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MINE! [New World Book 8]

Page 3

by C. L. Scholey

  Huck could see her image reflected back through the window when he looked up. Huck shifted slightly to face her. Insolence stared back. He couldn’t force her; he couldn’t remain where they were. Drastic measures were called for. We must mate.

  “You leave me no choice. I’m pressed for time now that I have a human female.”

  Huck turned, his fingers flying over the console. The shuttle had been hovering in space and took off. Becky was tossed backward and landed against a wall with a thump.

  “Where the hell are you taking me?” she demanded.

  “A place so deadly you’ll be screaming for me to save you and mate with me. You’ll beg to do as I say.”

  “Not fucking likely, cupcake.”

  Huck growled. “Don’t call me cupcake.”

  Becky slumped into a sitting position with her knees drawn up. Huck went and crouched before her.

  “I owe you nothing, female. Not at this very moment in time,” he said. “Not even life. As my mate you will be protected. Trust me; the most protection from me is me. There is nothing more frightening in the universe.”

  He blinked when she stuck her tongue out at him and crossed her eyes. Huck had no idea humans could look so strange. He stood and sauntered over to the window and when she ignored him he stuck his tongue out. Huck almost laughed at his reflection. The strange face held no purpose except to annoy.

  What was a real annoyance was the throbbing in his cock. Being around a female brought on urges while in must. He could have had her twice in the time they were in the air. Instead, she was using her tongue inappropriately. Wet, and warm her tongue should be gliding over him. A female had sucked his cock before. Huck knew what sex was.

  When human females were discovered and Cobra moved heaven and earth to break free and find mates for his warriors, Huck knew immediately who would win the war. Cobra, Castian leader, was on a mission. Huck’s planning had to be perfect. For years, he bided his time getting to know strategies, opponents, allies and enemies. Weakness and strength. Everything pointed to Cobra being the victor. Chaos loomed during battle a few months prior and Huck took off during the midst of a skirmish. He was no traitor, Tonans weren’t loyal. It was ludicrous for a Tonan captain to demand allegiance. Cobra would demand loyalty.

  Stupid loyalty.

  Too many emotions were necessary to join with Cobra, and Huck still wasn’t positive he could fit in. For months he and his shield fought pros and cons. Worse was if he mated, he’d be stuck with a stupid female who tasted air with her tongue. Huck glanced at Becky. She was staring at the ceiling. Huck glanced up, there was nothing there. He and his shield didn’t plan on her disobeying, that point had never come up. All human females Huck encountered were terrified and begged to do as they were told. Granted, they were beaten into submission by other warriors. Huck never needed to raise his hand, his size alone brought compliance.

  He glanced back at Becky ass kicker. The words made him groan. There was no need to beat her; something nagged within that physical violence wouldn’t be tolerated with Cobra toward females. Regardless, if he touched her in anger, she would be damaged. Mating with a damaged female wouldn’t bring about the best results.

  She must be terrified of him, or come to him when terrified of something else. Huck shook his head; nothing out there is scarier than me. That was what the other human females thought. When they feared him or another warrior, they complied immediately to every demand. Huck never demanded sex; the other females were injured or used enough. After the last female on board their vessel was killed, Huck was furious. She was innocent, the scent was unmistakable. So unmistakable the captain killed her for sport before Huck could even blink. It was then Huck realized he couldn’t fight an entire ship of Tonan warriors for a single female. As the human innocent fell to the ground amidst warrior laughter, Huck knew he witnessed the death of a race. Evil Tonan warriors were near their demise. The human female growling under her breath in his shuttle was Huck’s salvation—if he could control his evil half’s tendencies.

  They broke the atmosphere of the planet, the shuttle jolted and settled. For months Huck came to the same conclusion, die on the losing side, stay alone forever, or mate and join the winning team and live to fight another day. Blood lust was win-win. He was a warrior, he had to war, even if he warred with Cobra instead of against him he was still fighting. Dying was never an option so for a long time neither of the other scenarios seemed acceptable. It boiled down to one thing, wars weren’t won by a single entity, Huck was strong and a powerful warrior, but if he had no planet to fight for, he had nothing. The only way into Cobra’s good graces was a mate.

