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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1)

Page 25

by Audrey Storm

  “Oh my goodness!” she gasped as she felt his cock slipping out of her allowing their love juices to drip out of her. She sunk to the floor and he sat down next to her, cradling her. “You…you are amazing.”

  “No you are amazing,” he said as she rest her head on his shoulder.

  “I don’t want to sound like I am moving too fast but I think I am falling for you,” she said in a whisper and he forced out a laugh.

  “Well, too late because I fell for you a long time ago,” he said before he pressed his lips to her forehead.

  A smile played on her lips.

  “Maybe good things do happen to good people,” she thought as he held her, rubbing his hand up and down her upper arm to keep her warm. “I think you are the reason why it never worked out with Frankie.”

  “I think you are the reason it never worked out with Danielle…or Helga or Pat…” he started before she playfully punched his arm.

  “Mention another woman’s name and I cannot be held responsible for what happens next.”

  He smiled and kissed her forehead again.

  “Right now, you are the only woman in my life. On my mind and in my heart,” he said in a whisper making Kylie get a warm tingle down her spine.



  Bad Crush for My Dad’s Best Friend

  Bad Crush for My Dad’s Best Friend

  Chapter 1

  Mackenzie Ross was speechless as she looked at her best friend Athena Wright across the lunch table. Athena had just admitted that she had been harboring a crush on her boss Mason Alexander ever since she first saw him at her father’s political launch party back when she was still a college sophomore and Mackenzie who was used to seeing her best friend with laid back boring everyday guys was having a hard time figuring out when Athena’s taste changed so much.

  “My taste hasn’t really changed,” Athena said as she circled her index finger on the rim of her water glass. “I guess I have always looked for that in every guy I have dated.” She raised her glass and took a long sip. “Maybe that’s the reason those guys never last long.”

  Mackenzie pushed back a strand of her honey blonde hair and tucked it behind her ear.

  “Are you even listening to yourself?” she asked and Athena nodded.

  “I always listen to myself,” she said rolling her eyes.

  “You know what I mean,” Athena said. “I’ve never been one to speak without carefully considering what is coming out of my mouth.”

  Mackenzie put her fork down and shook her head.

  “I’m sorry, Athena, but I just don’t get it. I mean, Mason Alexander?” she asked as Athena took a bite of her Caesar salad. “And you have kept it a secret for what? Four years?” she asked.

  “Actually three,” Athena said. “Maybe more actually. Remember when we were in high school and every female member of the faculty had a thing for him? I think that was when it all began.”

  Mackenzie shook her head and took a bite of her club sandwich.

  “This is not happening,” she said.

  “Says the woman who has been dating an older man for a year,” Athena aid, sarcasm in her voice and her best friend rolled her eyes. “I know, I know. That is different, right?”

  “That is definitely not what I wanted to say, but it is. Scott is thirty-two. Mr. Alexander is what? Sixty?” Mackenzie asked.

  “Fifty-two, thank you very much,” Athena corrected her. Mackenzie was quiet for a long second before she spoke again.

  “So, you have to admit all this is a little weird. I mean, you’ve kept this a secret for years and suddenly you are coming clean? What’s the catch?”

  Athena sighed and leaned back in her chair.

  “I guess I just got tired of keeping the secret,” she said and Mackenzie’s eyes grew wide.

  “Oh my God, you little liar,” she said in a low voice. “You are telling me this s I can stop insisting on you and Jack, huh?”

  Athena shrugged. Mackenzie was right. She had been trying to set her up with her friend Jack Kingston for the longest time and Athena had run out of reasons to turn her down. She took another bite of her salad before she took a long sip of her water.

  “There is that so, yeah,” Athena said smiling.

  “But if I have to admit, the guy is seriously hot,” Mackenzie said in a soft voice. “He has the whole Richard Gere meets George Clooney thing working for him.”

  Athena smiled and then laughed.

  “I knew that you noticed him when we first met him,” she said as she looked into Mackenzie’s green eyes.

  “Yeah…I guess I just never really pictured him as your cup of tea, that’s all,” Mackenzie pointed out and Athena shrugged.

  “I have to get going,” Athena said as she looked at her phone. “I wouldn’t want to be late while still on my first week.”

  “Wait, so you would rather answer phones and get his coffee rather than get your career…you are literally taking a break from your life, Athena,” Mackenzie said. Athena shook her head as she dabbed the sides of her mouth with a paper towel.

  “Actually, not really,” she said. “I just…Mackenzie, you have been my best friend since we were six. And you know how much pressure I grew up with…being the perfect Wright daughter in my mother’s eyes and the devastatingly terrible shit that was my supposed engagement.” Athena shook her head. “I need time to be Athena. And not just Athena Wright, Senator Joel Wright’s daughter.”

  Mackenzie shook her head.

  “Sweetie, you are a paralegal. You act on this and you know the ripple effect leads right back to your father.”

