Quadruplets Make Six: A Fake Relationship Secret Baby Romance
Page 18
Because I could indulge in all the apple and cinnamon treats I wanted.
It was the only time I ever truly felt free. Whenever I would run around with my brothers outside, I felt like I was in control of my own life. They never told me what to do or how to behave. If anything, they had encouraged my rebellion against my father. They kept telling me that what I was doing was right and how my father was treating me was wrong. They went along with his antics because they knew that was what they needed to do, but for men it was different. They had the promise of running father’s business someday. They had trust funds built for them and beautiful women lined up just waiting to be their brides. They got the promise of a future while all I got was the promise to be an accessory to someone’s future.
I pulled up to the five-car garage and put my car in park.
Part of me debated on pulling back out. Taking my car, ramming it through the gate, and never coming back. I took one last breath of the freedom I thought I had before I got out of my car, then I made my way into the house through the back door that lead into the kitchen.
My parents were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me. My mother with her straight back, her perfect brown hair stacked high on her head, and a dress that fit her just for the pleasure of my father. He lifted his eyes towards me, the fire behind them scaring me as my brothers fumbled their way down the stairs.
“Ava! You’re back!” Hunter said.
“How was Cassie’s?” Lorenzo asked.
“Did you guys stay up all night talking about boys?” Finn asked.
My three brothers gave me a hug and I was thankful for them trying to cover my tracks. I knew they had always been supportive of me, and I knew they understood that I had been trying to escape. I could feel their pity dripping from their bodies as they hugged me. I could feel it in the way they kissed my cheeks. I nodded and smiled as I told them I had a good time, but I could tell my father wasn’t buying it.
“Why in the world is half of your closet gone?” my father asked.
I looked over at my brothers as they stepped away from me.
“It’s a good question, sweetheart,” my mother said. “I went in there to try and find you something for your date, and half of your clothes were gone.”
I rose my eyes to my father before I sighed, trying to come up with some sort of explanation.
And again, my brothers came to my aid.
“She didn’t want to tell you anything about it, but Ava’s been trying to lose some weight,” Finn said.
I looked over at my brother and gave him a curious look.
“What?” my father asked.
“Yeah. She was wanting it to be a surprise for you. For the ball at the end of this year. But she’s been losing it a bit faster than she thought, and some of her clothes were too big,” Hunter said.
“And she figured since Cassie’s a bit stouter than her, that she could use some of her clothes. So Ava packed them up yesterday and took them with her,” Lorenzo said.
I tried to suck in my stomach as much as I could as my father’s eyes raked up and down my body. He got up and walked around me, studying me as I tried to alter my posture. I rolled my shoulders back and tucked in my hips. I drew in my stomach and tried to hide the excess weight I had in my arms. My mother’s eyes were sparkling with pride as my father looked down into my eyes, my gaze lifting to meet his so as to not show weakness or shame.
That would give me away in a heartbeat.
“I’m proud of you, Ava. You look splendid. What have you lost? Five, ten pounds?” he asked.
I breathed a sigh of relief as my brothers smiled off in the corner.
“She does look really good,” Finn said.
“She’ll need a new wardrobe, though,” Lorenzo said.
“Yes. Something a little more updated, maybe?” Hunter asked.
“That’s actually a wonderful idea. I just updated my wardrobe and I’ve never felt better,” my mother said.
“You’ve never looked better either, my love. Finally! My daughter shows a little bit of pride in her body. Did Cassie enjoy any of the clothes?” my father asked.
“A few of them. But Cassie’s much more… well-endowed… in some areas. A few fit, but I still have most of them,” I said.
“Ah, well. I’m glad she could use a couple of things. I have no idea where in the world her mother gets her fashion sense, but it’s horrendous. I’m not sure how her husband puts up with it,” my father said.
“I have to contact the tailor. We need to get Ava’s new measurements for her clothes,” my mother said.
“And I have work that needs to be accomplished. I’ve got another bid to put in for some land. That gas pipe isn’t going to build itself!”
I stood there with a lopsided smile on my face as my parents dashed out of the room. I sighed with relief as I hunched my shoulders and let my stomach roll out a bit. I looked over at my brothers as they grinned at me, then they escorted me over to the kitchen table.
“So, where were you really?” Hunter asked.
“How far did you get this time?” Lorenzo asked.
“Kettle,” I said. “I got as far as Kettle.”
“Holy shit. You made it over an hour outside of the city,” Finn said. “What happened?”
“Did you guys get a massive storm here?” I asked.
“Nope, but you probably did in those mountains. They get them there all the damn time. It’s insane,” Finn said.
“You got caught in one, didn’t you?” Hunter asked.
“I did. It was bad, too. I thought I’d totaled the car,” I said.
“Wait, slow down. You were in an accident?” Lorenzo asked.
“It wasn’t bad, I swear. I just skidded off the road and ended up in a ditch,” I said.
“How the hell did you get out of it?” Lorenzo asked.
“I just waited it out. The water got high enough and it carried my car back to level ground, then from there I could get home,” I said.
