Why the Allies Won
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The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
A4 rocket, 292–5
Aachen, 151
Abyssinia see Ethiopia
Acheson, Dean, 402
Adam Opel company, 248
administration see leadership
agriculture and food: Germany, 245; Lend-Lease, 311; Soviet Union, 223, 229–30, 231; US, 241
air war: Allied air power, 275–8; eastern front, 93–5, 110, 158, 258, 260–2, 263, 268–70, 396; German loss of air power, 157–9, 260–1, 342, 395–8; and invasion of France (1944), 158–9, 181–3, 192, 196, 199, 202, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 218–19, 255–6, 277–8, 395, 396; North Africa, 276–7; and oil supplies, 285, 286–7; role in war’s outcome, 395–8; and sea war, 36–7, 60–1, 68, 69, 70, 71–2, 141, 280–1, 396; Soviet air power, 258, 260–2; US close-support tactics, 276–7; see also bombing campaigns
Allied bomber production, 133, 138
British: Lancaster bomber, 138; Swordfish, 37; VLR, 68, 69, 73
eastern front, 258, 260–2, 263
fuel supplies, 285, 286–7
German: Fw-190, 262; He-177, 269; Hs-129, 269; Ju-87, 127; Ju-288, 269; Me-109, 250, 260, 262; Me-110, 136; Me-210, 269; numbers, 263; production, 5–6, 134, 151–2, 245–6, 247, 250, 251, 269–70; quality, 6; Stuka, 260
Japanese, 273; Zeke/Zero, 40
production statistics, 407
Soviet, 93, 260–1; I-15, 260; I-16, 260; Il-2 Sturmovik, 110, 262, 432; La-5, 262, 432; Lagg-3, 262, 432; numbers, 262, 279; Pe-2, 432; production, 220–1, 224, 225, 226–7; quality, 6; Yak-1, 220–1; Yak-9, 262, 432
tactical importance, 257, 258, 263, 268–70
US: B-17 Flying Fortress, 140, 255, 276; B-24 Liberator, 240, 255, 276; B-29 Super-Fortress, 153, 276; numbers, 279, 454; P-38 Lightning, 150, 255, 276; P-51 Mustang, 150–1, 276; P-147 Thunderbolt, 150, 151, 211, 255, 276; production, 150–1, 234, 235, 239–42
Akagi, 49, 50, 51
El Alamein, Battle of (1942), 20, 271
Alanbrooke, Viscount: background and war role, 330–2; and Churchill, 327, 329, 330–1; on Eisenhower, 177, 425; and invasion of France (1944), 174, 175, 182, 193, 201, 218; at Teheran (1943), 303, 317, 322
Albert Hall New Year pageant (1942), 309
Aleutian Islands, 40, 45, 47
Alexander, Field Marshal Harold, 329
Alexei, Metropolitan, 348
Allies: emergence of coalition, 18; fighting skills, 7; strength of coalition, 344–5, 390–1
Animal Farm (Orwell), 365
Anschluss (1938), 13
Anthony, 165
Antonov, Alexei, 332–4
Anvil, Operation (1944), 179, 214
Ardenne, Baron Manfred von, 291
Ardennes offensive (1944–45), 216
Argentina, 20, 75–6
armour see tanks
Arnold, General ‘Hap’, 150, 276, 302, 317
artillery: German, 160, 250; Hedgehog mortars, 62; Japanese, 271, 272; production statistics, 408; Soviet, 109–10, 158, 224, 228; US, 235, 241
Astrakhan, 81
Atlantic, Battle of the, 30–9, 54–63, 64–73, 74, 141, 393, 396
Atlantic Charter (1941), 32
Atlantic conference (1941), 30–3
Atlantic Gap, 58, 65–73, 393
Atlantic Wall, 187–9
atomic weapons, 142–3, 154–5, 245, 287–91, 295–7, 364
Augusta, 31
Australia: Japanese threat to, 18, 40; as US springboard, 41–2
Austria: annexation to Germany (1938), 13
Auto-Union company, 248
Aviaprom, 225
Avranches, 211, 212
Axis: expansion (1938–42), 19
Azores, 71
B-Dienst, 57, 65
Baku, 284
Balkans, 328
Barbarossa, Operation (1941–43), 78–122; German brutality, 372–3; German initial successes, 16–17; German public’s attitude, 376; German rout, 117–19; Hitler on reasons for failure, 386; Kursk (1943), 106–17, 113, 260, 262, 263, 270; reasons for, 80, 279, 282–3, 371; reasons for Soviet win, 15–16, 120–2, 246; Soviet losses and recovery, 23–4; Soviet morale, 82–4; St
alin as war leader during, 315–17; Stalingrad (1942–43), 78–104, 94, 393; statistics, 84; strength of German forces, 22–3; see also eastern front
Bayerlein, General Franz, 255, 256
Bayeux, 197, 198
Bedford, Clay, 237
Belgium, 15, 216
Belgorod, 118
Bell, Bishop George, 348
Berchtesgaden see Berghof
Berghof, 200, 205, 250, 343
Bergius, Friedrich, 281–2
Berle, Adolph, 4
Berlin: air raids on, 146–7
Berlin, Isaiah, 325
Berlin Philharmonic, 343
Big Inch pipeline, 286
Big Week bombing attack (1944), 151–2
Bismarck, 37
Black Record (Vansittart), 354
Black Sea coast, 80–1, 84, 118
Blaicher, Ernst, 423
Bletchley Park, 38, 108
Blitz, 132–3
Blumentritt, General Gunther, 256
BMW, 162
Bodyguard, 184–7
Boer War (1899–1902), 324
Boeselager, Baron Georg von, 378
Bohlen, Charles, 319
Bohr, Niels, 288, 295
Bolero, Operation (1942), 169
bomb-sights, 140
Bomber Command: and D-Day (1944), 181–3, 196, 199; operations over Germany, 131–2, 134–9, 140, 141, 143–7, 152–3, 285; Pathfinders, 139; pre-war strength, 130
bombing campaigns, Allied, 123–63; 1939, 130–1; 1940–42, 126, 131, 135–41; 1943–45 (Combined Bombing Offensive), 130, 141–53; accuracy, 132, 135, 140–1; achievements, 156–63; area bombing, 137–8; eastern front, 260; effect on German air power, 157–9; effect on morale, 161–2; effect on production, 159–61, 162, 251–2; fighter escorts, 150–1; financial costs, 157; over France, 140–1, 181–3; against German oil supplies, 284–5; over Germany, 24, 131, 133–53, 156, 157–63, 251–2; German defences, 135–6, 143–4, 147, 148, 152, 160; invasion of France (1944), 181–3, 196, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 218–19; over Italy, 24, 157; over Japan, 24, 153–5, 157, 161–2; morality of, 129–30, 156, 363–4; reasons for, 127–8; reasons for strategic, 129–30, 134–5; reasons for success, 393; role in war’s outcome, 24–5, 395–6; Stalin’s enthusiasm, 123–5, 158; targets, 128–30; technological aids, 138–9, 140, 143–4, 144–5, 146, 147
bombing campaigns, Axis, 131, 132–3, 144, 216; rocket programme, German, 291–5
Bormann, Martin, 75, 386, 387
Borneo, 279