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Vampire Beach: Legacy

Page 4

by Duval Alex

  And after dinner.

  And before he went to bed. Same old, same old.

  After he’d lain in bed for an hour, not being able to sleep, he tried her one more time. No Sienna. Just her voicemail message. What was going on?

  ‘What’s going on? What happened yesterday?’ Jason asked Sienna when he caught her at her locker between second and third period the next day. This semester they didn’t have any classes together except European History – last of the day.

  Sienna rolled her eyes. ‘Parents.’ She slammed her locker door. ‘I’m almost eighteen. I’ll be in college this year. And they’re trying to tell me how I should spend my time!’

  ‘So it wasn’t about the clothes?’ Jason asked, even though he already knew the answer.

  ‘They didn’t like it that you and I were out on the yacht together. They acted like it was some kind of floating motel or something. I mean, yes, it has bedrooms, but we were hardly alone. And it’s not like the yacht is the only place we could . . . if we were doing that. We could be doing it in your car for all they know.’

  ‘The Bug is a little small,’ Jason joked, trying to lighten the mood. ‘We’ll figure something out. Maybe I could talk to them, or you could invite me for a family dinner or something.’

  Sienna smiled. ‘We’ll strategize tonight. We’re still going to the movies, right?’

  ‘Definitely,’ Jason promised as the warning bell rang.

  Sienna gave him a quick kiss. ‘Can’t wait,’ she said.

  Jason couldn’t wait until it was time to leave that evening. He had a little more than an hour. He headed to the bathroom for a hair check and spotted Dani coming down the hall from the opposite direction. ‘Just give me one second before—’

  Too late. Dani had slipped into the bathroom in front of him. ‘You better go downstairs. I have a lot of girly stuff to do,’ she told him. ‘I’m going out.’

  ‘I’m going out too,’ Jason complained. ‘And it’ll take me less than five minutes.’

  ‘All my make-up and everything is in here.’ Dani tossed him his hairbrush and deodorant. ‘There. You’re good to go. Use a different bathroom.’ She shut the door.

  ‘Guys don’t care that much about make-up anyway,’ Jason advised. ‘So your hot date or whatever isn’t even going to notice.’

  ‘Guys like you don’t notice,’ Dani answered. ‘Other guys do.’

  ‘Who is this enlightened guy, anyway?’ Jason asked.

  ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’ Dani opened the door a crack and peered at Jason. ‘I like him . . . a lot. And I’m pretty sure he likes me. I don’t want to mess it up by talking about it. It always messes things up if you talk about them too much.’

  ‘I doubt this guy has the bathroom bugged. If he does, you have bigger problems to worry about,’ Jason told her.

  ‘I’m getting in the shower now, so if you keep talking, you’re going to be talking to yourself,’ Dani announced, closing the door again.

  ‘Fine,’ Jason muttered. He took his brush and deodorant and headed back to his room, wondering about the guy Dani liked so much. He hadn’t noticed her hanging around with any one particular guy at school. But she had gone to the movies with Ryan Patrick that time. Well, Ryan and a bunch of her other friends. Was Ryan the guy his sister was falling for?

  Ryan did make a point of telling me to invite Dani to his Valentine’s Day party, Jason remembered. So maybe Ryan is falling for Dani too.

  Jason wasn’t crazy about that idea. Not when he was almost positive that Ryan had fangs. Jason didn’t have anything against the vampires. How could he? He was totally, insanely in love with one of them. But he knew it could be dangerous to be around them. Hell, it was dangerous just to know they existed! Jason had almost been killed twice since he’d learned the truth about the popular crowd at DeVere High.

  But Dani couldn’t be in love with a vampire, Jason told himself. Not yet, anyway. Ryan – if Ryan was even the guy she’d been gushing over – had only been back in school for a few months. Surely that wasn’t long enough for Dani to get really serious about him.

  Yeah, like you didn’t fall for Sienna the first time you saw her, a voice in Jason’s head mocked. That first day at school, in the cafeteria line, when she teased you for being clueless about what a green Borba was – you were gone. Do you think Dani is so—?

