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MINE! [New World Book 8]

Page 10

by C. L. Scholey

  Huck went to check the configuration on the console. He wanted to sleep with Becky on a few comforters, the bed was too confining. Her nightmares could be soothed with a touch, but he wished he could enter her dreams and see what they entailed. His bond mate had witnessed a horrific life changing experience. He knew it had to do with the death of her father.

  Turning, Huck stopped short as motion caught the corner of his vision. His senses were invaded next. Damn. Heart pounding, he faced the console. A Tonan mother ship glided into their path. If he tried to run, he would be blown out of the sky, Becky would die. The Tonans would then decide whether or not to bring him aboard as he floundered in space. If they chose to leave him, he would float for a month before his shield depleted. He would have a month to agonize over his bond mate’s death. The idea was infuriating and for the first time in his life, he hated other Tonans besides his birth father.

  “Becky, stay put. Do not come out, we have company, bad company,” Huck bellowed.

  The Tonan ship sent a small blast letting Huck know he better open communications. Taking a deep breath he flicked the button. He wasn’t shielded, when they see no tail...

  His commander stood arms crossed feet apart glaring at him. “You appear to be lost.”

  “I’ve been all over the galaxy, not once have I been lost,” Huck replied.

  “You’re approaching Castian territory.”

  “No kidding.”

  “Been looking for a mate?”

  “I’ve been looking for a lot of things.” His shield twitched then decided a half truth was fine, his shield stayed down.

  “Bring your vessel aboard.”

  The or else was unmistakable. “I’m done with you. Your kind, my father’s kind, killed us. I want nothing to do with a damned race. You’ve killed your kind.”

  His commander scowled.

  “Then die like your mother’s kind. Unless you’re your father’s son. Your real father. No play on words. Explain your actions. Evil wouldn’t search out Cobra without a reason.”

  Huck didn’t know what to do. His captain was wondering if Huck had a plan, he did but not the kind the captain was thinking. Of course Huck was thought of as evil. If he lied and played their game of lies it would affect his mate. But if she was dead, it wouldn’t matter. Becky’s life was in his hands.

  “Damn it, wait,” Huck yelled.

  Before he could do anything else the Tonan ship was blasted with a rapid series of red explosions. Becky cried out from the other room loud enough to be heard. His commander slammed his fist on his console.

  “A female is with you. You traitor.”

  The idea made Huck blink. These Tonans had no loyalty, it was impossible to be a traitor when the trait never existed. Another ship appeared in his line of vision. Huck didn’t know if he was relieved or anxious. A blip on his console and Huck knew it was the time of reckoning. Huck flipped the switch opening a new line of communication.

  “This is Cobra, leader of the Castians. Identify yourself shuttle craft.”

  “Cobra, my name is Huck. I’m a Tonan warrior and I ask for asylum. Whatever you choose I hope you think fast, because we’re about to be annihilated. I have a human female on board. She’s not my prisoner, but if my ship is destroyed I have no way to save her life.”

  As he spoke, he groaned when a massive flash of white headed in their direction from the Tonan vessel. The blast would terminate the shuttle. Becky was as good as dead. At the last moment, Becky bellowed and raced from the room being trailed by a Gorgano.

  “Huck, what the fuck is this ugly thing?”

  The Gorgano would blow her up first, Huck felt his panic rise; he should have known there would be Gorgano on the Tonan vessel.

  “Becky don’t let it into your thoughts.”

  She stood there staring at the creature while the Gorgano clenched its fists. The gangly naked, bald creature cocked its head.

  “Butt fuck ugly, dude you look like you’re trying to pinch a loaf,” Becky said.

  Huck didn’t know what to do first, his shield slammed over him and he watched as the Gorgano was picked up and flung into a wall. Huck moved without thought. Kill it. His shield’s thoughts slammed into his mind. Talons raised, he sliced the Gorgano in half, then quartered it, his shield was that pissed. Huck reigned in his surprise; he never knew his shield could be so predatory. Protecting my mate—my, babe, holy hell. Becky threw up. She glared at him.

