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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  She left their side and walked to her section. He watched as she reached out and touched the sleeve of one of the shirts they’d bought. Each of them had selected a number of clothing items they each wanted to see her in. Once they’d made a large selection of clothes, underwear and shoes, they had then moved on to more conventional clothing.

  Some of the stuff would not be suitable outside the walls of their bedroom.

  “You guys do know this is a little stalkerish, right?” She turned to them with a frown on her face.

  Markus tensed at her words.

  “I mean, you sent bags, shoes, and underwear to me, and all the time you were preparing a wardrobe for me.” She shook her head in their direction.

  “Is it such a problem to have us devoted to you?” Markus asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’ve never done this for any other women apart from you. When it came to other women, they were not worth the time or the effort it took to do this,” Brant said, pointing at the shelves stocked with new clothes. The effort when it came to Tessie hadn’t registered with them. They would have traveled to where the clothes were made if it made her smile. There was no such thing as effort when it came to their woman.

  “I don’t mind. I mean, it kind of makes me feel special, and then I think about all those wasted years.” She glanced behind her, a small smile lifting her lips. “I’d advise you not to do this again for any other woman. They might get the law involved, because there are some serious stalking issues.”

  “There will never be another woman, Tessie. You’re our woman, and that’s the way it’s going to be,” Brant said, taking her in his arms.

  Her vanilla scent surrounded him, calming his nerves.

  “So much time lost. I wish you’d come to me sooner,” she said, letting out a sigh.

  “None of us were ready then. All of our lives went crazy for a time.” Brant kissed her head and sensed his brother moving close.

  Opening his eyes, he saw Markus reaching out to stroke her face.

  “There will never be anyone but you, Tessie.”

  “Okay, well, will one of you pick something for me to wear?” she asked, gesturing at all the clothes.

  “Do you really think we’ll be letting you wear clothes?” Brant bust out laughing. There was no way he was letting his woman wear something to bed. He saw Markus had the same thoughts.

  “I’ve never gone to bed naked. It’s something I can’t do.”

  “Learn, baby.”

  Brant dropped the towel and pulled her back into the main bedroom. Tessie better get used to being naked in their room. Clothes would have to be banned, otherwise.

  Chapter Ten

  Tessie felt a tongue between her legs. She let out a moan as that tongue pressed deep inside her. Arching her pelvis up to meet the thrusting tongue, she opened her eyes and stared up at the blank, white ceiling.

  Glancing to the side of her, she saw Markus lay beside her with his head in his hands. “We wondered which would be the best method of waking you up. Brant won and he got to lick you out.”

  “How did you decide?” she asked, gasping as two fingers replaced the tongue inside her.

  “Rock, paper, scissors. Brant won, like he always does. It’s so unfair. I think he knows what I’m thinking before I even do.”

  She rolled her eyes. How could she think with fingers and tongue wreaking havoc with her pussy?

  Licking her lips, she turned to stare at the ceiling. Markus laughed at her eye-roll.

  “Stop laughing at me,” she said, turning her head to the top of the drawer beside their bed.

  Her gaze landed on the butt plug and the tube of lubricant.

  “I planned on using that on you last night. You distracted me with your perfect pussy and then curling up against me last night.”

  She smiled. When they’d gotten her to the bed, she didn’t have energy last night to do anything but curl up and sleep. She hadn’t needed a blanket. Markus and Brant were warm enough for her.

  “How do you think you can handle it this morning?” Markus asked.

  Tessie groaned, unable to answer his question. “I’ve got to work this morning.”

  “We’ll take you soon. It’s early, and we’ve got time for some loving before we go,” Markus said. His hand moved down her chest, circling her nipple, then down to her belly button.

  Brant added a third finger deep inside her.

  She tightened on him as he stretched her cunt. Tessie felt her cream leaking out of her pussy down to moisten her anus.

  It was a strange feeling, having her cream coat her rosette, but Brant’s tongue and lips were doing all the work in distracting her. She couldn’t even think about work with their mouths on her body.

  Markus leaned down, nibbling on her nipple and smiling up at her. She’d never seen him tease before. The way he was being with her was refreshing.

  Being the oldest Stone, Markus had always come across as too serious.

  “I can’t think.”

  “We’ve both told you several times, baby, we don’t want you thinking.” Markus tweaked her free nipple, chuckling as she cried out. “So responsive. I can’t wait to have my cock fucking between your tits.” He pressed her breasts together and showed her with his finger down her cleavage where he would go.