  Jason was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a text message arriving on his cell. The message was from Sienna: GOT TO GO TO CHARITY THING WITH THE RENTS. SORRY, SORRY, SORRY. TALK IN THE A.M. XXOO.


  Or else totally believable and just a continuation of what had happened yesterday on the yacht. Have Sienna’s parents decided to try and keep her from seeing me? Jason wondered.

  He took a deep breath. He couldn’t let himself get all bent about this until he knew for sure what the deal was. Sienna’s parents were really into the local charity scene. Maybe Sienna had just forgotten about one of the million events her parents expected her to attend. Maybe it was just a coincidence that this was happening the day after Mr Devereux had ordered the yacht back to shore.

  Jason flopped down on his bed and kicked off his shoes, then flipped on the TV. He should probably study, but he was so not in the mood. He channel-surfed all the way up to the pay-per-view stuff and all the way back down again. Nothing held his attention for more than a few seconds.

  Finally, with a growl of frustration, he gave up and snatched his chemistry book off the nightstand. He might as well get something slightly worthwhile out of his evening, even if it was just a few more points on the next chem quiz.

  The thing was, four hours later, when he heard Dani coming up the stairs, he couldn’t remember a thing that he’d read. He hadn’t really been able to stop thinking about Sienna.

  Jason couldn’t stop himself from grinning, though, when he heard Dani singing as she walked by his room. At least somebody had a good time, he thought. He leaned over to switch off his bedside lamp and a twinge of pain vibrated through his chest muscles where the crossbow had wounded him.

  The grin slid off his face. If Dani had been hanging with Ryan a few months ago, she could have been the one who’d ended up with a crossbow bolt in her chest. It’s dangerous for her to get involved with any of the vampires, Jason thought. Life-and-death dangerous.


  SIENNA GAVE A little beep on the Spider’s horn as Jason walked through the school parking lot the next morning. He hurried over and swung himself into the passenger seat, leaning in for a kiss before he’d even closed the door.

  But Sienna’s grave expression stopped him. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked, brushing her long hair away from her face.

  ‘My parents sat me down for a talk when we got home from that charity dinner last night,’ she said. ‘They don’t want me to see you anymore.’

  ‘What?’ Horror rocked through Jason’s body.

  ‘I know.’ Sienna sounded miserable.

  ‘But I don’t get it. What’s changed?’ Jason asked. ‘It’s not like we’ve been hiding the fact that we’re together. I’m over at your house all the time. Your parents seemed fine with it.’

  ‘I know. I thought my parents liked you, even,’ Sienna answered. ‘And they do. They kept saying that last night. They think you’re a really good person. They are so grateful to you for the way you went after Tamburo when he was going to kill me. They know you saved my life, but . . .’ Her voice trailed off.

  ‘But I’m not a vampire!’ The statement came out harder than Jason had meant it to, fueled by frustration and sadness.

  ‘Yeah.’ Sienna stroked his arm. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘I still don’t understand why they suddenly want you to break up with me. It’s not like they ever thought I was a vampire,’ Jason pointed out. ‘It’s not new information.’

  ‘I know. I said the same thing,’ Sienna told him. ‘Basically, they didn’t think you and I were ever going to get that serious. They figured that if they jus
t left the situation alone, time would take care of the problem.’

  Jason ran his hand through his hair. ‘Problem,’ he repeated. ‘And what exactly is the problem? Did they say? If we knew exactly what they were thinking, maybe we could find a way to change their minds.’

  Sienna let out a sigh that seemed to come from the very depths of her soul. ‘They just kept telling me that there were too many risks. They don’t think it’s safe for me – or for you either.’

  Jason took a moment and forced himself to consider things from her parents’ point of view. ‘OK. I get how there are risks for me,’ he said. ‘Like Tamburo coming after me because he thought I was a . . . one of you. But I’m willing to take whatever risks there are. I want to be with you no matter what.’ He shook his head. ‘What I don’t understand is why your parents think going out with a human is any kind of risk for you.’

  ‘I think they finally realized we’re really in love,’ Sienna told him.

  ‘And that should be a good thing, right?’ Jason asked.

