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Fae Rose Academy: Year One (For The Purely Divine Book 1)

Page 18

by Quinn Ashwood

  "They looked rather nice together, if I might compliment."

  "You can't, Father!" I groaned and paced faster. "Rosadette is supposed to be mine!"

  "And yet you decided to be with Esmeralda and that helping her with errands was of far more importance than checking on the woman you so heartedly want to claim as yours?"

  He reminded me of my mistake, and I gritted my teeth in anger.

  "It was an error of judgment."

  "Something a man would say when they're caught cheating in bed," Father emphasized, crossing his arms as he leaned back into his throne. "Did you believe your presence with Esmeralda would spark some jealousy within Prince Rainer?" he inquired.

  "They were once together! No, they're destined to be together. Do not act as though you do not know her rose is in the same sort of chamber we have in their kingdom. I bet it's already wilted and died."

  "As it should." He shrugged. "They were not the least bit compatible and everyone knew it. Even you."

  "Why would he be blessed with it then?! Just like I'm blessed with Rosadette's? If the universe knows we aren't compatible, why bother?!"

  "Mother Universe gives us trials to determine what we can handle."

  Father and I darted our heads to the door. Mother was standing there in full fae armor. Even in the dim light of the throne room, its gleaming appearance of red and gold craved one's attention, and her loose locks laid gracefully along her face while she leaned against the door frame.

  Her eyes looked just as unamused as her straight-lined lips.

  "Something I've taught you plenty of times, Xavier. Esmeralda knows exactly why her destined partnership fell to shambles and she's not reaping those consequences. Yet you're still hanging around her like a puppy dog."

  "I..." My words got stuck in my throat, my mother's disapproving eyes only narrowing when I tried to defend myself.

  "I'm not playing with the enemy, Xavier. There are no sides when war plagues us all. I'm tired of trying to bring sense to you, and if you won't respect the chances I've given you to fix this, maybe you too must learn what loss is."

  "That's...not fair, mother!"

  "The world is not fair, Xavier, but you of all people, born in riches and raised to respect your own people, do not deserve to say such." She moved off from the doorway, her eyes moving to Father.

  "I'm tired and retiring early. We'll talk in the morning."

  Father nodded, but before Mother could leave he piped up, "How has the training been with Rosadette?"

  Whether he was asking out of curiosity or trying to make me feel worse, my mother graced her husband with the answer he sought.

  "She's improved marvelously. It'll be intriguing to see how she starts the new semester. I think many will be shocked." Mother actually smirked, her taunting eyes landing on me once more. "Before you ask, she is still your partner for the year as designated. If deemed inadequate by the end of the school year, you'll be switched automatically."

  She turned around and took a deep breath, allowing it to come out in a slow movement.

  "This may be your last chance at fixing what you've created, Xavier. Do not blame a single soul for screwing this up."

  "Shouldn't you at least support me?" My words were bitter. "You're my parents. You should support my decisions."

  Mother laughed and shook her head, looking away from me once more.

  "Do you believe I will act like a foolish parent and deny my child's wrongful decisions? How can I possibly rule in fairness with such mentality? You are of my blood, Xavier, and I still take pride in helping raise a son with so much potential."

  She looked back at me, her eyes so dark and tainted like blood, the sight leaving me trembling.

  "You know exactly where our roots lay, and if we allow it to consume us, no good will come from it. Don't fall into this foolish view of power and absolute submission. You'll never rise to the throne with that mentality, nor will you win Rosadette's heart. No matter light or dark, we all crave compassion, love, support, and a joined future of companionship. If you can't envision a life with Rosadette, you will have to watch the rose wilt, petal after petal, until any chance of hope is no more."

  I swallowed hard, fighting to keep my cold composure as my heart dropped.

  Mother walked away, the door closing behind her. The sound of her heels against the tiled floors faded away, and my father sighed.

