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Elusive (Shipwreck Book 1)

Page 19

by L. A. Fiore

  “How many of you dive?” I asked of no one in particular.

  Tex answered. “Noah, Tiggs and me have gone down a few times. Why?”

  “We need professional divers because every site is different. You need people who can think on their feet and that only comes with experience, but if we team the professional divers with your crew that gives us more control.”

  “How big a dive team do we need?” Noah asked. The first words he had spoken directly to me since he shared that he carried my necklace and stone.

  “Eight to ten.”

  “Can you train someone?”

  “I could train them to dive, sure, but we need someone who has actually handled a dive of this magnitude—the contacts, the equipment, even projecting a timeline based on prior experiences. I don’t have that expertise, but I know someone who does. Harry lives in Nassau, he’s a friend of my grandfather’s...” My eyes turned to Noah. “The man who gave me my necklace. He used to run dives now he owns a dive shop. I’d like to talk to him and convince him to join us, or at the very least pick his brain.”

  “We don’t have equipment on this yacht, so that’s two birds,” Snake stated.

  This yacht? Did they have another yacht somewhere?

  “Alright, we’ll stop at Nassau. We need fuel anyway.”

  “The Bahamas. Seriously? I could get used to this.” Zoe lay back in the chaise she had been reclining on.

  “Once we get the equipment we will anchor off the coast and take a day for you to take the crew down.”

  “I’d like to keep it to three per dive because I don’t know these waters.”

  “However you feel most comfortable. We’ll leave that to you.”

  I laid back on my chaise and looked up at the sky. “We’re really doing this, finding Isabella. Someone pinch me.”

  It felt like a butterfly flapping her wings on my arm, but there was warmth left in the wake of the delicate brush. I stirred then realized I must have fallen asleep. Noah sat on the edge of my chair brushing my arm with his knuckles.

  “It’s going to get cold tonight.”

  “It’s beautiful out here.”

  He looked up and there was a serenity to him that I hadn’t seen before. “Nights like this when the stars are so bright, it’s the second most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.”

  That comment earned him my attention. “Second? What’s the first?”

  His focus shifted back to me. He brushed my cheek with his thumb. “You at Coba, the expression on your face, the wonder in your eyes. Fucking exquisite.”

  My heart rolled over in my chest.

  “You’ve been avoiding me.”

  “I’ve been giving you room to get accustomed to your new living arrangements.”

  “I’m accustomed now.” I touched his face. “I know you think I don’t belong in your world, and maybe you’re right, but I’m in it right now and we’ve both waited a long time for each other.”

  He didn’t answer with words, but he moved, lifting me by the waist and settling in my chair before pulling me down so I straddled his lap. He sat up so we were chest to chest. His fingers threaded through my hair on either side of my face.

  “I denied us this last time.” He kissed the corner of my mouth, ran his tongue along my lower lip, then settled his mouth over mine. His tongue plunged in to taste me. Even if all we ever did was kiss it would be enough. The man knew how to kiss. I felt him grow hard and I rubbed myself against him. He kissed me deeper, all the encouragement I needed. My hand moved between our bodies to work his zipper. I palmed the heavy length of him; silky smooth and rock hard. He broke the kiss and fingered my panties out of the way. I lifted up and settled over him, the tip of his cock pressing into me. I closed my eyes because he felt so good.

  “Eyes open,” he ordered.

  Our gazes locked as I sank down onto him. His hands moved to my hips as he slowly moved me up and down his shaft. It was erotic, watching him, watching me as we brought each other to orgasm. I bit my lip when I came, savored the chills that danced over my nerve endings. When he came, he pulled me down hard and held me there.

  “Tomorrow we’ll move your stuff to my room,” he whispered.

  “I like this plan.”

  I pulled from him, but he didn’t let me leave his lap. He ran two fingers between my legs and then brought one to his mouth. I couldn’t pull my eyes from him because it was the most erotic and sensual act I had ever seen. The other finger he ran over my lower lip, my mouth opening as he slipped it in. I had never done anything like it, but I loved doing it with him.

  He tucked himself back into his pants and lifted me from his lap. “You’ve got goosebumps.”

  “Not from the cold.”

  He looked like the devil, a sexy as hell devil. “Good to know.”

  He took my hand and led me to his room, a large stateroom done in natural colors with windows and no curtains so the outside was brought in. I turned to take it all in then froze. My heart took off in a gallop; my scalp tingled, as did my eyes. Hanging from the one wall of his room was my painting, The Kiss.

  “I sent the twins back for it.”

  I turned to him; he was leaning against the doorjamb.

  “How did you know?”

  He smiled and I almost went to my knees. Who was this man? “It was the only thing hanging in your living room. It had one of those museum lights over it. Considering how you grew up...”

  I love you. I screamed in my head, but I didn’t say it out loud because I wasn’t sure how he would take it. Instead, I pressed up against him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Thank you.”

  He pulled me close and kissed my head. We had a moment and then he growled, “You can thank me by getting naked.”

  “I want to live here.” Zoe walked in a circle as we stood on the iconic street of pastel-colored homes in the Bahamas. “Oh, I so want to live here.”

