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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1)

Page 58

by Audrey Storm

  Chapter 2

  Living with Bea is mostly fun, but there are periods when it's difficult. Sometimes she'll go off for days and I won't hear anything from her until she gets back. The first time she did it I blew up at her but it rolled off her back so there was no point me getting angry again. I just had to deal with it. That's what you had to do with Bea, change yourself to accommodate her, because she was going to do anything she wanted. Sometimes she would go off with her latest boyfriend. Her relationships never lasted that long, and I don't think she was ever truly invested in any of them. Like everything else, it was just something to do, something to keep her occupied. If I had my way she would have been more... selective in her choice of lovers, as I don't think many of the men were worthy of her. Sometimes I could hear them in the other room, the heavy moans and the grunts. The walls shuddered as the bed shook and then the thunderclap happened as whichever man it was at the time released his fury within. The strange thing is, I never heard Bea scream in ecstasy. Not with the men anyway. When she was alone in her room she did, and I wondered who she thought of when she was pleasuring herself. But whenever I heard her soft moans crack through the silence my own hand slipped in between my thighs and I felt the sweet pleasure overwhelm me.

  I don't know when I first became aware of my feelings for Bea. Sometimes I think they were always there, even when I was a child and couldn't comprehend what the feelings meant. Then they surreptitiously slithered through my soul and bloomed when the rush of adolescent hormones surged through my body, and I was left helpless. I started to feel funny when I was around her. My stomach churned and my skin tingled whenever she touched me. My skin flushed and it felt like every part of me was on fire. I found my eyes drifting towards her automatically, and I had to make a conscious effort to pull them away. My thoughts were consumed by her and my heart raged within my chest.

  I had a burning desire for her and I didn't know how to deal with it. It hurt me so much that I spent nights crying with frustration because I simply didn't know how to deal with my feelings. I'd always known that I was a little different because I could never join in properly when the girls were talking about all the boys they liked. I had to pretend and smile and act like I knew what they were feeling, but I didn't really know until my feelings for Bea flourished.

  There were times when I followed her around like a puppy dog and I knew that it was bad and that I was suffocating her but I couldn't help it. She and everyone else out it down to the idea that I needed her for strength...I just needed her.

  I started to notice the littlest things about her, like the way she would cock an eyebrow to indicate surprise; a gesture inspired by Mr. Spock from the endless re-runs of Star Trek, which I watched because she watched them even though I never understood what she loved so much about them. Then there was her laugh, it came out like bubbles and seemed to float through the air, its lilting tones so golden and glorious. I wanted to wrap myself up in that laugh and wear it like a blanket. She didn't always laugh, but I could always make her laugh and so it became my laugh, and I cherished it.

  Chapter 3

  But I was in endless agony because I couldn't tell her how I felt. The swirling, turbulent, intense emotions were locked inside the cage of my heart. We had been friends for longer than we could remember and even if we hadn't she liked boys. She'd had a boyfriend before and she would have one again and she always told me about this or that boy that tried it on with her and we would laugh at how she declined their offers with a sneering, ridiculing comment that would have shattered their confidence and made them turn tail and scurry away.

  I was afraid of being the recipient of one of those comments. We laughed at them, but my laugh was hollow, tinged with fear and sadness, because I knew that she was unattainable and my poor, wretched heart wouldn't be able to move on.

  Caught in the lens of teenage angst the whole thing seems melodramatic now, and I feel foolish for the way I dealt with it. I should have been honest with her from the start I suppose, despite her blunt nature I don't think she would have been mean about it and turned me away like the admirers who lined up because there was something so alluring about the mean girl, the aloof girl, the girl that didn't give a shit about anything. I should know because I was right there with them, except I didn't have the guts to step up to the plate and ask her out. Instead I was on the sidelines, despair twisting in my soul because there was that sliver of vain hope that if I just worked up the courage to tell her the truth then her eyes would light up as she responded by saying that she had felt the same things too...but the fear was too strong and I couldn't escape it. It suffocated and stifled me and no matter how hard I tried to summon the courage to reveal my feelings to someone there was an invisible barrier tightened around my chest, constricting my breath, preventing the words from coming out of my mouth.

