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Page 10

by P. J. Dean

  Dr. Twain grabbed a marzipan goose from the display and devoured it.

  “Twain, stop dat!” yelled Rozina. “Weh yo’ mannus?”

  “Oh, ’Zina,” he managed around a mouthful of almond paste. “Any guests yet?”

  Rozina rolled her eyes at him. “Dey bettuh git yuh.” She rearranged serving spoons and ladles. “Wunt be no fud lef’.” At her words, callers began to stream in.

  Several hours later, after the guests had departed, Douglas, Rozina, Joshua and Kindred gathered in the parlor.

  “I think the evening went well. Gird yourself, ’Zina. We repeat this feast in four days.” He eyed Kindred. “Girl, you not feeling well? You hardly ate a thing. Barely spoke.”

  “I am a little tired. And just off my feed like the animals are sometimes.”

  “Well, I have an announcement to make,” said Douglas.

  “Should uh seddown, Doctah Twain?” Rozina asked, bracing for bad news. Joshua pivoted to fetch a chair.

  “Only if you want to. First, let everyone have some port. Joshua?” The young man did the honors, decanting and distributing the drinks.

  “Thank you, Joshua.” Douglas cleared his throat. “The papers I had Joshua take to Mister Cairn months ago. They were a revision of my will.”

  “Oh, Lawd,” sighed Rozina.

  “’Zina, remember when you came to me years ago fretting about the children’s futures?”


  “Worry no more. I have secured their futures. In the event of my death, Twainhaven and all my holdings, go to you, Joshua, Kindred and Lelaheo. And to any of your legal heirs in perpetuity.”

  “Wut?” Rozina buckled and Joshua slid the chair under her as her legs gave way.

  “Oh my goodness!” Kindred and Joshua stared at each other, incredulous.

  “I have been sitting on this for years. This is my Christmas gift to you all.”

  “Father, does Lelaheo know?” asked Kindred.

  “I told him before he went away and I asked him to keep it a secret. None of my remaining family will be able to take Twainhaven from you. Rozina, is your mind at ease finally?”

  “Uh kint talk’um.” She just hugged herself and smiled. Her grands would be secure. “Dem papers. Uh gots ta see. Lemme see.”

  “Anytime, Rozina,” Douglas reassured.

  “Joshua?” Kindred grabbed her brother and twirled around the room. “Did you ever imagine? Did you ever think?”

  “No one can take it from us, Kinny. Me, mine, you, yours. Here always.”

  “A toast! A toast!” cried Douglas. “Let us raise a glass to the future.” They clinked glasses and drained them.

  Kindred’s stomach rebelled. “Oh no!’ She propelled herself across the room, threw open the window, chucked out the candle and promptly vomited into the dormant rosebush below.


  “How long did you think you could keep this a secret? From me yet? Your father and a doctor!” Douglas’ tone was rough edged with concern. He, Joshua and Rozina all sat on one side of the table facing Kindred.

  “For as long as possible,” she replied. “The only reason you know is because of this mishap.” Kindred sipped her tea. “Sorry about fertilizing the rosebush.”

  “Uh know’um sump’n be wrong. You drinkin’ all dat chamomil’ tea fo’ yo’ ‘belly aches. Wuffuh you hide it?” Rozina asked.

  “I did not expect a joyous response.” Just smelling all the food around her made her stomach lurch again. “I love Lelaheo so much. This is part of my dream for us.” She patted her rounding and smiled.

  “Did not expect a joyous response? Kindred, we are elated! A baby born to you and Lelaheo? How could that not be joyous?” Douglas cleared his throat, lowered his voice and tried to act parental. “We would have preferred a marriage first. But that will happen when he returns.”

  “An uncle. I am going to be an uncle,” Joshua said out loud.

  “A great gran’ baby,” sighed Rozina.

  “And me a grandfather.” Douglas scribbled on a sheet of paper. “Now, your relating of possible conception dates ....”

  “Father!” Kindred felt blood and heat rush to her face.

  “Puts the birth around mid to late spring.“ He patted Kindred’s hand. “Do not be ashamed. I am a man of medicine. I will do a more definitive examination.” He made more notations on the paper. “Anymore secrets?”

