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Pleasure Island

Page 8

by Michelle M. Pillow

  “What look?” he asked, innocently.

  “The one that says you’re thinking about doing naughty things.”

  “Naughty?” He crooked his finger, motioning for her to come to him.

  She set down the empty wine bottle and approached, her eyes reflecting the hunger he felt. He wanted to kiss her but she apparently had other ideas because she tugged open his shorts, freeing his cock. It bobbed before her lips and she opened her mouth, slipping it over the head of his shaft.

  “Anne,” he said, his voice ragged. He slid his hands into her long hair, watching as she dipped her head, taking as much of his cock into her mouth as she could. He hit the back of her throat and growled. “Damn, woman. That’s it. Right there.”

  She kept going.

  Jurgen couldn’t help himself as he took hold of her hair, taking control of her actions, fucking her face. Annette moaned and his teeth clenched. Her mouth was so hot, so wet, so amazing around his cock that holding off his orgasm wasn’t possible. He came hard and fast. Annette sucked, swallowing his cum down before kissing the tip of his dick. “Mmm.”

  Jurgen sank back into the hammock, his body limp. “Sweetheart, you’re going to be the death of me.”

  She traced a finger through the thatch of hair near the base of his cock. “No, but, Jurgen,” her tone turned serious, “we will if we don’t find a way off this island. It’s been only a day but that search party they told you about still hasn’t arrived.”

  She was right. He’d waited until she was asleep the night before and he shifted forms, running through the jungle in search of a way off the island. It was odd to say the least. He could have sworn he spotted a man getting a massage next to a bonfire with a multitude of women surrounding him, but as Jurgen had approached, everything vanished.

  He’d not mentioned the incident to Annette. She was worried enough about being rescued. She didn’t need to worry her husband was losing his mind too.


  Jurgen grinned, liking the sound of the word more than he ever thought he would. He pulled her on top of him and kissed her thoroughly. He tickled her sides, making her laugh, doing his part to take her mind off the fact he didn’t think rescuers were coming.

  His cock twitched and Annette giggled. “I think he wants more attention.”

  “And I think,” he said, “you need to be held.”

  “I always thought men hated to cuddle.”

  “Depends on who they’re supposed to be cuddling with.” He lifted his brows suggestively. “Besides, if I’m holding you, you can’t break your neck.”

  “Hey,” she screeched. “I’ll have you know there was a root in the sand. I did not just flip ass over applecart into the water.”

  He snorted. “Ass over what?”

  “Nothing.” She grinned. “Just something my grandmother says. My cousin and I have a whole bunch of her sayings embedded in our brains.”

  “Hmm, what do you say we take a walk together and see if maybe the rescue party is looking on the wrong side of the island? That way,” he kissed her cheek, “we can get home and I can meet your cousin. You talk a lot about her so I know she’s important to you.”

  Annette touched his jawline. “She is and she’s never going to believe what I did on my vacation. I can just picture Christy’s face when I tell her I not only survived a plane wreck, I got married too. Oh, and to a supernatural.”

  “We’re supernatural,” he corrected.

  Her brow furrowed. “We? I’m not.”

  “Sweetheart, when I claimed you, it extended your life too. I shared my immortality with you. You don’t think we’d take a mate only to have them die long before us, do you?”

  She fell silent and that worried Jurgen.


  When she met his gaze, he saw moisture in her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I love you.”

  He sat up so fast that he accidentally tipped the hammock. They fell to the sandy ground with a thud. “Y-you love me?”

  Laughing, Annette wiped tears from her cheeks and nodded.

  Jurgen jerked her to him, hugging her tight. “I love you, too, gorgeous.”

  “I still think you’re arrogant.”

  He suppressed a grin. “You never said I was arrogant before.”

  “Oh.” She blushed. “Must have just thought it.”

  “Uh-huh.” He barrel-rolled her, putting her under him. “If we don’t go for that walk right now, I’m going to fuck these breasts of yours. They keep teasing me.”

