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Fae Rose Academy: Year One (For The Purely Divine Book 1)

Page 16

by Quinn Ashwood

Glancing to the mirror, I almost cringed at my reflection.

  "Dammit, Camilla. You didn't tell me I already looked like a zombie from the classic apocalypse movies! Gah." I rushed to the shower. I'd need at least thirty minutes to tame the stench and hopefully look more human than ever.

  Please let this go well.

  Facing Weaknesses And Darkness Within

  "Alright...I think I look decent," I mumbled to myself as I applied the lip gloss Camilla had left on my counter for when I felt like being among the rest of the world.

  The bag contained a wonderful red dress with rhinestones. The top was snug against my breast and waist, and the bottom half poofed out with a bit of flare.

  The neck part hooked around my throat, having a heart-shaped cutout that showed a bit of my shoulder blades and cleavage.

  There was a simple heart jewel necklace in the bag, and the length of the golden chain was perfect for it to rest right above my cleavage.

  I'd left my hair down as the style always complimented me, and added just a hint of the makeup that I could find in the bag Camilla left on one of the counters.

  The red flats I wore had a similar sparkling appearance to my dress, having bits of gold that twinkled when I shifted the shoe at a certain angle.

  With the red lip gloss, I looked far better than before. I'd have to thank Camilla when I came back for the mini concealer that helped hide the dark circles that made my eyes look sunken in.

  "You ready, Rosadette?" Rain called out from behind the door.

  "Y-Yes!" I nervously squeaked.

  Why am I so nervous? It's not like this is a date or anything.

  With another unsteady breath, I walked to the door and opened it to see Rain in completely different attire. My mouth dropped while my eyes scanned his new appearance.

  He wore a tailored suit, like one I'd only see rich people wear on holidays like Christmas. It was a ruby red, the vest made of the same sparkling material as my skirt. His shoes were golden with red sparkles. His hair was tied up in the perfect ponytail.

  With golden cuffs and a gold tie, he looked like he was about to present an award to someone and not simply escort me around to waste a bit of time before I saw the queen.

  He must have dressed up for the queen.

  Those blazing red eyes of his were taking me all in, a gleaming smile forming on his smooth pink lips as he nodded in approval.

  "You're a true gem, Rosadette."

  My cheeks felt hot and I shyly looked away.

  "I'm just your average human."

  "Fae," he corrected and offered his hand. "Want to see your new fort?"

  His playful tone and wink suddenly had me excited. I placed my hand in his offered one and he spun me around with ease, until I was facing where I'd once been studying.

  "A door?" I looked to my right, seeing his boyish grin as he nodded.

  "You have to open it."

  "I don't have a key," I reminded.

  "You don't need one." His wink had me questioning him, but he tugged me forward until we were facing the mini door he'd created against the wall. It looked like a wallpaper design that Camilla used to have in her room when she was young.

  She’d changed it later, and eventually always had a new design every year, but I'd never seen a door design as richly crafted as this one.

  Reaching to brush my hand along the engraved design of a large rose, I gasped with how real the petals felt.

  "Is this real?"

  "If you wish it to be," he teased. "I can make it wood if you don't prefer fresh nature."

  "No," I quickly stopped him when he tried to reach out with his other hand. "I love it. From afar it looks just like wallpaper, but when you're right in front, it's like a 3D projection."

  "You've seen a 3D film before?" he inquired.

  "No." I smiled. "I wish. I know about it since Camilla went once with her family during some celebration and couldn't stop talking about it. One day I'll get the opportunity, I think."

  "You will," he said with reassurance. "But first, fort time."

  "It's behind this door."

  "Correct," he agreed. "Open it."

  With a giddy smile, I reached out to turn the soft knob made of glittering gold. The door unlocked with my touch, the sound like a soft ring of a clock. Opening it slowly, I saw that the other side was nothing but darkness, but I took a step forward and returned my right hand to Rain's left hand.

