Choosing Rose (Other World Series Book Six)

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Choosing Rose (Other World Series Book Six) Page 19

by Ramona Gray

  She rubbed her pussy against his hard thigh and made a pleading moan. He licked her nipple and smiled up at her. “Does my small flower wish to be fucked again?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He reached down and rubbed her thigh before cupping it and spreading her legs wide. She braced her feet on the bed as he propped himself above her and guided his cock to her warmth. He paused and gave her a grave look

  “I will not hurt you. If you need me to stop, just say so.”

  “I know.” There was frustration in her voice. “We’ve had sex before, Vida, it’s fine.”

  He leaned down and gave her a surprisingly sweet kiss before pushing the head of his cock into her. He took his time, pushing and retreating while he watched her face. She smiled encouragingly at him and raised her hips to meet each of his gentle thrusts until he was fully sheathed.

  She touched his face and he turned his head and kissed the palm of her hand. “All right?”

  “Yes, it feels good.”

  “You feel good, flower,” he groaned. “Your little pussy is so tight around my cock.”

  He dipped his head and kissed her again. For a race who didn’t enjoy kissing, he sure kissed her a lot. That pleased her more than it probably should have.

  He continued to stare at her as he pushed in and out in a slow and steady rhythm. She had a feeling he was holding back, going slower and being gentler than he normally would. But when she tried to urge him to move faster with soft moans and thrusts of her hips, he ignored her. He kept himself propped up with one hand above her and reached down to cup her ass. He lifted her, shifted her slightly and made a slow thrust that brought on an unexpected flash of pleasure.

  She gasped, her nails digging into his biceps as he smiled at her. “Did you like that?”

  “Yeah,” she moaned. “Do it again.”

  He gripped her ass and thrust and retreated, each stroke driving her need for him higher. Tension and pleasure coiled in her belly and she met each of his thrusts with a hard pump of her hips. She wanted – no, needed – more.

  “Please, Vida,” she moaned. “I need…”

  “What do you need?”

  “I don’t know,” she cried out. “Please!”

  He moved a bit faster, sliding in nice and deep and making her moan with relief. “Good, that’s so good.”

  She clung to him, burying her face into his broad chest as he pushed her closer and closer to her climax. When he dipped his head and nipped her throat with his sharp fangs, she cried his name and her slender body stiffened beneath his large one. He lifted his head and watched her intently, thrusting in a steady rhythm in and out of her soft body, as she climaxed around his cock.

  He found his own release as the last of her climax pulsed through her. He threw his head back, the cords in his neck standing out as he thrust deep and stayed there. Wetness flooded her pussy. She kissed his chest and squeezed her legs around his hips as he pumped back and forth before pulling out of her and collapsing on his back next to her.

  She turned and flung her leg over one muscular thigh. He put his arm around her and stroked her hair as she rested her head on his chest. “That was really good.”

  “Yes,” Vida replied. “I enjoy having sex with you. It is surprising to me that your pussy can take all of my cock, but it is a very pleasant surprise.”

  She stifled her giggle. She was still getting used to Vida’s blunt way of talking. “I enjoyed it too, Vida.”

  They lay silently for a while before she sat up. “I’m going to get a drink of water. Would you like one?”

  He nodded. She climbed out of bed and crossed naked to the kitchen area. She knew Vida was watching her, but she didn’t feel self-conscious. Of course, she wasn’t sure if that was because the candlelight made everything look better, or because he made her feel beautiful. Maybe it was a little of both.

  She returned to the bed with the water and handed him his glass before sliding in beside him. They propped their backs against the headboard and drank their water.

  “Are you hungry? It’s probably getting close to lunch.”

  He shook his head. He seemed off to her again, a little moody and closed-off, and she chewed her bottom lip. She hadn’t even asked Vida if he wanted to stay with the locals. Maybe he was pissed that she just assumed he’d want to return to the cave.

  “Hey, Vida?”


