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Rocked On the Road (Rockstar BBW Erotic Romance)

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by Clara Bayard

  Rocked On the Road

  By Clara Bayard

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright©2013 by Clara Bayard

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  My bag had barely hit the floor before he was on me.

  "God I missed you." He hugged me tight, long fingers squeezing my butt.

  I laughed. "It's only been two days, Joe."

  "Two very long days." He kissed my neck, sucking on the skin above where my pulse pounded. "I almost died from loneliness."

  "Uh huh. Poor you, all alone with your band and manager and groupies and interviews and paparazzi and-" My list making ended abruptly I noticed Joe was only wearing a towel and the part of him swelling between us proved how much he really had missed me. His hands made their way down the back of my jeans. The gentle scrape of his calloused fingers on my bare skin took every thought out of my mind, leaving only desire.

  Joe kissed me hungrily, sucking at my lips and tongue as if he'd been starved for the taste of me. I sank into the warm heat of his mouth and let my hands roam his body, relearning the long, lean muscles and all the places that made him groan.

  I yanked the towel free and let it fall to the floor. Joe pulled back just long enough to lift my shirt off, throwing it to the other end of the room where it would no doubt join an already massive pile of his clothes on the floor. We were going to need to have a conversation about his excessively slobbish ways, but now – with his tongue snaking inside my bra towards a nipple – was really not the time.

  I bit my lip and arched my back as he sucked my nipple into his mouth, teasing the stiffening nub with his teeth. I fumbled to remove my bra completely and he helped brush the straps from my shoulders without releasing me from his mouth.

  My whole body warmed under his touch and I rushed to unbutton my jeans.

  "Why are you wearing so many clothes," he asked, voice silky and low.

  "Why aren't you wearing any?"

  Joe grinned, his dazzlingly blue eyes flashing. "I'd planned to get all clean and fresh-smelling for you but I overslept. So now you'll just have to join me in the shower and lend a hand."

  I glanced down at his erection and raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure getting clean is what you have in mind?"

  "Clean, dirty, whatever. I just need to you to be naked and with me."

  My mind went briefly to a vision of my chubby naked body next to his sleek one under the bright bathroom lights and I frowned.

  "I know what that face means and stop it. You're beautiful and perfect in this room, in a shower, everywhere."

  And from the way his eyes blazed over my skin I believed him, and relented. "Fine. But make it quick. I've been waiting to get back in your bed for days."

  "Yes ma'am. We just need to get you out of the rest of these clothes." Together we managed to stumble into the bathroom, groping and stripping me, without falling down.

  I took a moment to watch him move and sighed. Joe Hawk was art in motion. Tall and strong, his naturally bronze skin gleamed. Muscles all down his body flexed as he moved and I couldn't resist grabbing a handful of his tight round butt.

  Joe looked over his shoulder at me, mouth open wide, pretending to be scandalized. He laughed and gripped my hand tighter, pulling me forward faster. We made it to the shower and he turned it on, soaking us both under the hot spray.

  But the heat of the shower was nothing compared to the fire that flared to life in me when Joe put his hands and lips and tongue on me. If I'd had any thought that he was really concerned with getting clean it would have disappeared as he pushed me against the glass wall, sliding one of his legs between mine.

  I sighed with pleasure, my body coming alive under his touch. It had only been a few days since we'd been together last but every inch of me missed him.

  Joe cupped my breasts, lifting them as water sluiced down over my shoulders. The tiny drops enhanced the sensation of his skin against mine and my nipples pebbled tightly. At this he made a happy sound and leaned down to kiss each one.

  I closed my eyes and surrendered to the moment as steam filled the shower and Joe lavished my breasts with loving attention. His mouth and fingers traced every bit of my soft flesh slowly, as if trying to memorize them.

  Desire churned deep in my core and my heart pounded in my chest.

  Joe slid one hand down over my belly and between my thighs. He raked over the soft curls and rubbed lightly at the slickness they concealed.

  My fingers dug into his firm, muscular shoulders as he delved deeper and slipped a fingertip inside me. It slid in easily, my arousal flowing and fragrant in the moist air.

  "Joe…" I whispered, unable to form any other words.

  "God, Liss. I love how your body responds to me. I missed touching you." With that he pushed in deeper, stretching and sending a thrill through me. He kept murmuring my name as his finger moved faster and faster, coaxing more and more pleasure from me. My head fell against the wall of the shower and my legs parted further.

  I opened my eyes and slid a hand down Joe's arm and between us, desperate for more. I wrapped my fingers around his length, pulling him closer and telling him what I wanted without words.

  "So much for romance?"

  "Later," I breathed.

  He chuckled, circled his thumb over my clit and then stood up to his full height. A condom appeared from somewhere and I watched him roll it on with bated breath before raising my head to look at his face again. His eyes practically glowed with desire and I bit my lip to keep from moaning at the sight. Joe looked at me like I was the sexiest woman in the world and while our gazes were locked I became just that.

  I tugged him closer to me with a saucy smile, needing more. Wanting it all.

  Joe gripped my hips securely, pushed me back against the wall and lifted me up a few inches.

