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The Judge

Page 6

by Jonathan Yanez

  “Okay.” Connor gritted his teeth as he woke up the force inside. Chains rattled and fangs sprouted as the Elite Judge gave into his full potential for the first time. Confident that he couldn’t hurt anyone and that he would stay rooted to the spot, everything fell away. All that Connor could feel was raw strength.

  The feeling was intoxicating. Vision red, he let go of any and all control and let the beast have him. Roaring into the night sky, the beast took over.

  It was freeing. Connor felt invincible. He felt the freedom to do whatever he wanted with no thought to consequences or responsibility. Roaring, he strained against the chains.

  The steel dug into his flesh and Connor’s beast relished in the idea of physical exertion. Arms behind him, Connor put his head down and raged against the constraints. Every muscle in his tight body pushed forward. His feet fought to find traction in the jungle’s hard packed earth floor.

  Through red eyes and a heaving chest, Connor could hear his father’s voice, “Fight it, Connor! Hold onto what you keep closest to your heart. This isn’t you, only a piece of you. Embrace the power but never forget who you are.”

  Connor could hear his father and understand the words he was shouting but the raw power was so intoxicating it was hard to search or think about anything besides the feeling of invincibility.

  That’s when the chain on his right arm gave. The chains themselves had been tempered by Morrigan’s spell, rendering them invincible themselves, but what wasn’t as secure was the large tree on one side and stone pillar on the other, Orion had used to secure the chain. The tree was old and it’s trunk was thicker than most but still it was no match for his strength.

  With a snap that sounded like thunder the tree gave way. Ripped from the earth, the tree flew through the air and over the camp. Wood, roots and dirt flew in every direction. Conner’s arm whipped the attached chain across the camp, sending Zheng, Orion and Caderyn diving for cover.

  Connor saw all of this like he was in a dream. He was aware of what was happening but powerless to do anything about it. That’s when he remembered his father’s words about finding something to ground him, something to hold on to and remind him of who he was and what he was and who he had to be. Fighting to hold onto something, Connor thought about everyone depending on him. Hundreds, thousands of Elites who looked at him to lead them though this dark time in their history. The millions of people who would be affected by Vercin’s reign if he could not be defeated.

  Connor focused on this but it wasn’t enough. He could feel the power lessen, almost bend as he fought to ground himself with this thought, but it wasn’t strong enough. Then he saw Laren in his mind’s eye. She was smiling, every strand of hair in place, encouraging him to be stronger, to be the man she knew he could be.

  Before Connor could try and use Laren’s image to calm his rage, strong arms grabbed him from all sides. The three men who had taken him to the mountain tapped into their own Elite gene and tried to calm the enraged Judge before he tore free. Connor felt arms around his torso arms and neck.

  This was the exact wrong thing to do as Connor lost all concentration on his image of Laren. The rage focused on one thing and one thing only, freedom.

  Orion was holding the chain that had ripped free from the tree, his one good eye shining a bright red. Zheng was holding the opposite chain that was tied to the pillar as cracks like a spider web formed on the stone’s surface. Caderyn was wrapped over Connor’s back, shouting in his ear, “Enough, rise up and be the man we need you to be. You can do this, Connor, I know you can!”

  Chaos broke in the camp as Connor’s potential was tapped. Throwing his weight behind his right arm and swinging it forward, Orion went flying into the night air like a comet.

  Right arm and the chain still connected to it free, Connor lashed out. The thick steel chain went flying toward Zheng, who barely ducked under the blow. The chain connected with the already weakened stone pillar, breaking it into dozens of pieces that buried Zheng.

  Caderyn had seen where things were headed. He adjusted his grip on Connor’s back into a headlock. Connor felt his windpipe constrict as he struggled to breathe. He reached behind him and got a handful of his father’s hair before everything went black.

  Chapter 13

  “Well, at least you weren’t using the temple for anything, right? I mean, it could have been a lot worse if we tried this in the palace courtyard,” Orion said.