  “Did you want to stay with the locals? I just realized it was rude of me to assume that you would be fine coming back here to the cave.”

  “I do not wish to stay with them.” He set his empty glass on the nightstand next to the bed.

  “Okay.” She slid a little closer, secretly thrilled when he put his arm around her. “I’m glad. I know there is safety in numbers on this world, but I feel safest when I’m with you.”

  Another strange look crossed Vida’s face and she rubbed his flat stomach. “What’s wrong?”

  “I am not staying on this world, small flower.”

  She sat up and drew the sheet up around her naked body. “What do you mean?”

  “When there is another orb that takes, I will leave this world in search of my own.” Vida studied his hands in the flickering candlelight.

  Dismay flooded through her body and she grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. “Vida, the odds of it taking you back to your world are astronomically small. Do you understand? There are many worlds and -”

  “I know, but I must try.”

  “But,” she squeezed his hand again until he looked at her, “what if you’re taken to another world that was like mine? One where they capture you and study you like a bug under a glass. Or what if you land on a desert world? You’ll die, Vida.”

  He didn’t reply and feeling an odd sort of panic, she said, “This world is similar to yours, right? You have all the water you need to survive, and people don’t care that you’re blue or can breathe under water. If you land on another world, they may kill you just for looking different from them. Why risk death to find your own world when the chances of finding it are almost zero percent?”

  “I wish to see my world again, flower. To walk the shoreline along my home, to swim in our vast oceans, and to see the sun rise over the Bluff of Vencona.”

  She swallowed down her rising panic. “Do you have family who are still alive?”

  He shook his head. “Both my parents would be dead by now, and I had no siblings. But I had friends and even after all of these years, my desire to return home has not dimmed.”

  “I understand,” she said in a low voice, “believe me I do. I haven’t been through what you’ve been, but I understand being homesick. But, you won’t find your world again, Vida.”

  “You do not know that for certain, little human.”

  She sighed. “No, I suppose I don’t. But the thought of you leaving, of you being alone on a new world where they might-might hurt you or kill you…”

  “You could come with me.”

  Her mouth dropped, and she stared up at him. “What?”

  “You could leave this place with me. You would like my world, I promise.”

  “We won’t make it to your world, Vida.”

  “We might.”

  She tamped down her frustration at his stubbornness. She was feeling sick to her stomach over the thought of Vida leaving her and the panic in her stomach was steadily chewing its way up her esophagus. “We’re safe here.”

  He gave her a wry look and she sighed. “I know that sounds ridiculous considering I’ve almost died a few times, but we know the dangers of this world now and how to avoid them. The idea of hopping from world to world, of never knowing what kind of danger we could be in – it doesn’t appeal to me, Vida. I’m not adventurous or a risk taker, and I know in my heart that trying to find your world again is a fool’s mission.”

  “You will not go with me then?”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t, and I wish you wouldn’t go either. Please, Vida, I want you t
o stay here where I know you’re safe.”

  “I cannot, flower.”

  Stupidly, she could feel tears threatening and she blinked them back rapidly as Vida studied her. It was dumb to cry over Vida leaving. Having sex a couple of times didn’t mean they were in a relationship, and just because she was already unnaturally attached to the big blue guy, didn’t mean he felt the same about her. Really, she was kind of an idiot for even thinking he felt something more for her than lust.

  No, you’re not. He acts like you’re his mate. You know he does.

  She studied the quilt on the bed as Vida continued to study her. He did, but maybe that was just what his kind did when they were sleeping together. She really didn’t know that much about him, if she was being honest.

  “Rose?” Vida put one finger under her chin and tipped her head up before studying her face. “I am sorry, but I cannot stay. Not even for my sweet flower.”

  Now the stupid tears did come, and she wiped them away quickly before smiling at him. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you feel bad.”

  “Will you take some time and think about coming with me?”

  She smiled a little. “I was just going to ask you to think about staying with me. I guess we’re at an impasse, huh?”