  We walked in a few steps, the light from behind us the only illumination until the door closed. We were only in the dark for a few seconds, lights beginning to turn on and revealing the masterpiece Rain had made in seconds.

  "How?" I gasped in shock, my eyes scanning upward at the grand room he'd somehow made out of nothingness.

  The room was an oak-carved paradise. On my left was a full bookshelf, many of the titles reminding me of similar books I'd studied all this week. In front of us was a lounging area with space where one could sit or lay down and read. On our right was a desk space, the table part connected to the wall with levers on the side. The cushioned chair was underneath and had wheels.

  There were large vases of red roses in the corners, and a clock hung on the oak walls that displayed the time with rose stems.

  My tablet and books were all neatly piled in the corner of the lounge area, and a dessert-like cheesecake was resting on the table with a clear cover on it.

  I walked over to take a closer look, noticing how the inside temperature was cold enough within the crystal doom to keep the cheesecake intact.

  Rising up and taking in the room one more time, I returned my eyes to Prince Rainer, trying not to cry and ruin my makeup.

  "Prince Rainer."

  "Rain," he corrected with a wide smile. He walked over to me and took my hands in his. "Like it? I'm more than willing to chan-"

  "I absolutely love it!" I cut him off before he could dare try and say this wasn't as perfect as it could be. "Why? I don't deserve any of this."

  "It hurts to see a blossoming rose begin to wilt," he whispered. His comment didn't make any sense to me, but he tenderly moved bits of my hair behind my ear and lowered his hand to the side of my neck.

  "Depression does not suit you, Rosadette." His soft tone had my heart racing, our eyes getting lost in something deeper. "I want you to fight through the darkness that may haunt you in your dreams and prepare yourself for what's to come. Your potential is far greater than anyone realizes. Well, I should say, the queen and I know better."

  "You really believe in my potential enough to make me the most beautiful fort in the land?" I inquired.

  "Yup." He squeezed my hands. "You deserve an environment where you can relax and get lost in your studies. Fae learn quicker by being surrounded by nature. Roses especially bring comfort; the aroma opens your mind to new things. And being surrounded by the oak wood will aid you in retaining information. You'll be able to work a lot quicker and still get enough sleep."

  "What if someone tries to come here?" I questioned. "Or if we move dorms next year?"

  "Then you'll take it with you. Once we see where you're at magically, I'll teach you how to do it. As for people, when you’re inside, the door disappears and will only appear to those you grant entry to."

  "That means if I, say, grant entry to Prince Rainer, it'll show for you?"

  "Yup." His beaming smile was leaving me in a giddy mood. It was hard to not giggle and I had to fight not to flirt. He really was something, and his heart was filled with kindness.

  "Are you nice to all girls?" I wondered. "I mean, do you build forts for all the new girls?"

  He laughed. "Sadly, no. Girls don't like good guys."

  "Why not?"

  "We're soft around the edges and are far too kind to be with, apparently. Girls love a mysterious man, and bonus points if they ignore you." He sighed dramatically. "It's hard for a guy like me, but maybe…" He paused and looked back at me. "Maybe I can find a woman who cares not about being good or bad, but studies their person

  We turned around, heading to the door that opened on its own, directing us back to the living space. We looked back to see the door close, and like sprinkling dust, it vanished.

  "Whenever you're ready to study, it will know and appear. If someone else is around, only you will see it unless they've been approved by you. Any questions?"

  "Will the cheesecake stay cold?" I wanted to make sure or I'd go back and eat it. I'd had cheesecake three times in my life, but the cheesecake that sat there was rather different than anything I'd seen.

  "Yup. It'll remain frosted until you lift the lid. It's birthday cheesecake."

  "Birthday cheesecake?" I licked my lips at the name. He chuckled. "I heard your birthday just passed. If I'd known, I would have gotten you something grand, but I thought birthday cheesecake would be a nice treat to have after a hard day of studying."

  "Thank you, Rain." I truly meant it. Although this was a tiny action to him, it meant the world to me and was the highlight of my sad week.

