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MINE! [New World Book 8]

Page 13

by C. L. Scholey

  Zell suddenly disappeared and Becky gasped and spun in a tight circle. Zabbie rolled her eyes.

  “No doubt he went to find Ryker. I swear those two are attached at the hip,” Zabbie said.

  “They are,” came a call.

  Jinx strode in, Zell on one hip. Ryker on the other. Zabbie sighed and took her son. “Where were you?” Zabbie asked Jinx.

  “Leah wanted to talk to Cobra. Five kids can be wearing at times. She needed a break. She said she’d be here later.”

  “Cobra is meeting with Huck. Their last meeting was quick,” Becky said.

  Zabbie placed Zell on the ground who was soon joined by Ryker. Becky watched both children as toys their mothers brought floated between them. The two little males were oddly silent, but Becky could see their eyes meet, their heads nod. Becky went to replicate tea and all three women sat talking.

  “Taz said he met Huck,” Jinx said.

  “I know,” Becky said.

  Zabbie looked uncomfortable. “Can I ask a question that is none of my business?”

  “You want to know why I haven’t mated Huck,” Becky said and at a small nod from Zabbie and Jinx, Becky explained. “I told Huck I will mate him. He wants to make certain he’s accepted.”

  “But if he mates you, he would be accepted,” Jinx said.

  “He’s afraid if he mates me and is kicked out, his son and I would be forced to travel the galaxy with him alone. If he goes, I’m going with him. If Cobra can’t accept Huck, I would be afraid all my life my son would be kicked out, too.”

  “Oh no. You need to tell Cobra,” Zabbie said.

  “I think maybe Cobra was the one who gave him the idea; I mean about Huck giving us up. But because of Cobra, all three of us may have to leave. I’m sorry if I sound harsh, but I’m worried,” Becky said and couldn’t keep the anger from her tone. “I’m so tired of space shuttles and living in fear. I’ve lost so much, so has Huck.”

  “Uh oh,” Jinx said.

  “What?” Becky asked.

  “If you’re pissed with Cobra he might sense it on Huck.”

  “I think Huck knows I’m angry. I can’t help it.”

  A toy went crashing into Becky’s cup spilling her tea. All eyes went to the two boys staring at her. Zell was scowling, he took Ryker’s hand. All three women watched as the boys approached Becky. Becky had a moment’s concern.

  “If they can tell I’m angry with Cobra, what will my shield do if they’re pissed?”

  “Neither would ever hurt you,” Jinx said. She went to stand in front of the boys.

  “My belly feels weird,” Becky said. “They wouldn’t hurt my baby because he’s Tonan would they?”

  “I don’t think so,” Jinx dropped to the ground to put her hand on her sons shoulder. “Ryker adores Taz, so does our daughter. He and Roam are warrior mates, though.”

  Zabbie went to Zell. She ran her fingers down his arm. Zell lifted his hand to place on Becky’s tummy then looked up, so did Ryker.

  “Jinx?” Zabbie said. “Tonans can sense each other right?”

  “I think Taz mentioned they could.”

  Zabbie gazed at Becky. “Zell can sense your little one who is relaying a message.”

  “What?” Becky was stunned.

  “We need to find Cobra,” Zabbie said. “Something is going on, something the boys are feeling.”

  “Do you think the Tonans are back?” Jinx said.

  “Maybe,” Zabbie said.

  As the women left with their sons, Becky placed a hand to her belly. Her son wasn’t evil, but he was connected to evil like his father. A boon or a curse, she had no idea.

  Chapter 11

  The Zargonnii was huge. Huck was told Cobra would see him soon; in the meantime, a few vessels hovered overhead with the arrival of allies. Titus, leader of the southern Zargonnii, was one of the allies. Numerous Zargonnii and Castians came and went in the meeting hall Huck had been taken to. He was informed Titus’s son, Zell, and his mate, Zabbie had gone to visit Becky with Jinx, Roam’s mate and their son.

  Huck knew why, just in case Cobra had him killed, Becky would establish friends and her transition would be smoother. The thought irked him. Becky is mine. No other could have her. The idea was infuriating. Mate, don’t mate. He wanted her and his son safe. Alone in a shuttle wasn’t safe. Everything depended on this meeting.