  Her breath caught. “Teasing you? How?”

  “By existing.”

  Annette flashed a sexy smile. “Tell you what. When we get off this island, I’ll let you fuck my tits,” she narrowed her gaze on him, “and my ass. You talk in your sleep so I know you want it.”

  Jurgen couldn’t have gotten to his feet faster if he tried. He lifted Annette quickly, pulling her close before putting his cock back into his shorts. He tugged on her hand, yanking her into the jungle.

  “Jurgen, what are you doing?”

  “Getting us home so I can cash in on my prize.”

  Her laughter echoed all around them.

  * * * * *

  “Hello? Is anyone in there?”

  Christy frowned as the female voice drifted down from abovedeck. “Anne?”

  “What?” Keoni asked. He’d pushed up and was in the process of pulling on his shorts. Christy followed his example, grabbing her shirt and pulling it over her head.

  “I could have sworn that was my cousin Annette’s voice.” Christy shook her head. “No, that’s impossible. I talked to her on the phone a couple of days ago. She’s not here. Trust me.”

  “Is anyone onboard?” a man’s voice yelled, deeper than the female’s and a little gruff.

  “Aloha!” Keoni said. Though his voice sounded pleasant, his face was hard. He motioned for Christy to stay in the salon. Whispering, he said, “Until we know who it is, stay hidden. I don’t want you getting hurt. I’ll yell down if it’s safe.” Then, pointing at the bar, he said, “In the bottom drawer in the far corner there’s a loaded gun. Do you know how to shoot?”

  Christy nodded, her stomach tight with worry.

  “Good. Go get it and wait for my call.” He kissed her before hurrying out of the salon and up the stairs before their visitors could come down. She heard him yell, “Aloha! Please tell me you’re here to rescue me.”

  Christy hurried for the gun, unable to hear what was being said. Her hands shook as she checked to make sure it was loaded. Then, crouching barefoot across the salon floor, she stopped by the door, leaning slightly to hear what was going on.

  “You say you wrecked your plane? On this island? Yesterday? A half mile down the shoreline?” Keoni was saying. “I think I’d remember seeing a plane.”

  “It’s possible we wrecked before you came ashore,” the man answered. “Though I didn’t think the tides came this far inland.”

  “They don’t,” Keoni answered. “I can’t explain how I got here. One minute I was fishing off the shore of Key West, the next I’m marooned on some deserted island.”

  “That’s what happened to us,” the familiar female voice said. “Only one moment we were in a storm and the next we were safe and mostly sound on the ground.”

  “I walked the beach yesterday. I didn’t see your plane,” Keoni answered.

  “I don’t know what’s going on here,” the woman said. “Oh, by the way, I’m Annette Rowe and this is my husband, Jurgen Cuyper.”

  “Annette?” Christy yelled in surprise, dropping the gun. She ran up the stairs, instantly recognizing the strawberry-blonde. “Ohmygod, Anne! It’s really you.”

  Annette gave a squeal of excitement and Christy threw her arms around her, jumping slightly.

  “I’m so happy to see you,” Annette said. “I can’t begin to tell you how much.”

  “What happened to you?” Christy asked, looking from her beautiful cousin to
the well-built man at her side. His shaved head and large physique looked nothing like the boyfriend her cousin had gone off to surprise. “Did you say your husband?”

  Annette nodded, her blue eyes sparkling with happiness. “I know, it makes no sense, but,” she paused, reaching her hand out to Jurgen, “I love him.”

  “But I just talked to you a few days ago. What about,” Christy lowered her voice, mouthing, “Frank?”

  “I caught him with his pants down and let’s just say I wasn’t the one on his cock.” Annette laughed. “But I don’t care. It was never meant to be. It didn’t feel right. What Jurgen and I have does.”

  “Uh-hem,” Jurgen cleared his throat. “I am right here.” He and Keoni looked expectantly at them. Both cousins began to laugh.

