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Fae Rose Academy: Year One (For The Purely Divine Book 1)

Page 27

by Quinn Ashwood

We left without another word, and it wasn't until we were outside and heading down a quiet trail that I questioned Rain's comment.

  "He's actually dating Monica? What happened to Esmeralda or even Ella?"

  "Who knows?" Rain sighed. "That's the rumor going around. Seeing as he had nothing to say about it, guess it's true."

  "Weird," I mumbled and hugged his arm. "You okay?"

  "I had a rough day." He stopped, which made me stop, and leaned over to kiss me deeply. "So much better now that you're here."

  "Aww." I grinned and nudged my nose against his. "Glad you’re my date for the spring festival."

  "Me too," he whispered, and claimed my lips once again.

  * * *

  "Well, you don't need to worry about dating Mr. Cold-Hearted. Monica can deal with him," Camilla practically laughed.

  "I still can't believe out of all the people, he's dating Monica." I shivered at the idea. "Sorry, but Esmeralda was a better choice."

  "You're one-thousand percent correct. That's the latest gossip in the halls, and Esmeralda's loving it."

  "Really?" I questioned. "Why would she like that?"

  "Confidence boost." Camilla shrugged as she finished curling her hair. "Plus, it only proves that Xavier lost out. If he wants to get her back, he's probably going to have to work double-time. Once a girl lets a man go, don't think she's waltzing back to him for no reason."

  "Hmm." I thought about it. "What purpose would Monica have with Xavier though?" I was trying to think this one through out loud because it didn't seem logical. "Isn't Ella from a well-off family or something? Like her parents have connections. Bella and Emily didn't seem romantically interested in Xavier, and neither did Monica. She's more of a follower than someone to step right up and volunteer to be Xavier's."

  "Could be trying to get payback?" Camilla suggested.

  "Against?" I wasn't following.

  "You, silly." Camilla smirked as she walked over to grab the hanger that held her dazzling red dress with various black shards near the bottom half in sequence patterns.

  "Me?" I gave her an innocent look. "What did I do?"

  "Well, aside from the fact that you proved all the students of Fae Rose Academy wrong with your epic comeback, have been excelling in all classes with perfect scores, are catching the attention of all the fae men in the lands, and have been stirring the gossip columns with whether you'll end up with Prince Xavier or Prince Rainer, I think you've become the center of everyone's attention, future princess." She winked when my face grew red at the last bit of her explanation.

  "Princess? Who?" I looked around and pointed at myself. "Not me."

  "Oh stop it." Camilla giggled. "You're falling head over heels for Rain. Just admit it. Plus, he's madly in love with you. He's not as obvious as you, though."

  "I'm not obvious!"

  "You mutter his name in your sleep every night."


  "That's out of my control."

  "You draw his name and your name together in hearts in class when you're bored."

  "How do you even know that?!"

  "He told me." She winked.

  "H-How does he know?!"

  "Secrets, secrets," she casually brushed off. "Anyways! Little Ms. Monica is jelly of a certain fae with platinum blonde hair and stunning purple eyes with bits of silver that goes by the name of Rosadette Campbell, and her only way to get payback is by seducing Prince Xavier, her partner."

  "That sounds pathetic."

  "It is." Camilla walked over to the bathroom. "Thus, the reason why it's not bothering you in the slightest, seeing as I had to break all of that down for you."

  "That's because I'm sometimes slow when it comes to these things."

  "It's good in cases like this." Camilla smirked. "Rain's gonna be here in two minutes, so you better polish that lipstick of yours after you not-so-secretly ate that donut."

  "Camilla!" I complained, but she shut the door and locked it, her laughter carrying out through the door to taunt me.

  That's my best friend for you.

  I still loved her to bits, especially now that my school life felt as normal as it could be. Exams were approaching, and I knew after this festival, we'd be in full-on study mode.

