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Kingdoms Away 1: Jorian Cluster Archives

Page 5

by S. V. Brown

  The bridge was rectangular in shape and in its center sat a large, round table which could project 3D visions of star systems, ships and planets but doubled as a work bench. Around this was a double-size aisle edged with workstations facing toward the center. Along the walls lay charts, work lists, clear boards, space traffic information and all essential electronic equipment. Only one wall was clear and displayed a large screen that could project information ranging from outside to internal views. To the right of this lay a large desk and chair where the captain worked.

  He waded his way through the problems on the Pteraspis, never blaming, and never insinuating guilt. He worked long hours until the goal was achieved. When he eventually left the bridge for the final time the crew stood to attention and let out a whoop in a mark of respect.

  As Chen was leaving the Pteraspis to transfer back over in a ferian, Amir Rere-Garde Tyler halted him. “Captain Sorance, a moment please.”

  The green eyes met the brown eyes. “I wanted to thank you on behalf of Amir Donaven for your fine work. Both Amir Avant-Garde Keri and I found it an honor to work with you.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll be in touch with those plans.”

  Tyler nodded and smiled at the attitude of the much older man. Chen was well in his fifth-hundreds but displayed what could only be described as unsullied discipline. He inspired people to remain unruffled and work hard in the face of all kinds of emergencies. It was a rare combination, one that Tyler wanted to achieve. But it wasn’t just the composed face; it was years of experience in three other major fields that spoke out. Tyler was senior in rank but knew when to appreciate maturity.

  Chen stepped into a ferian, and as soon as the doors closed his face relaxed. He had felt relief he was finally getting off the Pteraspis and away from Amir Donaven. The lack of actual thanks from Donaven rankled but he was heartened by the younger man’s integrity. Chen’s one goal was to achieve the rank of Amir so that he could get Donaven off the team. Jousting, once an ancient sport on Earth, was now a tactical ploy used by those in the Space Corpus to get rid of the undesirables. He could challenge Donaven in the Conglomerate Games but there was no time now. Now, he had to focus on Al’s descendant.

  Tucked away in his handheld computer lay the detailed information that would start the process of jousting. Chen knew he wasn’t the only one to start such a file but now he certainly had the most information on Donaven. Chen sincerely hoped that it would not be Donaven who found the girl first. Donaven had been made to feel as if he had sole rights over the girl but that was only part of the joust. Few knew of the Reos Gate, and the girl was a problem.


  {[JOIRAN CLUSTER] [Cruise Ship Anamoth] [Duo Octant] [Saxe, Port Saxe]

  [Duo Octant] [Kreid, Port Kreid] [914857/2577/22/space]}

  “Feena,” screamed Robin, as she watched the heavy partition lower to secure the blast area. Terrified, they both banged on the door, desperately screaming at those around to gain access. Robin and William were frantic. After the main explosion they had both been flung down the passage and then to the ground. As they struggled to get up they tried to reach Serafina. Unable to reach her, they instead stared at a monitor before it went dead. She had been gripping the metal piling with white, bloody knuckles.

  By the time it was released, the door slid across and blast doors up, and the little girl was gone. The only sign left of her was a wet patch of urine and blood. Robin sobbed helplessly; the shielding had done its job in maintaining an atmosphere in the craft but the door had been closed automatically to contain the fire. Whoever did this knew what they were doing.

  William hung on to Robin as they staggered back, collecting the team as they went. Only two were missing as they grouped in a meeting room, hastily made into an emergency room.

  “Has an SOS gone out?” William barked at one of the officers trying to determine the extent of the damage.

  The officer paused and then recognized William under the grime and blood. “Yes, it has been issued.”

  “You must get a message to Saxe, to the Genetic Alterations Council, G.A.C. It is to say, ‘Project Wolf sabotaged. Request immediate aid. Girl kidnapped. Samples taken.’ Do you have that?”

  The officer nodded, recorded it in his handheld comp and repeated it back. On confirmation from William he headed to the bridge. They had all been briefed at the start of the voyage that the Wolf party was to be given top priority.

  Paramedics entered, spread out and tended to their wounds. They spoke amongst themselves and also shared water and helped those in shock.

  “Who would have made such a bold move?” one of the scientists asked.

  “Someone who found out about the project and wanted control.” Robin regained some of her composure, calculating it was the best way to help the little girl. Serafina needed them to be in top form to save her.

  “To what purpose? Serafina was to serve the entire Cluster, not just us.” Frustration could be heard in the words.

  “We’ve had failures before. Maybe they felt they had a better chance of bringing the project to fruition, or they may have had another agenda entirely. There have been comments on the secrecy of this project.”

  “Too many failures have been resulting in hopelessness, you know that, and doubt that the Genetics Council has any answers has been growing ever since we found that package on Forp.”

  “There have never been any guarantees that the project would succeed; that is why no one was told about this one. Are we supposed to just give up trying to find a way to defend ourselves against the Illudere?”

  Someone’s fist banged on the table.

