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The Drazen World: Red Velvet (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by Lauren Luman

  “Is something funny, Carrie?” Malakai asks.

  “Just admiring your … stash. And I was thinking to myself that at least I know you all play it safe,” I reply as I point to the pile of condoms.

  “Of course. Safety first is one of my biggest priorities. You should know the motto ‘safe, sane and consensual.’ Well part of that is making sure that all of my partygoers are one hundred percent protected at all times. I personally vet all the members, but you have to account for every possible scenario. Certainly, not every scene goes that way, but it’s easy to get carried away. For those who are more private about their fun, we have a hallway of suites people can reserve away from home. People can either bring in their own accessories, or request from the dungeon floor.” He angles me toward the bar. “We do serve alcohol, but only at a two-drink maximum. Engaging in BDSM rituals requires a relatively clear head, which is why I was glad to hear that you do not drink.”

  I take in my surroundings and realize the décor is similar to that of Park 59, although the tables and couches are this beautiful, deep red color. The floor is concrete, and expensive chandeliers hang from the ceiling, creating a dim, seductive atmosphere.

  I run my hand over my pulled-back hair, contemplating what I really want from this man. Seemingly, he is so different than anyone from my past. I truly feel a connection that has the potential for more. I’m excited, yet also cautious, as Malakai made mention of in an earlier conversation. With that excitement, though, I know that we have to talk some more about what is happening between us. I’ve never been one for love, or even lust, at first sight, so my mind is firing in all different directions that make zero sense.

  “Carrie, what’s going through your mind?” Malakai interrupts.

  “I’m just settling something in my head, trying to make a decision.”

  “If it’s about us, have faith, take a leap.” I still don’t understand how this man is able to read my thoughts like one of the books on his shelves.

  “That’s what I was warring with, but I know I want something. My dilemma is in how fast things are happening.”

  “We will make our own rules. It doesn’t have to follow a recipe. We find what works for us and stick to it.” Malakai is so sure of himself and what he wants that I can’t help but lean on his confidence.

  “Okay, I think I can agree to that.”

  We walk back out to the car, and he locks the door we came through, triggering an automatic alarm to set. I admire the beauty of his Audi as we get in, one of my favorite car brands on the market.

  “Good. Now, I do have some work to do at my office, so I’m going to drop you off back at the building. Do you have dinner plans? I was thinking we could order some takeout and have a night in.”

  “Takeout sounds good. I have some errands I need to run anyway. What time should I be at your place?”

  “Let’s shoot for seven p.m. If I’m going to be later, I will let you know.”

  We encounter afternoon traffic, so to pass the time for entertainment, Malakai turns on some music. Blaring through the stereo quality speakers is a tune from rapper Kendrick Lamar’s new album.

  “I have so much love and respect for him and his music,” I chime in. “His lyrics have so much relevance to current social and political issues, and he’s unapologetic. I admire artists like that. Artists of substance who actually put some work and effort into the quality of their product.”

  I peer to my left to see Malakai grinning from ear to ear. “Why are you smiling like that?”

  “Because you never cease to amaze me. You have such passion for so many things, and it shines through each time you speak. I know you’re educated, but you’re also well-rounded and open-minded. I appreciate that. Diversity is a beautiful thing, but finding like-minded people to keep company with is one of the best feelings in the world. I’ve found that in you.”

  I lower my head, a blush creeping over me. I continue to be drawn in by his one-liners that show me exactly where his head is at. I turn to the right and observe traffic as we head back to our building.

  Pulling back into the parking garage, Malakai glides into his spot, coming to a stop. Ever the gentleman, he walks me upstairs to my door and attacks me with a panty-melting kiss.

  I lean out of it a little, breathless.

  He has this knowing look on his face, and out comes that smirk again. One day, I’m going to kiss it right off his face, but before I can, he parts with just four little words, “Your orgasms are mine.” Essentially telling me that I have to wait until tonight, but that’s quite all right, because now that I know how it is with him, BOB has become obsolete. With that, I step inside my apartment, dab my face with a cool cloth, and leave back out to run a few errands.