  “Not a secret. A request. Do not tell Lelaheo yet. Mention nothing in your letters. Let me write him. Please?”

  “And what of Aliquipiso? She is the grandmother.”

  “I will tell her. And ask the same I have asked of you. Agreed?

  Twain, Rozina and Joshua exchanged puzzled looks and relented. Pregnant women did demand strange things.

  “Agreed,” they said in unison.


  “Come,” Cassian replied to the knock at the door to his bedroom at Penvenen Manor. He had been packing, he and Paul were returning to Köln to finish the term.

  Adeline glided in. She was dressed to go out and was holding her gloves in her hand. “I need to speak with you. Privately and at length.”

  Cassian resumed packing. “You should not be alone with a man in his bedroom. The servants will talk. Besides, we have nothing to say. You said it all at the Taylors’ weeks ago. It no longer matters.”

  She reached out and stopped him from folding garments. Adeline looked him squarely in the face.

  “I am talked about already. Cassian, have you never wanted something so badly that you would do anything to achieve it?”

  He sat down on the bed’s edge, stroked his chin.

  “Yes, but I would not use deceit to attain it.”

  “Then it must not have been worth pursuing,” she flared.

  “No.” He stood. “We think differently, Adeline. That is all.”

  “You have never been tested. You have not desired something desperately enough. It will happen one day. Mark my words. Cassian, good has come from my ‘deceitful’ actions. Malcolm Taylor and I have been keeping company.”

  “So I have heard.” Cassian chuckled. “What does his mother have to say?”

  “Surprisingly little. I think she has resigned herself to the fact that we have a future together.”

  “I would never have thought that she would capitulate.”

  “Even sinners prayers get answered, Cassian.”

  “Do you love Malcolm?”

  She frowned. “Love is not everything.” Adeline looked down at one of his textbooks, thumbed through it. “I just wanted to apologize.” She sighed and tossed the book aside. “I never meant you harm.” She checked her image in his mirror though she looked perfect. “As you can see I am dressed for visiting. I cannot see you and Paul off.

  Malcolm and I are having tea at Lady Millard’s. I’ll visit you two in Köln soon.” She took his hand and shook it. “Thank you, Cassian."

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Miskeit! Oh my, that Adeline is a force,” Nachman remarked. She should join the British Army, they’d make good use of her cunning in the colonies.” Nachman snapped his gazette open and creased a page precisely.

  “Nachman, any letters from home? I am worried about everyone.”

  The doctor tossed a packet at Cassian. “These came while you were away.”

  “Thank you.” He could smell Kindred’s lavender.

  “You are not too wounded by Adeline I hope?”

  “No. I do not envy her. She is in a predicament. But she seems shrewd enough to steer things her way.”

  “She will visit her brother soon?”

  “No, she cannot. First, her aunt is ill. Second, her social schedule is very full. This

  tea. That dinner. Paul wants to visit after we are awarded our degrees.”


  Cassian threw himself into his studies and gained exemplary grades in all his courses. He no longer indulged in excessive drinking or late nights to Paul’s consternation. Kindred had been right. H
e liked some things he’d discovered in Europe, but he loved his land and his ways more.

  “Köln’s beer become less lively since your reformation, Cassian.”

  Paul was prone on the Oriental carpet before the fireplace in Cassian‘s room. “Come out tonight. I know of monks who are living less austerely than you. You cannot get any better marks in your classes. Hell, you could conduct the blasted classes!”

  Cassian labored at his desk, towers of books almost obscuring him.

  “I guess I could spare one night out.” He leafed through pages and jotted down notes in the margins. “Just let me finish this chapter. With the term ending in a few weeks, I could go with you to London.”

  “Adeline will love that. She still wants to redeem herself in your eyes.”

  “No need.” Cassian laughed. “So it goes smoothly with Malcolm?”

  “I am merely waiting to hear a formal engagement announcement any day. Adeline is simply ebullient in her letters.”