  "Son. I have no words to say to aid you in this one." He rose up and made his way to the door. "As your mother has stated, the new year is the beginning of the second semester, or in Rosadette's case, her chance to attend our academy. That rose is magic, her essence within its sacred petals. You can still fix this, but time is not on your side."

  Another heavy sigh left his lips.

  "If you believe it was butterflies and rainbows when I fought to claim your mother's heart, think again. As you can see, her stubbornness and silent anger are scary in many ways, but under the tough exterior, is a soft, loving woman, and that is the side that raised you with tender care when you were born. She loves you, just as I do, but sometimes tough love is the best way to get through one's stubbornness."

  He took a step forward but stopped.

  "We can't stop you from doing what you want, but remember this warning. If you follow whatever wishy-washy nonsense Esmeralda feeds you, be ready to fulfill it to the end. Prince Rainer was lucky. Don't allow yourself to be a victim of avoidable circumstances. That's all I can say." He paused then whispered, "Goodnight, my son."

  He walked away, leaving me to stare at the door that began to close on its own. Blinking back my tears, I made my way to the office, heading down the secret path and arriving in the sacred room.

  Walking up the stairs, I reached the platform that held the single rose, my heart dropping in fear as I saw the weakly glowing figure. The stem was leaning over to one side, the petals looking frail, threatening to part ways at any second.

  "I can fix it..." I muttered. "Esme said she'll help me. I'll...get Rosadette back. I can still...have both. Yes. One woman to love, the other for power. That's the best I can do.'s the only thing I can do."

  With a smile, I prepared myself for what was to come. My parents may be right in their ways, but those laws of life were old and outdated.

  "Love Rosadette. Keep her by my side. Wait for the rightful moment to rise and proclaim what I know is destined to be mine."

  The plan was perfect. Now it was time to execute it.

  A New Day And First Sight Of Fae Snow


  * * *

  "Too slow!"

  My smirk widened to a smile, my body twirling at the final second and my hand blazing with fire that wrapped around me, hardening like an anaconda wrapping around its prey. The clashing of Rain's sword couldn't make a dent in my flaming barrier. The sizzling sound of his sword had me on the verge of giggling.

  "Rosadette," he groaned in defeat. "My parents are going to kill me,"

  I snapped my fingers, the heat-infused coal that plagued my skin shattered into tiny bits of ash, raining down to the ground while I grinned in triumph.

  "What's going to be today's excuse? Oh, Mama and Papa! Rosadette has vanquished me in battle once again, leaving my last sword in melting turmoil. Oh woe is me!

  Rain gave me a look, igniting a wave of laughter from my part. "Don't go pouting at me. You look far too cute. I may actually fall for you," I teased.

  "Good," he huffed. "Then maybe my parents will have more leniency on me when I admit my butt got kicked by Rosadette Campbell, again!"

  He let go of what was left of his sword, the metal clinking against the cement floor of the training room. "Tough luck." I winked and closed my book.

  "You're gonna have to memorize some spells so you don't always need your book," he noted, reaching my side.

  "My wonderful book that no one can tou-"

  He grabbed it out of my hand, opening it to a page and mumbling, "Ralu ro rosa la re."

sp; My shock didn't register until his other hand blazed with rose petals that spun around before gracing him with a bouquet of flaming roses.

  He bowed down and offered me the flaming bouquet, and once I accepted it, he smiled his usual boyish grin of triumph.

  "I may fail at beating you, but I'm a pro at stealing your heart...and book."

  "T-That's cheating, you playboy!"

  "I'm not a playboy when I’ve got my eyes on only one fae in the land." He moved in closer, my cheeks growing hot at his words.

  "I-I'll ward you off!"

  "With what? Your beauty takes me in like a four-leaf clover."

  I burst out in laughter. "That was so cheesy!"

  "You love it." He continued his playful flirting, walking around me until he pressed a kiss to my cheek. "If only someone would fall for my advances."

  "Hmm." I thought about it while looking at the scorching flowers that began to extinguish, leaving black roses in its wake. "I'm tempted."

