wild

  I snort. “She sure is … and quite the mother too.”

  “I think you two will do well with Bruno …”

  “You do?” I do value her opinion. A lot, actually.

  “He’s just as spirited and courageous as you were when you were young,” she muses.

  “Really?” A lopsided grin appears on my face.

  “Of course, and you know what? I think they’re waiting for you.”

  “But …” I grab her hand. “I can’t leave you alone in this huge place.”

  She snorts. “Course you can. You did it before.”

  I scratch the back of my neck. “True …”

  “But those boys and that girl are actually a good reason.” She pats me on my cheeks again, this time even harder, making it feel like she’s trying to teach me a lesson.

  “So you’re okay with …?”

  “Course I am! Just go.” She twists me around and pushes me. “Be where you’re supposed to be.”

  “But I’ll still come do the sermons …” I mutter.

  “Yes, yes. But not today.” She gives me a surprising slap on the butt that stings a little. “Now go.”

  “All right, all right,” I say, laughing a little.

  Warmth fills my chest the moment I see Laura’s glinting smile as she greets me. “Hey.”

  “Hi, yourself,” I muse, rolling my eyebrows until she laughs. “One sec, I have to grab my bag.”

  “Okay,” she replies as I quickly run into my room and back to her again with my bags in hand. “Ready when you are.”

  She playfully slaps my chest and says, “C’mon. They’re waiting.”

  “They being ‘the boys,’ I assume?”

  She folds her arms. “Who else? Besides, they asked why you weren’t at home.”

  I put my arm around her shoulder as we turn and walk toward the exit. “You do realize you basically gave me the go-ahead to move in with you, right?”

  She chuckles. “Like that was even up for debate.”

  I pull her closer. “Now you’re getting it.”

  I can’t stop grinning. The whole way we drive back to her place, I’m just goddamn happy. And that says something.

  When I jump out of the car, Bruno’s peeking through the window with a big, fat smile on his face, shouting at his brother. He runs off and opens the door for us.


  His face and the smile that follows as he runs out into the yard and into my arms are all I need.

  I’m here.

  I’m exactly where I belong.


  Holding Bruno’s hand, I walk into Chuck’s Bar and sit down on a stool with him. He claps his hand with excitement, looking up as Chuck walks in from the back.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t Frank Romero.” He puts down a few new boxes of liquor on the floor and shoves them under the bar. “I didn’t expect to see you back here.”

  “Yeah. For a minute, I didn’t either,” I jest, snorting.

  “What happened? Got in a bar fight again?”

  “Eh, something like that,” I answer, winking at Bruno who I know has many questions he can’t wait to ask.

  “And who’s this young fella?” Chuck asks him.

  “I’m Bruno.” He holds out his little hand, and when Chuck grabs it, he dramatically shakes it.

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Bruno.” Chuck’s rumbling laugh fills the bar.

  He puts down a glass in front of me. “The usual?”

  “What’s the usual?” Bruno asks, curiously looking at the glass.

  “It’s something for grown-ups,” I say. “You’ll get to try it out too, one day. But …” I clear my throat. “Let’s have a drink together.”

  “Oh, yes! Something fizzy.” He grins. “Laura doesn’t let me have fizzy drinks.”

  “Well, you can have them here,” Chuck says.

  “Coke,” I say. “Two.”

  “Two?” Chuck raises a brow.

  I shrug. “No more alcohol for me.”

  “Really?” He frowns, surprised.

  “Yup.” I feel kind of proud about it, if I do say so myself.

  Just as proud as I am of my son.

  I pat him on the back and ask, “You like that, kid?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never had Coke, but I can’t wait to try it!” he says, a little too over the top, like kids always do.

  I smile. “But you gotta promise me you’ll drink it fast. We have to be at the church soon.”

  He nods, but his eyes are immediately distracted by Chuck pouring Coke into the glasses. It’s as if he can already imagine what it tastes like. His innocent excitement really makes it that much more fun.

  Chuck dunks a decorated straw into Bruno’s drink and pushes it toward him. “There you go, kiddo.”

  “Oh, look at all the bubbles!” Bruno squeals, leaning over to hear them burst in his ear.

  I lean in and whisper, “If you blow into your Coke, you can make even more.”

  He forms an O shape with his mouth and then immediately puts the straw against his lips, blowing hard. Half the Coke spills over his glass, but the giant bubbles that form make him giggle hard.

  Chuck shakes his head and laughs as he gets a small towel and wipes off the bar. “You’re teaching him all the wrong things. Guess no one could expect anything less from you.”

  “Damn right, he’s gotta be just as bold and brass as his dad.”

  Chuck smacks down the bottle he was unpacking onto the counter, his jaw wide open. “Dad … wait, what?” His eyes flash back and forth between me and Bruno, and the more he seems flabbergasted, the more I’m starting to grin.

  “He’s … your son?”

  I take a big gulp of my Coke before I answer. “Yep.” I wrap my arm around Bruno’s shoulder, who’s happily slurping down his Coke.

  “But I thought he was …”

  “Lost,” I say, winking. “It’s a long story.”