  Chapter 8

  Seven p.m. On the dot. I’m standing outside Malakai’s door unsure why I’m so nervous. I slowly raise my hand to knock when the door suddenly opens, and there he is in all his alpha splendor. Looking at him makes my mind slip away, replacing every day thoughts with the dirtiest fantasies of what I know he could do to me, and probably will at some point. I am prepared for all manner of fuckery he wants to impose upon me.

  And here comes that smirk. God, it’s so fucking sexy. “You’re on time. Thank you,” he drawls out.

  “Of course. And I come bearing wine, red that is.” I take a moment to perform a once-over on his sculpted body. He dons these form-hugging jeans that aren’t too tight and aren’t too loose. Like Goldilocks would say, they’re just right. Moving my gaze up, Malakai is wearing this sleek cranberry-colored button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing taught, sinewy forearms.

  “Well, are you going to come in or just stand there staring? I mean, I know I’m quite the catch, but let’s at least eat something first.” I hear the teasing in his voice and clear my throat.

  “Arrogant much?” I tease back.

  “If you want to call it that, but Carrie, you’re looking at me like you haven’t eaten in days, and I’m a smorgasbord of delicacies. That really does something for a man’s ego.” And he winks at me. Rolling my eyes, I push past him into the front room of his apartment and smell the most delicious aroma. Looking to my left, I see several to go cartons from a nearby Chinese restaurant that I love. It’s alarming to think he would know my tastes, but then it happens to be the closest one in proximity.

  “Now that’s a smorgasbord of delicacies, as you put it.” I remark as I stroll in the direction of dinner. “I’m not handy with chopsticks though, so be prepared for a night of entertainment.”

  “Oh, I can assure you I have the entertainment handled,” he replies, still holding that half smile.

  “Of course, you do, but it’s time for you to feed me. You said yourself I look a bit famished.” This easy banter between us has eased all my worries. I just can’t peel this silly grin off my face, not that I would want to.

  “I see that feisty side is showing herself. I’ll remember that later. Come, let’s eat. I’ve set out forks and knives just in case.”

  We move around each other effortlessly as if we hadn’t known each other for only a handful of days.

  I begin opening the to-go containers and eye some orange chicken. Its flavorful aroma causes a hunger pang in my stomach, then a loud growling sound.

  “Hungry, love?” Malakai laughs.

  “God, yes.” I continue digging through containers to find some steamed white rice, shrimp fried rice, mixed vegetables, and my favorite, “Fortune cookies!” I scream.

  Malakai turns to me, wide-eyed. “Care to explain the outburst?”

  I burst into tears of laughter and double over, holding my stomach. After I compose myself, I’m able to respond. “So, Jennifer and I play this little game anytime we get fortune cookies. You may have heard of it. We read our fortune aloud and add ‘in bed’ at the end. Then if it actually makes sense, we have to keep it stashed away for a rainy day. I have a small box filled with them downstairs. Some are funny, some are kind o
f dirty. It’s like a clash of the titans between rom-com and erotica. That’s why I was laughing hysterically.”

  “Interesting comparison there. Care to share some of these hidden gems?”

  “Oh no, buddy. You have enough ideas of your own. You don’t need any help from me,” I reply, eyebrow arched.

  “There’s that smart mouth again. I have a mind to put it to good use sooner rather than later.”

  “Be careful, I might just like that.” It’s my turn to wink at him and a mischievous grin breaks out on his face. I lift my plateful of food and head for the couch, setting it on the coffee table in the middle. Malakai fetches two chilled wine glasses from a small wine cooler located atop a cherry wood buffet table. Next to the cooler is a decanter filled with what looks to be scotch, Malakai’s drink of choice, and a few tumblers. On the other side, an unopened box of cigars. Moments like this, observing my surroundings in his space, remind me of the decadence certain aspects of his life entail. I see it in the décor of his clubs. In his penchant for fine liquors, and the cigars.