“But you obviously stayed the night somewhere,” Hunter said. “What happened?”
“A hotel, you nimrod. Where else would I have stayed?” I asked.
My eyes darted between my brothers, hoping they would buy what I was selling. The last thing I needed to tell my overprotective brothers was that I had stayed in a cabin on the mountain with some burly man with sparkling brown eyes. They all looked at one another before they drew in a deep breath, and I just knew I had been caught.
Until Finn started talking.
“The banker prompted this, didn’t he?”
Tears crested my eyes as Hunter began to rub my back.
“I can’t marry that man, you guys. He’s forty-four years old. Ready to have kids. Allergic to everything under the sun. I don’t know anything about him,” I said.
“Who said anything about marriage?” Lorenzo asked.
“Dad. The last argument we had before I packed up my things was that I was going on a date with my future husband. They wanted us to meet, get to know one another, then our family and theirs were going to start arranging wedding plans,” I said.
“What the fuck is that bullshit?” Hunter asked. “We didn’t know about this.”
“Yeah. Mom hasn’t said anything about it,” Lorenzo said.
“I figured she wouldn’t. Mom will speak up if she doesn’t like someone, but she likes this guy. And I have no idea why,” I said.
“Does this guy’s name happen to be Timothy Wells?” Hunter asked.
“The third? Yeah, that’s him. Wait, do you know him?” I asked.
“The entire family does. His father is the man who monitors all of the family company’s investment accounts,” Hunter said.
“Are you serious?” I asked.
“Yeah. That’s probably why this is important to Mom and Dad. They probably feel if they marry you to him, then once he hands the investment company to his son, he’ll cut them some kind of deal or work extra hard on their accounts or something,”
Hunter said.
“I’m nothing but a business transaction to them,” I said.
“Don’t worry. We’ve got your back,” Finn said.
“We’ll talk to Mom and Dad,” Lorenzo said. “We’re not going to let them marry you off to someone you don’t want to be married to.”
“They won’t listen to you guys,” I said.
“Ava, you’re our baby sister,” Hunter said. “And it’s our job to protect you. Even if that protection means bucking up against Mom and Dad. What they’re doing is wrong, and you know we’ve always been behind you on this.”
“Yeah. When we went to bed last night and you didn’t come home, we know what you had done,” Finn said.
“And quite frankly, I was hoping you would make it this time,” Lorenzo said.
“I can’t marry that man, you guys. I can’t stay here,” I said.
“Just stay put for now. If you try to leave again, it’s going to throw up flags. Let us talk to Mom and Dad. I’m sure with enough digging and enough prodding, we can get them to drop this idiotic decision,” Finn said.
“Yeah. Just give us some time and you just lay low,” Hunter said.
I was thankful for their help and support, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good. My father was dead set in marrying me off, so if this fell through he would just find someone else. There was no amount of arguing or debating or reasoning that would ever make my parents see that I was just as capable as my brothers. I was their little princess, but in the Lucas family that came with a price.
And it was a price I was going to pay no matter what.
Whenever I decided to make my leave again, I had to make sure it was foolproof. Because when I left again, I couldn’t ever come back. Not for my brothers, no for my family, and not for Cassie.
I had to leave all of it behind for good.
I needed some things from town after the shit with the storm cleared out. I was out of almost everything, especially since I wasn’t prepared for the next storm that came barreling behind it. I grabbed my keys and cranked up my truck, sighing as it sputtered to life. This thing was beat up and old, and I knew at any moment it would stop working on me.
This truck had been my life support going through the transition with my ex. After she left me at the altar, I made the decision that the family business was not for me. After jetting around the world and treating her to all of the decadence this planet had to afford, I was ready to settle down and go nowhere. I wanted nothing to do with the family business because I wanted nothing to do with the money that woman drained me of. I took the trust fund that opened up for me when I turned 30 and invested it wisely. Now, I was living off the quarterly dividends as well as the interest that was building as my money continue to accumulate.
I knew that at any moment my father would accept me back into the family company fold. I kept my eyes peeled for people who were scouting the mountains when they didn't need to be here, just to make sure no one would try to blindside us again. It was how I continue to repay my father for the graciousness he afforded me after my heart had been broken.
Even after I had worked to pay off the cabin he had built for me.
Now, the mountain life was all I knew. I hunted down my own meat, I grew my own vegetables when I could, and I fixed up old cars and machinery to turn around and sell for a little bit of money. Fixing things was more of a stress release for me than it was a blossoming company. I knew that when my parents passed, I would have to step up alongside my twin brothers in order to take it over. Which meant it wasn’t wise to get myself into anything that would tie me down after they passed.
I could already identify a few problems I needed to fix with the truck as I drove down the mountain. The steering wheel was shaking a bit and the brakes didn't have as much traction as they needed to have. Plus, there was a roaring sound coming from the back of my tires as they hit the highway. Which meant that the wheel bearings need to be checked.
It sounded like I was going to have to make a stop at a junkyard before I made my way back home.
