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Skybound Satanists

Page 20

by Spark, Luc

  On arrival to the site, the vampires unsheathed their weapons and with the patience and attention to detail of a surgeon began to slowly scan the area with professional level reconnaissance.

  “Viorel I think you should take point alongside me, “said Dretore.

  This statement caused no offense amongst the ranks, as it was Viorel who the Alset decreed the chosen one.

  “I’ll gladly take point along with you Dretore… sorry about the tension back on the last freight train… my hip was giving me major bollocks” said Viorel

  This cussing at the end of his sentence gave the vampires a lift in mood, it was the first time they had heard such a phrase. Alexander who was going to be taking up the rear not literately had to ask the question.

  “Viorel what does the word bollocks mean?” Where did you learn such a word?

  Viorel gave a quick response

  “It means the two dangly things between your legs… the hairy spuds… the fish cakes…the two vegetables…the maracas… the pork pies. I learned it from reading a discarded adult form of literature when we were on the last freight train”

  Dretore wanted the team to now focus; Violet and Ivan were designated for the control tower. Elena and Alexis were to stay at the airbases perimeter to act as lookouts. Even the vampires would require an advanced warning in the event of any potential ambush. With his role accepted and now implemented Viorel moved with cat like reflexes and leaped onto the roof of the hangar. Considering the height of over thirty feet this was a feat that even Dretore was mightily impressed with. On the roof the corrugated lead was in a tired state of repair. It looked like it had not been maintained for many years, with imperfections and weak spots that could catch a human off guard and send them hurtling to the ground below with a sickening thud. There was half a dozen air conditioning outlets that vented out into the sky above these were in the form of radius bends with a mesh covering, and some large areas fitted with Perspex glass which allowed viewing down into the hangars office, toilets and main repair shed.

  Viorel gradually crawled over to one of the Perspex skylights and gazed downwards, and in the crapper was an old codger looking man, his bald head you could crack a spoon on to see if yolk would come out. The disgusting and depraved thing to strike Viorel’s eyes was what this man was doing. His trousers and pants were down… nothing wrong there, after all, he was on the throne.

  No, it was what comes next… he had in front of him some form of literature with naked women splattered on the pages. This was being held by one hand, the next hand was doing something else… what was this else?

  The dirty filthy bastard was having a hand shandy… he was flogging the dolphin… slapping his granny… having a chug.

  ‘Ugh do I really need to witness this sordid scene, I should report to Dretore that we have an old man bashing his bishop in one of the toilets’ Viorel decided.

  Viorel made his way back to the edge of the corrugated roof and jumped down to ground level and walked back up to Dretore.

  “I regret to inform you that I have only spotted one individual on this site and he is… in a state of severe seediness and may be delayed in answering our questions” said Viorel

  They arrived at the hangars front entrance and made their way inside past a vintage biplane which could have done with a fresh lick of paint. Above them Viorel could see the Perspex skylight he had peered through, this allowed him to decipher the location of the dirty old man. Not wanted to bust in on the bloke while he was “on the job” the two vampires elected to wait in the main office. Upon entering the office the first thing that struck the vampires was the IBM computer and monitor. Dretore walked to the front of these objects and could not believe his eyes.

  “What by the name of the Alset is this sickness?”

  The monitor was set with a screensaver filled with slideshows of naked girlies, the very kind you would not want to take home to mother. The businessman was very much a red blooded male and obviously knew how to display that to any potential onlooker. With the firm notion that they were dealing with a ladies man Dretore made the rash decision to send Viorel to bring in Elena and Alexis. This would be a vital aid in squeezing information out of this old man, a bit of female persuasion.

  Minutes passed and the businessman hobbled into the room, face flushed red and sweat dripping off his brow. He was certainly shocked and surprised to see standing in front of him the imposing presence of Dretore. The businessman had not even done his fly up properly when Dretore leaped into his introduction.

  “Sir allow me to introduce myself, I am Dretore leader of a band of heroes intent on saving humanity from a terrible fate. We believe you may have some vital information pertaining to a group of Satanists who relieved you of an airship recently”

  The businessman was visibly unnerved; perhaps due to the fact he had just shot his bolt minutes prior, he tried to regain some composure.

  “Good Sir I was not expecting anybody at the hangar today, usually people make an appointment in advance rather than just dropping by, you are correct that I did recently sell my airship Nagirag to a group for a rather handsome price as well I may add. I’m not sure what information I can give you… they did not tell me where they were headed and certainly nothing to do with being devil worshippers. I am scheduled for a flight to Las Vegas tomorrow using some of the revenue generated from the airships sale… time to see some classy ladies yes? “The businessman replied.

  With Dretore looking like he had hit a dead end Viorel returned with Elena and Alexis. The businessman straightened his tie and morphed into his alter ego… the mega rich slave to the ladies.

  “Dear ladies welcome to my humble airbase, can I get you something to drink?”

