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Jezebel's Destiny

Page 10

by D. R. Rosier

  He cut her off with a wave of his hand then said, “No games, we barter. I will give you the name of the one who hired us if you do me a favor.”

  She said, “And what kind of favor would that be.”

  He shrugged, “I am not sure yet, except to say it will not be against your nature to do so.”

  She said questioningly, “So if I decide I can’t do it, you will decide on something else?”

  He said, “Yes, although I kind of doubt that will be an issue. I said we would not ask you for something against your nature or morals.”

  She said, “And this favor, it needs a time limit.”

  He smiled and nodded, “Indeed, I would not enslave you. That would be against your nature. Do you agree?”

  She looked at Sandy and the Witch shrugged, which meant she couldn’t read the guys intentions but saw nothing harmful in his suggestion. She considered, it was probably a fair enough price. They are mercenary. She didn’t think she would get the information for free after all.

  She slowly nodded, “Done, one favor to be specified later which I can refuse if unreasonable or against my morals.”

  She felt something settle on her and seep into her body. She realized she was now bound to do one favor, if she reneged on it the magic would kill her. Well not directly. It would actually try to take her magic away. She would die without it.

  He smiled then and said, “The demon that hired this done is Niklis. You will find him in Portland.”

  He then turned and bowed at Sandy. “Most Witches avoid us like the plague. You are brave to come here, though we mean you no harm, ever.”

  “Unless of course, someone pays us,” he added with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Jezebel shivered. Was that supposed to be comforting? She saw him wave his staff at them. She felt dizzy and her eyes blurred, when things settled she was standing with Sandy next to the rental car. She hoped powers that strong were limited to the leaders. Otherwise they had been drastically underestimating the Elven race. Of course, if they did all have that much power she would already be dead.

  Portland was unfortunately far across the state, luckily Sandy had been there a few years back so they returned the rental car and they went to Portland through Sandy’s portal. Finding a demon in Portland? That was easy for a succubus like Jezebel, who could reach out so far with her senses. Finding a specific demon? Jezebel sighed.

  Whenever they found a demon to talk to they were nice enough, for a demon that is, although a few were even actually very friendly. At least until her and Sandy asked about Niklis. Then they became rude and dismissive. Who was this guy? It’s like these demons are protecting him. Or scared shitless of him maybe?

  She almost giggled at the relief she felt when she detected an Angel, if someone had told her that would happen a year ago…

  She tracked down a diminutive Angel, about 5’1”. The Angel had the usual blonde hair and blue eyes for the race. After she got over the shock of meeting her Arch she told them the club that Niklis usually frequents. She also described him. 6’4”, red hair, grey eyes. Jezebel thought it shouldn’t be too hard to pick out someone that tall.

  The bouncer was a low level demon and almost tried to stop her, until she got close enough for him to pick up her power. He just backed up and kept his mouth shut. She had a disturbing thought when they entered the gentleman’s club, when had she become the man? She used to hate it when the Angels showed up at her club, and now that was her. She heard Sandy giggling next to her.

  Sandy said, “Nope, you are sexier. Plus you’re not here to kill anyone or intimidate just for kicks.”

  She nodded thoughtfully, but still felt funny about it. She looked around and didn’t see him anywhere but it was still early in the night, only 8:30 or so. There were a couple of other demons here but just the bouncers and bartender, no succubae. Perhaps it was habit but she put out tendrils to all the customers without thinking about it. Then realized it was probably a good thing, it disguised why they were there if it looked like she was there to feed.

  It took a few hours before he showed up. She brushed off a number of lewd drunken advances using negative sexual energy as she rarely needed to do during the wait. But it never fails. This also seemed like a rougher bar than where she worked, she had already minimized three incidents and gotten nods of thanks from the bouncers.

  Although they looked a bit confused to her as well. Since she had to spend life force to do that. She was still gaining in life force over all, but succubae are not known for their generosity.