After scouring through a junkyard and finding a few things, I headed to the grocery store. One of the things about heavy rain storms like the ones we were getting was that it washed away the seeds I planted. I knew I was going to have to start over with the little garden I was planting in the back of my cabin, which meant I needed fresh vegetables until I could start sprouting my own.
I walked through the grocery store and grabbed a few items. Things like toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Kleenexes and paper plates. I didn't have a lot of proper dishware in my cabin because the only person eating it was me. Paper plates and napkins and plastic silverware just made things easier for me. I walked through the produce section and pick out a few things I knew I could use. Nice red peppers and some spaghetti squash as well as some vegetables that were already chunked up so I could make a nice stir fry. I ran down some recipes through my mind as I walked up and down the aisles, grabbing snacks I didn't need and a case of beer just to help the time fly by.
But when I turn down the spices aisle to go pick up some things for dinner, I saw a very familiar face.
There she was, with her long brown hair and her dazzling hazel eyes. She was carrying a small handheld basket as she stuck a few spices in her carrying case. It was the first time I had gotten a good look at her since I found her on the side of the road. I got a moment to take in just how beautiful she was. Her rounded hips and her luscious breasts. The way her hair cascaded down her back and the way her legs were toned and full. She stood with her shoulders rolled back even though she was hunched over a spice, her teeth biting down on her lower lip as she concentrated.
My eyes scanned Ava as she stood there, turning the bottle of cumin around in her hand.
“It’s a good spice,” I said.
I watched her eyes whip over to mine and take me in.
“If you’ve never tried it before. It’s a good all-around spice,” I said.
“I have,” she said. “Tried it, I mean.”
“I thought you said you lived in Seattle.”
“I do. I mean, yes. On the outskirts of the city. But my parents own a house not too far from here,” I said.
“Which mountain?” I asked.
“They aren’t on one,” she said.
“So, you didn’t recognize the area when you got lost?”
“Never been up the mountains. I thought my GPS was taking me through a shortcut. I hit some traffic coming in on the main road and I told my phone application to reroute me.”
“Yeah. You’ll hit a lot of traffic on Main Street. It’s the only way in and out of Kettle,” I said.
Her eyes settled onto mine as a small grin twitched her cheek.
“I’m sorry I never called you, or anything. To thank you properly for fixing my car. But I didn’t have your number and you struck me as the kind of person that isn’t listen in any phone book,” Ava said.
“Well, I don’t have a cell phone, so it wouldn’t have done you any good,” I said.
“Ah,” she said.
I watched her stick the bottle of Cumin in her cart before she turned her body towards me.
“Could I buy you a cup of coffee?” Ava asked. “You know, to thank you for fixing my car.”
“You don’t need to thank me.”
“You’re just glad I got home safe?” she asked.
“Not really,” I said. “I’m glad that you’re safe, but not that you went back home.”
“Oh,” she said.
“But, if you want to buy me a cup of coffee and just… sit and talk… that would be fine.”
Her eyes lit up and I had no idea why that made me as happy as it did.
The two of us walked around the grocery store together until we had everything we needed. Then we went through the lines, purchased our stuff, then stored it in our cars before we went to get coffee. She followed me to this coffee shop I was familiar with. It was t
he only place in Kettle where someone could get a decent cup of coffee. I ushered her into the shop and the two of us ordered, and I tried to convince her to let me pay.
But she wasn't having it.
“I told you, I’m buying it,” Ava said.
“Then the next one’s on me,” I said.
“So,” I said as I grabbed my cup, “what happened when you got home?”
“The usual. My parents tried to railroad me, my brothers came to my rescue, they helped bail me out, and now I’m back to figuring out how I can get away,” she said.
“How many brothers do you have?” I asked.
“Three. Do you have any siblings?”
“I do. Two twin brothers. Both younger than me,” I said.
“Do they live on the mountain, too?” she asked.
“Nope. But they do live in Kettle. Just on different mountains. My parents moved to Florida a couple of years back, but we stayed here.”
“Born and raised?” she asked.
“Yep. You?”
“In Seattle, yes.”
“Did you enjoy it there?” I asked.
“I enjoyed it when I wasn’t at home. I loved my schools and the friends I made. But once my father started having opinions on who I was to hang out with, only one of my friends made the cut.”
“Your father doesn’t sound like a very nice man,” I said.
“I’m sure he’s got his redeeming qualities somewhere, but I don’t see them. Anyway, I don’t want to talk about them.”
“Then what would you like to talk about.”
“You,” she said.
My eyes rose and connected with hers as she took a sip of her coffee. She was eyeing me carefully, like she was sizing me up. And I couldn’t blame her. I was still a stranger to her. A stranger that couldn’t get her out of my thoughts at night.
“What do you want to know?” I asked.
“Have you always been a recluse?” Ava asked.
“I’m not a recluse.”
“You live on a mountain by yourself with no friends to speak of.”
“I have friends,” I said.
“What are their names?”
“Jasper and Leo,” I said.