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Fae Rose Academy: Year One (For The Purely Divine Book 1)

Page 8

by Quinn Ashwood

  He rose up and began to walk to the door.

  "When that happens, you're giving the enemy exactly what they want. As for what happens after's in Mother Universe's hands."

  He opened the door and looked back at me.

  "Rest and think about what you want out of this, Xavier. As your father, I will be there for you, but as king of this kingdom, you must embrace this task with open-mindedness, or you will surely fail. Our kingdom will not serve a failure. Keep that in mind."

  With those words, he left me alone in the infirmary with my lost pride.

  Fae Rose Academy?


  * * *

  "Happy birthday, Rosadette!" Camilla cheered. My tear-filled eyes glared at her like she'd just insulted me.

  "Oh, don't cry! It's not that serious," Camilla brushed off. "It was just a tiny punch."

  "Tiny punch?! He went soaring into the air like he was a paperweight and not a tall, grown man! Plus, he's a fae prince, Camilla! He's probably going to order for my head to be sliced off. No, he'll request for me to be hung in front of his people for being human scum!"

  Pacing the luxurious room we'd been situated in for the last three hours was going to drive me to the brink of insanity if we didn't get answers soon.

  The moment it was confirmed that Prince Xavier was knocked out, all bets were off. The army he'd brought with him immediately charged towards us in all directions, seconds before they were all lifted into the air and scatted through the night sky by my "innocent" best friend, who was apparently a fae witch!

  That led to more fighting, kicking booty, and hoping I didn't end up in fae jail for all eternity, but the fight only lasted another minute before the most beautiful woman emerged from the very ground.

  Literally from the soil itself.

  It was like watching a grand scene in a movie, her body emerging from the depths of the soil that glided off her body like she was water and it was oil. Not a speck of dirt clung to her glittering red dress, and her long blonde strands remained in their tightly coiled glory.

  From the golden rhinestone crown that rested on her head to her glorious skin, I knew this woman was of royal nature, but it was her blue eyes that triggered my memory. My knees buckled as I fell to my knees in utter shock.

  The woman who I adored when I was but a kid was now standing a few steps before me. Her arrival made any individual who was still able to stand fall to their knees. Even Camilla, who I could see from the corner of my left eye, gawked in amazement and stopped whatever spell she was about to cast to fall to her knees.

  That woman just so happened to be a queen and the mother of the prince I'd just so happened to knock out.

  I expected to be killed on the spot, but it went down a totally different route.

  * * *

  "Queen Rose!" The guards quivered and bowed their heads right to the ground.

  I looked back at the woman as her gleaming red lips morphed into a dazzling smile. She then laughed, the sound similar to angels singing in those Christmas religious movies we all watched in the square on a tiny cracked television screen.

  The sound made you want to laugh with her, to rejoice with her.

  "That was delightful. The best entertainment in centuries." She giggled and flicked her long blonde locks.

  Roses and other flowers I didn't know the names for blossomed at her feet, each step she took rewarding the ground with new roots of life in seconds.

  My head moved up until my eyes widened, and it dawned me that the queen was in front of me and looking down at my stupefied expression.

  Her smile remained on her lips, but her eyes softened as she peered down at me, reminding me of all those years ago when she had graced me with her presence.

  "We meet again, child. You've grown wonderfully."

  Her praise had me bowing my head and immediately apologizing. "I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know he was the son! He was going to take me away and put my best friend in a coma for a year! I didn't think my punch would knock him out or do anything! Please do whatever you want with me, but let Camilla go! She didn't do anything."

  "Jeez, Rosadette. You're far too selfless. It hurts my pride," Camilla declared with a sigh.

  I looked to my left to see she'd recovered from her shock and was now at my side. She wore a sympathetic look on her face, but she didn't seem angry anymore.

  Guess her period really did end at midnight...wait. It's past midnight?