  "Hey," I said, dragged out of the moment with shock. "Don't. I'm too heavy."

  "Hush." He tilted me back a bit and lined our bodies up.

  Still scared he'd drop me I hooked a leg around his waist and pressed the tip of his erection against my core. He slipped inside and we both moaned. Concerns about my weight forgotten, I held his forearms and lifted my other leg to get us at the perfect angle. The penetration was slow and steady until Joe filled me completely.

  "Oh god," was all I could say as he widened his stance a bit, braced my back against the wall and began thrusting.

  Stinging beads of water from the shower hit my skin all over as we moved smoothly together. I kept my eyes on Joe's and he never stopped looking at me. I wasn't thinking about how I looked or how long he could hold me. None of that mattered. As he drove into me again and again the whole world ceased to exist. There was nothing except us and that steamy space.

  Intense pleasure radiated out from my core to every extremity, and locked in Joe's arms and under his gaze, I climaxed, every part of me tightening and releasing rhythmically. I was still riding the waves when he plunged deep inside me and let himself go off too.

  We uncoupled slowly and Joe kissed me softly on the lips as he helped me plant my feet back on the ground.

  "Best shower ever," he said, voice still low with desire.

  "By far. Now you re
ally need cleaning up."

  He laughed and grabbed a sponge and squeezed out some body wash that smelled like a glacier lake. "Wanna help out?"

  I took the soapy sponge and nodded.

  Joe stepped back so he was barely under the water and spread his arms. "Clean me, woman."

  "Silly." I felt like my head was full of helium and not quite attached to my body, but I liked it. Running the sponge over Joe's neck and shoulders I took time again to admire his body. The opposite of mine in a wonderful way. He was all compact muscles and tanned skin. The tattoo on his shoulder rippled as my hands passed over it and down to his chest. I washed the bumps and dips of his abdominal muscles. He grunted when the soap slid down to his still firm cock and arched an eyebrow at me.

  "I am not washing that, buddy. We'll be in this shower all night."

  Joe smiled and grabbed me. "What's wrong with that?"

  "Pruney fingers and wasted water. Now turn around."

  He spun reluctantly and I gave his back the same tender treatment, focusing a bit too much on the swell of his firm, round ass. It was perfection in tight jeans but completely breathtaking in the nude. I circled one cheek for the tenth time or so when he'd finally had enough.

  Joe grabbed the sponge and turned us both around, flipping our positions. As the water rinsed the soap from his body he reached out to clean me next.

  I shuddered at the first touch, my feel slipping on the wet floor, and made a quick decision. "You know, maybe we should take a break. Finish this shower later. Much later."

  His eyes widened and he pulled me close. "Great idea." He shut off the spray and followed me out of the stall. We grabbed towels and robes and patted ourselves dry while heading back into the bedroom.

  I made it to the bed three steps before Joe but he was on top of me before I could even sit down. Joe kissed me, his tongue diving into my mouth impatiently. He rolled us over so I was on top and straddling his hips.

  I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the glass covering the picture hanging above the bed, and was amazed. My hair was wild and wet, ringlets hanging randomly around my face and shoulders. My eyes were bright and my lips reddened. I barely looked like myself at all. Looking back was some sensual woman, self-assured and glowing with pleasure, not mousey, chubby me. The sight aroused me in a way I'd never experienced before and I glanced down at Joe, knowing, finally, what he saw when he looked at me.

  "You're so beautiful," he said, and I didn’t argue for once.

  Joe ran his hands up and down my back and then bent me over for a kiss. He laughed as my hair tickled his face and held it out of the way with one hand.

  "Sorry," I said.

  "Don’t be. I love your wild hair. Like some Greek goddess or something."

  I snorted, suddenly understanding how he wrote such powerfully evocative songs. The boy had a seriously impressive imagination.

  "Well, now that you have me in bed, what shall we do, Liss?"

  I smiled but didn't say anything. My reply was to pick a condom up from the bedside table, open it, and slide it down over the wide head of his member.

  "I think I see where you're going with this," Joe said. "And I like it."

  I laughed, stroking him. "Doesn't this thing ever get soft?"

  "Not around you," he replied.

  "Good." I shifted and slid him inside me, noting that I too seemed to always be ready when he was near. I rocked forward and back slightly, keeping our pace slow. We had all night. And, if going on the road went well, possibly the rest of our lives.

  Chapter Two

  At the crack of noon the next day I boarded a bus to my new life, at least temporarily. I climbed the stairs holding Joe's hand tightly. It wasn't what I expected. In my mind I'd imagined something really huge and grand with a stripper pole and a hot tub. What I entered was just a really nice bus. There were leather benches along the sides behind the driver's area, a small table across from a kitchenette and a pocket door that led to the back. I counted three televisions in the small space and a bunch of speakers. Well-appointed to keep a bunch of fun-loving guys entertained for a while.

  Joe pulled me into the space and down onto one of the benches. It wasn't as comfortable as a regular sofa, but it was fine. I could feel myself sweating from nervousness and I squeezed Joe's fingers hard enough to make him flinch.