  "Don't thank me so much, Rosadette." His grin was radiant with a hint of mischief. "We have a few hours to enjoy a real adventure."

  "Rosadette, if you keep your mouth like that for too long, you'll surely experience jaw pains later."

  "I-I can't help it! This entire courtyard is magnificent. No, spectacular! No...ah! I can't think of any word that can define how marvelous this place is."

  Rain had explained that the Rose kingdom and his were sisters, sitting pretty close to one another. It was convenient for royals because between the two kingdoms was a place only royalty was allowed to enter. I surely wasn't of royal background, but since I was accompanying Prince Rainer, I was offered entry.

  From our attire, it actually looked as though we were on a date of some kind, and a few brave souls had tried to ask when we made our way. Rain would smile and say we must hurry along and can't chitchat, but he didn't deny their claims.

  I should have been worried about being labeled as Rain's girlfriend, but being by his side was vastly different from being by Xavier's. When I was at Xavier's side, it felt like I was more of a shadow, a hindrance he couldn't wait to get rid of. But Rain walked next to me with pride, slowing his strides so we'd be of equal footing.

  He gave off the vibes of a true king.

  I could see why it was easy for people to praise him and bow their heads even without much knowledge of who he was. Only a few arriving fae from another land didn't know who he was, but they still bowed immediately when he passed, before asking the other fae nearby who he was.

  It could have been that invisible aura around him that made you want to obey.

  During our walk, Rain explained that all of us had auras, but you'd have to awaken your magic to see it. We'd gone to a little cafe, to get a bite to eat.

  I wasn't hungry per se, but I hadn't been eating very well to begin with, and Rain insisted I eat something, saying I'd need it for when I saw the queen.

  He explained some of the basics of fae magic and how we're the best when the sun is out. It was why the days seemed longer here versus in the lower world where things would change between daylight savings.

  He also said that as your magic grows, the vibrations of the universe strengthen it and it becomes easier to connect with nature. It was how he was able to change the wall and expand the space within it to create the fort.

  If you weren't open-minded to the idea, it would be impossible to understand it. Magic wasn't something you could fully grasp with science and numbers. He said that was the reason why it was difficult for humans to understand our race.

  Another reason why they were desperately trying to find a way with technology to gain some power back in the hierarchy of the food chain.

  Being outside of the school walls was already uplifting my spirits. The heightened anxiety I felt before had dulled, and my body that seemed to ache from tension was finally letting itself enjoy this rare moment.

  In the royal courtyard was a field of roses and other unique flowers I'd never seen or heard of. Some danced when you walked passed, while others could sing hymns and melodies. It wasn't in English, but in a sort of language that still made goosebumps appear along your arms and have you wishing there was a recording of the angelic harmonies.

  We'd had biscuits and tea, and I explained a bit more of my background to Rain. I'd told him I was a bit hesitant in sharing everything because of what had occurred, but he assured me he wouldn't take without giving bits of himself, and with those words, he graced me with more about himself.

  He was the only son of the kingdom and was going to one day be king when his parents deemed him ready. He hadn't been planning to attend Fae Rose because his family had their own academy for both light and dark fae, but his parents felt like it would be more beneficial for him to attend somewhere completely different.

  As a prince, especially when you're attending your family-created academy, favoritism was a huge thing. Even if they tried to make it seem less obvious. The perfect example was how Xavier had behaved during the entrance exam.

  All the people were fine with their actions because Xavier approved of it. He may not have told them to insult and belittle me, but his side comments and quick defense on Ella's behalf was enough to prove otherwise.

  That was what Prince Rainer's family wanted to avoid. He may still get some of the favoritism from his peers and those who wanted to butter him up, but the professors and other administrators wouldn't be as lenient.

  His thought process amazed me. He didn't want any short cuts to success, and that was something I respected.

  As we walked through a floral maze to waste a bit more time, I couldn't help but fall in love with the exquisiteness this world had to offer. We hadn't interacted with many others now that we were on the royal grounds, but it was enough to help alter my negative views.