  “Ew, stop doing that. There’s overkill and then there’s you.”

  For a second Huck paused. The shuttle hadn’t been blown to bits. Cobra had extended his shield. Huck dropped his shield and gathered Becky to his chest. He walked her to the console. Cobra stood eyeing them from the monitor. The Tonan ship fled.

  “You handled the Gorgano well, female,” Cobra said.

  “I have no clue what you mean,” Becky said.

  “She’s telling the truth, Cobra,” Huck said and grinned. In that single instant he felt it, the flicker of life. “My son kicked the Gorgano’s ass.”

  “You have mated the female?” Cobra asked, his confusion was apparent, Huck had claimed he couldn’t protect her.

  “We bonded. She didn’t want to mate, and a mate has a certain scent when forced. I want to join you. I’ve never forced a female in my twelve thousand years.”

  “The baby? Did you want the child, female?” Cobra asked.

  “Huck told me I might conceive,” Becky said. “He gave me the choice. I have no clue what a baby shield is, but something tells me I’m going to like it.”

  Cobra took a deep breath. “You may enter my hanger, but before you are welcomed you will be questioned.”

  Huck grinned, half the battle was won.

  Chapter 8

  Becky was flabbergasted when they boarded the vessel. From the window of the shuttle it looked big but inside was another story. It was massive with no stairs; every floor had a ledge and what appeared to be hallways. The levels stretched upward until hidden from view. Some parts remained in darkness and she remembered both Tonans and Castians could see in the dark. This was a war vessel. All warriors she spied were shielded. None were as large as Huck, but the number alone was staggering. Trepidation hung heavily in her chest.

  The man who approached was huge, as huge as Huck or a little less. His shield dropped inch by inch the closer he came. Absorbing into his powerful body. He wore only ebony tight pants reaching his ankles. His bare feet slapped the soft cool floor; no other sound reached her ears except the pounding of her heart. His commanding presence made him larger than life. This man, male, was a leader. Cobra, Becky knew this was Cobra. He stopped short a foot from them.

  Cobra sniffed the air. “It’s true, she’s carrying.”

  “How can you tell?” Becky didn’t feel any different. She was surprised her pregnancy was the first thing to catch his interest when Huck towered beside her.

  “Your scent is intoxicating to a warrior in must. In time, your babe will know my scent and know I’m leader, but for now I’ll keep my distance.” Cobra turned to Huck. “You, on the other hand, I’ll get to know immensely well.”

  Becky heard the implied threat. Huck looked serious except for the twinkle in his eyes. Becky knew he was pleased. Excited even.

  “Your distrust is understandable,” Huck said. “I’m not mated but was hoping the bond would be enough, for now. Becky isn’t my mate, but I’m responsible for her and my son. I would ask she not be placed in confinement. I stole her from her companions, but in doing so saved her life. Her companions are dead. She’s alone except for me.”

  Cobra didn’t bother to ask Becky if Huck spoke the truth. His shield remained down and no tail grew. Becky looked from warrior to warrior. She noted many other warriors gathering closer, some shields had dropped some not. All were massive but not built as formidable as Huck. She was wary. She didn’t want to be locked away. Her hand slipped into Huck’s and for a moment she was surprised at the gentle force he used to squee
ze her hand.

  For a moment, a sensation filled her belly, relief. Curiously, she gazed at Huck. She wasn’t afraid, or worried. It was something else…

  Huck wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Our son can sense the tension. He feels safer with his father close.”

  “There is something more to you,” Cobra said as he eyed Huck closely. Becky was shocked when Cobra snarled. “For fuck sakes you have some nerve coming here. You’re a half breed Tonan,” Cobra almost growled the words.

  “Not exactly,” Huck was quick to say. “My mother was a good mother. My father abandoned us to die. My stepfather, not an evil Tonan as was my biological father, fell in love with my mother and was able to give me a piece of his shield. Both he, my mother and my biological father are dead.”

  “Still a half breed,” was muttered from the crowd of warriors.