  But he finally came in and they watched as he headed to the back. Jezebel felt his energy and sort of locked on to it with her senses. As long as he didn’t get over a mile away he would not get away. Does he work here? He did feel powerful to her. Perhaps he just did whatever he wanted?

  They waited for him to come out and sit at a table, but as they were about to rise but one of the dancers walked up to him and just started dancing, it was obvious no money was being exchanged for the service. They decided to wait for the song. When it, and the dance ended, they went over to his table.

  Jezebel asked, “Niklis?”

  He said, “Yes, who are you?”

  She asked, “Can we sit?”

  He inclined his head to the chairs and they sat down.

  She said, “You know about the council yes, heard of Tony in NY?”

  He nodded, warily now.

  She said, “The Were Amy demanded you be brought in for a challenge, or she will basically declare war on the Elves you hired, and then probably come through here like a hurricane looking for you.”

  He snorted, “Fucking Weres. That asshole got what he deserved. I don’t owe them a thing.”

  She shrugged, “Funny thing, I was sent to enforce it. My advice would be not to fight me, if you do you’ll be low on energy when you face the challenge, you really don’t want to do that. Hell, from what I can feel you might even win the challenge. But you don’t really want to face me and a Witch.”

  She felt so awkward, some enforcer she was. She felt there was more to the story though, he was too calm right now to be a bully, even if annoyed a bit. No, he gets silence from the city and free lap dances for another reason, she could see it, just not define it.

  He sighed and his voice was flat and devoid of emotion despite his words, “Why the hell not. Let’s go. Maybe I’ll get to kill another of the fuckers and still walk away.”

  When they got up to leave and the bouncers saw they started to move forward but Niklis waved them off. What did this guy do?

  When they got to the privacy of an alley Sandy opened a portal to the little cabin in the woods where the last challenge had taken place and Jezebel used her amulet to tell Amy they were there with Niklis. He was the demon who hired the Elves as she explained what she found out through the day.

  It was an awkward couple of hours waiting. Niklis was quiet and to Jezebel talking felt like walking over a grave with him in the room. When Amy got there she was accompanied by Thomas and another Were, presumably from the Northwest pack.

  Amy said to Niklis, “You know why you’re here?”

  He nodded and said, “Do you?”

  She just glared at him. “Did you have Joseph killed?”

  He smiled, and then nodded very slowly.

  The challenge can begin. Jack is the Northwest pack second.

  Jezebel watched as Jack rushed Niklis, just before he reached the demon fire burst around Niklis and Jack jumped to the side and down but was badly burned anyway by the reckless use of life force. Niklis was strong, but Jack was stronger as they grappled and fought. It was over quickly but not for a supernatural fight as they traded punches and throws at almost a blur for a full minute.

  Niklis was doing some good damage with his strength but Jack was just too fast for him and got in a lot more hits. Niklis was a bloody pulp when he dove forward and grappled with Jack. Jack started twisting Niklis’s head to snap his neck, but Niklis put the rest of his life
force into a large burst of fire right before the loud crack of his vertebrae was heard. Jack, held tightly in Niklis’s death grip could not get away.

  Jezebel watched as they both burned, leaving nothing but ash when the intense quick fire went out. Her first angry thought was how in the fuck was this justice. But then she remembered Weres were animals at heart, filled with primitive instinct.

  She nodded once to Amy in respect and Sandy read her heart’s desire and opened a portal for home. She needed to get out of there before Amy could ask her to join in a celebration. She wasn’t in the mood to celebrate. Her being involved had kept the deaths down to the combatants in the challenge, but it felt like an empty victory.


  Sandy took her upset lover back to their apartment, not the mansion. She wasn’t quite as upset as Jezebel. It was more of a nebulous wrong feeling. They were missing part of the story, the weird way the demons in Portland were so deferential to Niklis was just… Unheard of.