  It was amazing to think how I'd ended up here, joining a rock band on their tour bus. A week ago I was living my boring life, working nights in a mostly deserted diner and wondering if there was any excitement left in my future. But then Joe walked in and changed everything. Now I'd taken an open-ended vacation from my job, got my best friend Kelly to check in on my apartment and I was off on an adventure I'd never even dreamed possible before. That is, I would be if I could keep from running off the bus in terror.

  That possibility quickly disappeared when a crowd of people rushed onto the bus. I instinctively shrank against Joe and eyed them warily. But the first face I saw was familiar and friendly.

  Dex, the band's bass player dropped a bag in the middle of the floor and plopped down next to me, slinging an arm around my shoulder and pulling me away from Joe.

  "Liss, I am so glad you're here, love. While I had hoped you'd come to your senses and drop this loser, it will be nice to have something other than his ugly face to look at on the road."

  I laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "Be nice to Joe."

  "Never," he said and reached around me to punch Joe lightly on the arm. "You made a mistake bringing this one on the bus, Joe. I'm going to steal her away from you."

  "Try it, buddy," Joe replied lightly, but with a core of steel below it.

  And just like that, warmed by Dex's jokes and Joe's caring, I relaxed and remembered this was supposed to be fun. A vacation from my real life and a chance to see where this unexpected but amazing opportunity might lead.

  My attention was drawn to the rest of the people boarding the bus and I struggled to match names, faces and jobs. I recognized the other members of the band, but they were easy. Matthew played rhythm guitar. He was skinny with longish hair and quiet. Rick was the drummer and famous for his temper. He scowled at me and pushed open the door to the back without saying a word to anyone.

  I also remembered Ryan, their manager. Two women stood next to him, both carrying on conversations with each other and their cell phones, and they still managed to say hello to me. Impressive. Two other guys were carrying bags off the bus and from the sound, stowing them in the storage area below.

  All together that made ten of us and I wondered where everyone would sit. I murmured the question to Joe and he told me that only Ryan and his assistant would be riding with us. The others would be in an SUV that we'd passed on the way out to the bus.

  I sighed with relief, already feeling a bit overwhelmed.

  Ryan eyed me and cocked his head to the side. "Beth, why don't you show Joe's friend the rest of the bus while I go over a couple things."

  One of the women smiled and said, "Sure. Come on." She was dressed casually, in tight jeans and a pale green shirt that set off her dark hair and eyes well.

  I untangled myself from Joe and Dex and stood up, smoothing down my t-shirt nervously. She led me a few steps to the kitchenette and gestured at the microwave. "This is the chef." She pointed at the table. "Formal dining room."

  We laughed together as she headed through the pocket door. "This is the bunk area." There were berths like on a train on both sides of the narrow hall and each had a curtain pulled across it. Beth kept walking and pointed at a closed door behind the bunks. "Bathroom. But don't use that one. Since you're with Joe you get the real bedroom and trust me, the one back there smells a lot better.

  With that she slid open the final door and we entered the "real bedroom." It had a bed that looked close to a double, but not as long, a small vanity with a sink, a tiny closet and a door to the bathroom.

  "Home sweet home," Beth told me. "That's the whole palace. Try not to get lost."
r />   "It's nice."

  She shrugged. "They'll be upgrading soon. The label is making a shitload of money and will want to keep the guys happy. It's small but most of the nights we'll be in hotels."


  "Why don't you get settled in? I'll have someone bring your bags and send Joe back when he and Ryan are done."

  "Sounds good. Thanks, Beth."

  She smiled warmly. "My pleasure. Maybe having a woman on board who isn't on the payroll will civilize them a little bit."

  Our eyes met. "Nah," she said and laughed. "Give a yell if you need anything."

  She left me alone and I circled the small room, relishing a moment of quiet. I'd been so scared to do this and I was proud of myself for actually getting on the damn bus. The fact that everyone had been nice to me so far helped a lot.

  I sank down onto the bed and stretched out, still tired from a long, pleasurable night. I closed my eyes, remembering Joe's hands on my body, still able to feel the press of his lips against mine. I nodded off with a smile on my face and a now familiar heat building inside me.

  Minutes later I was jolted awake by Joe flinging himself on top of me.

  "Oof," was all I managed.

  "Sorry babe. Ryan bored me to death. Kiss me back to life."

  I laughed and wrapped my arms around him, planting a loud, wet smack on his lips. "How's that?"

  "Pathetic. Barely a blip on the monitor. Try again."

  This time I pressed my lips lightly against his and brushed my tongue across the seam. "Well?"

  "Signs of life. Keep going."

  I sucked his lower into my mouth, grabbed his butt and ground against him. "How about that one?"

  Joe rolled his hips against me and smiled as he grew hard. "Now we're getting somewhere. One more."

  This time he didn't wait for me. His mouth captured mine and our tongues entwined. I moaned softly, loving the taste of him and the feel of his body against mine. We kissed deeper and longer, grasping each other tightly.

  Finally he pulled back and looked down at me with fire in his eyes. "I am fully alive now."

  "I noticed," I replied huskily.


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