  When I thought about it, the semester wasn't difficult at all. Sure, there was a test here and there, and bits of training and homework, but it was all manageable. Many of the students in our class were struggling though, so I guess I was speaking for myself when it came to the level of difficulty this year had been.

  Rain kept saying it was my excitement to learn more that made it a lot easier for me to absorb information, and he could have been right. I enjoyed every bit of new information I gathered, absorbing it like a sponge sucks every bit of water it could grasp.

  Some would question how I was absorbing the information as quickly as I was, but my mind seemed to have endless capacity when it came to learning.

  When you lived a life with very little access to new material and content about what you really are, it felt only natural to crave every bit of information about what I could potentially become in this new world of magic and limitless opportunities.

  I still had the drive to prove to those that once doubted me that I deserved to be here, learning and growing as a fae.

  I also hadn't forgotten my main goal after all of this was done: to find my roots.

  My ultimate goal was to find my heritage. To find the reason I was left on the human world to suffer and feel completely useless.

  A burden.

  Shaking my head, I pushed away those negative thoughts as I walked to the standing mirror. With an encouraging nod to myself, I appreciated the short floral dress that cloaked my body.

  It was strapless, the white to golden layered fabric holding my breasts perfectly as the red ribbon tightly holding my waist accented its small diameter. The rest of the dress extended outward, having multiple roses with golden sparkles sprinkled on top of them.

  Fresh, red roses with golden sparkles sprinkled on every petal.

  My legs were bare, but wrapped with red ribbon up to my knees, and my heeled wedges were white with golden glitter scattered all over their pearl white surface.

  My hair was up and straightened, and my makeup was a simple, natural look with a pop of red lipstick. My pendulum was in a hidden pocket of my dress - yes, my dress had to come with pockets because why not - and I magically created a spell to keep my book of spells close by.

  This may have been a spring festival, but I wasn't going to let my guard down.

  There was a knock at the door, and I tried not to squeal in excitement.

  "Coming," I declared, skipping to the door. When I opened it, my smile only widened as I took in my handsome prince boyfriend.

  He wore a silky red dress shirt, white pants with golden sparkles, pearl white tie with golden rose designs, and a white vest that had a red rose pinned to his left pocket.

  We match!

  My eyes met his, watching them dance to different colors as he admired my outfit. His eyes glimmered with pride and affection as they looked me up and down. I couldn't help but take in his appearance once again, loving how he braided his hair back and intertwined the braid with a red ribbon.

  "We match," I declared.

  "We think alike." He smirked and moved his hand from his back to reveal a bouquet of red and white flowers with gold sprinkles on the delicate petals. "Also brought flowers."

  "Rain," I squealed and accepted the bouquet, taking a long whiff of their floral scent before moving them aside to one hand so I could hug him. "Thank you! They're gorgeous."

  "Just like you," he whispered into my ear. "You're beyond beautiful, Rosadette."

  I leaned back to give him a gleaming grin as my cheeks blushed.

  "Looking as handsome as usual," I teased. We shared a look before I leaned up just slightly to meet his lips that lowered to mine.

  The sweet kiss felt like a boost of energy, ridding me of those tiny piece
s of self-hate and doubt. I was loved and would find my destiny when the time was right.

  Just have to remember that, Rosadette.

  "Ready to go?"

  "Yes." I nodded. After putting the roses in a vase and grabbing my purse with my phone, I poked my head in the washroom to see Camilla was almost done getting ready.

  "We're leaving first, bestie! Do you want us to wait?"

  "Nah. The asshole is coming over to remind me of how much I hate his existence, so we'll see you there," she announced.

  Asshole was her partner in crime. I couldn't wait to meet him.

  To kick his butt for bothering my bestie.

  Until then, I just had to support Camilla the best way I could.

  "Okay. Looking fierce," I complimented. She looked my way and took a long look at me before her gaze softened.

  "It's nice to see you happy."

  The sincerity in her words made me smile right back as I slowly nodded.

  "It's nice to feel worthy for once," I replied.