  I hadn't heard the sound of the single large bell clock we had in the middle of the town square. It's the only one that helped us keep track of time, seeing as many of us didn't have clocks or wristwatches.

  I could have been so zoned into what was happening around me that I never heard its hollow rings.

  It's officially my eighteenth birthday. Was this why everything was happening?

  "Your son threatened to kidnap my best friend and put me in a coma. My senses already tell me who you are and what type of fae you potentially can be. I'll keep my observations to myself, but if your son needed Rosadette for something, he could have simply asked. Maybe to your kind, you believe humans are garbage or anyone who stands upon these lands are pitiful excuses, but we have morals, rights. We aren't savage beasts."

  I looked back at the queen, waiting for her response - or wrath - but her smile was still beaming, and she slowly nodded.

  "You are absolutely right," she agreed, leading a wave of gasps from the very army that served her.

  "Your Majesty! T-They should have obeyed on the spot!" a guard noted.

  "That witch hurt our troops! We could have died!"

  "Silence!" The single word seemed to shut them all up, fear instilled in their eyes as they bowed to the floor once more with respect.

  "Xavier should have asked nicely first. We are not a barbaric race who can't even introduce ourselves before attempting kidnapping. This was handled wrong."

  It was Camilla's turn to gawk in confusion and a hint of awe. I wasn't too far off with my hanging jaw and my wide eyes, absorbing everything that was happening.

  "You...agree? You're protecting us?" I couldn't understand what her motive was. How could her son want to whisk me away, yet she was protecting us?

  Why? What is her motive? There has to be something we're missing here.

  The woman looked my way, and she reached out to brush my cheek with her index finger. A pinch of pain came from her touch, making me realize I'd been hurt at some point in this crazy mix up, but a growing warmth followed, and the pain vanished.

  She beamed in approval and clapped her hands.

  "I'm sure there is a lot to explain, but I should ensure my son's health first. It'll take awhile before his wounded pride heals, but any physical wounds can be dealt with. What are your names?"

  "Uh..." I trailed off and looked at Camilla, her eyes analyzing the queen for a long moment. She let her guard down and sighed.

  "Chamomile Goldstone. I'm sure you've heard of my family's name and legacy," she introduced and bowed her head slightly.

  "Ah, yes. Goldstone. Powerful, rare fae witches. Your mother is on the council and your father is the head of the crime department devoted to stopping fae who go against the rules of the universe. Good to see you've kept up with your training. You hide your aura well," the queen praised.

  She looked back to me and I scrambled up and tried to dust off my already mud-filled clothes.

  So much for first impressions.

  "Rosadette Campbell. Um...I'm just your average girl...Uh...I just turned eighteen. Nothing really amazing to see here," I nervously introduced myself, unsure what else to say. I wasn't a special magical being of any kind, so there really wasn't anything fancy with my introduction.

  "Your birthday is today. Marvelous! We should celebrate once my son is awake and we can explain everything in better detail." The queen clapped her hands, a large red portal appearing a few steps behind her. "We shall head to our castle infirmary to make sure Prince X
avier will recover well. Rosadette and Chamomile are now our guests. I do not want anyone giving them trouble, or they will have to deal with me, understood?"

  The way she said the final part was so threatening I shivered, thinking it was directed to me.

  "Yes, Your Majesty!" the guards responded in unison, some of them helping pick up the unconscious ones.

  "Make your way into the portal. There are nurses and doctors ready to attend to the wounded and give everyone a detailed checkup," she ordered.

  The way she spoke and even how she stood gave me the impression she wasn't like the normal queens in fairy tales that sat on the throne and were pampered with gifts and fine jewels from the neighboring castles and people.

  "Yes, our queen!" With that, they were making their way into the portal without a hint of hesitation. This woman sure knew how to command an army, and she must have had a bowl of kindness, treating them with dignity after an apparently "lost" battle.