  Sandy held her necklace and thought to Natalie, “Can you look into Portland, a demon named Niklis. Find out whatever you can, he is dead from the challenge but I think Jezebel needs to know why the other demons treated him so well and with deference, can you do that?”

  Natalie replied, “Yes, I will try to have something by tomorrow.”

  Sandy knew the point was moot. Maybe they should have done this when they got the name. But they were required to bring him in, he did do it, no matter what his justification or other actions might say about him. She found though she needed to know too.

  She took Jezebel to the shower and they cleaned each other up. They kissed softly but there was no heat in it, her lover was really upset, and she could tell Jezebel didn’t know why. Sandy did, it was a mixture of the violence, Jezebel was tired of death, and the questions surrounding Niklis. After the shower they dried off they headed for bed. Sandy spooned up close, holding Jezebel as they slowly went to sleep.


  Jezebel felt a lot better in the morning after a good night’s sleep and being taken such good care of by Sandy. She took another shower and got dressed. She grinned and started making her and Sandy breakfast. She hadn’t done that in what felt like ages. They enjoyed a good morning over breakfast then knew that they needed to get back to work. Sandy opened a portal for them and they headed back to the mansion.

  She spent a few hours going over some paperwork in her office, trying to keep track of what was going on around the world for the Arches when Sandy and Eric came into the office. She saw the ring on Eric’s finger and her eyebrow shot up when she looked at Sandy. Sandy just grinned impishly.

  She could see Eric looked a little nervous. She also felt that he was also filled with lust when he looked at her. But it seems Sandy had that covered as well as the Witch quickly took charge of her and Eric both. Before Jezebel knew it she was melting against the Angel’s hard muscled body, her large, still D cup breasts pushed hard against his chest as they kissed.

  She got wet as his hands roamed her body. She felt him lustily explore every curve of her sexy body as he peeled her clothes off. His firm hands felt so good against her soft silky skin.

  She felt him pick her up and put her on the love seat, and then he knelt down before her and pulled her breasts to his face. She gasped as he sucked her nipple in, she felt it tighten and swell in his mouth as he ran his tongue around it. Her breathing picked up as his hands roamed and teased the warm wet slit between her spreading legs.

  She almost moaned out in disappointment when his mouth abandoned her tingling sensitive nipple. Her stomach tightened in anticipation however as he kissed his way down her tight stomach until he reached her core. His first soft lick running up her wet labia felt like lightning and her whole body jumped. She ran her fingers through his hair as he worshipped her sex with his tongue and lips.

  Her center coiled tighter as she felt his rising lust and need with each taste of her honey juice. She held his head still by his hair with both hands then ground her center into his face, brushing along her hardened sensitive nub and her silky hot wet slit as his tongue dug slid between her folds and into her depths.

  She felt Daniel’s brand of lust and she knew he was watching her now too, along with Sandy who was fondling Eric’s tight ball sac and hard cock while watching him eat her out. Her center coiled a bit tighter then she felt release as her body became bliss and she rose in rapture.

  “Oh god. Don’t STOP!” she cried out in panting breaths.

  She heard Eric’s sounds of approval as he tasted her rush of honey as it covered his face and flooded into his hungry mouth. When she was coming down he picked her up and put her over the arm of the love seat, her face in the cushions. When she looked up she was surprised to see Sandy’s beautiful eyes twinkling hardly an inch or two away. She too was bent over the other arm of the couch.

  She moaned in pleasure as she felt Eric’s hard cock teasing her entrance from behind as she watched Daniel line his up with Sandy’s hot core. She and Sandy kissed passionately for a moment before they were both pulled back a bit by their hips as the men swung forward and invaded their hot centers.

  Jezebel was so turned on, getting fucked hard from behind, while watching her love’s responses and expressions as she also was fucked from behind, their eyes bare inches apart. It was so intense she started to work her pussy on Eric’s cock as only a succubus can while he railed into her as hard as he could. She started a small rocking motion, to meet his thrust, and grind a bit on his cock when their bodies met with loud slaps.