  She shook her head, opening her legs wider. Brant left her alone as she was at the point of climax. He kept her at that edge and didn’t let her fall off. Gasping for breath, she let out a frustrated groan.

  “Why did you stop? I was so close.”

  Brant leaned over her, took one of the condoms, and tore the foil. “I stopped because I don’t want you coming until I’m inside you. I want to feel your tight little cunt gripping me as you go over that edge.” She watched as he placed the condom over his thick shaft, rolling it down.

  “This is going to be fun to watch,” Markus said. He was palming his own erection while watching them.

  In the brief time it took her to look at Markus, Brant had aligned his cock and slammed deep inside. She cried out. His cock was thick, like Markus, and long like Markus, but unlike last night, she hadn’t already been taken by a large cock. Brant seemed bigger, as her sore pussy wasn’t used to such penetration. She held onto Markus’s free hand while also searching for Brant.

  Both of her men held her hands. She was thrust between two Stones and she loved every second of it.

  “Fuck, she’s so tight. I didn’t expect her to be so tight.” After he spoke, he let out a groan and pressed deeper without thrusting out. He ground his pelvis against her.

  She cried out as Markus pinched both her nipples at the same time. “She’s so fucking responsive. I can’t wait to see her reactions to the butt plug.”

  Another moan escaped her as Brant pulled all the way out of her body until the tip of him was at her entrance. He slammed back inside and Markus released her nipples from between his thumbs and fingers.

  “So pretty and red.” Markus’s mouth replaced his fingers.

  Brant started thrusting inside her. His hands held onto her hips tightly, increasing the pressure with each stroke.

  “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” she said, repeating the words over and over. Tessie had been wanting to say them for so long. Being a virgin and without a boyfriend had hindered any chance of saying them. Not only was she not a virgin anymore, she also had two boyfriends to give her all the pleasure she needed.

  “Tell us what you want,” Brant said. He gritted his teeth as he pumped into her.

  “Everything.” At that moment, she couldn’t think of anything that she wanted more than for both men to love her. Their passion surrounded her, making it hard for her to process. Her body was merely a vessel of pleasure. There was nothing for her to do but lay back and watch.

  “Brant, how do you feel to me getting the plug in her ass while you fuck her?”

  “Fuck, she likes that. Her pussy has just tightened around me like a fist.”

sp; “Good.” Brant pulled out of her as Markus arranged the pillows at the top of the bed. “We’ll get everything ready for her to take you.”

  Tessie stood at the end of the bed, watching as Brant positioned himself amongst the pillows. He waved her over and Markus took her hand, helping her onto the bed. Before she made it to Brant, he slipped a finger between her folds.

  “So wet. I bet you never spent time like this getting ready for work.” Markus slapped her ass as she passed him.

  No, she’d never gotten ready for work like this, but Tessie knew she could get used to their attentions in no time.

  * * * *

  Markus helped her over his brother, and only when Brant had slid all the way inside her tight little cunt did he let go.

  He eased back and watched the show. The new position put Tessie on top. Her head was flung back and a cry of pleasure released from her lips. He moved forward and saw her rock-hard nipples were hard and pointed. Brant soon covered her nipples with his lips.

  “She looks so good,” Markus said, running a hand down her back. Her brown hair curled at the ends, caressing the cheeks of her ass. He loved her brown hair. He’d spent many nights dreaming about wrapping the locks around his fist and fucking her. Markus had spent a great deal of time fantasizing about Tessie in all different kinds of sexual situations.

  Brant squeezed her ass, opening her cheeks wide. He got a good look at her rosette and saw that her cream had started to lubricate her tight entrance.

  Markus spent a few seconds watching as his brother fucked her tight pussy. Markus remembered the feel of being inside her and knew his brother was experiencing paradise at that moment. She was incredibly tight, and her walls fluttered around his shaft like a butterfly did its wings.

  Shaking his head, Markus reached for the butt plug and lubrication. Everything they’d bought was brand-new for Tessie. He picked up the plug and flicked the cap off the top of the lube. Markus made sure to cover the whole of the thin, long plug. He’d bought a starter one so they could get Tessie used to having her ass filled.

  Only when she could take a decent-sized plug would he consider taking her anally.

  After he covered the plug, he squeezed a good amount above her rosette. He threw the tube across the bed, then smeared his fingers in the clear substance he’d placed on her ass.

  She tensed the instant he touched her.

  Brant talked to her, coaxing her to relax against him.

  Tessie remained tense.

  “Come on, baby. You want to take us together, don’t you?” