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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1)

Page 190

by Audrey Storm

  Chapitre 6

  Les rues étaient désertes que je suis rentré à la maison. Il y a eu l'astuce d'humidité dans l'air, et je savais qu'il allait la pluie bientôt. J'ai repris les mots maintes et maintes fois dans ma tête, en essayant d'imaginer sa réaction. Mon inclination naturelle était de voir son visage tomber puis ses yeux harden comme elle m'a dit en termes non équivoques qu'elle n'a pas ressenti de la même façon, mais j'ai essayé de secouer le sentiment d'appréhension qui avaient m'enveloppent. J'ai fini par tellement secouée par les nerfs que j'ai acheté une bouteille de vodka et swigged sur mon chemin de retour, jusqu'à ce que j'ai obtenu un bon buzz autour.

  J'ai pris une profonde respiration avant j'ai ouvert la porte de l'appartement, et à ma grande horreur, j'ai vu Bea et Aaron assis sur les extrémités opposées de la table, regard comme s'ils étaient au milieu de quelque chose d'important. Aaron toisé à moi. Bea leva les yeux, et j'ai pu voir la confusion dans ses yeux. J'ai gelé.

  "Pouvez-vous nous donner une minute?" dit Aaron, son manly voix notre appartement, fendant nos coeurs, essayer de couper les uns des autres. J'ai commencé à tourner, mais j'ai arrêté. J'ai regardé Bea et je savais que mon ami avait besoin de moi. Je ne pouvais pas quitter son.

  "Ce qui se passe?" J'ai demandé.

  "Il n'est pas votre entreprise ", Aaron dit sèchement.

  " Il veut lui donner une autre chance ", dit-elle. Je me sentais comme si j'allais être malade. J'ai examiné les deux d'entre eux, et avant que je n'a rien d'autre J'ai abandonné la bouteille de vodka, de ne pas s'occuper qu'elle a brisé et renversé sur le sol. J'ai pris d'assaut jusqu', a agrippé la main du BEA, et l'a traînée jusqu'à ma chambre. Aaron ont protesté, mais j'ai verrouillé la porte avant qu'il ne puisse faire quoi que ce soit. J'ai attendu pour le martelage retombe avant j'ai tourné à Bea, et s'assit à côté d'elle.

  "Il s'est dit désolé et veut lui donner une autre chance, que nous avions quelque chose de bon et qu'il est trop bon à travers loin ", dit-elle. Je serra ma mâchoire et essayé de mettre mes propres sentiments de côté et mettre son premier, parce que je l'avais aimée et voulait lui faire plaisir.

  "Et vous, que voulez-vous?"

  "I...Je ne sais pas", dit-elle, et j'y ai vu son nouveau, la fille vulnérable, celui que je n'avais vu, celui qui m'a tout expliqué. Je enveloppée dans mes bras et écrasé son étroitement. Comme je l'ai gardée je sentis sa force de devenir mon propre. Je me suis sentie à l'intérieur croissant, une nouvelle confiance et courage sautes à travers moi.

  " Je vais lui dire de quitter," je l'ai dit, et c'est exactement ce que faisait rapidement. Au premier, il a combattu moi mais j'ai clairement indiqué qu'il quittait, n'importe quoi. Je suis rentré pour voir Bea, qui s'est calmé. Je l'ai regardée secouer les épaules, en regardant si petits et fragiles perché sur le bord du lit, et les mots sont sortis facilement, toutes les années de souffrances muettes ont été annulées par un seul instant dans lesquelles les étoiles alignées et tout semblait droit.

  " Bea, je sais que ce n'est pas le moment idéal, mais j'ai été la tenue sur quelque chose pendant si longtemps. Je vous aime, je l'ai toujours été, j'ai aimé vous depuis Avant je savais ce que l'amour a été, et je suis désolé qu'il m'a fallu si longtemps pour dire il. Personne n'est jamais d'amour Vous comme moi, personne n'est prêt à vous connaître la manière dont je fais. Nous sommes A & B, l'ange et diable. Il a toujours été de nous contre le monde, et je ne veux pas que le hasard hook ups plus. Si nous allons faire ce que je veux faire correctement," je l'ai dit, parlant en toute confiance. Bea tourné vers moi, un grand sourire sur son visage.

  " Vous voulez dire il?", a-t-elle dit, son visage d'allumer la lampe.

  "Bien sûr..." Je l'ai dit, un peu perplexe quant aux raisons pour lesquelles elle avait été tellement surpris. Elle a sauté à ses pieds et se tenaient mes mains dans les siennes.

  "J'espère vous sentez de cette façon, tout ce temps, mais je n'étais pas sûr..." dit-elle.

  "Que voulez-vous dire ? "

  "Je veux dire, j'ai aimé vous trop."

  "Depuis quand ? "

  " Depuis toujours!"

  Je ne pouvais pas croire ce qu'elle disait. Je suis tombé en arrière dans l'incrédulité.

  "Que voulez-vous dire ? "

  "J'ai toujours aimé vous. Vous avez été la meilleure personne que j'ai jamais su, mais vous avez été tellement parfait vous étiez comme une princesse et j'ai été simplement... J'ai été la fille que personne n'aimait, celui qu'ils ont tous peur de. Quelle chance que je n'ai eu avec vous? Et vous étiez toujours tellement de succès dans tout ce que vous avez fait, puis vous êtes venus ici et vous avez été un tel big shot. Et que dois-je faire ? J'ai gaspillé ma vie."

  "Vous avez vécu votre vie!"

  "Je n'ai pas fait, j'ai essayé de le remplir avec vide Relations et stupide voyages à nulle part. Lorsque tout ce que je voulais faire était de vous dire comment je me sentais."

  "Mais pourquoi n'avez-vous pas me dire?"

  "Je pourrais poser la même question pour vous, dit-elle, et soudainement l'absurdité de notre situation nous accablé et on s'est littéralement effondré dans le rire, puis en baisers, puis dans le lit où nous fait l'amour correctement pour la première fois, notre corps les instruments de nos âmes, de partage et de création de nouveaux domaines de plaisir que nous n'avait jamais été abordé. Notre corps a crié à l'ecstasy et comme nous poser ensemble nous avons atteint un état de béatitude parfaite. L'ange et diable étions ensemble convenablement, enfin, tout comme il l'a toujours été destiné à être.

  La fin


  Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1)

  Chapter 1

  “What do you know about the Billionaire Trio?”

  Fernando Vergara was a Colombian heir to the Vergara fortune; Reed O’Connor was one of the sons of wealthy businessman Mason O’Connor; and Hank Bennet got his money from his family’s long-lasting lumber industry in Canada. They were three very different men who had been friends for ages, and because of their wealth and… well, quirks… the public loved hearing stories about their mishaps and strangeness.

  “You mean in regards to their recent activities?” Andrea asked, barely restraining a laugh. She had never heard such a vague question asked about such a well-known topic. Her boss might as well have asked her what she knew about water. “I’ve heard several different rumors about several different aspects of their lives.” Keeping her wide legs crossed and her posture relaxed, Andrea leaned back in her seat while focusing harder on her boss’s unreadable expression. “What exactly are you asking me?”

  Ms. Lee smirked. She had her elbows resting on her desk, covered with various papers, various devices and wires, and various figurines. Her office was never organized—never clean—but it never seemed to hinder the woman’s efficiency.

  “I’m asking about the tabloid involving the bear,” Ms. Lee said. “Have you read it?”

  Andrea nodded. Fernando and Reed had gone over to Hank’s mansion in Victoria, Canada a few weeks ago. As always, Hank was having a party at that time, and the writer of the tabloid claimed that a few of the partyers saw a large tan bear enter the mansion and go upstairs. They all claim that Hank must have been keeping the wild animal as a pet, which was illegal.

  “The writer of the article didn’t officially site his sources,” Ms. Lee continued. “But knowing Mr. Bennet’s past behavior, it seems very possible that the tabloid contains some truth. I want you to investigate it further and write me a more credible story about it.”