  She glanced our way and offered her hand. "Do not worry. I, Alicia Rose, Queen of the Rose Kingdom, give you my word that I will accompany you to our kingdom and deliver you back here in one piece if you choose to return."

  I felt the trickle of magic in her words, the sensation a mix of tingling and whispers in the air. It was how I knew when the rich kids would use magic to trip me in the mud or ruin my set of clothes for the day.

  Camilla was at my side, and I caught her quick nod of approval. As long as she was coming, I wasn't as worried about my fate. With a slow nod, I placed my hand in hers and whispered, "All right. Lead the way to your kingdom."

  * * *

  Now we were here, awaiting our fates in the early morning of my eighteenth birthday.

  "Cheer up, Rosadette!" Camilla caught my attention as she clapped her hands. My eyes widened when her hands were wrapped in glowing red silk, and within seconds, two plates sat in the palm of her hands; a large slice of what looked to be red velvet cake sat perfectly in place, a single lit candle on one of them while the other laid down in its spot.

  I was still having my moment of shock as Camilla skipped over to me and offered the cake with the single candle.

  "I'd make more candles, but too much magic would cue the guards, and I personally don't want them thinking we're trying to escape or start a war."

  "Camilla..." My eyes watered as I stared at the single candle. I'd always wanted to try red velvet cake because it was the latest trend in desserts, but I'd never had the money to buy even one slice, and they only sold it at the rich bakeries.

  One look at my outfit and I wouldn't be allowed in. All I could do was stare at the posters that advertised the new dessert delight and hope one day I'd try some.

  Here it was before me, in celebration of my eighteenth birthday by my one dear friend who'd fight an army to protect me.

  “You do realize just how much of an amazing best friend you are." I choked on my tears as my eyes lifted to stare into hers.

  I was expecting a snarky response, but she smiled in return, her eyes filling with tears.

  "You just found out your best friend is a fae witch, a race that is frowned upon for our hybrid nature, and you still think of me as an amazing best friend. You don't get how truly amazing you are, Rosadette, but I'm happy that you've reached your eighteenth birthday and are finally learning the truth of everything."

  The look we shared was one that I knew would be cherished in my mind. I had no clue what was going on or what I was about to get into, but I knew without a doubt that my best friend would be by my side to help me figure this all out.

  A cocky smirk formed on Camilla's lips and she let out a sarcastic huff.

  "That starts with blowing out the candle and not staring into my wondrous eyes. I know my beauty leaves you speechless at times, so I forgive you."

  "Shut up!" I laughed and blew out the single candle, accepting the plate of dessert goodness. "This looks so beautiful."

  "It's meant to be eaten and not cherished in that drawer of valuables you have," Camilla reminded. I sent another annoyed look her way, but she shrugged it off and snapped her fingers; two forks appeared out of thin air and floated over to land on the side of our mini plates.

  "Eat. I'm unsure how much alone time we're going to have, and I'd personally want you to enjoy this before we get into the nitty and gritty of this world."

  "Yes!" I replied and gave her a sweet smile. "Thank you, Chamomile."

  "Happy eighteenth birthday, Rosadette. Long life and may you find both your destined path and soulmate as you enter the fruit of adulthood."

  "Can't you magically make more of it?" I blinked innocently at my best friend.

  "And make you fat? Nope." Camilla shook her head. "I will not be blamed for you gaining in those hips of yours. I already have to deal with you complaining about not getting drunk. I’m not adding another to the list of woes and sorrows."

  "But it's my birthday." I drew out with the biggest set of puppy eyes I could make.

  Camilla groaned. "When we figure out what's going on, I'll make you another one for giving a good KO punch."

  "Don't remind me." My shoulders sank before I rose up and began to pace again. "I wonder if we're going to be in jail forever."

  "My parents won't allow that," Camilla noted. "I’ve got a school to attend."


  "Now that you're about to find out what you are, I get to start attending school. It's an academy for the fae. There are different types, but there are two that are of the highest rank and are literally intertwined with one another."