  “Someone always thinks they can do a better job. This attack was well planned.” William spoke from a console, having received updated info on the attack.

  Robin began to cry again and was comforted by a companion. They had all grown attached to the girl but Robin had taken the little thing right to her heart.

  It was some days later that a message came from the G.A.C. telling them that half of the team would have to return to Saxe and wait for news. They would be rotated around so that, in the event she was discovered, someone that she knew would be there. Robin and William opted to go together aboard an independent science vessel. On the Sordes they could avoid contact with the pedantic Donaven, and the science team would be contacted on the girl’s whereabouts before Saxe, EO or the Coalition. There was nothing else they could do. When Robin returned to the cabin and went into Feena’s empty room she saw Mr. Pollocks. She wept again. Feena would miss her bear.

  Predators Become Prey

  {[JOIRAN CLUSTER] [EuroWasp] [Unus Octant] [Mador, Wasps Nest]

  [Secret Location] [914857/2577/22/space]}

  The raid went exactly to plan. Dressed in their beast costumes and flying a crate with an unregistered Meta-Shield, they were able to pounce on the cruise ship, taking it unawares. It had helped that they were conducting the first raid in the Cluster, but they were at a disadvantage over what might have gone wrong. Still, they had consoled themselves with the fact that those on the ship would be even less prepared than what they were.

  The planted Trimador spy had kept close tabs on the girl, noting the schedule and all regular comings and goings. He had signaled the EuroWasp, had warped the shield and waited for his compatriots to arrive in the fake Mixosaurus shielded vessel.

  Within minutes the attack began. They blew their way through the ship’s side and inserted a temporary docking tube. The shields automatically adjusted, combining with the Mixosaurus’s shielding to create a seal. Once oxygen was flowing adequately again, the Trimadorians charged through, grabbing the girl. The spy had already broken into the laboratory and stolen the samples.

  Mardez strode through the weapons fire, noting not many were very good shots on either side. Very shoddy. He scowled at his second-in-command, who, being close on his heels, shrugged back and nodded away from him. He looked down and saw the petrified girl. She fit the description. He went over, g
rabbed her and flung her over his shoulder.

  They left; there was no reason to dawdle. A fire that had erupted during the kidnapping was being contained by automatic units. Once in their crate they flew off, and a few hours later they disengaged the fake shield and replaced it with their real shield, EuroWasp. There was no pursuit. They had counted on it.

  Mardez dumped the girl with a medical officer and went to the bridge. “Send word to the commander that the parcel is en route for destination one. Will wait for instructions at destination two.” He sniffed at his outfit. It stunk of urine. “I’m going to change.”

  “Sir.” The sub went ahead with the communication. “Away, sir.”

  The captain nodded; efficiency was always a pleasure.

  They were to head through the Quattor Octant, first taking a detour to avoid any early search-and-rescue ships. They plotted a course into the AIS system, then out toward the Cerulean Nebula and then back along the Tres Octant. They weren’t foolish enough to enter into the black region but wanted to use it before taking the girl to their secret destination. They were also privileged to try out a new modification in the ship, one they were all hoping would shorten space travel.

  “Captain.” The medical officer entered the bridge behind his second in command. Mardez flicked his hand for the man to continue.

  “The girl is in shock; she has some minor injuries but other than that appears all right. Should I put her asleep?”

  The captain considered it and then nodded. “Ice her.”

  The medical officer was escorted out.

  Forty-five days into the journey they were attacked.

  They were close to an obscure planet in an uncharted galaxy. It had little to offer those in the cluster at present and had been left alone. They had run a scan on the planet to find what was normally an uninhabited planet was now registering life forms. Mardez stared at the incoming data. The three small space ships were Pygmy Class and very quick. Their coordinated attacks left Mardez breathless. He was impressed; he wanted their expertise, and he had failed in his first mission. And now all other orders were rescinded; he had to try and save the girl. Their crate was being systematically destroyed; there was no purpose to the attack, unlike their own kidnapping, which had purpose. The girl had to be saved.

  The alerts were blaring and at red. He ordered a data package to be sent to the Nest. He then ordered his second in command to take a crew, the samples and the girl down to the planet. They would try and draw the fire away.

  Within minutes the girl was out of the freezer, and a team had been assembled and entered into a ferian. It might have been funny seeing the Weddell seal shoot out from the Wasp’s clasp in an attempt to avoid the attacker but the terror on the faces within belied that once-humorous thought. The girl received emergency medical attention to stabilize her vital signs and to ensure her body came out of freeze as slowly as time permitted.

  Hours into the flight, the second-in-command and the other crew members watched in horror as their EuroWasp was destroyed. Once the shielding went down it was just a matter of time before the crate was annihilated. They decided to verge and travel dimensionally, hoping to lose their attackers. As soon as they crossed the dimensional bridge they began the maximum acceleration. A vehicle had followed them. They were pursued for three terrifying hours, and damage to their ferian required them to decelerate and verge back to home dimension. As soon as they were locked into home dimension they were attacked again. Before long they realized the futility of trying to avoid the enemy vessel. They headed for the ice planet but the trajectory was off slightly. They were given a slight reprieve as the attacking vessel corrected its course. As the transport rattled and burned upon entry through the planet’s atmosphere they were met with subzero temperatures and smashed into the icy ground; its shields fizzled out to display only the damaged crate. The girl was protected by the bodies of those who had kidnapped her. The small ferry crate had broken up on impact and those that survived the crash staggered out of the blaze into the freezing temperatures.