  “I’m sorry.” Christy grabbed Keoni’s arm. “I’d like to introduce you to Keoni Finau. My,” she paused, looking at him for help, “ah, my mate, my lover, my…?”

  “We are bound,” he supplied, “and soon to be married, if she will have me.”

  Christy jumped up and down, throwing her arms around his neck. “Of course I will have you, so long as you don’t make me live on a boat. I want a house on the beach.”

  “Anything you desire,” he answered.

  “This is strange,” Jurgen said. The man wrapped his arm around her cousin and Christy was sure she’d never seen Annette so happy. “Both of you cousins magically appear on this deserted island, finding men.”

  “Are you sure you’re not witches?” Keoni asked.

  Annette laughed. “We’ve both been called bitches before.”

  They all quickly explained in detail what had happened, trying to piece together a full story of where they were. It was impossible to tell. None of it really made sense.

  “Are you hungry?” Christy asked Jurgen and her cousin, looking at Keoni for approval before she offered up his fish.

  “Yes, we have fish,” he said. “It would appear food is scarce, though I did see some coconuts.”

  “Did you see the spinning tree, too?” Annette giggled, sharing a private look with Jurgen.

  “No.” Christy scrunched up her face in confusion. “Why? Are there spinning trees here?”

  “Never mind,” Jurgen and Annette said in unison.

  “So, I see everything has worked out nicely,” a man’s voice intruded.

  Christy gasped, twisting around. Annette let out a little yelp of surprise. And the men both shoved the women behind their backs to face the newcomer.

  Christy peeked around Keoni’s back. A tall man lounged along the side of the deck. His gray tank top and faded denim jeans were odd attire for a tropical beach in the middle of the day, but he didn’t seem bothered by the heat. Long black hair hung freely around his muscular arms and shoulders, the locks blowing lightly in the breeze. Obsidian eyes rolled over the two couples and he seemed pleased with himself.

  He looked vaguely familiar.

  Annette tipped her head. “I’ve seen you somewhere before.”

  “Who are you?” Jurgen demanded.

  “You did this to us?” Keoni added.

  The man’s obsidian eyes sparkled with mischief. “I am the god Vaclar, but you can call me Your Highness.”

  “You’re a god?” Christy snorted, unable to help herself. This scruffily dressed man was a god? She shared a look with Annette.

  “Yeah, right,” Annette said, sarcasm dripping from her every word.

  Jurgen tensed. “Shit, I’ve heard about the program the Powers That Be were starting—the whole ‘finding mates for the males’ to help continue the supernatural population.”

  “And they picked this guy to do it?” Christy asked, making everyone but the newcomer laugh.

  Their laughter caused a frown to replace the man’s smile. With a burst of energy, he surged forward. The men tensed, ready to fight, but instead of flesh, they were blasted with hot air and a blur of color. Just as fast as he’d disappeared, he reappeared behind them, lounging along the rail like he’d not moved.

  Keoni pulled her to his chest and she saw Jurgen do the same to Annette. Their protective gestures made her feel less frightened.

  The god studied his fingernails lazily. When he spoke, he sounded bored. “I’m sure you have a lot of questions, but blah, blah, blah, you’re not to question me, a supreme being. I can’t tell you why I do things because I’m superior to you and you’re not worthy of knowing. What I can tell you is you’re meant to be together. I brought you here to make it so. I did my part, you did your part and now we can all go along our merry ways.”

  “But?” Christy said.

  “Ah?” Annette gasped, holding up her finger.

  “Wait a minute,” Keoni inserted.

  Jurgen growled. “That’s not just it, Your Fucking Highness. How do we get home?”

