Choosing Rose (Other World Series Book Six)

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Choosing Rose (Other World Series Book Six) Page 18

by Ramona Gray

  “A hundred years?” Wallace said. “How old are the fucking pinkies?”

  “The stories of our old ones tell us the elida were brought by the orb over a century ago. They do not age and, until him,” Gormet pointed at Vida, “we believed they could not die. Now we know differently.”

  “Did your people come from the orb?” Duncan asked.

  Gormet shook his head. “No. Although a few of our people have chosen to leave in the orb.”

  “On purpose?” Wallace asked.


  “But, how do you know if it’s an orb that sucks you in or spits something out?” Teagan asked.

  Gormet pointed to the sky. “When the storm comes from the east, the orb takes. When the storm comes from the west, the orb gives.”

  Wallace’s mouth dropped open. Are you kidding me? Are we seriously that fucking stupid, Teag?”

  “Apparently we are,” Teagan said. “What happened to the people who lived in the huts before us? Do you know? Were they people like us?”

  Gormet shook his head. “No. Many years ago, a few of our people chose to live beyond the wall. They did not survive long. Much like most of those who come through the orb. You and your people have survived the longest. But, your luck will run out. Your flowers grow for now, but soon they will wilt and die.”

  They sat in silence for a few minutes. Rose stretched gingerly and Vida pressed a kiss against her forehead. Gormet was sucking contently on his pipe and he studied Teagan when the big man leaned forward again.

  “What can we do to change your mind about letting us – all of us - live with you behind the wall?”

  “Nothing,” Gormet said. “The killing of the voprea cannot be undone.”

  “But she tried to save a voprea,” Teagan pointed to Rose, “doesn’t that count for something?”

  Gormet nodded. “You are right. The small one and her mate will be allowed to live behind the wall. Now,” he gestured behind him where women were carrying platters of meat and fruit toward them, “let us celebrate the death of the elida and the gift of the baby voprea.”

  * * *

  In her dream, she was back in Vida’s bed in the cave. She was naked, and Vida was on top of her, his big body between her thighs and his warm mouth sucking on her nipples. She moaned and arched, rubbing her aching pussy against his dick as he licked and teased and tormented.

  “Please,” she whispered, “please, I need you, Vida.”

  “I know, small flower.” His low voice sent goosebumps across her skin. “You will have what you need.”

  The head of his cock pressed against her opening and she spread her legs wide. She felt no fear, only need and want and an aching emptiness only Vida could fill.

  “You are mine, Rose,” Vida whispered into her ear as he surged forward, filling every inch of her pussy with his hard cock. “Mine.”

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Yours. Please, I want more. I want -”

  She woke with a start, scratching absentmindedly at the paste on her shoulder. The moonlight was streaming through the cracks in the hut and she could feel the solid warmth of Vida against her back.

  They hadn’t spent much time sitting around the fire with the islanders. They seemed nice enough but not speaking the language made things awkward. Not to mention, she was feeling weird about the fact that she and Vida were invited to live with the locals, but the rest of the group was not.

  She and Vida were given a hut to themselves. It was on the small side with just a big plush bed of furs. She supposed it would have been the perfect time to try and seduce Vida, especially since he had stripped her naked before taking off his own clothes and climbing into the furs with her, but she was exhausted and embarrassingly weepy.

  She didn’t want to cry in front of Vida but couldn’t seem to help it. Watching both Peter and Brian die in front of her, nearly dying herself, had finally caught up to her, and she had wept hot tears despite her effort not to cry. Vida hadn’t seemed to mind. He had held her close, rubbing her lower back and rocking her gently until she’d cried herself to sleep.

  She lay quietly, wondering how long she’d been sleeping. She assumed at least five or six hours. She didn’t feel as tired and there were no sounds of the locals still gathered around the main fire.

  She leaned back against Vida. His big hand was cupping her breast and her eyes widened when she felt his dick pressing against her ass. He was asleep, she could tell by his breathing, but he was also half-hard. Warmth flushed her skin and just like that she was horny.