  “My God …” Chuck shakes his head like he still can’t believe it, and he leans over the counter. “Let me take a good look at you.” He eyeballs Bruno like he can’t believe what I’m saying, but the longer he stares, the more I see a smile. “He does look a little bit like you. Damn.”

  Bruno sticks his finger into the air and yells out, “Damn!” Making us both laugh.

  “He’s got your vocabulary all right.”

  With a smug face, I lean back on my stool. “Told you. My son.”

  “God … I still can’t believe it.” He shakes his head in disbelief.

  “Well, it was a surprise, to say the least. I guess God really does care about me after all,” I joke.

  “Maybe he saw how much of an ass you were making of yourself and decided enough was enough,” Chuck retorts, and I nod, smiling like an idiot.

  “Damn straight, and we both deserved it, didn’t we?” I hug Bruno and rub his head, messing up his hair.

  “My previous daddy wasn’t nice at all, but Frank is. He makes a lot of jokes and takes us out to the park and the zoo. Sometimes, he farts too, and they’re just as smelly as mine are.”

  Chuck and I snigger.

  “And he even cooks spaghetti!” Bruno adds cheerfully, sipping his Coke.

  “Previous daddy?” Chuck raises his brow. “Do I even wanna know?”

  “No chance.” I chuckle. “Maybe another time, but not today. We’ve got somewhere to be.” I drink the whole glass and put it down then climb off the stool. “Ready, Bruno?”

  He makes a few last bubble sounds with his straw before finishing up.

  “Done!” he boasts, handing the glass back to Chuck with flair.

  “See you next time, kid.” Chuck winks. “Pleasure to meet ya.”

  “It was nice to meet you too, sir!”

  “Such a gentleman, hmm.” Chuck nods, clearly impressed. “Must’ve gotten that from your mom because he sure as hell didn’t get it from his dad.”

  I laugh as I help Bruno off the stool and grab his hand. “W
e’ll see you soon, okay?”

  “Sure,” Chuck says as we turn around and walk for the door. “Oh, and tell Laura to buy some lights for tonight before she comes to work. I need to get them fixed, but I keep forgetting.”

  I stick my hand in the air, yelling back, “Will do!”

  An hour later, I’ve finished my sermon about hardships and how God will always help you find your way back to happiness.

  For the first time in ages, people are smiling at me.

  For the first time in forever, Mother didn’t interrupt my speech halfway through and demand I stop.

  It went so well that even Laura came up to kiss me, embarrassing the boys to the point of them blushing and telling us to go find a room.

  I’m still reeling with excitement as the people leave the church, thanking me for my help. It seems like ages ago that I last acted like a total douche even though it was only a few weeks. So much has changed between then and now. Looking back, I can only say … I’m so damn glad I went through everything I did.


  Because it meant meeting my son again.

  Because it meant falling in love all over again.

  It’s not easy starting over.

  But the people who love me definitely make it worth it.

  Laura walks up to me and smacks me on the butt. “Well done, dude.”

  “Thanks.” I grin. “You already said that.”

  “I know,” she says with a mischievous grin. “But I want you to remember that.”

  “Is that some kind of hint?” I muse, pulling her toward me and grabbing her butt.

  “Maybe …”

  “Eww,” Diego mutters.

  “Guys, why don’t you go back home?” Laura tells the boys. “You can play the new game we bought …”

  “Really?” Bruno’s eyes light up like there’s a fire behind us.

  “Yes. But only if you and your brother behave.” She holds up a finger. “No fighting.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I still need to write my résumé, so I don’t have much time anyway,” Diego says, grabbing Bruno’s hand. “C’mon.”

  “Does that mean I go first?” Bruno asks as they walk to the door.

  “Sure, why not,” Diego says casually, waving at us as they walk out.

  “Résumé?” I mutter.

  “Yeah, Diego’s looking for a job.” Laura winks. “Finally.”

  “Good. I’m proud of him. He’s come far,” I say.

  “Yeah …” she agrees.

  Mother has already left to go get some groceries for the small refrigerator she has in her room, so now Laura and I are all alone in this big, empty church.

  I wonder what will happen.

  “So …” Laura fiddles with my shirt. “I’ve been thinking … It’s been too long since I last did a confession.”

  “Oh, really now? Is there anything you need to tell me?” I ask, grabbing her fingers to kiss, one by one. “Anything … filthy? Raunchy? Wrong?”

  She bites her lip. “All of it … and I think we should go discuss it in the confessional.”

  “Hmm …” I nod, raising a brow while a devious smile appears on her face.

  “One on one, you know … to get down to the core.” Her hands are all over my crotch, making my dick hard and my grin even bigger.

  “I may have a little bit of time for that … After all, you never know when Margaret will come back,” I say, grabbing her ass and squeezing tight.

  “It’ll only take a few minutes … Not a lot is going to come out of my mouth. Just in.” She grins.

  I grab her chin, and our lips graze before I give her soft kisses, which quickly turn into rabid ones. We slowly stumble backward until we hit the confessional, and she squeals when we fall inside.