  So for the longest time I suffered in silence and I didn't mind it because she never took any of her relationships seriously and they were all with men, so I knew that even if I did tell her how I felt she wouldn't have reciprocated anyway, so I buried them deep down inside where I tried to forget about them, pushed them all the way down, hoping that eventually they would disappear. For a time I thought they had, and the two of us were able to be proper friend again, the way it had always been, and I even got a girlfriend myself, although I kept it a secret from everything. I think Bea knew that something was going on but I remained tight-lipped, and that was part of the problem. She grew tired that we couldn't share our love out in the open, and that I would always drop everything if Bea called. I didn't tell her that I was in love with Bea but I think she suspected I had deeper feelings for my best friend, and she told me that she couldn't be second best. But I couldn't choose her over Bea.

  And that's been the story of all my relationships since then. Even when I get with someone Bea hangs over us like a shadow. I thought that maybe if she was in a serious relationship then it would help me move on, but when it happened it only made me sicker.

  She was so flighty that I didn't think she would ever settle down with anyone, but when she met Aaron it soon turned into a serious relationship. He was over most nights and I had to hear them make love and then she started screaming. He was the only one, and I hated it. I tried to be a good friend and like him but I hated him and there was always tension between us, even though I would never tell her why I felt like that. The relationship lasted over a year. I had to watch them cook together, do jigsaw puzzles together, play board games together, watch movies together, do all the things that we should have been doing together.

  I focused on my career and spent as much time as the office as possible, trying to avoid that which caused me pain. While I worked there, I started chatting to one of the interns, a redheaded girl named Denise. We hit it off instantly and the more time I spent there the more time I felt like I could have a proper life, a proper relationship. We laughed and I started to notice Denise's laugh. We went to a pancake restaurant for our first proper date and I noticed the way she would chew so that her mouth didn't open, and after she finished she dabbed both corners of her mouth with her napkin, then smiled at me, satisfied. I reached across the table and took her hand. She didn't know the magnitude of the gesture but for the first time I was able to enjoy a date without Bea getting in the way. I didn't compare the two of them. I appreciated Denise for her, and for what she could offer me.

  But always I had to return to the apartment where the two of them were and they looked so happy, so in tune that my own relationship felt inadequate. And I noticed that Bea began to change as well. She took more interest in the news and current affairs. She started to grow her hair out as well. When I asked her why she told me that she wanted to try something new for Aaron. Then new things started appearing in our fridge. Gone was the continual parade of Chinese takeout, replaced by colorful vegetables and batches of homemade soup. Bea was becoming domesticated and I didn't understand it. She had never changed for anyone before and I didn't understand why
she was starting now. Aaron was changing her, and I didn't like it. Most of all I didn't like the fact that I wasn't the one who changed her.

  My relationship with Denise suffered after that. I started to question my feelings for Bea. Was it really fair to call it love when it was unrequited? Didn't that just mean it was a waste of time and energy, and that it didn't amount to anything? It was a hard thing to figure out because to me it was everything. It had been a part of me and was lodged in my soul. I felt like I could never let go of my love for her because I'd be saying goodbye to a piece of myself, and without it I would be empty...yet at the same time I knew that I would never be fulfilled until I found out a way to reconcile the love I felt for her with the situation at hand. As much as I didn't want to accept it, Aaron didn't seem to be going anywhere.

