An American Bride in Kabul: A Memoir
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Al Aqsa Mosque, 172
Al-Qaeda, 168, 170–71, 173–75, 210–11
Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, 165
Alireza, Marianne, 56–57
Amanullah Khan, 39–40, 83–84, 89–90, 92, 96, 99, 114–16, 154, 156–57
American Civil Rights movement, 37, 127
American Embassy, 73–74, 95, 119, 123–24, 142, 167
American State Department, 119, 123, 165, 168
American passports of American-born wives, 12–13, 56–57, 75, 95–96, 105, 117
Amin, Qasim, 39
Angel, Marc, 149, 160
in Afghanistan, 150–51, 153, 156–59
Islamic World, 148–50
Western World, 148
apostasy, 121
Arab Spring, 38, 210, 213
Armstrong, Sally, 42, 195–96
Afghan royalty and, 83, 115–16, 155
of American politicians, 163–64
bin Laden, 171
Egypt and, 167–68
Soviet occupation and, 135, 196
Taliban and, 193, 211
war on terror and, 171, 173
Ates, Seyran, 181, 203
Ataturk, Kemal, 185
Ayatollah Khomeini, 33, 114, 150, 167
Babrak, Karmal, 135
Baillie, Eleanor, 23, 79–80
Bala-Bagh palace, 90
Bamiyan, 80–82
Bank-i-Milli, 154, 156–57
bazaar, xii, 10–11, 22–23, 37, 48–50, 63, 156
Bin Laden, Mohammed bin Awad, 175
Bin Laden, Najwa, 166, 177
Bin Laden, Omar, 166, 175–78
Bin Laden, Osama, 85, 166–78, 190
physical abuse of his sons, 175
Blatchford, Christine, 201
Bookseller of Kabul, The (Seierstad), 190–91
Bostom, Andrew, 149
Brauer, Erich, 153
Brydon, William, 90
Buddhism in Afghanistan, xi, 81–82, 146
Buddhist statues in Afghanistan, 81
burqa (chowdry, Islamic veil, hijab, niqab), x, 13, 20, 22–23, 35, 37–44, 49, 83–84, 114, 132, 151, 184, 195, 198–99, 209
Burton, Sir Richard, 148
Cairo, Egypt, 60, 105, 148–49, 160, 209, 215
Caravans (Michener), 125
Caught in the Crossfire (Goodwin), 131–32, 138
Chandrasekaran, Rajiv, 157, 214
Chesler, Phyllis, honor killing studies, affidavits, 121, 184, 186, 202–4, 215, 223
children, Afghan
begging and, 50–51
child labor, 10, 48, 91–92, 141–42
civil wars, Afghan, 40, 115, 132
custody of children and Sharia law, 119–20, 186–87
Daoud Khan, Mohammed, 44, 116, 129–30, 135–36
Darwish, Nonie, 121–22, 165
De Baer, Oliver Rudston, 158
diseases, Afghanistan and
dysentery, 63–65, 90, 98
Western travelers and, 63–64
Doctors Without Borders (in Afghanistan), 211
Dunsheath, Joyce, 23, 79–80
Egypt, 39, 158, 160, 165, 167–69, 182, 209
Flaubert, Gustave, 69
Forbes, Rosita, 13, 41, 48–49, 69–70
forced conversion to Islam, 35, 72, 150, 155
foreign wives, 12–13, 34–35, 49, 54–57, 72–73, 95–98, 102, 119–20
Fradkin, Hillel, 167
Gandahara School of Art, 81
gender apartheid, Islamic, ix, xi, 37, 68, 111, 127, 183, 197, 200, 209–10, 214–15
Germans in Afghanistan, 16, 54, 96–97, 109, 156–58, 160
see also Nazis in Afghanistan
Goodwin, Jan, 131–32, 138
Gregorian, Vartan, 146–47
Gross, Nasrine, 194
Habibullah Khan, Emir, 52, 83, 116, 150–51
Hafizullah Amin, 135
Harlan, Josiah, 41
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin, 132
Help the Afghan Children (HTAC), 193–94
Herat, 28–29, 92, 134, 150,
