Aesop's Fables
Page 40
(Seven Saxes) xxvi, 191, 206, 317
Pluto, see Hades
Plutus 413
Pollux, see Castor
pomegranate 201
Pompey and soldier 590
poor man and Death 484
and doctor 478
poplar 205
Poseidon 518
Posidippus 536
pot and rainstorm 207
and woman 180
in river 52
potter 10, 207, 548
pregnant woman on floor 538
priest and lion 244
Prince and audience 591
Procne and Philomela 213, 505
Prometheus 247, 514, 527
and Dionysus 517
and tears 516
and Truth 530
and Zeus 515, 535
promythium xiv–xvii
Propertius 586
prostitute 254, 462
Publilius Syrus 285
Pygmies 294
Pyrrhic dance 352–3
Pythian priestess 485
Quintilian 166
rabbit, see hare
race horse 416
ram 15, 58, 221, 342, 391
fears wolves 31
see also sheep
raven 61, 104, 140, 251, 263, 312, 327, 507
and birthday party 96
and Hermes 479
and peacock 22, 89
and snake 460
and stork 359
and swallow 192
and swan 335
and traveller 318–19
and wolf 390–1
blind in one eye 318
cawing 273
see also crow
Ray’s Proverbs 335
reed and dog 566
and oak 202
Reinardus 402
Religion and thief 523
Reynard xx, 402
Rhea 244
Rhodes 209
rich man and tanner 543–4
river and hide 208
and sea 258
road (choice of two) 535
robber 92, 165, 411
see also thief
Rodríguez Adrados, Francisco xxxii–xxxiii, xxxix
Romulus xxvi, xxxvii, xl
rooster 193, 432, 489
and eagle 454
and fox 149
and hawk 177
and lion 235, 247
and owner 123
and partridge 134
and pearl 403
and thieves 122
carried by cats 489
eaten by cat 129
not fooled by cat 299
rose and amaranth 204
Rumi xix, xxxviii, xl, 15, 73, 139, 267, 410, 555
runaway slave and Aesop 7
and master 458
sacks of faults 527
sailor and passenger 227
and pilot 421
St Anthony 537
Samos ix, 29, 31
Saturnalia xxiii
satyr and traveller 368
Sbordone, F. xxxvi
Schneidewin, F. G. xxxvii
Scilurus 493
scorpion and boy 302
sculptor 562–3
Scythia 493
sea 258, 275–6
seagull chokes on fish 334
Seneca 412, 527
serpent, see snake
Shakespeare, William 66, 586
Shame 517
and Zeus 528
Shaw, George Bernard 69
shear water 331
sheep 14, 292, 341, 386, 397
and butcher 58
and crow 133
and dog 175, 498
and shepherd 9
and shepherd’s cloak 78
and wolf 31, 103, 109, 151, 175, 221
at altar 103
make peace with wolves 32
rebuffs wolf and stag 176
refuses help to wolf 33
and shepherd and dog 67, 381
and wolf and dog 32, 174
see also lamb, ram
sheepskin 321
shellfish 430
shepherd and bees 144
and fox 146
and jackdaw 342
and lion 69, 229
and sea 275
and sheep 9, 78
and wolf 38, 146, 321, 392
and wolf-cubs 34–6
and sheep and dog 67, 381
and wolf and dog 39
shipbuilders 557
shipwrecked man 412, 480
short and tall people 520
sick man and gods 477
man and good symptoms 585
man and vow 478
man returns from Hades 587
Simonides xviii
and shipwreck 412
rescued by Castor and Pollux 166
sister and brother 495
slave ix, xxi, 361, 394, 492, 504, 535, 541, 544, 593
see also runaway slave
slave-woman 314, 483
Slavitt, David xxxvi
snail and mirror 554
in skillet 291
snake 105, 141, 143, 168, 181, 441, 460
and Apollo 172
and eagle 72
and lizard 347, 452
and tail 346
and thorn bush 552
and wasp 161
and weasel 63
and worm 348
and Zeus 135
befriends farmer 74–5
warmed by farmer 440
Socrates xviii, xl, 495, 532
and friends 94
and slave 541
soldier 577, 590
and horse 415
and robber 92
and trumpet 121
son and father 493–5
and mother 496, 539, 594
soothsayer 317, 367, 467
and robbery
sow 128, 311, 397, 559
and Aphrodite 197
and dog litters 196
and lioness litters 195
sparrow 463, 472
and hare 142
and myrtle 426
Sparta 68
Spector, Norman xxxix
spider 243
Spiegel, Harriet xxxviii
Spring and Winter 184
stag 14, 47, 176
and oxen 336
and reflection 262
see also deer
stake and wall 277
starlings 295
Steinhowel xli, 234
Stilpo 412
stomach and body xxv, 66
stork and cat 105
and cranes 48
and fox 156
and goose 53
and raven 359
street dogs and circus dog 409
Strife 534
Suetonius 386
Sun and North Wind 183
Sun’s wedding 436