  "Not until you blow out those roses."

  "I can blow something else?"

  His cheeks blushed before he tried to compose himself. "You call me a flirt when you think the dirtiest things."

  "I have an amazing best friend with level A+ sex education," I declared.

  "You say that so confidently!"

  "If you say it with confidence, no one questions whether it's true or not," I teased.

  He groaned and moved behind me. Hooking his arms around my waist, he pulled me into a back embrace and rested his chin on my head.

  "It's the new year. Just blow on them like you would a candle."

  "Will I get a prize?" I reasoned.

  "You'll never know if you don't do what I ask."

  "Tempting," I noted. "I'm not one to take a man's orders."

  "I know," he whispered. "As much as I respect that, this is the one exception I ask. At least until we become partners."

  "You're playing with fate, huh?" I was clearly stalling, my heart pounding in happiness at the roses that looked so divinely enchanting with their dark beauty.

  "Please, Sweet Rose."

  All heavenly power, when he whispered with that seductive voice, it made my body tingle and ears crave for more. I had no choice but to obey.

  "Fine," I whispered and took a deep inhale, letting it out in a slow stream of air. My eyes widened, watching the black shade of the roses be blown away like pesky embers, revealing golden roses with hints of illuminating white. They shone vibrantly, like a lamp in the depths of a dark room, sparks of white rising up as the wondrous scent of fresh roses hit my nostrils.

  I was left in awe, turning my head until Rain's lips were inches from mine.

  "Happy New Year, Rosadette," he whispered.

  "There has to be a better occasion than the new year to receive these beauties," I quietly declared.

  "There is." He grinned playfully, while his eyes softened lovingly. "Court me."

  My heart fluttered at his delicate request, reminding me how our relationship had grown throughout these last four months.

  The daily training, the nights of reading and learning. The prince of a kingdom I'd yet to figure out took me under his wing. Not out of greed or selfish desires, but to empower me every step of the way on this newfound journey to find myself.

  None of it was easy, but the challenge only excited me. Tomorrow was my official first day at school, and I knew that many were waiting to see my downfall.

  If only they knew the transformation I'd gone through to reach this very moment.

  I craved to leave them in shock, to now show them the threat they easily dismissed, but I knew this moment would come.

  At least, I anticipated this chance at love.

  I wouldn't deny it. I'd hardened my heart from love in the beginning, wishing to not be a fool in love. I thought maybe there would be a chance with Xavier, letting my vulnerability get the best of me as I strived to prove to him I was worthy of his attention.

  My flourishing beginning started with the Mirror of Truth, and I silently vowed that I wouldn't let myself chase love. I’d allow the universe to stir me in the right direction, and ease into something that would flourish into a magical relationship between two souls.

  The stronger I became with training and perseverance, the harder it was to ignore our growing closeness. There were times I still feared to be open to another, especially a male, but Prince Rainer was becoming closer and closer in unlocking that gate to my heart.

  He'd shown me a level of respect I'd never received from any man.

  Yet I still hesitate.

  "I know." His tiny whisper answered my unspoken thoughts, followed with, "You do not need to answer now, but I couldn't enjoy this new day without letting you know my intentions first."

  He turned me in his arms, the two of us staring into one another's eyes, the glow of the bouquet complementing his ruby orbs, just how it must have complemented my lavender ones.

  "Whatever you decide, to wait, move forward, or push me away, I'll still remain by your side and support you the best I can. I may still be interested in Xavier. Who knows? You may be destined for him. But with school starting tomorrow, I figured I’d let you know how I felt."

  "What if I change my mind?" I whispered. "Would I lose you entirely?"

  "No," he assured me.

  "Why should I trust you?" My defensiveness felt rather childish after four solid months of bonding, but I was afraid to agree like a happy child being promised a pain-free year.

  This is a man that skipped a semester of school on my behalf, training me with the queen's guidance and ensuring I’d never struggled unnecessarily. He taught me without harsh words, glares, or provocative actions.