  Andrea’s eyebrows shot up. “Me?” She was a rookie journalist. Ms. Lee had been assigning her cutesy stories about how to have one’s flowers produce a particular color. Excitement flared within Andrea’s chest at the mere idea of abandoning such work to focus on a scandal—however small or ridiculous the scandal itself was. Although she made sure to keep her professional composure, Andrea couldn’t quite keep her lips from quirking upward. “Than
k you for this opportunity. I’d be more than happy to look into this for yo—for Monumental Press, I mean.” She blushed at her little blunder, but she made sure to keep her head held high.

  Ms. Lee’s expression softened. “I’ve seen great potential in you, Andrea. You are as objective as you are sincere, which is not an easy balance to maintain. And you take every one of your tasks seriously, no matter how mundane they seem. You’ve earned this assignment, and my trust.

  “If you don’t get enough information from Hank Bennet, I want you to interview all three of the Trio. Even if the tabloid is completely off-base, one of those three will have a story the public wants to hear.”

  Warm pride swelled within Andrea. If she wasn’t so nervous and excited, she thought she might have cried a little. Ms. Lee wasn’t a cruel woman, but she wasn’t openly affectionate and sensitive either; receiving a compliment from her was…well, it was sincere yet objective.

  Andrea’s entire body stiffened underneath the glorious weight of this new responsibility Ms. Lee was trusting her with. “I understand,” the young journalist said, nodding eagerly. “When would you like me to leave?”

  “As soon as you can,” Ms. Lee said.

  Bouncing on her heels, Andrea all but leaped through her front door and into her apartment. It was a humble abode—one bedroom, one bathroom, and a kitchenette that shared space with the front room. The walls were dull, as were the wooden floors, but in that moment, Andrea thought the place had never looked more beautiful. Granted, she had thought the dumpsters had looked beautiful outside, too. For the first time in a long time, her plans were actually working out for her; it made everything better.

  Stumbling a bit in her excitement, she laughed and hurried to her bedroom to get ready for her first business trip.

  Her suitcase, covered in a thin layer of dust, was squeezed inside her closet behind her large pile of shoes. She grabbed the suitcase, spun around, and then tossed the item on the bed. She had bought that thing years ago with the dream of traveling the world—of discovering, and maybe even exposing, the truth. Whatever “the truth” may be, she didn’t care, so long as she knew it and embraced it.

  She organized several different outfits before pushing them into the suitcase, and then she went about getting her make-up bag and her hair bag filled with the appropriate products.

  It wasn’t until Andrea dropped her cellphone that a surprising sense of hollowness made itself known to her. The phone clattered over the wooden floor until it bumped up against the wall, beside the bedroom door. Anxiety growing along with her awareness, she stared at her phone and swallowed thickly.

  Years ago, when she was in high school, she used to think that the first people she would tell such great news to would be her parents. She had imagined herself dialing their number from her condo, and once she got a hold of them, she would jump up and down, cheerfully telling them about her first big assignment. In response, they would exclaim how proud they were of her…how amazing they thought she was.

  Andrea frowned. Being older now, she knew better. If she called her mother, the old woman would do nothing but nag her about everything immoral about the assignment—about people’s privacy and what not. Her parents were rather judgmental no matter what she said or did, and Andrea knew that she was better off without them. She was better off without everyone.

  Her eyes stung at that thought. Her frown deepening, Andrea leaned down and picked up her phone. The lack of contacts in it suddenly weighed heavily in her mind, making her heart ache. This sensation annoyed her more than anything else.

  “I’m better off,” she said aloud. Hearing the words felt like she was cementing a fact into her brain. “I’m better off on my own, accomplishing my dreams and not being hindered by anyone.” Reassurance blossomed within her, and Andrea smiled. She let that good mood slowly grow once more as she returned to getting ready for her trip.

  Chapter 2

  After leaving her stuff back at the hotel room—all except for her purse, Andrea made her way to Hank’s mansion. While it was partially hidden in the woods of Victoria, everyone still knew where the party boy’s residence was. It was hard to be ignorant of such a fact when he was known for inviting strangers, bloggers, filmmakers—all kinds of people to his place for all kinds of reasons.

  The air was crisp and refreshing in her lungs each time she inhaled, though it made the rest of her body shiver. However, she did recognize that part of the reason she was trembling was because she was nervous. Not only was this her first assignment, it was the first time she was going to meet a celebrity.