  I’m stuck with Becky fucking ass kicker. He’d have to make the best of the situation.

  “Female, come to me.”

  “Bite me.”

  “That makes no sense. You want me to bite you but not mate you?”

  “For heaven sakes. You don’t get out much, do you?”

  “If you mean I don’t know much about human females I have learned some things. They cry when afraid, and they are always afraid. They are easy to kill, and it’s too bad some Tonans have no compassion. Some Tonan warriors love to hear females beg for their life. They slaughter them anyway. I have spared the lives of a few females.”

  “Before or after you screwed them?”

  Her words were tight and by the setting of her jaw, he could tell her teeth were clamped together. With sudden insight Huck went to her. She cringed when he knelt on one knee. Still, he sensed no fear, but fury was high.

  “I see you know some of what Tonans are about. I’m a badass, but I’ve never raped a female in my life. Any female. I won’t start with you.”

  “You kidnapped me. What am I supposed to think?”

  “What I do is in our best interest, well mostly mine,” Huck added before his tail could grow.

  Fuck this will be harder than I thought.

  Reaching out, Huck took Becky by the arm and hauled her to her feet. Like all human females, she weighed nothing. Huck was surprised human females didn’t blow away on a gust of wind. She tried to bite his hand with tiny perfect white teeth. His shield covered his bare arm and she swore at him when her mouth clanked against the hard surface. She stomped on one of his feet and swore again, leaning down to massage the bottom of her foot.

  “You are appearing less the ass kicker,” he said.

  She snarled at him. Standing in front of him she suddenly moved closer, jumped and shoved her hand up and poked a finger in his eye. Fuck, that was unpleasant. When he grabbed her wrist she rolled her hand back over his and broke free. Her fist made a bee line for his cock but his shield anticipated her next course of action and when she tried to connect with his cock she smashed her fingers into solid unforgiving material.

  “Son of a bitch,” she howled.

  Huck didn’t take offense; he learned humans odd swear words and this was in no way an attack on his mother. He placed his hand onto her shoulder and she grabbed his baby finger, twisted his arm and smashed her fist against his elbow. Huck released her. They stood a foot apart. The little ass kicker was breathing hard. Her lips were parted and her teeth were pressed together.

  She was so small compared to him and yet she managed to keep his hands off her. Rebelliousness practically oozed from her pores. Unless he hit, to hurt he would continue to be outmaneuvered. Okay, so that is a little impressive. Instead of being angry, he was interested, if not annoyed. His shield was enjoying the new tactical display. For the moment he decided to keep his hands to himself.

  The shuttle hovered over the ground. The planet was ugly; the foliage looked dead and uninviting. The ground was black earth. Overhead, unwelcoming clouds billowed. Even Huck found this particular planet unappealing, boring. Females would hate it and would be scared shitless of the inhabitants. Huck watched Becky’s face for any sign of fear. Her arms were crossed over her chest. No fear, just smug.

  Stubborn female.

  He clicked a butt
on and the door hissed open. Fast as lightning, he threw her out of the shuttle and waited. Collii were small creatures. Half the female’s size. Evil little imps who liked to eat flesh. Their teeth were tiny but pointed. They were purple with huge pointed ears and flat round noses. He knew a human female would find them repulsive, and scary. Huck didn’t want her hurt, just afraid. She would be crying soon enough. The mouthy little female would beg for his help. Huck would save her and that would be the end of his problems.

  When she started screaming, Huck was startled from his thoughts. Fuck she’s dying. No, no, no. Huck raced from the shuttle and stopped open-mouthed. The female was surrounded by three collii. One of the creatures had a mouth full of sticks it was trying to dislodge, hands clawing at its throat and mouth. Another was clutching at its cock. The third made ready to pounce and Huck was about to save the female, but she attacked.

  Wide-eyed, Huck watched as the little ass kicker went to her hands, kicked up her legs and smashed the collii in the mouth with both feet sending fine razor teeth in all directions. The being was knocked to his butt. Becky jumped to her feet with her balled fists waving in the air.