  Some of the guys scattered when we docked, but Noah, Snake and the twins came with us to Harry’s. They were ahead of us because we were walking slowly as Zoe took in the sights. Me, I was watching the guys. The twins in particular. I almost didn’t catch what they were doing. They were so quick of hand that I was looking right at them and almost missed it.

  I swatted Zoe’s arm. “Ouch.”

  “The twins are picking pockets.”

  “They’re what?”

  “Watch them. Damn, they’re good.”

  They moved through a crowd and I missed it, but then I saw Tiggs slipping a thin brown wallet in the backpack Tex wore. “Holy shit. Should we say something?”

  “They’ll go to jail.”

  “But it’s illegal.”

  “True, but impressive.”

  Tex and Tiggs hit another unsuspecting tourist, a loud mouth asshole who was mocking some girls, walking behind them holding his hands up like he had breasts. “Seriously, come back to our boat, Babe Pool. It’s in the harbor. I’ll fuck you from behind,” he laughed out loud. “Those tits are a work of art, but her face.”

  The woman looked horrified and hurt as she hurried off with her friends.

  “What a dick,” Zoe snarled.

  “I’m not wrong. She’s totally doable, but her face.”

  “Someone should shut that asshole up.” I was tempted to walk over and kick him in the balls.

  He looked around, feeding off the crowd. “Hey you, asshole.”

  “Oh shit.” He knew the twins had just lifted his wallet. Instead of approaching us though, he walked past us to some guy.

  “Yo, douchebag, took you long enough. You were supposed to fuck her not marry her,” he laughed then grabbed his friend around the neck and walked off.

  I exhaled, hadn’t even realized I was holding my breath. “I’m not cut out for crime. That was intense. I need a drink.”

  “You and me both.” Zoe agreed.

  Harry’s place looked like Harry—bright colors and a bit of chaos. We strolled inside and were greeted immediately to the bo
oming sound of his voice as he finished with a customer. He waved them off then turned in our direction. His face lit up.

  “Willow tree, is that you?”

  “Hi, Harry.”

  He hurried around the counter and yanked me into a hard hug. “How are you?”

  I hugged him back. “I’m good.”

  He held my upper arms to look me over. “A beauty. Always were.”

  “I like your shop, but you retired. Was the quiet life not for you?”

  “I have to work and I’ve always wanted to retire to the Bahamas and open a dive shop.”

  He looked around and I could see the pride in his eyes. “For a time I wasn’t sure it would happen. I almost lost everything on some bad investments. Your grandfather stepped up. He’s a good man.”

  I didn’t know Harry had had financial trouble, but I wasn’t surprised to hear Granddad had helped him. That was the kind of man he was.

  Harry’s focus shifted behind me to the others. He held out a hand to Noah. “Harry Slathers.”

  “Noah Mayes. This is Snake, Tex and Tiggs.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Harry reached for Zoe’s hand and brought it to his lips. “And who is this?”


  “Very nice to meet you, Zoe.”

  “And you, Harry,” Zoe replied as she batted her lashes. Flirt.

  “Welcome to the Bahamas.”

  “We need equipment, but I wanted to discuss a dive with you.”

  Interest was written all over his face. “What kind of dive?”

  “The best kind. An old ship, a lost treasure. The story I shared with you years ago. You got me started on how to research her.”

  “Yes, I remember. It was from a journal or something.”


  “Where is this ship?”

  “Off the coast of Mexico, near the Yucatán Peninsula.”

  “Tough location. Deep. Do you have a crew?”

  “You’re looking at some of them, the rest will be from your former team. I’ve never run a dive. I could really use your help.”

  “Have you claimed the site?”

  “We need to ping the ocean floor and I’m working on that.”

  “Who’s funding this?”

  “Noah and his crew.”

  “A crew of what?”

  Zoe’s head snapped to me curious how I was going to answer that.

  “Explorers. We’re explorers,” Tiggs chimed in.

  Harry was skeptical, but he kept it to himself.

  “I have the research. I’ve been working on it for years. I know we’re close, but it’s all theoretical for me. Put a tank on me and I’ve got it, but this is bigger and I can admit I’m in over my head. I need someone who has done it before, who can plan for every step, every scenario. Please say you’ll help.”

  “I would have anyway, but without your granddad I would be in some retirement home playing bingo and eating Jell-O, so absolutely I’m in. I need to make arrangements, close down the shop temporarily. Text me where you eventually land in Mexico and I’ll meet up with you.”

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  He smiled then turned to Noah. “So you need equipment.”

  Noah spent a small fortune on diving equipment, even with Harry giving him a huge discount. Harry made arrangements to have the equipment delivered to the yacht. Harry and I confirmed phone numbers so I could contact him regarding the meeting place in Mexico. I was thrilled he agreed to join us because I didn’t know the first thing about running a dive. It was beginning to feel real. We were gathering a team, heading to the location. I didn’t want to get too excited. We still had to find Isabella, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t shaking with anticipation.