  “What the hell is taking Cobra so long?” Huck grouched.

  “His mate needed to see him,” Titus said.

  Huck wanted to growl, he hated the Zargonnii language. They sound like monkey-dogs. Huck lifted his hand to cover his mouth as he chuckled with his shield’s indignation. Furry bitches. Huck coughed over his laugh. His shield was in a mood. White gorilla wolves. Huck groaned, knowing it was his shield’s attempt to keep his mind occupied.

  “You wiggle like a child,” Titus said on a growl.

  You smell like a child’s butt.

  Huck cleared his throat. “I’m anxious.”

  “I would be, too, if I were you,” Titus said. “Any enemy of Cobra’s is an enemy to me and my warriors.”

  “If I were looking to make enemies, I wouldn’t be here.”

  “Why are you here?”

  Huck was about to snarl at him when he realized if he was accepted, he would have to do some accepting, too.

  “I started out wanting to be on the winning team. Now I want my son and bond mate to be happy and safe. That’s all I want.”

  Titus looked surprised and then smiled. “You speak the truth, well done. I think you just won three quarters of your battle.”

  “It’s the last home stretch that concerns me.”

  Titus smacked him on the back. “Since my son and yours are no doubt bonding, Cobra may have no choice.”

  “What the heck does that mean? I hear your son is powerful but how strong can a baby be?”

  Titus laughed. “You have no idea.”

  * * * *

  The room was quiet, darkened. Cobra was sitting alone, it was apparent he was in deep thought.

  “Where’s Huck?”

  Cobra looked up startled when Leah asked her question.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Cobra replied. “I know what he says he believes, but he’s a half breed Tonan. I’ve spent time talking to Taz and I’m sorry, Leah but Taz’s hesitance at accepting Huck makes my decision that much harder. Taz’s mentor Krish was pure evil. Taz has told me what Krish was like.”

  “Huck isn’t pure evil. If he was, he never would have given his baby a piece of his shield.”

  “You have no idea how dangerous letting in a viper could be to us all. He could be here to infiltrate our ranks. His female won’t mate him, which speaks volumes. I have sent word to Rask, my son will send Doss here. Maybe a half-Castian half-Tonan hybrid like Doss can help me make heads or tails of this situation.”

  “Maybe Becky wants to get to know Huck first. Not all female humans drop helplessly into an alien’s arms prior to popular belief. And you and I have had our hard knocks.”

  Cobra grimaced. “I love you, Leah. But I am leader. I have so many responsibilities.”

  Leah became angry.

  “Cobra, you spent so much time being a father to all your warriors; it’s time you were a father to your children. Your warriors are grown men. They need a leader not a daddy. But your children need a father. Be their father. I’ve been understanding, I’ve been hurt and angry, and yet I know why you do the things that you do. I love you for who you are. Your character has no limits. But I do. It’s time for us, your family.”

  “A Tonan warrior in our midst is dangerous.”

  “Our life is dangerous. How do you know having Huck here couldn’t be the edge you need? What if what he says is true, and you now have insight into the way an evil Tonan thinks without the evil involved. All I’m asking is you give him the benefit of the doubt. And while you do, make sure you do it as a leader, not daddy to your warriors. Who are, by the way, daddies themselves.”

  Cobra exhaled loudly. “I’ll talk to Huck and make certain a sentry is near until we can be sure of his intentions. In the meantime, stay away from him.”

  Leah wrapped her arms around him. “I have a baby shield. Your son is hungry, I can tell. I can also tell you there are three little girls at home who would like to spend some time with you. Your oldest son and warrior mate would like some one-on-one training with you.”

  Cobra pulled her close. A knock on the door sounded and Huck was followed in by eight warriors. Leah smiled at the huge warrior. He was a handsome one for sure. She was about to welcome him, when a dark hole opened and surrounded her and Cobra. Leah screamed as the warriors raced toward her and Cobra. Everything went black…

  “Where the fuck are they?” A warrior bellowed.

  Alarms were blaring. A shiver went through Huck, a connection was established.

  “Your planet is under attack,” Huck said.

  “You bastard, you were involved the entire time.” A warrior turned on Huck.