  Elena chose to go along with the charade in order to try and gather some more detailed information.

  “Thank you, Sir, and may I say what a glorious base this is… you must be very powerful and influential to have ownership of such a place. You know ladies are attracted to power more than anything else in life… I think I’m getting damp” Elena flirted

  The businessman could not believe his ears, he was already smelling like a fish and chips shop due to his prior self-indulgence. He had not figured on any visitors so did not bother to cover up his naughtiness with any deodorant or aftershave. But the flirtation from this stunningly beautiful and sultry vampire was about to give him another boner … it may be time for another trip to the restroom in order to cool off with some cold water.

  A few seconds later the businessman made his way to the water cooler to grab the ladies their refreshment, when suddenly Ivan came bounding in like a bull in a china shop.

  “Ladies and gentlemen I see it… we both saw it from the control tower!” he blurted

  “You saw what?” said Dretore

  “We saw the airship… and it’s heading right this way… my guess is it’s going to be landing right here again! We have what we came here for the prophecy is coming to fruition… the time has come!” said Ivan

  About twenty miles away and about one thousand feet in altitude the Nagirag was making its final approach for the airbase. Marcello was rigorously checking over the weapons. In the holding cells the test subjects were beginning to go into the early stages of HGL infection. There was no stand-up comedian on board, neither was there any tickle feathers or nitrous oxide laughing gas, despite this the test subjects were starting to roll about on the cell floor in fits of laughter. Jürgen was looking on behind the glass viewing panel and admiring his handiwork along with his team of mutual freaks. At the rear turret Dmitri was developing deep vein thrombosis from many hours of seating in such a cramped position.

  ‘Fuck this we have come this far with no intercepting fighter jets. Why am I still in this rat cage?’ he thought angrily

  As he stepped out and back into the main lounge he came across the raging Marcello who had eyes like fire embers… this was the priest beginning to show his true satanic form. It was a sight to behold. Dmitri c
ould have sworn the man had grown a foot in height and almost double across. The demon aura was really taking over Marcello now; it could no longer be contained, his human form was shriveling away to reveal a monster underneath. The voice of the devil’s servant was now deeper and had a resonance that could subdue a lion.

  “Why are you not at your post Russian scum?” said Marcello

  Dmitri was getting a very bad vibe from this situation … had he made a mistake in joining this cult? Should he of stayed at the frosty impeller? His stomach was turning over in such a relentless fashion that it made his bottom flinch … was he going to crap himself?

  No, he wasn’t despite staring into the face of hell and death itself he would not wither or wane. Behind him, the Lucifer cult members were looking on in astonishment when Dmitri declared.

  “You know father back at Milan Cathedral… there was an imposter… I let him live, and you did not have the intelligence to go and check for yourself. It was an altar boy and for all, I know he may have given away our plan to the media. I joined your group because I believed I was getting a better deal than my life was back in Moscow… but this journey has been a complete waste of my time… do what you want with me, I am done with this”

  This was enough for Marcello to launch into a fit of rage that would rock the frame of the Nagirag; he grabbed Dmitri by the throat and marched him over to the exit hatch. The landscape below was still about several hundred feet with the only thing to break a person’s fall a row of trees.

  “Captain Rossi open the exit hatch I have a traitor to deliver to hell as fast as possible!”

  Lodovico not fully knowing what was going on press the exit hatch button and sure enough Dmitri was on a one-way ticket to hell courtesy of “Father” Marcello.

  The vampires were now all outside in an army like formation, the businessman had been left to go and have another spot of fun in the lavatories, they could deal with him later.

  “Okay this is it; we either end this now before that airship gets a chance to land or we wait to see what emerges from it” said Dretore

  With each second the vampires debated what the best course of action was, the airship was getting closer and closer. It was soon close enough that the sunlight was reflecting beautifully off its exterior skin. The rear turret was in clear view and this gave a slight warning that perhaps the time to act was sooner rather than later. In the turret Jürgen had taken over duties as rear gunner, he could see the gathered group on the ground when he spun the turret around.

  “Father Marcello I can see some infidels on the ground, they appear to be armed with swords and axes. They look primitive by today’s standards… I see no firearms what should I do?” asked Jürgen

  ‘The absolute insolence, the sheer frigging cheek… who are these jokers? Marcello wondered. The rage in him was making him shine a reddish hue all over his anatomy; he was now in complete transition, no longer of human making. He roared slammed his fists down onto the glass lounge table shattering it into a hundred pieces.

  “Take them out Jürgen… destroy them now!”

  Jürgen spun the turret and took aim at Dretore

  The bullets came at a fast and ferocious rate, piercing past the vampires in a sickening burst. Across the base a few piles of wooden pallets and some abandoned cars made for ground cover which the vampires headed for with increasing haste.

  “Scheisse! Fick dich Bastarde , ich werde dich töten“ Jurgen was cursing in his native tongue.