  "We're purely divine beings, Rosadette," she reminded. "Including you. Remember that."

  I nodded in agreement, and with a blow of a kiss, I was back at Rain's side. He intertwined our hands and with a kiss to my temple, he grinned.

  "Off to the spring festival we go."

  "Yes," I declared.

  What a wonderful time to be alive.

  "Is this the first time you've been tipsy?" Rain whispered against my lips. I smirked and kissed him yet again, my mind still on 'let's make out' mode. I'd never had so much fun in one solid day until now, and even as the last bits of sun left the sky, I was still reeling over all we'd done today.

  The spring festival was spectacular, from the magnificent decorations made of real flowers to the parades and theatrical performances that occurred on the streets at random times.

  There was everything from flash mobs that made you want to dance along with the random students, professors, and children that joined in the fun, to the more emotional performances filled with ballerinas and other dancers that used various spells and elements to emphasize the story they were portraying.

  The rows of food trucks were filled with foods I never knew existed, including a variety of treats that had me tempted to try every single one.

  With rides for the young and the old and competitions of multiple levels of difficulty scattered throughout the event, there was something to fit everyone's taste.

  The weather was delightful, a perfect mix of warm temperatures with a soft, cool breeze to keep things mellow. It really was an event I'd attend again and again if allowed, because it was that sensational.

  After all the fun and games, Rain offered to take me out to dinner. We had a five-course meal while enjoying a live band. I'd explained that I couldn't get drunk to save my life, and that was when I was introduced to a glass of Fae Rose’s finest selection of red and white wines.

  Whether it was the extravagant price or the way it bubbled with twinkles of magic, that liquid stuff was blessed with enough punch to make me struggle to think straight after a few sips.

  Even when Rain told me to stop when I was halfway finished, I kept on sipping because this was one of those odd dreams that came true, and I was ready to live it up.

  Where did that end up leaving me?

  Outside in the middle of this dance floor with other students who were drunk or high on herbs. It didn't bother me since Rain had followed my very tipsy booty to the dance floor, and now his arm was wrapped around my waist as we slow danced.

  Earlier we'd been dancing to some sexy music, the kind you'd see in movies where people would bump and grind against one another. I'd always craved to experience what that was like, and Rain delivered with bonus points.

  His hands claimed my hips while our bodies moved in synchronicity. His lower half pressed right against my butt, and I rested my head back against his chest as we moved side to side and grinded against one another. It was more than just a sensual experience.

  I'd gotten lost in the music and being wrapped around Rain's aura and possessiveness, and I was sure that many of the other students could feel our connection. I'm sure this would be the talk of the school and confirm the rumors that we were dating, but with the alcohol running through my veins, I was more than ready to ignore all the talk and enjoy this man who treated me like a queen.

  "You know how many drinks I've had to try and get tipsy?" I sweetly asked, our lips just centimeters apart as we swayed side to side.

  "A lot," he concluded.

  "Yes. A lot and a lot," I emphasized and hugged him. "Can we take some home?"

  "For you to get completely wasted?" he inquired.

  "Yes," I confirmed, leaning my head back to give him a hopeful smile. That's all I needed to do to make him cave.

  "Fine, but Camilla can't beat me up if you wake up hungover."

  "Deal!" I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Now kiss me again."

  "You're very demanding when your tipsy." He chuckled but fulfilled my request with a steamy kiss.

  "You like it," I whispered breathlessly, opening my eyes slightly to stare into his that danced with color. I loved seeing how relaxed he was. It wasn't like he had a stiffness to his demeanor, but for once I was witnessing him in a different aspect.

  Almost like his guard was finally down and he was letting me see a newer side of his playful self.

  "I do." He didn't hide it, and we got lost in another passionate kiss. A night like this could go on forever, and I wouldn't stop it from repeating again and again. I felt alive and was so grateful for all the hardships I'd experienced to get here.

  To be in Rain's arms. Adored and loved for who I was.

  "Wanna go for a walk before we come back and get that wine of yours?" he whispered into my ear when the song changed to an upbeat jam.

  "Sure." I could use some air, the humid surroundings filled with smoke and the aromas of flowers and sweat were getting to me.

  Rain led the way, his hand in mine as we eased through the crowd. When we got outdoors, I inhaled deeply, allowing the clear oxygen to fill my lungs before letting it out.

  We passed the crazy filled food stands and made our way to the quiet floral park that was lit with various lights and lanterns.

  The air felt different here, but it might have been my tipsy senses acting up for no reason. When we reached a bench, we sat down, and I rested my head against Rain's shoulder.

  He held me close, an arm hooking around my shoulder as he began to stroke my head. The action of affection made me smile, my mind drifting in and out as I continued to listen to the soft music that played in the headlamp speakers and the faraway chatter that drifted through the trees.

  "If only it could always be like this." Rain's whisper got my attention, but I was still enjoying the drifting of my mind. "If only you could be just mine."

  I wondered what he meant. I was his, and my heart wanted this. To be with him alone as we built on one another and embraced our unique differences and flaws.

  Why is he saying I'm not his?

  "What are you doing here?" The cold voice made me frown, even in my half-sleeping state.


  "Enjoying the festival like everyone else," Rain coldly replied. It was the first time I was hearing such a deep voice from him.

  "Did you let her drink?"

  "None of your business," Rain countered.

  "Are you stupid? Do you want her to see the world as it is? She's nowhere near ready."

  "And how would you know?" Rain defended. "Do you ever take a minute to listen to yourself? Just a solid minute to absorb the negative words you say when it comes to Rosadette? Do you realize what an ass you are?"

  Silence followed, and Rain sighed.

  "You see your problem? Do you know what a privilege it is to have a woman like this in your grasp? To hold the rose of her heart in your hands and know that she could be yours permanently? I've never seen anyone in my entire life want their ro
se to wilt and die."

  "You know nothing!" Xavier snapped.

  "You would not be causing a storm if I didn't hit the mark on its head. Her rose is wilting. The more frustrated you get, the faster it will wilt and fade away," Rain declared and tsked. "This woman was willing to make a home in her heart for you. All she wanted was your acknowledgment. Not material things, or even guidance. She wanted you to have hope in her and what have you done?"

  "How dare you lecture me?" Xavier growled.

  "Why? Am I not in any position to do so?" Rain countered. "I'm of royalty just like you, only raised to see the world as equals instead of as servants and slaves to rank and hierarchy. If I didn't get to see how your parents raised you myself, I would only assume the worst about your upbringing. Instead, you shaped yourself into the complete opposite of what your parents wished for you, and now you're playing around with fate?"

  The low chuckled that followed sent chills through me, and I knew it was from Rain as he whispered, "If I was in your shoes, I'd be thanking the universe for granting me such a livelihood. For allowing me amazing parents that want the best for me and aligning you with a woman like Rosadette. Yet, here you are, fucking around with some slut that is only using you to hurt Rose, and you're still falling into the trap of the enemy."

  "Shut up! You know nothing."

  "I know everything, and it's only a matter of time before you run out of chances. Let the universe be my witness, for if I got the chance to be with Rosadette, I'd treasure her like the queen she was born to be."

  "She's nowhere near queen material!" Xavier snapped. "S-Sure. She's gotten stronger and proved us all wrong with her growth magically, but it's only a matter of time before she fucks up. I need a woman of perfection."

  "No one is perfect in this world," Rain announced, his words laced with anger.

  He clung to me even tighter, and I kept my breathing steady as I fought not to reveal my awakened consciousness.

  "We are born into this world cloaked with the sins and weaknesses of our parents, but with time, patience, and perseverance, we strive to become purely divine beings. The universe blesses us with our divinity through our actions and desire to grow as fae. No matter what we are, light or dark, we will only go up if we ask the universe for grace. You think because your parents have shielded you for so long that you'll forever hold power over others? Give it time."


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