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MINE! [New World Book 8]

Page 15

by C. L. Scholey

  “You will die.”

  “No. I will live. I will love.”

  “Cobra, a message from the Tonan vessel,” Taz yelled.

  Cobra draped an arm around Becky and leaned to whisper in her ear. “Remember, he did this for you and your son. He saved my life as well. Anything he says, don’t let it get to you. He has to keep up his charade or die. He can’t see you.”

  Becky trembled but stood straight. “He knows I’m watching. You better make certain you’re ready to go get him.”

  Huck’s features shimmered onto the screen in front of her and a room full of Castians and Zargonnii warriors. For a moment Huck stood quietly, then with an evil scowl he turned to look back behind him.

  “You’re certain the female and Cobra are watching this on the planet?”

  Becky sucked in her breath and heard a response. “The soon to be dead Castian leader is watching, no doubt with the simpering bitch in his arms, crying her heart out. Tell them, Huck, tell them all my Tonan warriors can return to the flock and all will be forgiven. We want our warriors back.”

  “It’s a trick, I can’t see him, the captain, but I can scent him through Huck’s stance,” Taz said. “He will demand we bring our mates with us and slaughter them. Only the evil will remain.”

  “Then his is the ultimate lie,” Cobra said.

  Becky had no idea what they meant but guessed Huck was betrayed. The captain intended to kill him all along. Huck looked back at the screen. His dark features seemed to stare right at her. He leaned in closely to the console and Becky felt her heart lurch.

  “Oh no, Huck,” she whispered. She knew that glare.

  “Listen up, you pain in my ass renegade warriors. You have in your midst a female who was mine. She carries my son. While you think to keep your mates safe at night remember one thing you little bastards…”

  The room was deadly silent, as was behind Huck on the ship. Becky was trying not to faint. She grabbed Cobra’s hand and squeezed. Huck screwed his features into the deadliest mask she had ever seen.

  “I will only say this once, once, so listen up or you’re dead. Becky is mine and I’m coming back for her so keep your fucking hands off.”

  “No, oh God, no, he killed himself,” Becky screamed.

  The commotion behind Huck went wild and Becky raced closer to the console. A warrior tried to smash his claws through Huck but he swung low and using the move Becky used on him he sent the warrior into another. Another grabbed for his arm and was tossed onto his ass. Huck looked at the screen as Becky felt her heart settle into her chest, he winked.

  “Who’s the bad ass now?” The screen went black.

  “He has no shield; he’ll die,” Becky yelled. “Do something.”

  A sharp squeal and Becky swung around. There were women in the room, a number of them. They had come to be with their mates. One by one their mates began to disappear. Cobra was the first to vanish.

  “Oh, my God they’re being stolen,” a woman cried out.

  “No look, look,” another bellowed.

  The warriors were gone, but the console fired up and a battle the likes Becky had never seen was going on. The warriors were on board, fighting the Tonans, the few Angano were cut down first, green slimy blood soaked the floor. Gorgano were split in half.

  “How?” Becky cried out.

  “I think I know,” Jinx’s sarcasm dripped as she held her smiling son to her chest.

  “Me, too,” Zabbie said with a small sigh. Zell was clutched in her arms, waving little fists as though he were battling. And perhaps he was.

  The concentration on the little Zargonnii’s face was unmistakable. A fist pump and Huck sent a shielded warrior crashing into a wall. The surprise on Huck’s face matched many. Becky stared at the pint-sized alien child and realized he was helping Huck. How, she had no idea. She’d heard how powerful Zabbie was, but this little mighty green-eyed fighter was flailing. Whenever Huck went anywhere near Titus, Zell’s father, his fighting improved tenfold and his skills at outmaneuvering lethal talons and claws was nothing short of phenomenal.

  Three Tonan warriors surrounded Huck. With a squeal from Jinx’s son, a metal pipe bashed into a head sending one rogue Tonan flying. Zell laughed and each baby boy did his best to outdo the other.

  Becky screamed when an Angano appeared in front of the console. Zell howled and shook his fists. The being blew up, taking the console out with it. Everything went black, but not before she saw Huck fall from razor talons across his chest.

  * * * *

  The battle surrounded Huck. One minute he was fighting for his life alone, the next he was surrounded by Castian and Zargonnii warriors trying to shield him. Huck was certain he was going to die, but he knew Becky was watching, he knew everyone was watching and he wanted any warrior who would take Becky for his own to know she was worth dying for. She deserved the best there was. The action was worth it, when he heard his captain roar with fury.

  When his captain attacked, Huck tossed the surprised warrior over his shoulder. Becky was right, Tonan warriors were fucking heavy. When his captain landed and saw Huck hadn’t raised his shield, understanding dawned. The idiot was incredulous Huck had given up his shield for a female. So were many of the other warriors. Many warriors who, like Huck, weren’t made of pure evil and were having second thoughts.

  Cobra appeared, materializing out of thin air and Huck stood there, mouth agape. Cobra grinned and his shield went up. Huck was certain he bellowed a thank you to Zell and Ryker, the little warrior children with powers. It became apparent the children were responsible when more warriors appeared, including the massive Zargonnii, Titus, Zell’s father.

  The Angano were slaughtered by the Castians. The Zargonnii couldn’t mind battle but the Angano couldn’t penetrate the Castian shields. Huck barely dodged talons and claws. He found himself in the middle of the captain’s bridge with Cobra to his left and Titus to his right. Back to back, the two powerhouse warriors battled as though warrior mates.

  The captain came at Huck swinging his talons. Huck ducked and fell back. The tips of the claws sliced four rows across the bare flesh of his chest. Bright red blood in perfect lines appeared. Huck was surprised, but there was little to no pain. The gashes weren’t deep enough. Years of battle made him fast with, or without his shield, but he sure missed his friend in battle.

  Cobra was beside Huck, hauling him to his feet, pushing him behind him. Huck wanted to bellow in frustration. He wanted to join Cobra to fight, but he was as helpless as a female. He was strong, but the shield gave him so much more.

  “Let me die in battle,” Huck raged. If nothing else, he could give that to his son.

  “Live, you damned fool,” was Cobra’s response.

  “I’m feeble and have the courage to die a warrior’s death.”

  “Live with a warrior’s heart, because let me tell you that will take more courage,” Cobra argued.

  Could Huck do it? Was it possible to be so selfish as to live and watch Becky go to another who could protect her? Huck’s insides battled and he launched himself toward his captain. He’d lost everything because of the Tonan bastard. He had no shield, he couldn’t keep Becky; he was no longer a warrior. His son deserved better, he would be taught by Cobra to fight. Soon his son would look upon him with pity. Huck was feeble.

  Bellowing his last war cry, Huck threw himself at his captain. Pain exploded into his chest. Huck was hit with pieces of shield when the captain exploded. As Huck dropped to his knees, he saw Zell in his father’s arms. The baby boy’s green eyes were like lasers as he picked apart the captain’s shield.

  Huck had never seen anything like it. Grey chunks of shield flew off in different directions dissecting the Tonan beneath. In slow motion, Huck dropped to his knees, then side. He was aware when Titus gripped him under his arms and heard him urgently tell Zell they needed to get to Finn.

  The sensation of swimming through dense air made Huck’s breath catch. He saw the blackness of space.
His body ached, but he heard Titus speak. Zell was still learning his strength and he was tired; he was little more than a baby. But Finn was their healer, he could help Huck. Sadness closed Huck’s eyes. If their healer could heal him, he was doomed to spend the rest of his short life feeble. What kind of warrior was frail? No warrior at all.

  “I’m sorry, Becky,” Huck whispered. He had hoped to die in battle to spare her the shame. He hadn’t mated her; she was free. It was his only consolation.

  Chapter 14


  Becky launched herself into his arms when the Zargonnii vessel sent him into Cobra’s chambers. Huck buried his face into her hair, but the grip around the shoulders wasn’t near the intensity she was used to. There was something different, no secretions warmed his hands. His features were drawn. He held her tighter for a moment then pushed her to arm’s length.

  “My shield is gone. I’m no warrior; I can’t protect you or our son. The war has died down, the Tonans have retreated. The dark warriors will continue the fight with the Angano on a different planet, but the warriors will win.”

  “I don’t care about the war; I’m so happy to have you back.”

  “We can’t mate.”

  “No, but we can marry. It’s why humans say till death do you part,” Becky said and cupped the side of his face with her hand. It was then she saw his sadness. She was so used to feeling what he was feeling first, she forgot facial expressions were useful, too.

  “I don’t know where I’ll go when I’m dead.”

  “We don’t have to worry about that for a long time.”

  “The evil of my kind go nowhere. There is nothing for them in death because there was nothing for them in life.”

  Becky smiled. “Then you’ll come with me. Even in death you’re mine.”

  “You deserve a warrior.”

  “You are my warrior. The only one I want. I love you.”

  “We have a new home set up for you both in the main hive,” Cobra said. “Huck, your selfless act was an act of bravery I’ve never seen in my three thousand years. You have a home on the main floor beside Roam and Jinx and their son.”

  Huck ran a hand over his face. “Ryker? You have a baby warrior watching us.”

  “That baby warrior will no doubt be my predecessor, and I have no problem with that. He and my young son will be the best of friends. Ryker will keep an eye on you and Becky and your son when he’s born.”

  “It was Zell who shielded me,” Huck said.

  “Zell taught the trick to Ryker. He picks up fast. The little monkey has been shielding little human children whether they want to be or not as of late. He’s practicing and no harm is done, but his parents have their hands full,” Cobra said and chuckled.

  “Come with me, Huck; I’ll take you home,” Becky said and she took his hand.

  Cobra’s chamber was on the first floor of the hive; he moved there when humans were introduced and not all could scale or find a warrior to take them and their concerns directly to Cobra. The walk was short and Becky didn’t know whether Huck realized they were close to Cobra, too—just in case they needed his help.

  Becky could tell the way Huck’s shoulders slumped when they entered their new home he figured out how vulnerable Cobra thought them to be. When human males reached the age of twelve, they could warrior mate with a Castian male. The transformation gave them shields in somewhat of the way Huck’s father had. Only the shield was more for safety.

  Huck ventured to the bed and sat. His forlorn gaze settled onto her. “You have no idea the implication of me having no shield. Everything I knew is different from what I can do now. Make no mistake, Becky; I’d give it up all over again to keep you safe. There is no blame—just emptiness. How can I join with you when I have no shield to tell me how much of my weight to exert without crushing you? I’m still a lot bigger than you.”

  “And I still have a voice. A simple, ‘get your fat ass off me,’ will work fine.” She sat beside him.

  “I can never enter your dreams to calm you. In fact…” Huck lifted his fingers to trace her skin. “I feel no essence, there is nothing telling me what you need.”

  “It’s simple, Huck. All I need is you. I don’t need your essence invading me to search for what I need, because I know what I want already.”

  “I can’t keep you safe.”

  “You already have, and you do make me feel safe. You make me feel home. That’s all I ever want or need.”

  “All of my Tonan connections are gone. I can’t search for who I was. The only good part is I can’t feel my bio father either. I don’t know who I am.”

  “You are who I love. You are important to me. Our son will love you.”

  “He’ll be able to beat me up by the time he turns five. Great, both he and his ass kicking mother will send me sailing all over the hive. I can hear it now. Look, there goes cupcake flying by again.”

  Becky tried not to chuckle. “If he can—which he won’t, neither will I—he will be able to do so because his father loves him enough and gave him a piece of his shield. That will never be taken from him.”

  “I can’t sense him anymore.”

  The devastation in his tone was impaling. Becky took his hand and put it on her belly. It was subtle, but there was a slight flutter. The briefest hint of a smile curled Huck’s lips. He leaned down and kissed her tummy.

  “Huck, instead of concentrating on what you lost, think about what you have and will have. You have me forever, until we die. No one can take your son from you.”

  “How do we join as humans, because I’m closer to human than Tonan now?”

  “We kiss.”

  Huck cupped the back of her neck with his palm and drew her close. When their lips met Becky could tell the difference. There was no mixing of essence. Huck started to pull away. She grabbed his arms and hung tight. The only way he would be able to see he existed was to make him feel. Only now it was only Huck who felt, only Huck who could taste her. There was nothing drawing her to him, but him.

  “Huck, your body already knows me,” Becky whispered when they parted.

  “But my shield…”

  “Your shield sent you messages of what I needed. You can figure it out all on your own. I know you can.”

  Huck pressed his forehead to hers. His warm breath bathed her face.

  “Love me, Huck.”

  He nodded. “I want to, but remember my stepfather is gone from me. All that’s left is my mother and biological father, DNA. This is what I would be if I had grown up without a shield.”

  “No. You will never know. You had a shield for twelve hundred years. You are so much more than what you might have been. There is no comparison. You have me and a son. You never would have had that centuries ago.”

  “You’re right. What I am now is what I need to be and what I want to be. Who I want to be. And I want to be with you. I’m not sure where to start.”

  She smiled. “Well. I can give you a hint.” She tugged him closer with her hand. “Everything still goes where it’s supposed to.”

  Huck gathered her to his chest and she groaned, pushing him back. “Easy ass kicker. I’m no doll, but you can loosen your grip a little.”

  He grunted and was about to pull away when she shook her head. She moved in for a kiss. Huck’s eyes were wide, and they stared at each other until Becky laughed.

  “What now?”

  “I can’t sense you, but my cock’s got some hard-on.”

  “Did you think you forgot how? You told me you control your dick, or did you lie?”

  “You know I didn’t lie. I thought, well, maybe I couldn’t.” His lame attempt at an explanation made her want to chuckle, but she could see he was serious.

  “Do you think you can figure out what to do with it?”

  “Hell, yes.”

  Becky laughed when they hit the floor. In record time, they were both naked. She stroked his cheek.

  “See you haven’t forgotten all the right

  “I love you, Becky fucking ass kicker.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “What, no cupcake?”

  “I happen to like your nuts.”

  Huck laughed; he laughed until their lips met and by the time he had ravished her mouth, she knew they would be fine. They had a home, a baby on the way, and each other.

  * * * *

  “I’ve come to see how you’re settling in.”

  Huck didn’t need to sense Cobra’s concern. Huck was dismayed, realizing this was the way his life would be from now on. He couldn’t be a warrior. He would grow old and die and because he lost his shield, Becky would grow old and die, too. His son wouldn’t be considered a full grown warrior until he turned four hundred years old. His parents would long since be dead by then.

  “It would appear evil Tonan tendencies only exist if you remain Tonan.” Huck was grateful he could control his tone, keeping the bitterness from his words.

  “You haven’t lost who you are,” Cobra said. “Your son will learn a great deal from you.”

  “I gave him the best part of me. My shield and the love that came from my mother. He will be a great warrior and loyal.”

  “I have no doubt.”


  Becky stumbled a bit bleary eyed into the room from a nap. As her pregnancy progressed she became tired more often. Huck couldn’t help soothe her with a touch. Every so often, she went to the healing waters. She claimed she was fine, but dark circles were under her eyes. It was a mystery to Huck; the baby shield should have kept everything running smoothly.

  “I thought you were away, Cobra?” Becky said.

  “I’ve had to be. The leader of the north Zargonnii, Citun, has gone missing. The Gorgano are involved. There’s also a rogue Zargonnii eating up space. Cy was Titus’s wing man and best friend. He was banished until he could get his shit together. He seems to be using his shit to terrify the galaxy,” Cobra said and sounded annoyed.

  “Sounds fun,” Huck said wistfully, wishing he could go on a mission.


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