  “Who’s next?”

  Huck scratched his head. All three collii took off, howling at the top of their lungs. There wouldn’t be another of those creatures for miles who would go near the female. Becky dropped her fists and turned to grin at him.

  “Who’s the badass now, cupcake?” She had the audacity to wink at him.

  In his shielded form, Huck strode to her, dropped his shield from his hands and gripped her throat lifting her from the ground. His other hand wrapped around an upper arm to ease some of the pressure.

  “Why aren’t you screaming for me to save you?”

  “Yeah, cupcake.” Her tiny voice a mere squeak. “I’ll get right on that.”

  Huck dropped her. “Don’t fucking call me cupcake.”

  If other warriors heard her call him that he’d never live it down. Not the way he wanted to be recognized in a new hive. Oh look, there’s cupcake. Cupcake, are you going to kill today or cook? Would you like some sprinkles with your frosting, cupcake?

  Huck growled and raised a fist, he was that angry. Becky stared calmly up at him, her curiosity apparent.

  “So you want me to cower in terror? Cry? Don’t you think that would get annoying after a while?”

  “No. It’s what human females do.”

  Becky made a strange face, got to her feet and took two steps pointed to the ground and screamed. Her arms flailed, her feet rose and fell as her knees raised one then the other as though she were running in place.

  “What?” he bellowed.

  She pointed at the ground. “A bug, a bug.”

  The scream that ripped through her mouth made him cringe. He squashed the bug. “There, you’re safe.”

  Becky laughed. “See—annoying.”

  Huck realized she was making fun of him. He grabbed her by the arms lifting her off her feet to his eye level.

  “You will fear me. Do it now.”

  She gazed at him, a smile played on her lips. “You haven’t hurt me, so I doubt you will or want to. Why do you want me to be afraid of you?”

  “So I can soothe your fears and when you’re afraid of something, like me, you can come to me.”

  “Say what?” She blinked.

  “There is nothing scarier than me. Fear me, I will make you feel safe and then you will be fine.”

  “You take dumbass to a whole new level.”

  “My mate will not call me dumbass anymore than cupcake,” Huck bellowed.

  “Mate? Why do you want me to mate you? I don’t like you. I doubt you like me.”

  “I need a mate before I can join forces with the winning side. Cobra’s side.”

  “Why do I get the feeling Cobra isn’t a Tonan?”

  “He’s leader of the Castians.”

  “I’ve heard about Castians.”

  Her look turned thoughtful. Huck dropped his shield and lowered her; he centered his gaze over her shoulder. An annoyance was approaching. Huck had forgotten about these beasts. He could have growled with the interference. On second thought, the beasts would be frightening to a female. A werevul was creeping up on them from behind Becky. Huck turned her around. At long last she backed into him and he felt her concern. Fear, the scent flooded his nostrils, she was afraid.


  Droplets of her sweat creeped across his flesh and for an instant Huck tingled. His shield went up and the sensation stopped.

  “Shit, I thought you were butt fuck ugly,” she whispered.

  The werevul was massively muscled and eight feet tall. The creature was wide with a bulbous chest. Tonans gave the creature its name. The planet had been assessed at one time as grounds for a human farming and cultivation camp. A place to harvest human females in the future. The planet wasn’t safe enough. The being approaching was one of the reasons the planet was considered unsafe. The werevul resembled a human’s version of a werewolf and vulture but had no feathers. A long beak protruded from its face to form a nose and mouth with silver dagger teeth. It ate flesh and liked to eat the flesh of a being screaming in agony. These creatures had orgasms when their victims flailed. The louder a victim screamed, the harder the orgasm.

  “Well, cupcake, let’s get this over with,” Becky whispered.

  Huck was amazed. She was talking to the creature not him. The werevul sniffed at her from six feet away. Becky raised her fists. Seriously? Is there nothing you won’t battle, little ass kicker? Huck let the talons on a hand drop and slammed his bare hand over her mouth. She liked to yell when she fought. No doubt it was her scream that caught the creature’s attention. If she screamed this close the werevul would orgasm. Its organ would protrude. There was no penetration involved but they had nasty-sized cocks that reeked.