  Crude, Rose.

  Maybe, but entirely accurate. She wanted Vida so much, it made her stomach ache. She thought about what Brody had said about middle-of-the-night sex and rubbed her ass against Vida’s cock. He hardened some more, his hand tightening on her breast before loosening. He muttered something in his sleep before turning on his back. She studied his face in the dim light, touching his warm chest and the hard muscles of his abdomen before pushing down the furs. He was fully erect now and her pussy tightened and then released an embarrassing amount of wetness.

  Fuck, she wanted him, and she was already wet enough to take him.

  She straddled him and leaned down to kiss his chest, rubbing her wet pussy back and forth against his cock. The head of him pressed against her clit and she moaned softly before sucking on one flat nipple. Vida groaned, his big hands cupping her hips. He gave her a sleepy look of confusion as she kissed his chest again.

  “Little flower? What are you…”

  He groaned again when she reached down and stroked his dick. He thrust into her hand, nearly knocking her off of him. She squeezed her knees around his hips as Vida made another low moan, his eyelids drifting shut.

  “Does that feel good, Vida?”

  “Yes,” he muttered. “Do not stop, flower.”

  She kissed his chest, nipped at his collarbone and sucked on his earlobe. “I want you.”

  “I want you too.” One big hand squeezed her naked ass.

  Deciding it was now or never, she crouched over him, holding his cock at the base and pressing the head against her opening. She was soaking wet and Vida groaned, his hips rising when the head of him breached her.

  She moaned and pushed down, taking more of his cock. She already felt stretched and full, but she braced her hands on his chest and rose up a little on her knees before pressing down again.

  Vida made another low groan as she took a few more inches. His eyes suddenly popped open and she saw a hint of panic in them. “What are you doing?”

  “Fucking you,” she panted before pushing again. “Oh God, oh that feels…”

  “You must stop, small flower,” Vida said.

  “Are you kidding me? No way.” She grinned at him and rocked back and forth a little. “This feels amazing.”

  “Rose, you must. I do not wish to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” She decided that Vida not actually stopping her himself was a good sign. “Please, Vida. I want this. Besides,” she pushed again, and Vida’s eyes widened when she took the last of his cock, “you make me so wet, I’m taking your cock like a champ.”

  She giggled at the look on his face. “See, told you so.”

  He didn’t reply, and she gave him a look of concern. “Vida? Are you all right?”

  “So tight,” he muttered. “So wet and tight.”

  “Do you like it?” She braced her hands on his chest again and rode him with slow, smooth strokes.

  “Very much, little flower. Move faster.”

  She did what he asked, rocking her small body against his larger one. When he cupped her waist and helped her move even faster, she didn’t object. She clung to his shoulders for balance, watching his face as he pumped in and out of her. He cupped her breasts, kneading them and caressing them before teasing her nipples.

  “Touch yourself.”

  She did what he asked, reaching down to rub her clit as he thrust back and forth. One big hand held her around the waist as the other touched
her breasts and she gasped when warmth rocketed through her body.

  “Oh, oh God, that’s so good.” She rubbed her clit harder, staring at Vida as he watched her fingers rub at her swollen nub.

  “Come for me, sweet flower,” he suddenly demanded.

  She threw back her head and rubbed her clit with short and furious strokes. Her orgasm washed over her in a sweet rush of pleasure and she squeezed Vida’s waist with her knees as she came all over his cock.

  He cried out at the increased pressure, his hips rising and falling as he pumped himself into her over and over. She leaned over and clung to him, burying her face in his thick throat as he gripped her ass and thrust three more times before emptying his seed deep inside of her. He twitched and rocked in and out of her for a few more minutes before collapsing on the furs. She kissed his neck and he rubbed her back.

  “Are you all right, Rose?”

  “Yes,” she said sleepily. “It was so good.”