  I was a respected comrade, and if I accepted to court him, we'd be more than that.

  We'd be lovers. Something I'd craved for many years.

  "If I listed all the reasons, I find none would be worthy of an answer," he admitted. "So you shouldn't, for I could be a bad guy in disguise, ready to claim you as my queen and rule the fae world."

  I arched an eyebrow at him, feeling the depth of his lie.

  "Alright, I'm lying, but you knew that." He winked.

  With an eye roll, I lowered the bouquet with my right hand, using my left one to hook around his neck and bring him closer. He looked intrigued, his eyes searching mine as our lips were centimeters apart.

  "You've never gone against my trust, and I won't lie to you. I did once wish to be the woman at Xavier's side. An unconscious thought, hoping to be acknowledged by him. To eventually earn some sort of favor and hoping it would lead to love. I know tomorrow will be the start of a partnership I'm dreading to confront, but alas, here we are, and if fate is true, this is something I must confront. Destiny or not, I'll let my heart decide if he's worthy of me...but for now...or at least until then…" I closed my eyes and inched forward, my lips lightly pressing again his.

  My first kiss with a man who actually respected me.

  "I'd keep you next to me. Not just as a comrade, but someone I'm willing to open my heart to."

  The happiness that bloomed on his complexion made my heart swell, and he returned the kiss with his own, one filled with love and that left a giddy flutter in my stomach.

  "Then that's a yes?"

  I giggled. "Your voice literally changed an octave!"

  "It did not!" He blushed and cleared his throat. "Does that mean you'll court me?"

  "Yes." I was still giggling as I hugged him. "I'll court you, which is what we call dating."

  "Right! Humans call it that, though courting sounds cooler."

  "Sure," I exaggerated and nudged his nose with mine. "You're the first person I'll ever court."

  "Then I must not disappoint," he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine. "I'll aim to please."

  "Don't do that, silly," I replied. "Just be you."

  "As you wish," he declared.

  "Are you afraid though? Of what's to come?"

bsp; "Fear is motivation to strive harder," he revealed. "I use it to grow and make fear something I conqueror. Is starting school nerve-wracking? Definitely. Even for someone like me who has a general outlook of what's to come from my own family's academy. However, I won't let that hold me back. Neither should it stop you, Sweet Rose."

  "You're right." I had to push the negative thoughts behind me. "Camilla said to come early."



  "Intriguing." He chuckled. "My mother always does that. I better get up extra early. She takes at least an hour to take photos of me. It's as if she's painting it from scratch."

  "She loves you," I said with a laugh.

  "That she does." He beamed at my remark. "Once the year ends, maybe I can introduce you."

  "Really?" I blushed.

  "It's a big deal when we do as fae."

  "Then it'll be a delightful opportunity when the time comes," I vowed.

  "Yes," he replied.

  "Camilla? Are you done recording? I feel I've come down with a love flu that would need my husband's divine attention."

  The two of us looked to the entrance of the training hall, Alicia and Camilla standing there with wide smiles - Camilla, in particular, holding her phone up in landscape mode.

  "I got it all and took plenty of pictures. This is perfect. I'm going to decorate her entire washroom with these. Imagine picture tiles in the washroom. It'll remind Rosadette of how bold she was to kiss the man of her dreams," Camilla practically sang.

  "Aww, look. Their faces are as red as ripe tomatoes. Please take a photo of that for safekeeping."

  "On it!" Camilla proudly announced. "I'll take twenty."

  We pushed right out of our embrace, the two of us looking opposite directions.

  "W-What are you doing here, Camilla?!" I huffed.

  "Good morning, Your Majesty," Rain greeted.

  "Alicia," she corrected with a playful grin. "Are you two done confessing your profound love for one another?"

  We groaned in unison, forgetting how friendly the queen had become as of late. This was a side of her that we were grateful to experience.

  "Yes, we're done," Rain confirmed. "Is there anything you need of us?"


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