  I sit down on the bench and pull her on my lap, rubbing my hard-on against her underwear. She’s only wearing a skirt, so I can easily slip my fingers underneath and touch her.

  “Forgive me, God, for I’m about to sin like fuck,” Laura murmurs as she kisses me and rubs her tits all over my chest.

  “Oh, yes …” I whisper, smiling as I brush my lips against hers. “Let’s sin like fuck together.”

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  Read on for an excerpt of Wicked Bride Games!

  Excerpt of Wicked Bride Games


  Accompanying Song: “The Demon Dance” by Cliff Martinez


  Nine girls.

  That’s how many are aligned in this room, including me.

  Nine girls with perfect hair and nails, their faces hidden under layers of makeup, their bodies dressed like mannequins from a high-end store.

  Nine girls inspected and judged like cattle.

  Three men.

  That’s how many are standing in front of us.

  Three men with the most beautiful faces wearing the most devious smiles.

  Three of us will be theirs.

  We all signed a contract, knowing full well what it entailed. For three weeks, they can do with us what they want, whenever they want, and in exchange, we will receive fifty million dollars. Each.

  We all thought we knew what we wanted.

  We were wrong.

  These are the Wicked Bride Games.

  The ultimate test to see if we’re willing, able, and … greedy enough to want the world.

  I want nothing more than to win … And I will win.

  Even if it means committing cold-blooded murder.

  Part I

  The beginning



  Accompanying Song: “Anne” by Santigold

  “I’m sorry, Naomi, but we have to let you go.” The lips of the man in front of me curl up into a short-lived smile. I clench my dress and fight the need to dig my nails into my skin. Or his.

  “The company can’t continue to do business without making cuts, and unfortunately, your position is no longer required, which is why we’ve come to this conclusion.”

  “You can’t do this,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Well … I just told you we are,” he scoffs like my retaliation insulted him.

  He shifts in his seat, his Adam’s apple moving up and down in his throat as he looks at the sheets of paper in front of him instead of at me. Damn fucker can’t even look me in the eye as he tells me I’m finished.

  “I need this job,” I reiterate.

  He sighs. “We know you do.”

  We. It sounds like he doesn’t feel a thing while he says it. Like he’s not a real person behind this façade.

  I wonder what it’s like to be in his position. To have the power to accept and dismiss on a whim without having to look out for yourself. I wonder if he goes home every night and kisses his wife without feeling remorse. If he sleeps well. If he’ll have nightmares of me screaming at him.

  “But that’s not possible, unfortunately. I’m so very sorry.”

  No, he’s not. He’s just saying that so I’ll have empathy for his situation. As if he’s the victim for having to tell me this horrible news. No.

  “If you were sorry, you’d help me get a different job. With the company or somewhere else.”

  He leans forward, holding a pen in his hand, which he swivels back and forth maniacally. He clears his throat and frowns. “I’m sorry, but we currently don’t provide such benefits. The only thing I can do is provide you with a letter of recommendation for your next employer.”

  “And that’s it?”

  “Yes. You’ll receive your final check within three days. I can try to speed it up, but I can’t promise anything.”

  I stare at him in disbelief. “There’s got to be something …”

  “No, sorry. The boss has already decided.”

  The boss. Good excuse not to take any responsibility for the layoff himself, even though I doubt the company really needs his position either. He only barks at his employees, even when they
’re doing their job correctly, so he can sit back and watch them sweat. He knows he has the power, and he loves it. I can see it in his eyes.

  Sometimes, I wish I had the same power. I’d use it to screw with people like him and make them pay.

  His fingers slide some papers my way, but I don’t even look at them as I snatch them off the desk. I get up and straighten my skirt, putting up a front. I’m not about to let this fucker notice my dismay. Not if I can help it. I’ll keep my dignity with grace.

  So without looking at him, I turn around and walk out the door, hoping he breaks that pencil of his and shoves it up his ass.

  Later that day

  Mom grabs my hands and rubs them. “Your hands are so cold, honey. I just drank a cup of coffee, so mine are nice and warm.”

  I smile, but the smile doesn’t stay. “Thanks.”

  “You look so pale, Naomi. Are you still eating okay?”

  “I’m fine, Mom.” I clear my throat, trying not to sound upset. “How’s Dad?”

  “Oh, you know, the usual.”

  “He’s not smoking anymore, right? Tell me you threw them away.”

  “I did; don’t worry,” she says. “Besides, he’s not going anywhere. He can’t even get out of bed anymore, and he’s still coughing up his guts.”

  The way she describes it makes me wince.

  “Is he still taking the meds? You know you have to watch him take them.”

  “Yeah. I hand him the glass of water myself every morning with them.”

  “Good.” I nod. “If he won’t put in the effort, then at least you will.”

  “Oh, honey … I know your dad can be a … complicated man, but he’s only trying to be less of a burden.”

  “When is he going to understand that he’ll never be a burden?” I squeeze her hand.

  “I don’t think he ever will.” She briefly chuckles, but it fades away too. “That’s just the way he is. Never accepting any help. Always stubborn.”


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