  It could have been deemed childish to hate this world so prematurely, but Rain kept emphasizing how unacceptable this whole thing was and that the queen was not taking it lightly.

  "Does that mean people are being punished?" I asked.

  "Ella was close to being expelled before she started." Rain seemed extremely amused while I stared at him in shock.


  "Yup." Rain nodded, tightening his hooked arm around mine. "If it wasn't because of her mother begging the queen, I'm sure Ella would be looking for another academy to attend."

  "Isn't she attending so she can have a chance with Xavier?" I mumbled.

  I'd heard the bits of gossip our dorm mates would have during lunch and dinner, and how they wished Xavier would date them.

  I'm sure personality didn't matter to them. He could be as cold-hearted as ever, but why would that matter when they could be the future queen of the kingdom?

  "That's the number one reason why the number of students entering tripled this year in both the male and female departments."

  "Why the male?" I asked.

  "Some want him too." He winked when my cheeks flushed. "Others want to challenge him."

  "Challenge him?" I thought about it. "Do they want to test him to see if he's worthy of one day claiming the throne?"

  "Accurate answer," he replied. "That, or they would love to have the pleasure of killing him."

  "W-What?" I was horrified, but Rain shrugged. "Xavier doesn't know that kindness builds bridges, while rudeness burns them to ashes. He has little respect unless one proves themselves worthy of his time and attention. It's a pity in my eyes. So many strong fae are among us, hidden behind their weak or nerdy appearances."

  He turned his head my way as we came to a stop. "Not like I'm saying you're weak. You merely don't know your roots."

  "Will I discover them?" I whispered, searching his eyes as I continued. "Will I find who I am? Is it even possible? I'm an orphan."

  "Everyone with a soul has roots embedded in the very soil we stand on. The roots reach deep into the core of Mother Nature and spread into an interconnected web of mystical wonder. Just l
ike DNA, any fae can discover their past and the path towards their future. You just have to fight to claim what is already yours."

  I smiled back at him, his words vibrating within me. His presence and comforting words were giving me hope that I had a shot at this.

  I just have to strive forward and prove to everyone that I deserve to be purely divine like them.

  "Rosadette? Prince Rainer?" The slightly disgusted tone had us both look forward to see Xavier and Esmeralda. My eyes lowered to their hooked arms, just like how Xavier was eyeing our hooked arms.

  "Look at this shocking occurrence." Esmeralda smiled eerily, her eyes looking my way. "Rosadart. I'm surprised to see you out of your cave. Finally getting some sunshine?"

  I couldn't answer as Rain unhooked his arm from mine, only to place it along my shoulder and pull me closer.

  "Her name is Rosadette, Esmeralda. I suggest you show some more respect the next time you encounter the queen's apprentice." The way he emphasized my new role was like venom sinking into a fresh wound.

  Esmeralda scrunched her face in annoyance, and I could already see the spike of jealousy in Xavier's eyes, but I couldn't help but press right into Rain's hold.

  "Pleasure to see you again, Prince Xavier and Esmeralda." My voice lacked emotion, my greeting more out of respect for Xavier's royal title than anything.

  The intense staring match that seemed to be going on between me and Xavier only intensified the longer we kept it up. I had a feeling Esmeralda was doing the same to Rain, as if they had a salty history.

  "Rosadette. Rainer. There you are."

  We couldn't carry on, the automatic instinct to turn our heads to the powerful but delightful voice to our left caught our attention. The queen was standing there with the king.

  She was wearing yet another amazing gown, one of various shades of gold and brown, and her hair was braided in a crown style. Her crown sat perfectly in the middle and her lips were cloaked with brown metallic lipstick.

  The king was dressed in fine clothing that reminded me of ancient times you'd read about in fairy tales. It had similar gold and brown shades like the queen's dress, and his crown was perfectly perched on his head. They were holding hands, and as the queen looked our way, the king was staring at Xavier and Esmeralda.


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