  “We have no half breeds here,” Cobra said, his tone firm. He made a move to turn away, dismissing them.

  “Now wait one minute,” Becky snapped. “Get off your fucking high horse. All Huck’s talked about is joining Cobra; the winning side is Cobra’s side. Now you dismiss him as garbage. He’s not my mate, but he is still the father of my baby.”

  “Other arrangements can be made for you,” Cobra said.

  Becky marched over and stabbed her finger into his bare chest, Cobra seemed surprised. “Give him the benefit of the doubt. Huck came to you bearing gifts, me. If you throw him out I’m going, too. I won’t be ruled by a leader who has no time for me or my child.”

  “Your son will be a half breed,” Cobra snarled.

  “He will be half human. Are you mated? Is your mate human? Doesn’t that make your children half breeds?”

  “It’s not the same,” Cobra said on a growl.

  “Why? Because the mighty Cobra said so? You’re mighty all right. A mighty ass.”

  Cobra was shoved back and Becky guessed her tiny warrior son was tired of his close proximity. Before they boarded Cobra’s vessel, Huck had quickly explained no warriors would be able to come close to her if the baby shield activated. Becky heard sharp intakes of breath. She didn’t care. She was tired and hungry. She went and pressed against Huck and gazed up into his stunned expression.

  “I won’t stay where I’m not wanted and others will be cruel to my son. You said Cobra was a leader with honor. Any male who would be cruel to an unborn baby is no leader at all. Can we leave now?”

  “I never once said my people would be cruel to your son,” Cobra thundered. “You are twisting my words. I’m trying to explain to you there are two types of Tonans and your bond mate is both types. He’s fucking volatile.”

  “And you aren’t?” Becky’s eyes widened, the sarcasm was unmistakable.

  Cobra blinked. He scowled at her. Then glared at Huck. “You have three days to impress the hell out of me. You better believe you’ll be tested.” He turned to Becky. “So will you.” His thundering growl belied any smugness she felt.

  “Bring it on, cupcake.”

  Cobra’s eyes widened in stunned surprise. He turned to Huck as Becky noted a human woman motioning to her. She began to walk toward the smiling woman.

  “Did your bond mate just call me cupcake?” Cobra roared.

  Becky heard Huck chuckle.

  * * * *

  The small apartment on the first floor Cobra set up for Becky and Huck was clean and quiet and away from the main hive. Once the ship landed on Bagron, they were transported to their new home and given explicit instructions to wait. Becky made a bee line to the replicator and requested food. She went and sat on a huge bed with her legs curled under her, eating ice cream. Watching Huck as he paced.

  “Is all that ice cream good for my son?” Huck asked.

  “I’m not freezing him, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “That would be the least of my worries.”

  “Will they keep us locked up forever?” she asked. The small smile faded from her face.

  “We’re not locked up,” Huck replied. “When a warrior is locked up, we know it. A cage, no sunlight, alone, depleted shield. We can come and go as we please here as long as we stay away from the main hive and don’t roam too far. When Cobra wants us, we’ll know. I know you think he’s being an ass, but your knowledge of Tonan warriors is limited. We can be nasty bastards. Cobra knows this. You didn’t mate me which makes me look suspect. But I did give you a piece of my shield. He’s determining if one act outweighs another.”

  “Cobra’s mate was nice to me. Her name is Leah. She has kids. Two full human daughters who came with her from Earth, a son who was turned half Castian by Cobra who also came from Earth. A half Castian daughter and a half Castian baby son.”

  “I’m glad she was nice to you. I know you need female companionship. Since we bonded, my shield understands many of your needs. I don’t always get why I understand. I have to learn to trust my shield to know what’s best for you.”

  “Do you realize how weird that sounds?”


  “So if we’re not trapped, can we wander? I’m dying to feel real terrain under my feet.”

  Huck thought about that. Cobra hadn’t forbidden him from looking around, just entering the hive. Many females were pregnant, scent was high and he was in must, except the need to create was over. He was expecting a male offspring. Huck knew if he were to enter the main hive, no other female would draw his attention. His bad ass warrior side went to mush thinking of holding his infant son to his chest. He growled before allowing a sickly sweet smile he just knew was on his lips to curl.