  “Yes, Orion, but the way you flew through the air like a baby bird was most definitely the highlight of last night’s events,” Zheng said.

  Connor opened his eyes and stared into the jungle sky. He was on his back lying outside of the temple on a blanket.

  His father’s head appeared over him and looked down. “Well, that was only the first time. It’ll get easier. You did well.”

  Connor sat up and rubbed at his arms where the steel chains had been locked in place. Not so much as a cut or scrape was there.

  “How do you feel?” his father asked.

  “I couldn’t do it. I thought for a second I had it. I was just beginning to see Laren and control the rage but it was gone in a second.” Connor looked at Orion and Zheng, who stood by the side looking on. “I’m so sorry for—”

  Zheng raised both hands with a smile. “Please, Connor. It’s not like it’s the first time you’ve tried to take a swing at me.”

  “And,” Orion said, “If you’re capable of that kind of strength and power, then I think we’re going to be all right when it comes to facing Vercin and the inmates of Karnag.”

  “We still have a ways to go before that can happen,” Caderyn said. “We need to practice and—”

  All four men stopped talking as a figure came into view. The woman was tall and graceful and walked up the steep mountain trail as if she were on a morning stroll.

  Connor got to his feet and smiled. “Morrigan.”

  Morrigan reached the group, wide-eyed. The temple was in even worse repair than it had been just a day ago. Zheng was covered in dust and the broken tree that now lay by the path looked like it had been struck by lightning. “Good morning, it seems like I missed quite a night.”

  Four heads nodded with large eyes.

  “Well, I wish I could come with better news but you’re needed at the palace. Vercin has contacted us by using a looking glass. He’s requesting an immediate meeting.

  Connor was reminded of the mirror-like tool used for communication by the Elite race. However, even more important to him than speaking with his adversary was a certain female Elite. “Morrigan, is Laren any better?”

  Morrigan cleared her throat, searching for a political answer. “Laren has stabilized. She is going to be fine. Her Elite gene has been rendered dormant just like yours was before you knew all of this existed.” Morrigan opened her arms with a wide gesture, taking in The Island’s terrain. “She’s human.”

  Connor wasn’t sure why he was so scared for Laren. Somewhere deep down he already knew what Vercin had done to her. His enemy had played a sick joke on the woman he loved. A message to him saying nothing was safe. To Connor this didn’t change anything. He still cared for Laren in the exact same way but he knew Laren. From her point of view this would change everything. “We have to go then,” Connor said.

  “But the training, your training has just started, “Orion said.

  “If Vercin wants to talk, then maybe we can buy ourselves more time or maybe talk him down from his plan.” Even as Connor said the words he knew how unlikely that would be. Despite the doubt he knew he had to explore every option before the Elite race declared full out war.

  “He’s right,” Caderyn said. “Let’s get back to the palace and see what kind of conversation Vercin has planned.”

  For Connor, stepping into the palace was like entering the premier of a movie he had written, produced, starred in, and directed. Everyone wanted to see him. Word of him being the Judge and passing the set of ancient trials had spread over land and sea. When the c
all was sent out to join Connor in the war against Vercin, the majority of four of the five families had flocked to Connor’s banner.

  Although Vercin’s reign of terror had occurred hundreds of years previous, to Elites who lived for centuries, the memories were still fresh. They knew the kind of man Vercin was and what his rise to power would mean for the future.

  Now Elites of varying eye color warmly shook his hand. There were those who understood his responsibilities and how pressed for time he must be. These supporters just wanted to meet their Judge. Others were only concerned about themselves and how much face time they could get with their savior.

  As Connor made his way through the palace halls he was cornered by one of these self-indulgent Elite members. She was a middle-aged woman with short hair. She wore a dress that was more befitting a presidential inauguration than a stroll through the palace in time of war. Beside her were her three girls, all amber-eyed, with winks and shy smiles directed at Connor.