  Before Huck could respond, a massive alien appeared, the likes of which he’d never seen. A massive winged creature with obvious relation to the Gorgano. Racing to a window Huck peered out. The planet was under attack. Castians, Tonans, Gorgano, Zargonnii and Angano were battling for their lives. A fierce pain pierced his heart. Becky and his son were in grave danger. He knew it. Huck was on the move.

  Chapter 12

  The time passed and there was only so much Becky could look at inside. Past the strange window, she could see a herd of horses. A huge black stallion reared, Caveat she’d learned was his name, and the horses were on the move. Becky frowned wondering what scared them. The massive stallion looked pissed. The head mare gathered the others and dust flew in their wake. Becky scrambled to the door. Strange noises were coming from overhead.

  She cracked the door open and stepped outside. A dark mass hovered overhead and Becky saw the space ship a hundred feet above. It was gliding over the terrain. In fact, everywhere she looked massive ships flew. She spun in a tight circle as she studied the closest. It wasn’t Tonan or Castian. She wondered if maybe this was Titus’s vessel, a Zargonnii mother ship. A slight sound stopped her in her tracks and she turned with slow deliberation. She knew instinctively her baby shield was up.

  The creature was tall, ten feet or more, and winged. Long legs and arms were see-through, appearing paper thin, green blood ran through veins. Becky could see its internal organs working. The mouth hung open; blackness was beyond the lipless and empty void.

  Human female.

  Becky heard the words in English in her mind. The creature moved in a gangly fashion taking a step toward her then retreating as though given a push.

  Force field. Interesting.

  Furious, Becky moved forward in a fast motion, the creature made a half scream within her mind and was tossed back onto its ass. The baby shield was in full force. Whatever this creature was, it was dangerous. An odd cry from within made her cringe. The sound came again, louder and an immense feeling of homesickness engulfed her. She realized her little warrior was calling for his daddy.

  “Oh, poor baby, don’t be scared; mommy’s here.”

  The creature rose and advanced trying to gain entry into her thoughts. Becky placed a hand at her temple. She needed to fight this thing with her mind. Rage overwhelmed her when she realized her baby was sobbing. Cries reached her ears, coming from the main hive. The planet was under attack. Warriors began spilling out into the open making her breath catch. The menace before her was trying to gain entry into her thoughts. Becky had other ideas. The baby shield wouldn’t let the thing close enough for her to battle. It began to crawl toward her. Rising higher, she slowly backed up.

  Each time the creature tried to invade the shield sharp sparks flew, and the being wrenched and writhed but continued on. Castian warriors battled back to back. A Zargonnii split another of the gangly beings not far to her right. Warriors were thrown to crash together. Becky was the only female in sight. She was afraid, and she was furious. Did she and her son mean so little to these warriors? Only one cared for her. There was one she loved, loved enough to call home. Her thoughts centered onto him.

  Huck where are you?

  A whoosh of fast wind and Becky tumbled to the ground. Huck was high in the air; his arm sliced down and slashed five razor talons into the creature. The heave within her breast was profound, and she knew their child was relieved to see his father.

  “Die Angano.” Huck was ripping the being to pieces. Green blood saturated the ground.

  Sitting on the ground, Becky watched in horror as the sky came to life as more of the aliens were fighting with warriors. Becky could see other Tonan warriors, many fighting with the Castians—some were not. Huck cut the being’s head from its neck, and a green sticky substance covered him.

  “Huck,” Becky screamed when three Tonan warriors approached her. All three warriors were sent spiraling before they came within a foot of her.

  The warriors sprang up, one growled she was carrying and they needed a portal to catch her. She was the one they needed. Becky knew they wanted her because of Huck. Apparently, so did Huck. He was a whirlwind of action. A battle cry and two of the three Tonans were smashed back to the ground when Huck attacked.

  Two Castian warriors were suddenly beside Huck. The three faced off until Becky jumped up and ran to Huck.

  “Leave him alone,” she screamed.

  Who was the enemy? Did Huck have to fight both sides? Why, what had happened?

  “Becky, stay behind me,” Huck yelled.

  “But we came to join the Castians; why would they want to fight you?” Becky yelled.

  “Cobra and his mate have been kidnapped,” a warrior shouted. “Your Tonan has something to do with it.”