  “Not a sound, female,” Huck said.

  He wanted her fear; he knew she could feel fear. It was a start. Huck was ready to send her to the shuttle when he was slammed into from behind. Becky went flying forward howling. The werevul in front of her had an orgasm. Huck spun and took a slice of flesh off the belly of another werevul. Becky howled again and Huck saw her smash her foot into the werevul’s cock. The werevul bellowed and the beast Huck sliced had an orgasm. Wet froth from its dangling two foot long cock spilled to the ground making Becky retch. She screamed when another werevul appeared.

  “For fuck sakes, shut up, damn you, or the entire area will fill with these fucking things,” Huck bellowed.

  The werevul closest to Becky made a grab for her. Huck leapt to her but the little ass kicker was fast as lightning. She gripped the beast’s arm and flung it to the ground sending it head over heels. Huck had to admit the move was impressive, he’d never seen hand to hand combat the way she battled. Huck normally sliced his opponents in half with sheer power. She made the weight of her opponent work against it.

  Fascinating and effective. Huck agreed with his shield.

  Another howl tore from her mouth and the creature had an orgasm while it lay, legs wide, on its back. Froth ejected hose-like from its cock onto Huck’s female, Becky spewed. Huck grimaced, his little ass kicker had been into the replicator’s chocolate, the brown substance mixed with the froth. The smell of the cum from the creature was nauseating and making her sick. Another trait a werevul loved. Huck killed the werevul he sliced. He ran to Becky and hauled her over his shoulder and raced for the shuttle.

  Huck leaped inside and closed the door. Becky squirmed from his grasp. Her hands were over her mouth and nose. She was soaked in foul froth and vomit. Fumbling she pulled at her saturated clothes, ripping them off. The shield filtered the smell but Huck knew it was noxious. He grabbed her clothes and tossed them in the replicator making them disappear. Becky sat naked in a ball.

  Keeping his shield up Huck went to her. She tried to scoot back but her ass squealed against the hard floor and she had to drop a hand to make herself move. With her hand down more of
her showed. Her breasts were beautiful. She caught him gazing and stopped moving to cover her jiggling tits.

  “Be still, female,” Huck said. “Rape is far from my thoughts. To take you I’d have to drop my shield and with the way I know you smell, that ain’t happening.”

  “I’m putrid.”

  “I figured. Their cum stinks.”

  “I need to wash this shit off.” She gagged again with her hair sticking to her face, throat and shoulders.

  “I designed my shuttle to help ease a human female. If you’re a good girl, once you’re clean and your belly settles you can have chocolate. I hear human females will do anything for chocolate.”

  “I don’t like chocolate.”

  “That’s a lie. Your shirt was stained with it.”

  Huck wanted to chuckle. She looked a lot cuter naked and miserable. And not calling him cupcake. He gripped her arm and dragged her kicking and yelling into the captive room. He shoved her into a cubicle, and slammed the door.

  She pressed against the hard clear surface, her tits squished, when a blast of water shot from all directions. Becky howled it was too cold.

  “Warmer,” Huck said. The water began to steam. “Enough.”

  Becky slumped into a ball as the water continued to trail over her. Huck pushed a button and suds soaked her next. The shower was designed to listen to him. The water and soap wouldn’t stop until he commanded.

  “Sorry, female, but you’ll be in there for a while. The soap won’t sting your eyes. When I set you loose, I’ll have clothes for you and we can talk.”

  Huck had to get away from her. Naked and vulnerable she was too tempting. His shield was reminding him she felt fear. For a second, their fluids mixed before the attack. Huck had spared the lives of human females in the past, and he hadn’t raped them. Their tears and sweat were the scent of terror, nothing more. The tingle of horror wasn’t a turn on for his type of Tonan, at least three quarters of his type when taking his shield into consideration. Fear was for the rebel evil Tonans. For the full blooded evil, the scent was exciting.


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