  "Intertwined?" I inquired. "What do you mean?"

  "Two huge schools." Camilla raised her hands up and spread them out. "You've heard of light and dark fae, correct?"

  "Yes," I noted. "They’re two of the main and most powerful types of fae. That's what the legends say."

  "They aren't legends," Camilla revealed. "They are true tales, and these two academies helped determine what type you are by guiding you through a process."

  "What are they called?" I pondered.

  "Fae Rose Academy and Shadow Fae Academy."

  We both flinched and turned to the door, only to see that no one was standing there. Camilla looked to her far left, and she was at my side in a blink.

  A giggle echoed around the room, and like a dark curtain opening up, the queen herself waltzed out of the shadows and right into the center of the room.

  "Good morning," she greeted. "I'm sorry it took so long to check in. My son was being a tad melodramatic."

  "Is...he okay?" I immediately questioned, my stomach flipping in worry as to what our fate would be if he wasn't.

  "Sure," the queen said with a giggle. "As I said before, wounded pride can be mended. He'll make an appearance later. Don't worry about him. Are you two both well after a bit of rest?"

  We both nodded in response and she clapped her hands in approval.

  "Excellent! Then we can go right into the reveal of which school you'll be attending."

  "What?!" I shrieked. "School? Who?" I looked around as if it wasn't just Camilla, the queen, and myself in the room. "I hope you're not referring to me."

  "That I am, Rosadette," the queen happily replied. "Chamomile already knows what school she's been assigned to, am I right?" She looked at Camilla, who frowned but nodded in agreement.

  "What's the difference, and are we going to the same school?" I question before the panic settles in. "Wait. I can't afford school. Let alone fae school. Actually, I can't even attend. I'm not of fae blood. I'm your average female human with a bit of extra stamina when it comes to manual labor."

  "You're far more special than that, Rosadette." The queen looked pleased. "You will discover all of that and more, but we should introduce you to the headmaster."

  "Headmaster?" I questioned.

  She nodded and clapped her hands twice. I immediately grabbed onto Camilla as the world began to spin like we'd just hopped into a spiraling balloon. She didn't seem to mind, her focus on how t
he black walls of the waiting room shifted into golden ones.

  When the room cleared, I gazed around in utter amazement. Fine paintings and artwork covered the walls, their pieces framed with gold and rhinestones. The walls had a beautifully prosperous wallpaper of roses, vines, golden lines, and swirls.

  The room appeared to be an office covered in deep red carpet, judging from the dark brown shelves that carried books on various subjects. My eyes landed on a desk, and they widened further at the man sitting in the red velvet seat.

  He looked like the older version of the prince, a large crown resting on top of his head. The thick, royal piece was gold with black and red rhinestones, their shiny appearance hard to ignore. He looked to be in his thirties, but I'm sure he had to be much older than that. He wore a black shirt beneath the red and black fur cape that rested on his shoulders.

  He pulled back his seat and rose up, standing at his full height of 6'6", and you didn't need to be magically gifted to feel the sudden change in the room. It was stuffy in the room, which told me his magic was playing its part. The stronger it was, the harder it became to breathe normally.

  Camilla reached for my hand, wrapping her fingers around mine.

  "Excuse my rudeness, but I suggest you lower your caliber if you'd like Rosadette to stay standing long enough for you to explain the details." Camilla's voice was respectful but stern. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a hidden threat in her words.

  Camilla had never been the type to back down from people who tried to make her feel less than anything. She was born rich and she acknowledged that, but if anyone tried to make it seem like didn't deserve to wear certain clothes or accessories, she'd make sure they knew their place. It was a rare occurrence for me to get the privilege to see it, but I had witnessed it a few times and it was indeed dangerous.

  Whatever this caliber was must have been associated with magic and how much was outputted into the atmosphere. That's what my mind was trying to consider.


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