  “Oh, you heard me right. I mean, a man is only as strong as the woman he has beside him. And that’s just not coming from me, Mr. Moore, that’s coming from someone else. I forget who said it at the moment, but you can take that to the bank.”

  Connor was a deer in headlights as the woman continued to talk. Still dirty from his night on the mountain, all he could think about was seeing Laren and changing into some clean clothes.

  The woman he was talking to must have noticed his state because she went on, “Oh well, all of my girls would make great housekeepers.”

  “Oh, really, well—”

  “Oh yes, they’re just the nicest and sweetest girls, and I dare say they’re close to your age, Connor. Connor, can I call you Connor?”

  “Yes, that’s—”

  “Oh, perfect! See? We’re already getting along so well.”

  The woman rambled on and on, beating around the bush of Connor going out with one of her daughters. Connor soon found himself looking into the downside of near immortality.

  I guess the saying ‘just shoot me’ doesn’t apply to you anymore.

  Connor stood with his arms crossed, nodding and smiling to the woman when finally he was saved.

  “Connor! There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.” Connor, along with his hunters, looked to their left as Katie approached. She was wearing a huge smile on her face as she walked towards the group. “You haven’t forgotten about the super important meeting, right? I mean that one you have to go to right now or else the fate of our kind and all humanity will be doomed.”

  Connor did a half nod. He caught the woman and her daughters’ surprised expressions out of the corner of his eye.

  “Oh yes, that super important meeting that can’t wait or the fate of the world will be thrown into darkness,” Connor said, turning back to his would-be mother-in-law and company. “I really have to be going, but it’s been so nice meeting you and I’m sure I’ll see you soon.”

  “Oh yes, of course,” the woman started, “but we really should talk abou—”

  “Come on, Connor, hurry,” Katie said. “Can’t be late, fate of the world, and all.”

  Connor had to remind himself not to run as he joined Katie. “Thanks, I owe you one.”

  Katie winked a bright blue eye at him as she laughed. “I think you owe me two or three for that one but we won’t keep score.”

  Connor smiled at his longtime friend and once girlfriend. “How’s training going with Morrigan?”

  “Great. I mean, I’d be the last one to think I’d willingly trade pompoms for a wand and pointed hat, but it—it just feels right, somehow. Like this is where I’m supposed to be. Does that make any sense?”

  “Perfect sense. How—how are you doing with knowing who your mom really is?” Connor mentally kicked himself for the awkward subject. Katie’s mother was a sorceress just like her and Morrigan and recently she had revealed herself to be on the side of their enemy, Vercin. “Katie, if you’re not ready to talk about it, I totally understand. I’m just saying if you want to talk about it, I’m here.”

  Katie lowered her eyes to the hall floor as they continued to walk. “No, I know what you mean. Thanks, Connor. You’re actually the one person I wouldn’t mind talking about my mom with. I guess I’m still in denial. For so many years I thought she was someone she clearly isn’t. It’s still hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that the woman I grew up with and loved is actually an Elite sorceress hungry for power.”

  The two stopped at Connor’s door.

  “I’m just hoping that there’s some small part of the mother I knew inside. Maybe it’s too late for her but maybe there’s some way I can still get through to her.”

  “Don’t lose hope, Kat.”

  “Thanks, Connor, I won’t.” Katie sniffed the air and grimaced. “Oh man, this Elite smelling thing has its drawbacks. You most definitely need a shower.”

  “Yeah, you’re telling me. I had a crazy night.”

  “Well, Judge, get changed and I’ll see you soon.”

  “Goodbye, Kat.”


  The two stood staring at each other for an awkward second. In times past there would have been a hug or kiss but now with their new relationship definition in place, Katie just smiled and walked away.