  “The cigars were a gift. I hadn’t found the care or opportunity to break the seal.” Walking in my direction, he lowers his plate and the wine glasses to the table then retrieves coasters and a corkscrew from a drawer in the buffet table. He fills his with wine and mine with sparkling water. While I wait, I notice magazines located on a lower shelf of the coffee table. Numerous issues of Forbes. Others of a realty circular. This man is all business.

  “All work and no play makes Malakai a dull boy.” I tease.

  “I think I’ve demonstrated just how … not dull I am.” His tone is dark and smooth, just like the skin I love to admire and caress, and lowering into that dominant mode that makes me shudder with erotic anticipation. I start to feel dampness between my legs. I tell myself to tamp that shit down. We haven’t even gotten to the food, or the fortune cookies. I giggle inwardly at the thought of what mine could say, and if it’ll be one I can save, or better yet, act out.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  This time I don’t hesitate to cover his sexy smirk in kisses, drowning him with the affection I crave to deliver. His hand comes up to the base of my neck then into my hair, giving it a firm tug to pull my head up to look at him in the eyes. Those mesmerizing orbs the color of chocolate that make me light headed with lust reel me in.

  “Carrie, let’s eat dinner, so that I can eat you. I didn’t get enough of that pussy last night. The taste, the feel. It’s all I’ve been thinking about today. I want to spend the entire night with my face buried in that beautiful red hair and my hard dick,” he draws my hand down to cover the thick bulge threatening to burst out of the zipper of his jeans “inside you.” Malakai guides my hand in strokes, and even through the seam I can feel the veins protruding along his hardness. My breaths come short.

  “You can’t expect me to want food after that.”

  “Call it delayed gratification, if you will.”

  “You’re such a tease.” I muse.

  Malakai rumbles out this deep laughter that sets my soul on fire. I love when a man feels comfortable enough to be carefree and display his love for life. So many feel the need to exude this sense of seriousness and alpha-male persona on a regular basis, but humor and banter draw me in like a moth to a flame. All alpha, all the time, would bore me to death.

  We sink into the couch and dive in to devour our Chinese takeout, coming to the fortune cookies.

  “Do you want to play?” I gleam at him.

  “Sure, let’s see.” And he cracks his open first. “Mine says ‘You’re going to be hungry again.’ So that’s ‘You’re going to be hungry again, in bed.’ Well that sounds about right.” And Malakai leans toward me to playfully nibble on my earlobe, causing me to moan with anticipation of what’s to come, pun intended.

  “Mmm, I like you hungry,” I reply with a tinge of mischief in my voice. “Okay, let’s see what mine says.” Cracking open my fortune cookie, I read it but I’m not sure how to interpret its meaning. I tend to overanalyze things, and I do not want this to be one of them. Malakai and I are having fun, sure, but I am uncertain how far he really wants to take this. Am I just another play thing to him? Then I decide to just blurt it out. Get it over with.

  “‘Someone new will bring great meaning to your life, in bed.’” I quiet my tone and lower my face, thinking about how much of an impact Malakai has had on me in such a short time.

  “What’s wrong love? You look pensive all of a sudden.” He asks, running his hand through my hair and down to my chin to lift my face. Forcing eye contact, my face heats.

  “I just, well reading that script brings up something I was thinking about earlier. I know things have moved a bit rapidly between us, and I could be completely off base, but there’s something here, isn’t there? I’m hoping I’m not just some sub you can use for a little while, break me in, then find another.” Before I can continue, Malakai leaps forward and crashes his supple lips against mine, plunging his tongue between my lips then softly nibbling my bottom lip.

  “Carrie, I have no explanation for what’s going on between us, except that I don’t want it to end.” He takes hold of my hand, pulling me up from the couch with him. We move in the direction of the stairwell and up to his bedroom. My heart is in my throat, wondering what he has in store for me, for us.