  “When I leave, promise me you will stay with the locals behind their wall of flowers instead of with your friend and the others. You will be safest there.”

  She didn’t want to stay with the locals, she didn’t want to stay with Brody and the SEALs. She wanted to be with Vida. But, that wasn’t what he wanted, and she wouldn’t force him to stay. Not after he spent twenty-five years being held prisoner on a strange world.

  His hand cupped her chin. “Promise me.”

  “If I can convince them to let Brody and the others stay there too, I’ll stay with them,” she said.

  He scowled at her but before he could argue, she said, “I won’t live safe behind that wall, while the others fight for survival. Don’t ask me to do that.”

  “You will not survive without me here to protect you,” he said. “You are too little and weak.”

  She shrugged. “I’ll get you to teach me some survival skills. Hopefully another orb won’t come before I know how to protect myself.”

  Secretly, she hoped an orb would never come, and then berated herself for her selfishness. Vida wanted to go home and as much as she hated the idea, she wouldn’t try and stop him or change his mind. She wasn’t his girlfriend or his mate, and she had no right to ask him to give up his world for her.

  “Human, you need to stay with the locals. You can’t -”

  “Stop, Vida. You’ve made your choice and I’ve made mine. I’ll be fine. I’m tougher than I look.” She flexed her biceps and wiggled her eyebrows at him, but he didn’t smile. “Will you teach me some survival skills?”

  He nodded but there was still a troubled look on his face. “Yes, little flower, I will.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Teagan, man, we need to do something. He’s getting worse.”

  “Be quiet, Davis.” Teagan checked over his shoulder. They weren’t close to Patrick’s hut, but sound had a way of carrying in the jungle.

  “Davis is right.” Wallace sat next to Teagan. “It’s been a week since we got back and he’s getting worse by the day. Fuck, by the hour.”

  “What do you suggest we do?” Tegan said. “Patrick is in charge and -”

  “We’re in the middle of the goddamn jungle. Is the chain of command in our unit something we really need to uphold? Especially when our leader has lost his fucking mind?” Davis asked. “I think it’s time we faced the truth and did something. You should be in charge and we all know it. We’ll back you if -”

  “You’re talking about mutiny,” Teagan said.

  Davis glanced at Wallace and Teagan shook his head. “Seriously, Wallace? You want to start a fucking mutiny?”

  “I don’t want to, but I don’t think we have much choice. You know as well as I do that Patrick isn’t fit to lead. Yesterday, he asked me again to tell me what happened with the locals and to tell him where Vida and Rose were staying. I refused, and he threatened to cut off my fucking ears.”

  Teagan stared at him and Wallace nodded. “Duncan was sitting across from us when he said it. Ask him if you don’t believe me.”

  “I believe you.” Teagan scrubbed a hand through his dark hair. “Did you tell him?”

  “Of course I didn’t. He tried to play it off as a joke, but it wasn’t a fucking joke. He’s desperate to get us behind that wall and listen, man, he ain’t wrong about us needing to be there, but the way he wants to do it is gonna get us all killed. Without Vida and Rose, we don’t stand a chance at -”

  “Shut up,” Davis said.

  Wallace shut his mouth with a snap as Patrick, followed by Talla, strolled out of his hut. He studied the three of them before whispering something in Talla’s ear. She nodded and moved across the clearing to the table where fruit was piled. As she picked out fruit, Patrick joined them.

  “What are you talking about?” He asked.

  “The brinos,” Teagan replied. “They came close to the camp last night.”

  “Too fucking close,” Wallace said. “I could hear them breathing outside my goddamn hut. I think we need to do something about them. Teagan, Davis and I could dig a pit, lure one toward the pit with some meat. Once it’s in there, we use our spears to -”

  “Or, we could simply move behind the wall.” Patrick studied Teagan for a moment. “Both Wallace and Duncan have refused to share intel on your mission last week. What about you, Teag? You care to share?”