  “Well, he is no longer a senator, so I don’t think I have anything to worry about,” Athena said. “Besides, it’s not like I am planning to suddenly parade Mason Alexander around town advertising myself as his new arm piece or anything.”

  Mackenzie shrugged as Athena gathered her stuff.

  “I just want you to do you,” she said and Athena smiled as she stood up.

  “That’s exactly what I am doing.” She got up and hung her purse on her shoulder. “Need me to wait with you before Scott gets here?”

  Mackenzie shook her head.

  “No, we fought this morning. And we kind of still are,” she said making Athena smiled.

  “Of course,” she said.

  “Besides, don’t you have to pass by the store on your way back?” Mackenzie asked as Athena gave her a quick hug.

  “No, I don’t think I have enough time. Talk later?” she asked and Mackenzie nodded.


  As Athena walked out to the restaurant parking lot, she could feel her heart racing and she was not sure whether it was the excitement of going back to the office or the relief of finally coming clean to Mackenzie Either way, she was super excited. She looked at her reflection in the tinted windows of her car and a smile played on her lips. The black fitting skirt and floral long sleeved V-necked top she had on was doing wonders for her plus size curvy body. She climbed into the driver’s seat and secured her seatbelt before she pulled out of the parking lot.

  At twenty-eight years of age, Athena was finally living the life she had always wanted: finally free of her parents’ influence. Growing up as the only girl in a family of over achievers had really taken its toll on her. Surgeon mother, politician father and a big sister that had followed in her mother’s medical footsteps and even though her mother was hell bent on having both of her daughters in the medical fraternity, Athena had gone with her gut and settled on law school. But that had not been the end of her parents’ long reach in her life. As far as Martha and Allan Wright were concerned, their children were an extension of themselves and that being said a reflection of themselves. So, Martha and Allan were always on Athena and Amanda’s case about every little aspect of their lives. Amanda had managed to live with the whole situation but Athena who had always been the more rebellious one just couldn’t handle it. She’d had to live with her parents’ intrusion
in every aspect of her life and somewhere in high school she began eating to hide her feelings. It was the only way she could live with the pressure. And as a result by the time she got to college, she had gone from being the perfect size six cheerleader to a size eighteen. Gaining weight had done a number on her self-esteem and Martha’s constant bickering was not doing her any favors. But as far as she was concerned, shit hit the fan when her mother set her up with a guy and not to date, to marry. Even though it had been years since it happened, she could still remember the conversation almost as if it had just happened.

  “You got me a man to marry? Did we suddenly turn back the wheel of time and land in rural India or something?” Athena had asked.

  “Well, I know this is not the ideal way to throw you into the institution….” Martha started and Athena shook her head.

  “There are no words I can think of that would be the perfect ending to that sentence,” she said, cutting her mother short.

  “Well, in a perfect world you and Aubrey make for really cute photos,” Martha said smiling and Athena shrugged.

  “Really, mum? That’s all you care about? Cute family photos?” she asked and Martha shook her head.

  “I set up your sister the very same way and she is happy. Why don’t you trust that I can do the same for you?” Martha asked and Athena rolled her eyes.

  “I am perfectly capable of getting myself a boyfriend, mum. I don’t need your help in that department,” she said.

  “Well, you know that the family cannot afford another of your scandalous relationships, Athena. Your father is on his campaign trail and anything negative the press gets from us…” Martha started before Athena stood up and walked to the window. “Baby, you know that all this is a family affair. I mean, I quit my job so that I could support him in this.”

  “I am not about to quit my life so I can help dad get ahead in the polls,” Athena said.

  “Athena Marie! Aubrey is a great guy and a great CEO in a leading Fortune 500 company,” Martha said. Her tone told Athena that her mother was as serious as a heart attack. “Your father needs his endorsement and we are going to move heaven and earth to get it.”

  Athena could hardly believe what she was hearing at that moment. In so many words, her mother was telling her that she was willing to pimp her out to get her father to the senate.

  “What if I say no?” Athena asked and Martha sipped on her drink.

  “Then you will be cut off,” her mother said and just like that, she had signed her life away. Which didn’t make any sense to her because she had always heard her father’s ‘Be Free To Be Who You Are’ speech since she was a little girl and it didn’t make any sense that to her that she was being forced into something just to further her father’s political career. And it took every bone in her body to cut ties with her family, which meant living on her own dime, but compared to being pimped off, it was heaven.

  Chapter 2

  It was almost nine when Athena finally finished up with the paperwork she had started on earlier the previous day. A smile played on her lips as she got up and slowly made her way to Mason’s office. She took a long deep breath and gently knocked on his door. She was not even surprised that he had been working this late. She was used to seeing him working late for the last month she had been working at Alexander, Fleming & Associates.

  “Come in,” she heard him call from inside.

  “Hey, hope I am not interrupting or anything,” she said as she poked her head through the doorway.