  She worked his cock hard with her body, no magic, just the natural fine control of her pussy that a succubus has. She milked him hard, wanting to feel him cum inside her. Her center was so tight and ready to cum again but she held it off, knowing she only needed a few more seconds to cum with him.

  She gasped looking deep into Sandy’s eyes as his cock expanded within her, stretching her impossibly tight walls and throwing her into bliss. She relished the feel of her ecstasy while she felt him fill her up. She expelled juice along the length of his cock to drench his balls.

  She and Eric’s display must have pushed her other lovers over. She watched as Sandy’s eyes widened and could feel the orgasm that rolled through Sandy’s body like lightning. As her body slowly came down from her intense orgasm she reached out with her power almost without thought. Wanting to extend Sandy’s and Daniel’s pleasure. They both gasped as they were locked in ecstasy, their orgasms lasting much longer than normal.

  She released them with a smile, then slid off the couch and down on her knees when she felt Eric withdraw from her molten heat. She grasped Eric’s cock and reinvigorated it with life force then started to stroke him slowly. She looked up into his wide eyes.

  She purred seductively, “Would you like your Arch to suck on your hard cock until you fill her slutty mouth with your Angel juice?”

  When his cock jumped in her hand she winked up at him and said, “I’ll take that as a definite yes.”

  His eyes widened as she took him in her mouth, his cock popping in her throat as she swallowed in his sensitive bulbous head in one smooth forward motion…


  God she really needed that to get rid of her funk. They rest of the day she had been smiling. Eric was still a little startled, but he was coming along nicely. Whoever gave him that ring taught him to fuck well. It was the Arch thing that was causing him to be slightly uncomfortable. She was supposed to be a ruler after all, not sucking his dick like a slut and enjoying it to boot. But then she wasn’t an ordinary Arch was she.

  A few hours later Natalie walked in, her eyes red and Jezebel’s good mood fell as she read Natalie’s wounded expression.

  “Arch, I have a couple of reports I think you should read. I’m sorry.”

  She left the reports on the desk, Jezebel picked up the first, a feeling of dread filling her.

  Purge of 2013 Report ---- Portland, Oregon #00032

  Arch, the Demons are gone. We got your orders to start the attack and we haven’t found one inside the city at all. They all seem to have gone into hiding. We sent out some feelers and found out they are being sheltered by the Northwestern pack. How should we proceed?

  Jezebel put it aside and picked up the second and read…

  Purge of 2013 Report ---- Portland, Oregon #00138

  Arch, we hired the Elves as you directed to spy and find out if there was a way to get to the Demons there. The answer is no, they are well protected by roaming patrols. He was also able to find out this was all organized by a Demon named Niklis. You may take some comfort however in knowing that despite Niklis’s and the other demons escape from us he has paid a high price for his sanctuary there.

  His mate was raped and killed by the pack alpha Joseph during one of those barbaric mating orgies. Let us know if we can do anything else in another location, as all we can do here in Portland is sit on our thumbs and send blank reports.

  Tears fell down her face as the report fell from her shaking fingers. She had killed a hero. She knew he must have swallowed his hatred and anger to keep the rest of the demons safe for the remainder of the purge, despite his mate’s brutal death at the alpha’s hands.

  She wondered if she would have gone through with it had she known. He still broke the law but what does that matter next to barbaric justice? She had prevented an atrocity from being committed by the Weres by doing what she did. Her high ideals of respecting the other race’s laws and customs felt like ashes in her mouth.

  She would like to think she would not have done it if she had known. That she would have rolled the dice and stood up for his right to do as he did. Right to assassinate? Fuck she wanted to resurrect that alpha fucktard and rip his spinal cord out and then do it again after cutting off and feeding him his balls.

  But what scared her most is… She just didn’t know if she would have fought it, or went through with it anyway. Was there even a right answer in this brutal supernatural world? She didn’t know, and her tears continued to fall…


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