  Alexander was wracking his brain with panic at how the vampires could draw the gunfire coming from the Nagirag. Behind him using a wooden pallet pile for cover was Viorel . The two old mates looked at each other both not wanting the other to end up dying in a hail of Bulletstorm. The big bullets were chopping the wooden pallets to shreds and Viorel was running out of options for coverage. Could he make it back inside the hanger? Or could he get his ass over to the abandoned cars? Not without getting turned into swiss cheese , it would be folly to even attempt.

  Back onboard the Nagirag the test subjects were into the final stage of HGL infection … brains beginning to seize up, the pressure of a thousand claw hammers bashing in their skulls. Soon they would haemorage and the blood would flow out of the ear canals like a gushing river.

  Lodovico was becoming concerned as why Marcello had thrown out a satanist , he wondered if he would be next if he accidently said something wrong or even blinked the incorrect way. Had he been foolish to be seduced by the dark side? He could still of been in Milan selling cars and making a fortune. The reality was beginnign to hit him hard that he had been ill advised and reckless. ’ Why did I sign up for this? What on earth possed me to go along with this? If I defy Marcello I’ll be the next one sent to hell… but I don’t want this life anymore I want my old one back‘ he thought cagily. The Nagirag was now raining down bullets onto the base like a water sprinkler. Jürgen the pathetic was getting increasingly pissed off at not being able to strike his tagets down. His knuckles were turning white and his hands shaking with the frustration of his failiure. He saw what Marcello had now become and did not want to suffer his wrath like Dmitri did.

  The vampires had the Nagirag in full view now , it was only floating about hundred feet from the ground. Ivan was tucked behind a pile of tyres that he had luckily found on his own volition . Then like someone had stuck a jump lead into his cerebral cortex it came to him. Viorel during his time at the training camp had become a very good marksman with a bow and arrow , this suggested a long range attack on the ship could be achieved and with that no need for hand to hand nonsense. However what arrow could pierce such a floating vessel which appeared to be very rigid in its structure?

  “Viorel do you still have your bow and arrows!?“

  Viorel was swiftly running out of time and made no hesitation in his response.

  “Yes Ivan I have them right here but a simple arrow will not bring down that monstrosity!“ he replied.

  “Not a problem my friend… look over your shoulder to your right.. you see that barrel. I believe it’s fueled by some kind of fire creating substance… run over and dip your arrows into the fire!… do it now and take this sucker down!“

  Viorel the chosen one , the prophecised one , the one who was once a young man and now a vampire warrior ran like he had never ran before in his life… ducking under another onslaught of bullets he arrived at the barrel . Looking into it he could see it’s ferocious glow , like looking into the depths of hell itself… he reached over his shoulder and drew four arrows.

  With the Nagirag well within firing range he dipped the arrows into the fire and withdrew them … they burned with intense heat. Now with the composure that only came from his vampire inherited aura he loaded the glowing arrows and drew back his bow.


  The arrows shot off with a deadly intensity and smack right into the side of the Nagirag. The outer skin was pierced instantly and was set ablaze. The hydrogen filled envelope began to react with the fire from the arrows and in a matter of seconds the whole airship was up in flames . The heat was incredible as the flames engulfed the whole frame , everything was falling victim to the fire.

  “Argh what is this raucous!? Why have we not landed?“ bellowed Marcello

  Lodovico could see the ground coming up towards his gondola at a velocity that was not under his control. At the rear of the gondola, the flames were beginning to engulf the pine and oak flooring.

  “I knew we should have refitted this craft with tile flooring !“ he cried in despair

  The intercom system was beginning to melt from the raging inferno… Marcello made a last desperate demand for an explanation.

  “Lodovico are you there… why are we already in hell… I have not authorized it… I demand you return to the mission in hand!“

  All the Lucifer cult were going to burn a rather fitting demise to a group of twisted hellspawn possessed sycophants. Jurgens team of scientists were huddled down into a corner sobbing like babies.

/>   “Lord forgive us for we have sinned!“ came the cries

  The Nagirag was a ball of flames as it fell to the deck generating an almighty bang as it finally succumbed to explosion. Now the vampires ran towards each other in a glorious moment of celebration.

  “Praise be to the Alset!“

  “The prohecy has been fulfilled“

  “The mission has been succesful!“

  Embracing all around, the vampire coven had indeed risen to the challenge the Alset had set before them . This ancient alien species had shown great faith in thier beloved creations , humanity had been saved from almost certain oblivion. The Nagirag was now burning away as it would continue until all shred of life onboard had been evaporated.

  Emerging from the hangar was the businessman, with his face aghast at the sight of his once precious airship, now nothing more than a smoldering giant carcass in the Kazakhstani wasteland.

  He reached into his sticky trouser pockets and pulled out a scrap of paper and handed it over to Dretore. The vampire still in a state of euphoria opened it up and read the words contained within.



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