Hezbollah, 168
hijab, see burqa
Hindus in Afghanistan, 152–53, 155–56, 159
Homosexuality and pederasty in Afghanistan, ix, xii, 188,
honor killings
in Afghanistan, xii, 184, 186, 202
in Muslim world, 121, 184, 223
in Hindu world, in India, 223
in West, 201–4, 215, 223
Hosseini, Khaled, 115, 188
Hsuan-Tang, 81
humanitarian workers in Afghanistan, xii, 193, 211
Hunter, Edward, 12, 40–44, 49, 87, 99
Hussein, Saddam, 170–71, 176, 210
Italian cinema (1960s), 4
illiteracy in Afghanistan, 45, 194
Western and Soviet, 129–30, 185, 210
Islamic, 174
Iran, 114, 150, 208–9
terrorism and, 168
see also Hezbollah
hatred of, Jews and Jewish state, Islamist, 172–73, 177–78, 190, 197–98
immigration to, from Afghanistan, 35, 151
lost tribes of, xiii, 4
Sirhan Sirhan and, 164
Istanbul, Turkey, 59–60, 184–85
Jasser, M. Zuhdi, 165
Jenkins, Robin, 12–13
Jews in Afghanistan
history of, 145–51
impoverishment of, 153–54
Nazis and, 156–59
persecution of, 150–51, 153, 156–58
trade and, 152–53
see also Jews of Islam
Jews in Central Asia, 145–46, 152
Jews of Islam, 146, 148, 159–60
jihad, 131, 165, 168–70, 172–74, 177, 197
Jones, Ann, 132
Kandahar, 23, 82, 114, 188, 199
Karzai, Hamid, 83, 188, 196, 212
Kashani, Reuben, 150, 153
Kennedy, John F., 163–64
Kennedy, Robert F., 164
Khan, Genghis, 92, 195
Khyber Pass, 140–41
kidnapping in Afghanistan, 45, 114, 172, 196
King and I, The, 3, 118
King, Martin Luther Jr., 164
King Mohammed Nadir Shah, 116, 153–55, 157
King Mohammed Zahir Shah, 104, 116, 130, 136, 155, 157
Kipling, Rudyard, 111–12
Kite Runner, The (Hosseini), 115
see Khaled Hosseini
Klass, Rosanne, 41, 48, 91–92, 129–30, 151–52, 196
Kuchi (nomads), 49–50, 64–65
Konishi, Masatoshi, 38–39
Koofi, Fawzia, 196
Lagnado, Lucette, 160, 207
Lawrence, T. E., 148
Legh-Jones, Alison, 55
Leonowens, Anna H., 3
Lewis, Bernard, 146
Libby, Lewis, 167
London, England, 8
Loti, Pierre, 148
Lott, Emmeline, 61
Loya Jirga, 196
MacKenzie, Saira Elizabeth Luiza
see Abdullah, Morag Murray
Mahmoody, Betty, 120, 208–9
Mahmoody, Bozorg, 209
Marlowe, Ann, 197
Martineau, Harriet, 60–61
Mazar-i-Sharif, 75, 82, 124
cal care, limited access to (in Afghanistan), 64–65, 101, 195
Mercedes Benz, 13, 135, 157
Mernissi, Fatima, 61–62, 128, 150
Michaud, Roland and Sabrina, 80
Michener, James A., 125
Millett, Kate, 114, 199
Mirwais Baba, 82, 115
misogyny, 71, 143, 190–91, 198,
modernization attempts in Afghanistan, 38–40, 82–83, 115, 200, 218
Mojadidi, Nafisa and Qudrat,
Mojadidi, Sediqua, 194
Mongols/Mongol invasion, 92, 195
Mubarak, Hosni, 210
mujahidin/mujahideen, 131–32, 138, 213
Mula Agajan Cohen, 150–51
Mula Yaakov Siman Tov, 157
Munich, Germany, 9, 97
Muslim Brotherhood, 167–70, 209
Nafisi, Azar, 150
Naggar, Jean, 160
Nazis (in Afghanistan), 153, 155–58, 160
Omar, Mullah Mohammed, 166
Osang-Reich, Anja, 164
Paghman, 90–93, 215
Afghan refugees and, 130, 194–96, 197
Afghanistan and, 130–31, 140–42, 174
bin Laden and, 171
Hekmatyar and, 132
Taliban and, 211, 217