  It was actually when I was back home for a trip that I came to a new understanding of things. I had popped round to see Bea's parents and I was telling them about Aaron, for he was such a big part of Bea's life that I couldn't very well leave him out. When I spoke about him I realized that I was listing all his good qualities, and the truth was that there were many, and he had managed to temper Bea's tempestuous spirit, something that nobody else had. I realized then that he was actually good for her, and that the love I had for Bea was a selfish love because it was only focused inwardly rather than out to her. A wave of serenity washed over me and I felt cleansed, like all the turbulent emotions had been wiped clean from my body and I was free again, for the first time my mind was clear and I could think clearly. My life didn't have to revolve around Bea. I was my own person, and just because we had always been tethered to each other and had been the opposites of each other it didn't mean that when she was happy I had to be sad, or vice versa.

  I left home that day with the intention of committing myself to Denise and making our relationship a serious one, to tell her my innermost thoughts and trust her with the secrets I had been carrying around with me. That was my intention. But when I arrived home I found Bea in tears.

  Chapter 4

  I dropped my bag and rushed over to her and asked her what happened. Her words were intelligible and all I could do was hold her, cradle her to my bosom until the weeping subsided. When she finally gathered her breath she told me that Aaron had left, that he'd sat down and told her that things weren't working out and she just wasn't what he was looking for. How dare he? How dare that man say that Bea wasn't good enough for him when she was a goddess.

  As I stroked her head I noticed how strange it still was to feel the long, thick tresses of hair roll down her shoulders. Her eyes were raw and red but they still retained that almost mystical beauty, as though the entire universe was sparkling within them. I made soothing noises and heard her tell the whole story through heaving breaths, how he hadn't been happy for a while, and that he felt she was holding him back. I tried to tell her that he was a fool and he was the one holding her back, and that he was the one who was making the mistake, but she just couldn't believe it. She wouldn't believe it. The tears seemed like they were never going to stop and I wanted to do anything to stem the flow, I searched my mind for an old joke to take her back to a time when we didn't have to worry about boys or anything else, but nothing seemed adequate, and for the first time I didn't know how to make her laugh. Her laugh had been stolen from me and my hatred for Aaron burned brighter than the heat from a thousand raging suns.

  In that instant I saw Bea not as the girl I had always looked up to but as the one that had always been inside, the one that made her put up the walls and the barriers and that 'go fuck yourself' attitude, the vulnerable one that made her push away everyone except me...and Aaron. And in that moment all the feelings I had flowed through me, it felt like lava through my veins and time seemed to stand still as I clutched Bea close to me, holding her trembling body. Her eyes were liquid and glassy. The tears glistened under the soft lights that hung over her head, and suddenly we were locked together. I felt my soul seep through my body and it was like I was possessed by an ethereal spirit. I stared at her, and she looked back at me, and in that moment we came to a new understanding. Our minds and bodies came together in a way that they had never done before. I knew that the only way to comfort her was to kiss, but somehow I knew it without ever thinking it, and before I was conscious of anything our lips had pressed together and we were kissing.

  It was the sweetest feeling I had ever experienced. Her lips were so soft and electric tingles spread through my body, pulsing through my flesh. In the back of my mind was Denise but she was a small whisper, drowned out by the cacophony of fervent screams.

  The tears stopped but our kiss didn't. There were moments where our eyes opened and we looked at each other as if saying 'Is this really happening?' but then we let the kiss wash over us again, and we fell into the abyss, spiraling down, helpless without a parachute, clinging onto each other.

  My mind was a whirl as our tongues pushed against each other. Everything I had suppressed came out in one violent burst. I dug my hands into her and clawed at her clothes, eager to get at the skin underneath, the flesh I had imagined so many times, the body that I had been so close to yet so forbidden from. Now it was all mine and I relished the small victory, the triumph that all my waiting had not been in vain.

  Bea kissed me just as hungrily as I kissed her, and I started to believe that deep down after all these years she had harbored the same feelings as I. Our hands tangled in our hair and we twisted it together, the dark and golden tones converging just as the two of us always had down, so different and yet so alike, bound together by something powerful and all-conquering.