  ‘It should be. No, it is,’ Sienna said, her voice cracking a little. ‘But now that they’ve really accepted that, I think they’re afraid that we’re going to want to be together forever.’

  ‘And what if we do?’ Jason demanded.

  ‘Forever. Like hundreds of years,’ Sienna explained. ‘Which would mean me making you a vampire. Turning you. And that’s forbidden. By the DeVere Heights Vampire Council and the Vampire High Council.’

  ‘What about my aunt? She was turned,’ Jason argued.

  ‘That was only allowed because her husband was so powerful. He was on the Vampire High Council. No one could stop him.’ Sienna took Jason’s hand. ‘It’s not about you and me. It’s about humans and vampires. Transformation brings our two worlds together, and my parents – my parents and everyone else – think that’s hugely dangerous for all vampires. And for humans too.’

  ‘So transformation is the big problem. OK. So we go to your parents and we promise them that that won’t happen,’ Jason said, staring intently into Sienna’s eyes. He could see that she wasn’t convinced he’d found a solution.

  ‘There’s something else,’ she admitted after a moment’s hesitation. ‘And this is what they think. It’s not what I think . . .’

  Jason nodded.

  ‘They think another vampire is always going to be better at keeping our secrets, because they share the same secrets,’ Sienna tried to explain.

  Jason could feel anger welling up inside him. Sienna’s parents thought he couldn’t be trusted not to expose them just because he was a human? Even after everything he’d been through in order to protect their vampires’ secrets.

  ‘I would never do anything that could possibly hurt you. Or your parents. Or any of you. Haven’t I proved that?’ he demanded. ‘After stopping Tamburo? After being attacked by Luke Archer when he was consumed by the bloodlust and not going to the cops – or even to my own parents!’ He slammed his fist on the dashboard.

  Sienna winced.

  ‘Sorry,’ Jason told her. ‘I know it’s not what you think. But your parents are way out of line.’

  ‘Jason, my parents think that the DeVere Heights Vampire Council might even decide to take some action – against both of us – if they find out how serious we are about each other. I don’t know if they’re right or not. No vampire has got really involved with a human for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure what the Council would do if they thought . . . well, if they thought our whole community was in danger of being exposed.’

  Jason stared blankly out at the parking lot, trying to absorb this new information. He’d watched the DeVere Heights Vampire Council discuss his friend Tyler’s fate. He’d seen them talking about Tyler as if his life was theirs to take if they wanted to. Half the members had wanted Tyler put to death – even though he didn’t have a clue that they were vampires. He was no real threat to them. He’d stolen from them, true, but he couldn’t really hurt them.

  What would the Council do to Sienna if they thought she was endangering all of her kind?

  ‘So I really am a risk to you,’ he said slowly. ‘I don’t want you brought before the DeVere Heights Vampire Council because of me. But we need a plan. There has to be some way to prove to your parents – and the Council – that I’m trustworthy.’

  ‘My parents aren’t going to change their minds,’ Sienna answered. ‘And they would have a mutual meltdown if they thought we were going to try to talk to the Council.’ She fell silent, and suddenly Jason realized what had just happened. She’d said it was over. She’d broken up with him. The truth slammed into him like a killer wave.

  Sienna locked eyes with him. ‘But I’m not giving you up. I’m not.’

  Jason laughed, relief spiraling through his body. ‘That’s good to hear.’

  ‘We’ll just have to act like we’re going along with my parents,’ Sienna said thoughtfully. ‘So, no making out in front of your locker,’ she went on with a grin.

  ‘Or in my car. Or in the cafeteria line. Or in European History,’ Jason added.

  ‘Yeah, because I’m always making out with you in the middle of class,’ Sienna teased.

  ‘You know you want to,’ Jason laughed. ‘So, we keep things secret?’

  Sienna nodded. ‘At school we act like we broke up but stayed friends. We only talk to each other if there’s at least one other person around. And we don’t even do that too much; you know how everyone gossips at this school. Plus – and I hate to say it about my own, but vampires gossip worse than anybody.’

  ‘Yeah, I’ve seen that grapevine in action.’