  “It wasn’t a mission,” Teagan said. “It was a hunt gone wrong. Brian died, remember?”

  “I remember. Just proves my point that we should be living behind that wall. But you fuckers refuse to do your part.”

  “Patrick, it isn’t -”

  “Tell me what happened.”

  Teagan sighed. “We’ve told you numerous times, Patrick.”

  “Tell me again. Wait – let’s get everyone out here to hear the story this time. What do you think? Talla, get the others.”

  Teagan watched as Talla went to each hut. It took only a few minutes for Solomon and Marissa, Doc and Brody, and Daryl and Randy to join them. He glanced up at the tree where Duncan was on watch. The man was watching him solemnly – he knew that Duncan could hear everything that was being said – and he nodded before glancing out into the jungle again.

  “Looks like that’s everyone.” Patrick’s voice was deceptively cheerful. “Other than that fat fairy fuck. Where is he anyway? Anyone seen him lately?”

  He glanced around at the others. Doc shook his head. “I saw him yesterday at breakfast. Haven’t seen him since.”

  Patrick rolled his eyes. “I’d assume he was dead, but that asshole has a fucking horseshoe up his ass. Teagan, you’re up. Tell the others what you told me.”

  Teagan cleared his throat. “We made contact with the locals, the day that Brian and Peter died. After we saved Rose and the blowcat from the vines, the islanders surrounded us and took us behind the wall to their village. They think of the blowcat as some sort of god, so the fact that we saved one, made them a little more…open toward us.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me.” Brody leaned forward. “Why didn’t you tell us this before?”

  “Because they still won’t let us live with them.”

  “Why not?” Randy asked.

  Teagan glanced at Patrick. Fuck it. Patrick wanted them to know, he’d fucking tell them the truth. “Because when we first got to the island, Patrick and Garrett killed a blowcat for sport and the locals saw them do it.”

  The others glanced at Patrick who shrugged. “How were we to know they worshipped the striped fuckers? Tell them the other part.”

  Teagan stayed silent for a moment. Fuck, why had he told Patrick about the locals inviting Rose and Vida to stay with them. Wallace and Duncan had told him not
to, but he’d wanted to prove something to them. Wanted to make them realize that Patrick was still a good guy.

  He’d fucked up.

  “Go on, Teag.” Patrick’s tone was mocking.

  “Because Rose tried to save the blowcat and Vida killed the pinkie, the locals invited them to live behind the wall.”

  Brody released his breath in a harsh rush. “So, Rose is safe.”

  “She refused to stay without the rest of us.”

  “Jesus, Rose,” Brody groaned. “But she’s safe with Vida, right?”

  “Who cares?” Marissa said. “That bitch got us all stuck on this island, who cares if she -”

  “That bitch is the key to our survival.” Patrick stroked Talla’s long hair. “We need her and that blue idiot, to get behind the wall. Isn’t that right, Teagan?”

  “No,” Teagan said. “It isn’t right. Rose already tried to convince the locals to let all of us stay there. They refused.”

  “Maybe she needs to try again.”

  “They won’t change their minds,” Wallace said.

  “Shut up, Wallace.” Patrick didn’t look at him. “Where in the jungle are Vida and Rose tucked away, Teagan?”

  “I told you,” Teagan stared steadily at Patrick, “we don’t know. Vida wouldn’t tell us or show us.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yes. Why would he? He’s not stupid, Patrick. He knows what you want to use him for.”

  Patrick ran his hand over Talla’s hair again. “That blue asshole don’t know shit. But we need him to help us take the village.”

  “What do you mean, ‘take the village’?” Solomon said.

  “You know what I mean, mister science man. If we want to survive, if we want to,” Patrick touched Talla’s thigh, “bring new life to this godforsaken rock, we need to take their village. Our only chance against the pinkies and the other dickstick creatures, is the protection of that fucking wall. Our mission is to take it.”


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