  The Bigger Piranha

  The kidnapping had been a success.

  The countermove had gone horribly wrong as the interceptors had been intercepted by another party. Not only had the kidnappers’ role been reversed, as they were now the prey, but the predators were prey as well. Those who had kidnapped the girl were now trying to protect her. She was now trying to protect them. They entered a solar system containing a LWA Category Two planet. The captain stared down at her display on the bridge. The planet had land, water and air, but a Category Two meant it was an ice planet with temperatures ranging from minus fifty to zero. Amid the smoke and flames on the bridge, she realized the futility of trying to continue against the predatory vessels that had appeared out of nowhere and flicked the “Evacuation” switch. So, in a small ferian they watched as another ferian escaped the burning EuroWasp. One predatory vessel, in a display of seemingly senseless violence, continued its bombardment on the EuroWasp, succeeding in destroying it, and then headed for her ship.

  “Run interference. Let the girl’s kidnappers get to the planet with the girl. Send our ship on a collision course for the surprise party and set the self-destruct.”

  “Yes, captain.”

  With sadness in her heart she watched as her ship blew up, taking the enemy with it. The ferian, running low on power, headed for the supposedly uninhabited ice planet. It was the prey’s ultimate failure when they unwittingly chose the very planet where the predators were based. The kidnappers had wanted to avoid the normal space routes and had chosen the Ais galaxy to wait for their next set of instructions. It was ironic, as another dissident group, who would protect their secrets at all costs, used the same region.

  The prey headed for the surface of the planet but their trajectory into the atmosphere was off slightly. The predatory vessel corrected its course, giving the prey a slight reprieve. As the prey’s transport smashed into the icy ground, its shields fizzled out to display only the damaged square crate. She studied the region.

  “Life signs approaching. Terasian.”

  “Let them do their job.”

  “Ice people and wolves exiting the caves.”

  She shrugged, seeing they would take some time to get to the crash site. The captain chuckled; if the beasts didn’t finish them off then the temperatures would. She commanded that they break off pursuit.

  “Survivors are getting out of the crate.”

  She cursed, watching on the monitor. “Idiots! They’ll freeze … ah, smoke is billowing out.”

  The survivors of the crash staggered out of the blazing ferian into the freezing temperatures. The medical officer cradling the girl had wrapped her tightly. He finally put the girl down to check the others. There were twelve left. They were just trying to regain their senses when they heard the blood-curdling sounds of wild beasts. They had no chance. The survivors were trying to regain their senses enough to prepare to fight. Even the falling snow did not muffle those blood-curdling growls. They had no chance. The beasts attacked. Before long, almost every crash survivor was dead. Before each death, the beasts were identified as the Terasians made long ago by scientists. A snarling, long-fanged beast slinked up to the unconscious girl. Blood dripped from the white daggers and the up-curled lips were baring the sharp points for a full display of malevolence.

  The captain gripped her leg. Moment of truth.

  The Terasian beast smelled the small body.

  “What’s it doing?” a junior bridge officer whispered.

  One of her senior officers answered. “Packed deep within his brain the smell is acting a catalyst, setting neurons firing until he will know that to attack means a violation against ancient instinct. It will be like attacking his own kind. See, he’s backing away, making the only conclusion he can make.”

  They watched as other beasts came, smelled and then backed away. Even though covered with material the girl would die in the freezing temperatures. The beasts did the only t
hing they could do. Three Terasian beasts approached the inert body.

  The captain smiled. “Let’s go get the girl.”

  Just as the officer touched the control panel a large chunk of debris crashed into them.

  A snarling, long-fanged beast slinked up to the unconscious girl. Blood dripped from the white daggers and the up-curled lips were baring the sharp points for a full display of malevolency. The Terasian beast backed away making the only conclusion it could, others came and smelt, and then also backed away.

  She was covered but would die in the freezing temperatures. They did the only thing they could do. Three approached the unmoving body. The girl began to moan and move slightly. The Terasians looked up, hearing an explosion in the sky, and they watched as a large object dropped flaming into the distance and turned their attention back to the girl.

  Soon they detected another smell. Wolves. Hundreds of them. They achieved what they had to; this was no longer their concern. They left, turning away contemptuously and snarling. This day was not a day for a challenge. The girl had to live. Snow floated around them as a snow storm settled upon the region. The eldest Terasian stopped upon an outcrop of boulders and turned to watch. Large creatures moved in out of the snow drift and picked up the girl. The white wolves turned, following the large white walking creatures. The snowdrift fell heavier and it was difficult to distinguish the two moving masses from one another.


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