  Cassian closed the book and lay his quill on the desk. “The same energy permeates Kindred’s missives. Strangely, I can feel her beaming through her letters.” He swallowed the lump which had formed in his throat. “In a few months I shall be back with her and we will make a life in spite of the war. I love her and cannot conceive of a

  life without her.”

  “Cassian, you are exceptional, I can only imagine Kindred is also.”

  “She is. I have always told you that she should be in university here.” He beamed at the thought of her in classes arguing with instructors. “I am so proud of her.”

  “The Twain household is rare, indeed. The whole region sounds uncommon. I hope one day to meet all of the people who have molded you and the woman who makes you smile.”



  “We must go back downstairs, Malcolm,” Adeline insisted, pulling from his embrace. “We shall be missed, by your mother, in particular.”

  Adeline and Malcom were in his bedroom at Taylor House. She had catapulted her aunt’s advice and caution to the four winds. She had submitted to Malcolm just days after their alcove tryst. For some while now, they had been having sex everywhere and anywhere they could. She knew she had a knack for pleasing and Malcolm loved being pleased. During their torrid encounters, he had proclaimed his affection and had showered her with gifts. Today’s rendezvous in his house showed her, she thought, that he was unafraid of his mother and had become his own man. But she did not want to push protocol too much as she was so close to becoming the next Lady Taylor.

  “Malcolm, please hurry.”

  “No,” he replied calmly. Nude, cushioned and propped up by many pillows he resembled a potentate. “This house is packed with people for yet another occasion. We could be anywhere. We have plenty of time. Stay.”

  “I cannot. Your mother has the instincts of a bloodhound. She will sense something.”

  “It is of no import. I said stay!” At his heated words, his penis stiffened.

  Adeline jumped at his tone and stood staring at him. A tiny smile curved the corners of her mouth. He craved her! Her!

  “Malcolm please. We will meet again.” She unleashed her coquettish side. We always do. Do not fret.”

  “When? Where?” He poked out his bottom lip and pummeled the covers.

  She approached the bed and sat on the edge next to him.

  “Sweet, the Millards have invited me to tea tomorrow.” She placed her hand on his chest and let it trail lower as she spoke. “You could come too.” He took her hand and curved her hand around his erection.

  “Y-Yes, I could.” He worked his free hand between her thighs.

  Adeline worked him expertly, she watched his breathing as a gauge of his pleasure. A small whooshing sound made her freeze. She turned her head toward the door and noticed that the shirt Malcolm had hung on the handle had fallen to the floor. She sighed in relief.

  “Why have you stopped?” he asked hoarsely.

  “Just a minute, love.” Adeline hopped up, replaced it, then returned to prime him in earnest.

  “Again. I want you again.” He tugged at her shift.

  Adeline stood up and shucked the garment, but remained clad in her stockings and garters.

  “Yes, keep them on. You do know what I like, you doxie.” Chortling, he pulled her down to straddle him.

  “Wait. Wait.” She pushed against him. We need another.” She reached past him to a shallow, water filled dish on the bedside table and retrieved a soggy, tubular contraption with a ribbon on one end.

  “Secure it. Hurry,” he rasped.

  Adeline slipped the sheep’s gut sheath over his erect penis and tied it.

  “There.” She leaned over and kissed him. She braced her open palms on his chest as she settled onto him. No, Malcolm was not what she needed. But he damn well owned what she wanted. She scanned his lavishly appointed room, his possessions echoed his family’s status in society. It all made her tingle. She licked her lips, closed her eyes and groaned with each plunge of her body. Malcolm could not get enough of her. He moaned beneath her.

  “You are good. Ah!” He pressed down on her shoulders.

  “You like this?” She bounced wildly.

  “Faster, sweet.” He pulled and pinched her nipples. “Oh, yes. Perfect.”

  She looked down at him. Malcolm’s eyes were slits and his mouth hung open. She had him where she wanted him. The next gift put in her hand would be a ring. The very thought of him on bended knee made her lower body milk him harder. Preoccupied with her reverie, she failed to hear the whoosh or see the shirt fall to the floor again.