  ‘Starting now, we go underground,’ Sienna went on.

  ‘So after this, we go underground,’ Jason corrected, pressing his lips against hers.

  He had meant the kiss to be short, fast, sneaky. But the taste of her, the soft warmth of her lips made it hard to pull away. Sienna was addictive. No doubt.

  ‘This whole "not talking to each other too much" thing is going to be tough,’ he told her at last.

  ‘Complete torture,’ Sienna agreed. ‘We have to meet up tonight.’

  ‘Where?’ Jason asked, already mentally sorting through the possibilities.

  ‘Someplace no one goes,’ Sienna answered. ‘But now we have to move. Looks like the first bell already rang.’ She nodded toward the people suddenly streaming into the mission-style main building of DeVere High. ‘We’ll have to figure it out later.’

  ‘OK. We’ll text.’ Jason took her hand and brought it to his mouth. ‘And we’ll ignore each other.’

  Sienna’s breath quickened as he kissed her palm. ‘That won’t be easy,’ she murmured.

  Jason reluctantly let go of her. When she’d hurried into the school, he climbed out of the car and walked into the building alone. As if they’d broken up. He strode down the crowded hallway, telling himself not to miss Sienna. This was what they had to do to keep the fact that they were still a couple a secret.

  He wasn’t going to do anything that might bring the Council down on her. He loved her too much.

  ‘5. UNDER PIER. LA COSTA BEACH,’ Sienna texted him between first and second period.

  ‘SWIM PRACTICE. SUX. SRRY.’ Jason texted back.

  ‘8. MOVIE ABOUT THE MATH GENIUS? NO 1 WE KNOW WILL SEE THAT,’ he suggested in another text message between second and third.


  ‘MDNGHT. FTBALL FIELD. BLEACHERS???’ Jason offered in his next message as he got in the food line at lunch. Only Brad and two guys from the diving team separated him from Sienna. But Jason didn’t want to risk talking to her. Not on day one of Operation Secret Couple.

  ‘IF CAUGHT SNEAKING IN, GROUNDED 4 LIFE,’ Sienna answered by text.

  ‘B4 SKOOL A.M. BAD DNUT PLACE?’ Jason shot back.


  Jason laughed and shook h
is head at his phone. Then he typed, ‘SKIPPING SWIMMING. SEE U UNDER PIER.’

  Sienna glanced over her shoulder and smiled at him by way of reply.

  Jason checked his watch as he sat on the beach waiting for Sienna after school. He’d been waiting for more than an hour under the beat-up fishing pier. Had something gone wrong? Had her parents found out about their plans somehow? The vampire grapevine couldn’t be that good. Could it?

  Sienna’s usually late, he reminded himself. She ran on girl time, the same way Dani and his Aunt Bianca did.

  He looked around and noted with satisfaction that under a half-rotten pier, in February, with the sun about to go down, was the perfect choice for an Operation Secret Couple meeting. Other than some fish and some seagulls, Jason seemed to be the only living creature for miles.

  He checked his watch again. Sienna was seriously late. Even on girl time.

  The sky looked as if it were on fire over to the west as the blazing red ball of the sun got ready to hit the water. Sienna should be here to witness this, Jason thought. It was one of the best sunsets he’d seen since he’d moved to Malibu.

  He pulled out his cell to text Sienna. Before he’d gotten two letters in, he heard a creaking sound above him.

  Jason froze.

  Rotten wood creaks, he told himself. But he kept his body motionless, waiting for another sound.


  Footsteps? Jason wondered. Sienna? But they’d agreed to meet under the pier, not on it.

  Jason slowly stretched out on his back. He stared up at the warped planks that made up the pier. Shafts of light filtered through each space between the planks. But with the next creak, some of that light was blocked.

  The creaks were definitely footsteps. Somebody was up on the pier. And it wasn’t Sienna.

  Jason felt his heart start to race. He’d been on the beach when Tamburo shot him with a crossbow bolt. On the beach, alone, at sunset. Just like now. And Adam thought there might be more hunters around. Was a vampire hunter up on the old pier now, looking for him? Or, worse, looking for Sienna?


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