treatment of women/girls in, 119, 167, 200, 211, 213
Pardoe, Julia, 60
Paris, France, 8–9
passport, American, confiscation of, viii, 12, 95, 105, 117, 119–20
persecution of Jews
in Afghanistan, 150, 153, 157–59
in Morocco 148–49
in Ottoman Empire, 149
in Persia (Iran), 150
in Yemen, 149
Polo, Marco, 81–82
polygamy, 11, 24, 28, 29, 52, 38, 61, 66, 85, 143, 152, 154, 177, 198, 201
Poullada, Leon B., 40, 129
prostitution, 213
Purdah, x–xi, 20, 25, 39, 41, 43, 52, 56, 58, 87, 89, 111, 115, 143, 161, 198
Qaddafi, Muammar, 210–11
Islamic, 68, 74
Western, 174–75, 203
Rahmany, Maga, 42–44
Rais, Shah Mohammed, 190
rape, in Islamic world, 45, 69–70, 210–11, 213
Ray, James Earl, 164
Ray, Satyajit, 5, 122
Rehov, Pierre, 166
refugees, Afghan, 130, 135, 194–95, 197–98
Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), 199
Sadat, Anwar, and Jihan, 167–68
Sadeed, Suraya, 193–94
Safi, Hanifa (Afghan feminist martyr), 196
Samar, Dr. Simar, 195–96
Saquo, Bacha, 84
Sasson, Jean, 166
Second-Wave feminism, 127, 183–84
Sediqui, Najla (Afghan feminist martyr), 196
Seierstad, Asne, 42, 190–91
servants, mistreatment of, in Afghanistan, 10, 14, 22–23, 27, 69–71, 75–77, 111
Shafia, Tooba Yaya, Hamed, and Mohammed, 201–2
see also honor killing
Shah Abdur Rahman, 40, 89–90, 115–16, 150
Shah, Idries, 212
Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, 10
Shah, Saira (contemporary granddaughter of MacKenzie Shah), 178, 212–13
Shah, Sirdar Iqbal Ali (Saira MacKenzie’s Afghan husband), 19, 35
Shah, Tahir (contemporary grandson of MacKenzie Shah), 212
Shahnameh of Firadausi, 115
Sharban/Shahbani family, 35, 71, 73, 151
Sharia law, 121, 149, 187, 204, 209
Silk Road, 33, 147, 153
Islamic world, 56, 67–71, 188
Western world abolition of, 174
Western world, 186
Soviet Union
Daoud Khan and, 130, 135–36
infiltration of Afghanistan, 129
invasion of Afghanistan, 38, 83, 92, 129–30
occupation of Afghanistan, 131–39, 166, 168, 170, 190, 195–97, 199, 204, 210, 218
Stark, Freya, 148
Stewart, Rhea Talley, 39, 52, 83, 92, 114
Stewart, Rory, 215
Sultan, Wafa, 165
Afghanistan and, 42, 172, 193–95, 211, 217
Buddhist statues in Bamiyan and, 81
medicine and, 195–96, 211
mujahideen and, 131–32
women and, 193–98, 204, 213
Tanner, Stephen, 92
Taraki, Nur Muhamad, 135
Teheran, Iran, 10–11, 114, 167
terrorism, Islamist, 132, 165–70, 173–74, 214, 217
Tomsen, Peter, 115–16
Armenian genocide and,
Islamism and, 184–85
UNESCO, 134, 160
United Nations, 197–98
Van Dyke, Jere, 41
unveiling, 39–40, 43–44, 83–84, 114, 132
see burqa
Viswanath, Sunita, 199
Vorgetts, Fahima, 200
Warraq, Ibn, 121, 174
Western travelers to Muslim lands, 13, 40–42, 60–61, 63, 64, 69–70, 147–49, 158, 215
Western wives
see Abdullah, Morag Murray; Alireza, Marianne; Legh-Jones; Alison; Mahmoody, Betty; Wilson, G. Willow
Wharton, Edith, 67–68, 148–49
Wieseltier, Leon, 211
Wilson, G. Willow, 57
Women for Afghan Women (WAW), 199, 213
World War II, 12, 99, 158
X, Malcolm, 163–64
Ye’or, Bat, 149
Zabuli, Abdul Majid, 153–54