  Connor walked into his small room and straight to the shower. He knew he should be thinking about Vercin and how he was going to defeat him if he couldn’t be one with his Elite gene but the entire time he couldn’t stop thinking about Laren.

  On one hand he was happy to see her again. He just wanted to spend time with her. On the other he knew she would be taking the loss of her Elite gene hard, not to mention the loss of her father.

  Someone had left a meal of turkey wraps and fruit outside of his door. Connor said a silent prayer of thanks to whoever had been the thoughtful saint. He grabbed both food items and made his way to Laren’s room.

  Connor was lucky enough to avoid any other would-be suitors on his way and soon found himself wiping away crumbs from his shirt. He knocked on Laren’s door. When there was no answer, he slowly turned the knob. “Hey, Laren, it’s Connor. Are you here?”

  “She wanted to get out,” Lu said as Connor walked in and found Laren’s older brother sitting on her bed. “She just left. I think she needed some space.”

  Connor nodded as he looked at the big man who had been ferocious with an unstable bloodlust only days before. “Oh, I see. How’s your family doing with—with everything going on?”

  Lu’s black shirt rippled with tensed muscles underneath. His hair was already starting to grow back, making his Mohawk look only slightly less intimidating. “Reap cried his eyes out for the first few days, but kids are resilient. Our mother is strong when she’s talking to us but I can tell she’s hiding a lot of pain. Laren has not only the loss of our father on her plate but now the fact that she’s human to deal with, and I’m a wreck.”

  “Oh wow. I was half expecting you to just be angry again or tell me you didn’t want to talk about it.”

  Lu half smiled. “As good as ripping those soldiers from limb to limb felt, nothing is going to bring back my father. I can do more good just being here for my family than on the battlefield. Don’t get me wrong—when the time comes for violence, I’m going to be first in line, but my father would want me here with a level head. Not running around like a lunatic ,no matter how good it felt.”

  Connor was stunned by Lu’s sudden change. “I think that’s great, Lu. I know your father would be proud of you and your decision. What brought about the sudden change?”

  “Laren did. She has a way with people.”

  “Yeah. Really laid into you, huh?”

  “She slapped me, hard, more than once.”

  Connor’s eyes doubled in size. “She what?”

  “You heard me. She slapped me and yelled at me. She almost broke her hand on my face since she’s human and all but she got her point across.”

  “Wow.” Connor knew he
should probably say more but at the moment he was impressed, not for the first time, by the internal strength Laren possessed.

  “She’s going to need you, Connor.” Lu looked at Connor with intense jade green eyes. “She won’t admit it. She’s way too stubborn for that, but she’ll need you all the same.”

  “I know, I’m going to go find her now.”

  “Try not to get slapped.”

  Chapter 14

  Connor made his way through the palace again to the rear of the large building. Connor knew Laren would want a quiet place to think. The front of the palace courtyard was filled with tents and Elites. Laren wouldn’t stay inside either, there were too many people running about preparing for the confrontation.

  A warm sun greeted Connor as he stepped outside. The garden to the rear of the palace spread out in all directions and the noise of everyday life seemed fainter with every step.

  Connor walked down the path that split the garden in half. Giving a second thought to his appearance, he combed over his thick black hair to the side. He saw Laren’s familiar form sitting on a stone bench to his right.

  “Hey, you. How are you feeling?”

  Laren looked up at him as he approached and did her best to smile. “Oh, you know, human and all.”

  Connor took a seat by her on the stone bench and gently placed his hand on hers. They were surrounded by roses on all sides. Every shade was present and accounted for, from bright orange to soft pink. No one was around and the two found themselves alone for the first time since Laren’s rescue.

  “I’m so sorry about your father. You know if there’s anything I can do, all you have to do is ask.” When Laren didn’t say anything, Connor tried again. “We’ll find a way, Laren. Vercin has called for a meeting. I’ll find out what was done to you and we’ll reverse it. You’ll be a member of the Elite race again and everything will be like it was before.”


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