  Oh! Oh! Oh!” she cried, reaching climax. Malcolm tensed and squeezed her waist as he grinded upward, climaxing. Adeline slumped over him, sweaty and triumphant. Malcolm lay under her gasping like a fish out of water.

  “Are you quite done now, Malcolm?” His mother’s voice intruded on the afterglow. “We have other guests to entertain.”

  Adeline jumped up and off Malcolm, diving for the carpet on the other side of the bed. “Lady Taylor, I am so ashamed,” she intoned, hastily donning her small clothes.

  On her knees, she peered over the edge of the bed. “But you see, Malcolm and I are in love, we could not wait.”

  “Could not wait for what, my dear? A wedding?” Lady Taylor held her middle while she laughed. “A trollop such as you would never be welcomed into this family.”

  “Mother!” Malcolm propped himself up on his elbows. “There is no need to be so harsh. You said that you would not be.”

  “Shut up Malcolm and get dressed. You were five years old last time I saw your privates. And even then, there was not a ribbon tied around them.” She balled up his shirt and tossed it at him. “Miss Penvenen, I will assist you. I want you out of my house as soon as possible. Get a move on.” Adeline stood up and Lady Taylor strode over with the rest of her clothing.

  “But we do love each other,” Adeline proclaimed over her shoulder as the woman worked laces and ties.

  “Hush! Do not embarrass yourself further.”

  Malcolm dressed and left the room without saying a word.

  Adeline heard the door click shut. “Malcolm? Malcolm?”

  “Adeline,” Lady Taylor turned her around and looked directly into her eyes. “It is over. Keep the trinkets. Go graciously.” In silence, the older woman steered the stunned girl out the bedroom door and down the stairs into the throng. A servant placed her cloak around her. Adeline glanced to her left and saw Daniel and Malcolm in a huddle. Tears rolled down her face. Lady Taylor walked her into the vestibule. She took one of Adeline’s hands and placed in it a sizable, coin filled bag.

  “You have a talent, girl. The wives of the aristocracy would thank you for it, their husbands would pay you for it. Perhaps you should use it.”

  Sobbing, Adeline folded her fingers around the bag and descended the steps to the waiting carriage.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Streaks of
morning light coolly lit the bustling tableau in Kindred’s bedroom. It was April and still a little chilly, but hers was the warmest chamber in the house this morning. Her bedroom was lit with as many lamps as was safely possible. Jugs of hot water, squares of fresh linen and cakes of soap stood ready, as did the whole household, as Kindred exerted all her strength to bring Lelaheo’s child into the world.

  “Damn him!” Kindred yelled, between pants. The baby was taking its own slow time in being born. Eleven hours and counting and her strength was waning. Drenched in perspiration, sheet fisted in her hands, she whispered, “So tired, Gramma. When?”

  “When it come, chil’. Not b’fo,” Rozina assured. She wiped her granddaughter’s forehead with a cool rag.

  Douglass rolled up his sleeves and washed and dried his hands. He was elated and apprehensive. He put on a good face, but was as on edge as Joshua, who paced in the outer hall. He had moved the trunk that usually sat at the end of the bed. He had Kindred scoot to the foot to help bring the babe down into the birth canal. He stood ready to catch the baby. “Kindred, listen, girl. Next time push as hard as you can. Our new family member is almost here.”

  “Yes,” Kindred grunted through clenched teeth.

  Lelaheo’s mother entered the room and put more linen next to the pile.

  “Aliquipiso, Rozina, get behind her on the bed. Get that gown off her,” ordered Douglas. The women propped Kindred up, slid in behind and cradled her.

  “Oh! Oh my God!” she cried as pain seized her.

  “Now ladies,” Douglas commanded. Aliquipiso and Rozina pushed Kindred forward and pulled her knees back.

  “Good, good. Push, Kindred, push! The head is coming.”

  Kindred bore down as hard as she could. She swore her insides were being squeezed out. “Lelaheo!” she screamed as a blessed release of pressure and a warm wriggling mass slid from her. She heard ohs and ahs, then short impatient wails. She looked down at the creature in Douglas’ hands. A girl. She and Lelaheo’s slippery, bawling daughter.


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