  “For me as well.”

  She rolled off of him, smiling up at him when he gathered her into his embrace and pushed her sweaty hair back from her face. “I told you I could take all of you.”

  “You did.” A small grin crossed his face. “My sweet flower surprised me.”

  “Now we can have sex all the time,” she said with a sleepy sigh.

  She closed her eyes and slipped into sleep, missing the troubled look that crossed Vida’s face.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You should come back with us, Rose. The two of you are safer with us than on your own.” Teagan said. “I know this cave feels safe, but it isn’t. Not even with the flowers in front of the entrance. You need numbers to survive.”

  “They’re safest behind the wall with the locals. Why did you leave with us this morning? They urged you to stay.” Duncan traced the back of the couch.

  “I’m not staying there without the rest of you,” Rose said. “How do you think I’d feel knowing that I was safe behind that stupid wall while the rest of you aren’t?”

  “So instead you’re going to go off and play house with a blue alien in a giant cave?” Teagan said.

  “To be fair,” Wallace was sitting at the island and leafing through a magazine from the bookshelf, “this place is nicer than what we’ve got. They got an actual bed.”

  “Fuck the bed. You can’t survive on your own. I don’t care if you have a cave with flowers in front of it and all the fucking goddamn comforts of home,” Teagan said. “Sooner or later, the pinkies or something else on this godforsaken island will kill you.”

  “I won’t leave Vida and he won’t stay at your camp.”

  Teagan made a grunt of frustration and Vida said, “Your leader is mad. It is not safe to stay with him.”

  “We can handle Patrick,” Teagan said. “Look, what Gormet said is true. We can’t get the goddamn flowers to grow, and we need to figure out a way to convince him to let us stay behind the wall. It’ll be impossible without you and Vida.”

  Rose glanced up at Vida. “When you try and convince him, let us know. Keep Patrick away from us and we’ll go with you. But we’re not going back to the camp. You know as well as I do that if Vida goes anywhere near Patrick, he’ll try and force him to help him take over the locals’ home. Vida won’t do that and who knows what Patrick will do to him. He is crazy, Teagan. He has some kind of mental illness and -”

  “He’s not crazy!” Teagan shouted.

  Vida pulled Rose behind him. “It is time for you to leave.”

  Teagan rubbed at his forehead. “And if I don’t? Are you going to make me?”

  “Teag.” Wallace shook his head and Teagan muttered a curse.

  “I’ll fucking wait for you outside.”

  He left the cave and Wallace sighed. “Teag’s a good man.”

  “I know he is,” Rose said.

  “It’s just… you know how Brian saved my life in Mosul? Well, Patrick saved Teagan’s. It was bad, he almost died trying to save Teag. Teagan thinks he owes him now and they’re friends. At least they used to be before Garrett died and Patrick really went fucking nutso. Teagan doesn’t want to think the worst about Patrick because he owes him his life.”

  “His loyalty to Patrick is going to get him killed,” Rose said.

  “Patrick might be crazy, but he won’t hurt one of his own. We take care of each other, Rose,” Wallace said.

  Rose didn’t reply, and Wallace shut the magazine before sliding off the stool. “I guess this is goodbye. See you crazy kids around the island.”

  “Be careful, Wallace. You too, Duncan.”

  “We always are, ain’t that right, Duncan?”

  Duncan nodded, and Wallace rubbed at his forehead. “If you change your mind, you know where to find us.”

  “Okay. Don’t tell Patrick about this place, all right?”

  “We won’t.”

  “Will Teagan?”

  Wallace shook his head. “No. He doesn’t want to admit it, but he knows what you’re saying about Vida is right.”

  He and Duncan left the cave and Rose made a shuddering sigh before leaning against Vida. He squeezed her hip. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I think so. Just worried about the others.”

  “Your former mate?”

  She wondered if that was jealousy in his voice. “No. I don’t care about Solomon. He and Marissa can have each other. I’m worried about Brody and Randy and the SEALs. They won’t survive much longer if we don’t figure out a way to convince the locals to let them behind the wall.”