  Andrea forced her giddiness aside once she approached the massive front door of the lovely mansion. She reminded herself that she was a professional, and this was professional business.

  Glancing around—noting how quiet the forest was—she stepped forward and loudly knocked on the door. When no one answered it for a while, she knocked again.

  Waiting for Hank Bennet gave her more time to calm her nerves, but irritation and impatience ended up reigning over her instead. She hadn’t thought much of it as she angrily banged against the wooden door. Her purse swung dramatically back and forth with each knock, and the chaffing it began to do to her skin fueled her impatience.

  She knew the man was home; everyone in the city knew he was home. The man posted every little detail about himself on social media, so why wasn’t he—

  Andrea almost yelped when Hank finally opened the door, her fist smashing through the air instead of against a thick surface. Luckily, she managed to clamp her mouth shut and straightened her posture right before Hank really got a good look at her.

  “Hello, Mr. Bennet,” Andrea said. She extended her hand with the intention of shaking his. “I am Andrea Watson, reporter for Monumental Press back in the United States. I was wondering if you could spare a moment from your busy schedule to answer a few questions.”

  Hank leaned against the doorframe and tilted his head to the side. In his late thirties, his hair was already starting to gray, but that just made him look distinguished. And although he was a rather strong and broad man, the playful twinkle in his eyes always made him look childish.

  “Hello, Andrea Watson,” Hank said, his tone low and suggestive—already. It should have offended her, but knowing who he was—knowing his reputation—it made her face redden. “It is a pleasure to meet a beautiful and ambitious woman such as yourself. Tell me, what would you like to ask me about?”

  “The bear some people claim you own as a pet.”

  Hank barked out a laugh, his posture straightening. “Ah, right, the tabloid. You realize those things are often fabricated?”

  “Or exaggerated from a source of truth.”

  He laughed at her again, and Andrea glared. There was nothing charming about being mocked—her blood burned with the desire to strangle this man—and yet the way he laughed at her…the way his challenging gaze addressed her and her unspoken accusations…it made a different kind of heat rush through her, and she was torn between liking it and being repulsed by it.

  Hank blew out a contented breath, his eyes flitting over her face. “You’re cute, you know that? I’ll tell you what I’ll do: I’ll answer every little question you have for me, but only if you agree to come inside and share some drinks with me. Deal?”

  Andrea continued to glare, weariness rising within her. It wasn’t uncommon to treat an interview like a social gathering, but this was Hank Bennet—sex-crazed, womanizing Hank Bennet. Her lower belly warmed at her mental reminder, and she ended up blurting out, “I suppose that is acceptable.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He moved back and extended his arm out in invitation.

  Andrea pressed her lips together and pushed past him as she entered the mansion.

  Yet again, Hank laughed. “Feisty. That is a quality I admire in a woman.”

  “Not in a man?” Andrea said challengingly, her gaze sweeping over the spacious entryway. The windows were so large and clean that she
would have thought she was still outside if it wasn’t for the warmed air and the marbled floor.

  Hank choked, spluttering out some nonsense before saying, “Not particularly. I’m surprised you are not well-informed about me.”

  Andrea spun around. “One never knows enough in my line of work. I’m surprised you didn’t know that by now, what with all the journalists you speak with.”

  He gave her a toothy smile, and rather than answer her, he walked past her. She watched him for a moment, as he seemed to stalk toward something in particular, his shoulders hunched forward. But then he turned and swayed his arms out. “Are you coming, or are you not finished admiring the first room? It is quite lovely—I think some trees in Brazil paid for its construction.”

  “Excuse me?” Andrea hurried after him, her mind reeling. If he was referring to the Bennet’s Lumber scandal involving the amazon jungle—

  “Joking,” Hank said, winking. “Come on now. There’s no need to be so serious all the time, is there?”

  “I’m working.”

  Hank snorted. Once she was standing beside him, he walked again. This time, she walked beside him and allowed him to lead her throughout the large home. He continued to flirt with her—chattering on about how intrigued he was by women in the workforce, and how he intrigued he already was by her—until they reached his kitchen. Specifically, they entered the area that was cut off from the rest of the room by half-walls. This room was lined with cushiony couches, and in the center of it was a small circular counter with a circular rack of drinks in the center of it.


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