  Before we headed back we stopped for something to eat. The restaurant was outside, the tables overlooking the water. Like Noah, Snake and the twins savored their meals. And what meals they were. They ordered delectables from the sea—crab cakes, lobster, and scallops.

  I was on my second Bahama Mama, they went down so smooth. This place was far more touristy than my island paradise, but it had that same feel and that had me missing home.

  “I love your boat, ship, yacht?” I said then took another sip of my Bahama Mama. “I think you really should be on a sailboat though. One of those big sailboats with the multiple masts and white sails or ivory sails, like a parchment color. And I agree with Zoe. You need a parrot.”

  I wasn’t talking to anyone in particular, but when I glanced up they were all looking at me like I had lost my mind.

  “What? You’re….” I leaned in and dropped my voice. “Pirates…you should be on a clipper ship or at least something with sails.”

  I changed the subject. “I’m so glad Harry is on board. He’s great. Isn’t he great? Granddad is going to join the team too. He’s a great resource and has lots of connections, but he’s reliable. Not like my parents. They’re completely unreliable. Unless maybe if you buried me in a tomb and put a high price on my head then maybe they would make an appearance. Nah, not even then. This drink is sooo good. You know Isabella’s ancestors still live in Spain. I visited them after Cancun and I’ve been in touch with them ever since.” I rested my chin on my hand. “Alejandro and Isabella were hit over the head, swept off their feet. It’s really so sad that it was snatched away from them before they ever had a chance.” I realized how similar Noah’s and my story was to that of Isabella and Alejandro. Swept up and then he was swept away. Our eyes met, he looked intense and seriously sexy, which had thoughts of last night flashing through my head. I warmed, knew my face flushed because I felt it. The bastard grinned because he knew what I was thinking.

  “How many wallets did you lift?” Zoe asked the twins.

  “How many do you think?” Tiggs countered with a grin.

  “Three.” Zoe stated.

  “Six.” I guessed.


  I had just taken a sip of my drink. I choked it down. “Twelve, you lifted twelve wallets?” I wasn’t really asking. He didn’t answer. I didn’t expect him to.

  “How long have you been together?” Zoe asked.

  “Those two since they were fourteen. Zeke and us hooked up with them a bunch of years later. Then the others.”

  “Chas mentioned he joined the crew after you saved him from a culinary disaster. I’m dying to hear that story.”

  “Get Chas to tell you. It embarrasses him.” Tex suggested.

  While we chatted an unusual amount of women passed our table. At first I didn’t think anything of it, but when a few lingered, even giggled, I realized they were trying to get the attention of the men at the table. Even though their backs were to them, Snake and Tiggs both stood then glanced over their shoulders. “Drink?” Tiggs asked.

  It wasn’t a drink the women wanted, but they hurried off with them like there was a shoe sale and everything was free. Snake strolled to the bar, leaned into the one woman so close she started to breathe heavily. He reached for her hand and pulled her to the back.

  “I guess she didn’t want a drink after all.” I said that out loud then the memory of Noah and me doing something similar had me reaching for my water to quench my suddenly dry throat.

  “Do you need to use the ladies room?” My focus snapped to Noah, the devil, he was thinking about it too.

  Noah signaled for the check.

  “What about Snake?”

  “He knows his way home.”

  “He won’t be long anyway,” Tex confirmed. He was right because five minutes later, he was strolling back to the table.

  “Did she change her mind?” Zoe asked.

  That got her a look from all three of them.

  “Or not.” She checked her watch. “Less than four minutes. Efficient.”

  Tex stood. “I’m in the mood for dessert too.”

  “Seriously, is it a pirate thing? You bend your finger and take random women to the restroom.”

  I started playing with the
lines in the tablecloth, refusing to meet Noah’s gaze, because our moment in the bathroom was feeling less and less special and more like I had just been one more notch on his bathroom door.

  Tiggs came back and Tex disappeared.

  “Seriously, it’s like the cup and ball game, but with men and a restroom,” Zoe proclaimed as she downed the rest of her drink and stood.

  Noah reached for my hand as we were walking out and leaned over to press his mouth to my ear. “You were the first and the last.”

  My heart warmed and I grinned. Then I hiccuped and grinned again.

  The equipment was just being dropped off when we returned to the yacht. As the men stored it, Zoe and I stood at the end of the pier looking to where the cruise ships were docked.

  “Has it sunk in for you yet that you’re gathering a team to find Isabella?”


  She turned to me. “It’s exciting.” She looked behind us. “I’m glad Harry has agreed to help. I will be even happier when your granddad gets involved.”


  She gestured with her head to the guys. “Everything they do is deliberate. I thought they lacked impulse control, that they acted on their baser instincts, but if that were the case they would have punched out that asshole earlier. They didn’t. He wasn’t even on their radar. And no offense, but why would a crew of men like that agree to fund a dive they don’t even know will be profitable? I think it’s safe to say that money is their objective.”

  A strange feeling moved through me. “What are you thinking?”

  “Why did Noah wait eight years to visit you?”

  I had wondered that myself, but had yet to ask him. “I don’t know.”

  “It doesn’t strike you as odd, the timing of Isaac showing up looking for payback and to use you to get it?”


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