  “Hey, Athena…come in,” Mason said as he looked up. “I didn’t know you were still here?” Mason asked as he looked at Athena. “You work harder and longer than the people I actually pay to be here.”

  “I was working on the Fielder depositions. It took a bit longer than I thought,” she said as she leaned against the doorpost. “Can I come in?” she asked and Mason nodded.


  “So, this is the big finish as I call it. All the paperwork you might need for the Fielder deposition and the paperwork needed for the Vasquez and Daniels merger dissolution.” She placed the files down on his desk. “It’s a good thing that we stalled on the merger because as it turns out Phillip Daniels has been embezzling from the company for years.”

  Mason opened the file and looked through it. She could tell by the way he had an eyebrow raised over the other that he was impressed.

  “You did this?” he asked and she nodded. “How come no one else caught this?”

  “In everyone else’s defense, it wasn’t easy to catch. The money was hidden in shell companies under more shell companies…” she shrugged. “It was really well hidden.”

  “Wow, Athena….” Mason smiled and nodded. “This is amazing.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you, Mr. Alexander,” she said and he smiled.

  “Whoa, Mr. Alexander?” he asked and she nodded. “Athena, it’s just us here.” I mean, I saw you go to high school and college.”

  “Yes, and I have to maintain professionalism before I call you out by your first name at the next meeting,” she said smiling.

  “Yeah, I guess,” he said in a soft voice.

  “So, unless you have anything else for me, maybe I should turn in,” she said and he shrugged.

  “I don’t normally do this but I am going to do it anyway.”

  She shook her head.

  “Do what?” she asked.

  “Have you eaten yet?” She shook her head.

  “No, I was going to pass by a pizzeria or a KFC on my way home,” she said and he shook his head.

  “Both tasty but terrible ideas.” He shut down his computer and pushed his chair back. “I have a better idea. Get your stuff,” he said as he put on his jacket and she shook her head.

  “Wait, what?” she asked as he walked towards her.

  “Get your stuff. I am taking you for dinner,” he said as he led her to the door. “I mean, I haven’t eaten anything either and I obviously need to reward you for saving my client and putting more money in my pocket.”

  “Mason…you really don’t have to,” she said as she looked at him.

  “Actually, I really do. End of discussion,” he said as he held the door open for her.

  “But my car…” she started as she looked at him.

  “I can get someone to get it to your place. Right now, if you want,” he said. She took a minute before she shrugged.

  “Fine,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Great. We’ll take my car,” he said.

  “You mean we’ll take the car being driven by your driver outside?” she asked and he smiled at her.

  “I thought that was obvious.”


  Athena had always known that Mason had good taste but it was not until that evening did she realize just how good his taste really was. He had taken her to Luca Jean, one of the most popular spots in town that only a select few managed to get into. It was not just a five star spot, but also impossible to get a reservation there. After a long day, an ale braised beef short rib accompanied by a thousand dollar cabernet sauvignon was exactly what she needed.

  Dinner took longer than she expected and even though she already knew that he was an interesting man, she was finding herself getting more and more interested in him as the time went by. By the time they were done, it was almost eleven. Her heart was racing as she drove in the back of his town car. She was surrounded by his scent, his expensive intoxicating scent. She guessed that it was probably Bvlgari…she could tell that much since that was also her father’s brand. She looked at him as the town car approached her apartment building.

  “Thanks for dinner,” she said in a low voice. “It’s not every day I get to sample the finer restaurants in life especially since…you know.”

  She didn’t want to say what was on her mind. She was all done recounting the wrongs that her mother had done to her. The arranged engagement, getting her on a forced diet so that she could attain the ‘ideal’ weight and
even cutting her out, financially.

  “You know, when I first heard that you stood up to Martha, I couldn’t help but wonder, how exactly does a twenty-five-year-old intend to make it in a world without her parents when all she’s known is….” His voice trailed off.

  “Pampering?” she asked and he nodded.

  “Yeah,” he said, smiling.

  “Let’s just say I kept a nest egg handy,” she said.

  “I would love to know more about that,” Mason said as the car came up to a stop.

  “It’s a long story,” she said and he shrugged.

  “I have time,” he said, smiling.

  “It is almost midnight and we have an early morning, remember?” she asked and he shrugged.

  “I’m the boss. I can go in late,” he said. “Plus it’s not like I have court tomorrow or anything.”

  “The merger dissolution?” Athena asked. “Which actually happens at nine-thirty in the morning?”

  “Oh please. That will be over in minutes once we disclose the fact that Daniels has been embezzling funds. Plus, I am not even the one handling it. I have better things to do with my weekends.” She smiled and shrugged.

  “The weekend hasn’t even started yet. It’s still Thursday,” she said.

  “Well, my weekends have been known to start a whole lot earlier than usual,” he said. “Trust me when I say that the only thing harder would be taking candy from a baby.”

  Athena’s smile turned into a laugh as she looked at him.


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