  “No,” Becky yelled. “Huck would never put his son in danger.”

  “Does your son look like he’s in danger?” the warrior bellowed back.

  Everywhere she looked was anarchy. More massive white furred beasts appeared on the ground and Becky knew they were Zargonnii warriors, the resemblance to Zell unmistakable in one. Huck bellowed, sounding frustrated. He was a warrior who wanted to fight, but Becky could see he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to battle the Castians; he didn’t want to war with the Zargonnii. Becky was furious with Cobra. If he’d just accepted Huck, this wouldn’t be happening.

  Damn Cobra to hell.

  A dark hole opened and Becky howled as she was sucked inside along with Huck. She heard the bellows of traitor coming from the Castians. They were furious with Huck. They were certain he was evil. Becky knew he wasn’t. They bonded, she knew him. Huck would never allow his son to be raised with Tonan warriors who were pure evil. Once her baby shield fell, they would kill her, and Becky knew Huck would never allow that to happen.

  Becky fell as her feet hit the hard cold floor. She sat in a heap alone. Huck wasn’t with her. She was in a dark room surrounded by bars. You know when you’re a prisoner. She jumped up and gripped the steel-like substance shaking it; the metal of the cold cage didn’t budge. Enough light from a far corner told her she was in a huge hanger alone. She slumped to the ground and wrapped her arms around her legs. The baby shield would keep her alive for four to five years. The Tonans were cruel enough to let her rot. Once the baby shield was gone, they would kill her. Her son wouldn’t be able to fight off a hundred if not thousand-year-old warriors.


  Her whisper was desolate to her ears. Her tummy quivered and she sensed the baby and his fear. By now they could be anywhere in the universe. If they returned her to Earth, she would die. An image of her father caught in the mudslide invaded her thoughts. They had been separated by a flood for two days. Each day they’d called to one another, they walked the banks on the opposite sides laughing and telling stories. Until the last day, when the mud slammed down from the hillside taking her father with it.

  In her thoughts, she saw her dad as the muck claimed h
is ankles then calves. He smiled at her as he died, calling to her she would be fine. The mud rose to his hips as he floundered, and all she could do was scream and pace and watch—and scream. Helplessness, the likes she never felt engulfed her as she watched the man she loved more than anything in the world taken from her inch by agonizing inch. He was already dead, they both knew it, as he died in front of her calling her name and telling her he loved her and how proud he was of her. He begged her to turn around and not see him die, but she couldn’t. “Look behind you.” He yelled over and over everything would be fine, but it wasn’t, and she couldn’t bear to look away. The muck crept to his throat and he gurgled her name, the ooze spilling into his mouth with attempts to calm her, as his hands waved overhead and he was enveloped to his fingertips. Then his fingers stopped wiggling and sank. Her father was gone. Life went black. As black as it was now.

  Gazing left and right, the dim lights extinguished and she was alone in the blackness. A tiny whimper filled her ears and her arms wrapped around her belly. She wasn’t alone, and Huck would come. He wanted his baby, and he wanted a mate. Becky only needed to bide her time, until she was home in Huck’s arms.

  * * * *

  Huck could see Cobra in the other cage, pacing restlessly. Cobra was growling and snarling.

  “They have Leah,” Cobra boomed.

  “They have Becky, too.”

  “Have you done this to us?” Cobra bellowed.

  “No, I want my child, and Becky promised to mate with me. She wanted more time. Time for you to get to know us both better. I wanted to make sure you accepted me first.”

  “Leah is terrified. Her calls to me are driving me insane with the need to comfort her.” Cobra stopped to grip the bars of the cage. He was without strength. Tonans as well as Castians relied on light to fuel their shields. Both sides could drain the energy from a shield. Huck’s shield was with him, he could pull it up, but he wouldn’t be able to maintain it for long. The shield was depleted.

  “She has her baby shield,” Huck said. “They both do.”

  Cobra glared at him. “Leah has her shield, but my son has no mother to feed him.” Cobra slumped as he gripped the bars. “I saved everyone. Now I can’t save my mate. The one being who is the most important to me, who has always been the most important to me. I failed her. She’s always stood by every decision I’ve made, knowing I do what I do for my warriors, and I never told her she is important. What an ass I am.”


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