swallow 1, 274, 441
and birds 487
and crow 213
and nightingale 505
and raven 192
and snake 181
swan 335, 506
and goose 49
and owner 284
mistaken for goose 303
sword on road 597
Sybaris 180, 344
Syntipas xxiv, xxxii, xxxiv, xxxvii, xl
Syriac xxiv, xxxviii, xl
tail and snake 346
tall and short people 520
tanner 10, 543–4
Tebertus 402
Tellus, see Gaia
Temple, Robert and Olivia xxx, xxxvi
Tereus 213
tern 331
Tertullian 178
Thackeray, William Makepeace 52
Thales xviii 152, 314, 317
Theban and Athenian 185
Thebes (Egypt) 274
Themistius xxv
Themistocles 82
Theocritus 302
Theodosius xxiii
Theseus 185
thief 79, 88, 436, 523
and boy 150
nd mother 496
and rooster 122
see also robber
thistles 553
thorn bush 26, 552–3
Thrace ix, 60, 314
thrush 138
Tiberius xxi, 386
and attendant 593
ticks, fox and hedgehog xv, 29
tiger 20, 246, 600
Tiresias and Hermes 475
tortoise and eagle 239, 331
and hare 237
and Zeus 508
and crow and eagle 111–12
traveller 82, 165, 368
and axe 93
and bear 91
and Hermes 476
and raven 273, 318–19
tree 81, 200–3
and axe 41
and gods 205
and king 26
and wedges 42
without fruit 463
tripe 539
Troy 594
trumpet 121
Truth and Prometheus 530
in wilderness 531
truthful man and liar 108
tuna and dolphin 160
and fisherman 420
turtle, see tortoise
Tyche, see Fortune
unicorn 110
Valerius Maximus 412, 588
van Dijk, Gert-Jan xxiii, xxx–xxxi, xxxix
vegetables and weeds 501
Venus, see Aphrodite
Vindobonesis (Collectio Vindobonesis) xxi
vine 26, 80, 157
viper 138
and farmer 440
and file 305
and water-snake 54
see also snake
Virgil 465
vixen and bird 101
Vulcan, see Hephaestus
vulture 61, 96, 263, 312, 405
wagon and driver 225
wall and stake 277
Wallich, Reb Moshe xxxviii
Walter of Chatillon 110
Walter of England xl, 175
war 12, 51, 55, 60, 220, 533
of birds and beasts 362–3
of mouse and weasel 364, 455
of sheep and wolves 31–2
wasp 178
and butterfly 199
and partridge 124
and snake 161
watchdog 68, 88
water-snake 27, 54
see also snake
waves 491
wayfarer, see traveller
weasel 153, 364, 455
and file 304
and fox 443
and mouse 298
and owner 378
and partridge 214
and snake 63
bride 350
wedges 42
weeds and vegetables 501
wethers and butcher 58
whale 220
Widdows, P. F. xxxvi
widow and Augustus 594
and hen 433
and husband’s will 549
and ploughman 578
and sheep 386
‘Widow of Ephesus’ 577
wife and husband 243, 359, 478, 483, 538, 549, 558, 570, 574, 594
Winter and Spring 184
witch on trial 315
wolf 60, 168, 234, 381, 399, 550
and crane 46
and dog asleep 117
and dog’s collar 3
and dog make peace 30
and donkey 371
and donkey’s hoof 312
and farmer 357
and fox 86, 146, 330
and fox in court 179
and goat 100, 266
and hides 442
and hunter 372
and kid 301
and kid’s escape 356
and lamb 20, 130
and lion 169, 265
and nurse 282–3
and pig 402
and plough 358
and raven 390–1
and shadow xiii, 265
and sheep 31, 33, 103, 109, 151, 175–6
and sheep’s insults 221
and sheepskin 321
and shepherd 34, 35, 38, 146, 321
and shepherds eating 392
as doctor 309
as midwife 311
called ‘Lion’ 330
and dog and sheep 32, 174
and dog and shepherd 39
and fox and lion 15, 17
and fox and three true things 109
and lion and pig 169
wolf-cub 34–7
woman 571
carried by man 576
gets sense put into her 575
of Sybaris 180
see also daughter, mother, old woman, slave-woman, widow, wife
woodcutter 230
wrasse 190
wren 238
writer 556
Xanthus ix, 567
Xenophon xxv, 67, 535
young man and prostitute 254
man and swallow 274
Ysengrimus xx, 402
Zenobius xxxvii, 350
Zeus (statue) 562
Zeus (temple) 523, 577
Zeus 205, 253, 406, 413, 423, 518, 525–8
and ant 513
and Apollo 162, 182, 529
and bee 509
and camel 510
and donkeys 568
and eagle 153
and fox 351
and frogs 27, 436
and goats 512
and hare 511
and Hermes 10, 27, 329, 522, 524, 569
and logos 514
and oaks 40
and potsherds 524
and Prometheus 515, 530, 535
and snake 135
and tortoise 508
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