  “I’ve never been on Bagron,” Huck admitted. “The trees and terrain are said to be the same as the planet where I’m from. That would make sense considering Castians and Tonans are distant cousins. There is a sister planet named Dargon where Cobra’s son Rask leads; he is a full Castain warrior and mated, I think his female’s name is Grace. She was the first human female found when a shuttle she was on crash landed on Dargon right before Cobra’s escape. We may well be banished there. It’s not a real place of banishment anymore, but if Cobra sticks us there, I will no longer be able to war.”

  “Are you sorry you came here?” Becky asked.

  Huck went to sit beside her. He dipped his baby finger into her bowl of ice cream and ventured a taste, he made a face.

  “That’s gross.”

  Becky looked affronted. “Only an evil psycho villain would think chocolate gross. Never speak to me again.” She stuck out her tongue and smiled impishly at him.

  Huck scowled. “Mother’s milk of the universe has assaulted my taste buds in a somewhat heavenly fashion regarding hell.”

  She scrunched her nose and licked her spoon. He knew she was teasing. Becky went to place the bowl into the replicator. She strolled back to him and gripped his hands. She was a female in a new environment carrying his baby surrounded by potential enemies. His shield detected nothing but curiosity and hope.

  Becky ass kicker, his bond mate. He was proud of the way she stood up to Cobra. The look on Cobra’s face when she called him cupcake would have been worth the trip alone. Huck could have chuckled.

  “Now can we wander?” How could he say no to an ass kicker?

  “I guess.”

  Huck opened their door which led immediately outside. He wasn’t expecting open space to be so prevalent. It was a slap in the face when confronted with such vast, unprotected space. His shield slammed over him and the urge to yank Becky behind him was too overwhelming to ignore. She groaned, shrugged him off, and ducked in front of him.

  “What’s wrong with you?” she demanded.

  “We were transported here. I didn’t realize Cobra holds so little esteem for an expecting mother.” In the distance he could see images of wild animals.

  “We’re lucky he hasn’t locked us up. What were you expecting?”

  “I thought, well, I didn’t expect since we were on the main floor it meant a direct opening to outside. This is a strange planet
to us both; Cobra should have had more understanding.”

  Becky’s expression was curious. “My home on Earth had a front door and a back door leading to outside. I’m not worried. Actually, I’m happy he seems fit to allow us the beauty of his planet.”

  Becky had no idea Huck was insulted, not worried. He and Becky meant so little to Cobra, they weren’t given the safety of a refuge before being confronted with open space. Huck grew up in a hive. His stepfather was well respected. Huck was fused over, shielded, safe. Images of his young life came to mind, his mother smiling and happy. When his shield formed, she was so proud, so was his stepfather. The baby Becky carried was all Huck’s, even the shield because it was part of him, only Huck could give him a piece. He wanted the same for his son, safety, happiness. Emotions too intense to ignore stormed over him. His shield dropped. Huck grabbed Becky by her arms, turning her to face him, his grip tight.

  “Mate me. Give my son the safety he deserves. Now.”

  Huck was thrown backward into the side of the home. Becky stood there blinking. Huck groaned as he lay in a heap, he realized he’d scared her with his over enthusiasm. He struggled to his feet. Arms splayed, he approached her. His son wasn’t spurning him as a father. The shield reacted to the mother’s heart rate and emotions. No doubt his son slumbered, oblivious he’d just tossed daddy on his ass.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you,” Huck said.

  “I’m not afraid of you. You startled me.”

  “You’re lucky you don’t have a tail that can grow.”

  “Fine. I was a little, concerned, with your intensity.”

  “I would never hurt you. I can’t regardless, as you just witnessed.”

  “I didn’t think your baby could use his shield on you.”

  Huck went to stand closer. With a tentative hand, he caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers. His hand moved lower to rub her belly.


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