  “Wait right here by the bed. I will be right back.” He disappears into his walk-in closet and returns with that red velvet box again. I assume it’s a toy box of sorts. Setting it on the bed, he lifts the clasp on the front, revealing an assortment of items that cause wildly sexy racing thoughts.

  “I have a question. Is there a connection between the name of your club and that box?”

  “Observant, I see.” Malakai responds. “Actually, there is. This box was given to me several years ago when I decided to delve into the BDSM lifestyle. I was introduced to it by a man named Roger Galahad. He gifted this to me and even invested in my first property with me. He was like the uncle I never had, since both of my parents are only children. When he passed from heart disease, I opened Red Velvet, kind of in his honor. He was a very dear friend, showed me what it meant to be a true dominant, not like some jokers out there. I was taught how to truly cherish a submissive and ensure she knows that she is really the one that holds all the power. One word from her and everything stops.” He pauses for a moment, I’m sure to tamp down his emotions. “But enough about that. I have something more exciting in mind.” He pulls out a riding crop, a small bottle of lubricant and slender vibrator.

  “Before we start, repeat your safe word for me again, love.”

  “Butterfly, Sir.”

  “Good, girl. Now tell me, where are you with anal play? I have something deliciously dirty planned.”

  “Anal play is within my limits, Sir.”

  “Wonderful. Undress and bend over the bed, love.” His voice drops into that dominant tone that sends sheer arousal straight to the epicenter of my body, causing my mind to slip away into a dark, wonderfully deviant place. How I’ve missed this feeling.

  “Remember, say your safe word if things become too much, and I will stop what I am doing.” He reassures me.

  “Of course, Sir,” I encourage.

  He comes up behind me, running his fingers through the back of my hair. It makes me feel drowsy with lust. Then Malakai’s hand leaves my hair and trails down my spine, lightly caressing my skin. As he approaches my bare cheeks, I feel the absence of his touch. I whimper in reaction.

  “Being in your presence, love, calms my soul and soothes my spirit.” His palm comes down with a thwack against my right butt cheek. “But being near you also stirs this heat deep inside me that I’ve never felt for someone. As I said, I’ve no explanation or prediction about our future, but I want you around. All the time.” He caresses me then sends another stinging slap to my other butt cheek, further setting my arousal aflame. Soothing the bite of the pain by his hand, Malakai begins to massage. My entire body’s nerve
endings become sensitive to the slightest touch. I feel a wet sensation at the puckered hole of my darkest depths, then his thumb slides in, rubbing lubricant and slowly, gently, stretching me.

  “Oh my,” I respond, pushing against the entry to ease him in further.

  “Hush now, love. I’m going to make this good for you. I promise.” Then I hear a whirring sound from the activation of the vibrator. Malakai’s thumb pulls out and is replaced with the rippling pleasure. He slowly moves it in and out, sending vibrations through my entire body and creating the most overwhelming feeling imaginable. Then, as if that wasn’t intense enough, he stops the insertion and leaves it idling in favor of strikes down my back and bottom with the crop. My body begins to soar into this abyss of subspace, my eyes closing slowly.

  When I don’t think this man can amaze me any further, he flips me onto my back, rolls on a condom, and pushes into me with so much power that I nearly come. In and out his dick moves, and I have to react. I have to use my words.

  “Sir, please. I need to come. I’m almost there. I can’t hold it any longer.” I whine, my voice filled with pleas of lust.

  “I’m almost there too, love. Go ahead and fall, and I will be right there to catch you.” And with that I feel my orgasm, and his, shatter my entire body, his cum spilling into me. Once we’ve both come down, Malakai slowly pulls out the toy inserted between my cheeks and shuts it off. He stills on top of me, reaching his arms underneath my back to hold me close for a few serene moments. The words that come next stop my heart.

  “Can I have you? All of you?” He whispers in my ear.


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