  “Right,” Vaclar drawled slowly. He held out his hand toward Keoni. A rolled parchment appeared in his palm. “Here’s a map with directions. You’ll be in familiar water in a few days and then the map will disappear. Don’t try to find this place again, you won’t be able to do it.” He stood, dusting off his jeans though they weren’t dirty. “In the meantime, enjoy a little pleasure cruise on me. There’s cash and plenty of food below if you need it. Your plane will be back at the airport waiting for you and, ah, yeah, I think that covers it.”

  “Wait,” Christy and Annette said in unison. None of this made sense.

  “Oh, you’re right. I almost forgot.” Vaclar glanced from Christy to Annette. “Ladies, you’re pregnant. Congratulations on the continuance of your supernatural races.” He turned, leaping off the boat into the sand. “Both children will be boys.”

  The boat jarred and began to rock. As suddenly as they’d been marooned they were set free. The couples walked to the rail, seeing the god several feet away on the island’s shore. The ocean lapped at Vaclar’s feet.

  As if an afterthought, he yelled, “And don’t forget to worship me. Tell your friends! Spread the word! I could use a cult following. Seems to be all the rage. That’s the god Vaclar, V-A-C-L-A-R. I decree you to,” Vaclar hesitated, “ah, have sex every day and eat plenty of hamburgers.”

  “What do you say we get out of here?” Keoni asked, slowly backing away from the rail and the crazy man on shore. “If he’s a god, I’m a tax accountant.”

  Christy mused, “So, it was a wizard after all.”

  “Hey, buddy, you need some help?” Jurgen asked Keoni. “I’m pretty good with a map.”

  “Sure.” Keoni handed the rolled parchment to Jurgen. “I have a feeling his directions might be a little hard to follow.”

  As the men went to navigate, Christy sat with Annette on the plastic cushions along the rail. The island became smaller and smaller as they drifted away. Both women giggled, content to watch the water as the men debated which direction they needed to go to get home.

  The End

  About Michelle M. Pillow

  Michelle M Pillow has always had an active imagination. Ever since she can remember, she’s had a strange fascination with anything supernatural—ghosts, magical powers, and oh…vampires. What could be more alluring than being immortal, all-powerful, and eternally beautiful? After discovering historical romance novels in high school, it was only natural that the supernatural and romance elements should someday meet in her wonderland of a brain. She’s glad they did, for their children have been pouring onto the computer screen ever since.

  She is married (madly in love) and has a wonderful family.

  Michelle would love to hear from you and tries to answer her emails in a timely fashion. That is if the current hero will let her go long enough to check the computer.

  About Mandy M. Roth

  I grew up fascinated by creatures that go bump in the night. From the very beginning I was odd and creative—a combo every mother hopes for. After studying art all the way through school, I majored in it at college. One rather unexpected child later, I changed my major and finished with a great bal
ance of art and business. I’m working on my MBA with a concentration in marketing but it’s taken a back seat while I plug away at the keyboard.

  I live in Ohio with my husband and three boys. They definitely keep me busy. Between convincing one he really doesn’t need to have his eyebrow pierced, listening to the middle one’s philosophy on life and pulling the youngest off the countertop, I do manage to eke in a very small amount of writing time during the day. More often than not, my writing is done from 8 pm until 3 am.

  If the following years are half as good as my first one in writing, I’ll be a happy gal! I’m doing something I love, meeting tons of new people, have the greatest readers in the world and the support of my family. The only thing I still don’t have is that hot lycan on a motorcycle. I’m working on it, though.

  Michelle and Mandy welcome comments from readers. You can find their websites and email addresses on their author bio pages at

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  Also by Michelle M. Pillow

  Call of Temptation

  Call of the Sea

  Call of the Untamed

  Maiden and the Monster

  Scorched Destiny

  Taming Him

  Also by Mandy M. Roth

  Ambient Light

  Demonic Desires

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Legendary Tails IV anthology

  Pisces Phenomenon

  Solo Tu

  By Michelle M. Pillow & Mandy M. Roth

  Date With Destiny

  Pleasure Cruise

  Red Light Specialists

  Stop Dragon My Heart Around anthology

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