  “I've wanted this for so long,” I said breathlessly. Bea placed a finger to my lips and looked me deep in the eye. She drew back and stood up. First she pulled off her top and unclasped her bra in one smooth motion. She flung them both away, but my eyes barely flicked towards the motion, transfixed on her topless body. It was nothing I hadn't seen before but I had never seen it in this context. Her breasts were so full and pert, and her perfect nipples pointed out straight at me. She dragged her hands down her torso and groped her breasts, throwing her head back and biting her bottom lip as she did so. I felt the heat fizz through my body and I gasped, reaching out with a limp hand, trying to get closer to her.

  Bea began to sway her hips and then spun around, bending over to show me her peach of an ass before running her hands all around her thighs. Through the gap between her legs I saw her breasts hanging down, teasing me, tantalizing me. When she twisted around again she was wearing a wicked grin and I knew that she was enjoying the sweet torture. She unzipped her jeans and slowly made her way back towards me as she slid them down her legs, and then undressed completely, revealing her pussy to me. It was almost completely shaved, with just a thin line of pubic hair around her lips. My stomach growled and my mouth began to water. Bea strode up and towered above me. She reached down and took my hair in her hands.

  “Please me pretty princess,” she said, and pulled my head up so that I was engulfed by the hot scent of her pussy. My arms curled around her legs as I buried myself inside her. I kept my eyes open at first, looking up at her resplendent body. Her hands were planted on my head, guiding me deeper into her. My tongue licked up and down her wet lips and then I thrust it inside, feeling the soft folds of skin surrender to me, allowing me inside. My fingers ran around the back of her thighs and I felt like a vine. My knees began to ache as they rested against the floor but I cared not because all I wanted to do was give Bea her pleasure, the pleasure that I had been saving for her ever since I knew what these sensations were. My eyes closed as I lost myself in her heaven and I became part of her, so deep inside that I thought I was going to become lost forever.

  Then I heard it. That sweet sound. Her moans and gasps, rumbling out of her throat softly at first, then becoming thunderous in their wrath. I felt her body tremble and I knew that what we had was real, was genuine, and it was everything I had ever wanted. I cast aside all my doubt
and I made peace with the fact that Aaron was a necessary evil to bring the two of us together. I held onto her as the orgasm flowed over my face and in my mouth, tasting every bit of her, smiling as I licked my lips. Her grip on me slackened and she sank to her knees and started to kiss me lovingly.

  Our fingers locked together, the angel and the devil combining and turning each other inside out. My flesh became her flesh. I started to feel the prickles on my own skin when she would rub her hand over her flat stomach. We fell to the floor and rolled around, my hands on her naked skin, hers pulling away my clothes. My long blonde hair fell over her chest as I moved down her body, sucking on her breasts and teasing the nipples with my teeth. I felt her shudder, and I enjoyed the gasps of sweet agony as the pain blurred with pleasure. The angel had turned into the devil. We were one and the same. I slid my hand down the middle of her body and found the wet patch between her legs. I plunged my fingers in and started to curl them slowly, watching her face contort with delight, not knowing where I ended and she began. I rose up and she groped at my breasts and neck, flailing against me as the pleasure became too much. All I wanted to do was service her, to unleash all the love that I had been storing up inside, to break her body with everything I had and wreck her for anyone else. I wanted to show her that she didn't need anyone else. All she needed was me and my love and we could be happy.

  Bea shook her head and tried to claw my hand away.

  “It should be you,” she moaned, her words barely audible through the groaning noise that emanated from her arching neck, but I resisted. This was one fight Bea was not going to win. As her fingers tore at my wrist I dug my fingers in even further, feeling her insides accommodate me, feeling her body writhe, dancing to the tune that my fingers were creating. A delicious smile came upon my face as I watched her at my mercy, laying flat on the floor, her arms now hanging limply by her said, her body a slick, sweaty mess. Her cheeks were flushed and her heart pounded in her chest.


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