  She smiled up at him. “At least I have you. I don’t know what I’d do without you on this island, Vida.” A look that she didn’t understand crossed his face. “What? What did I say?”

  “Nothing. Come, small flower, we will have a bath and then something to eat.”

  She followed him to the bathing chamber and they both stripped off their clothes and eased into the hot water. Vida washed away the paste from her shoulder. “The wounds look good.”

  “Not infected?”

  He shook his head and she picked up a chunk of soap and scrubbed her hair and body clean as Vida did the same. She smiled at him when they were finished and leaned against the side of the pool, shifting a little when the dull point of a rock pressed against a puncture wound.

  “This is nice.” She let her legs drift out in front of her as Vida moved to sit beside her. “Don’t you think?”

  “Yes.” He was acting quiet and strange and she touched his arm. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss against her mouth. She returned his kiss, parting her lips and sucking on his tongue when he pushed it into her mouth. After a moment, she pulled away and smiled at him. “We don’t have to kiss, Vida. I know it’s not your thing.”

  “I want to kiss you,” he said. “It is extremely pleasant for me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He nodded and kissed her again, one big hand cupping her breast as he explored her mouth with long, slow strokes of his tongue. She squeezed her legs together and ran her hands over his broad chest and shoulders before trying to straddle him.

  “Wait,” he said.

  She blushed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Do not be. I just wish to taste my flower’s pussy before I fuck it.”

  She licked her lips. “I am all for that. C’mon.”

  She started to climb out of the pool and he pulled her back in. “Where are you going?”

  “To the bed?” She gave him a confused look.

  He grinned at her. “There is no need.” He submerged himself in the water and Rose’s eyes widened when she felt his tongue trace along her flat stomach and lick around her belly button.

  “Oh God.” She spread her legs wide as Vida pushed his large body between them. He slid his hands under her ass, holding her tight as he lifted her. It was too dark in the cave for her to see him under the water, and she cried out when his mouth pressed against her pussy. His tongue l
icked her clit and she reached under water and clutched his head, rubbing her pussy against his mouth as he licked and sucked. He took his time, his strong hands kneading her ass as he licked her from her opening to her clit. He straightened his tongue and pushed it inside of her before licking his way to her clit again. He sucked on it and when his fangs scraped across the sensitive bundle of nerves, her cries grew more frantic and she stiffened all over before coming with a soft shriek. The sound echoed in the chamber and she rocked back and forth against Vida’s face before collapsing against the rock.

  He rose out of the water, water dripping down his chiseled body. His cock was huge, and a shiver of lust went through her despite her recent orgasm. He bent and picked her up before stepping out of the pool and walking back to the main chamber.

  “Oh my God,” she said. “There are definite benefits to you being able to breathe under water.”

  He laughed, and she nuzzled his neck affectionately. Their bodies steamed in the cool air of the cave and he dried them both with a towel before pulling back the covers on the bed. She climbed in and spread her legs, smiling up at him as he pushed his large body between her thighs.

  “Would you prefer to be on top, little flower?”


  “Are you certain? You can be in control and -”

  “No,” she repeated. “I want you on top, Vida. I’m not worried.”

  “I will not hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  He kissed her again, long slow ones that made her feel almost drugged with desire. When she was with Vida, it was so easy to forget that she was on a new world and that every day there was the real possibility of dying. He made her feel safe, made her believe that everything would be all right as long as they were together.

  Vida bent his head and trailed a path of kisses along her upper chest before kissing the tip of her right nipple. “You are beautiful, flower.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He kissed around her nipple and she moaned when he nipped at the fullness of her breast with his fangs. He tasted her soft skin before finally sucking on her nipple. She buried her hands in his hair and arched her back. He switched from nipple to nipple, licking and sucking until her pussy was aching and it was like she’d never had an orgasm.


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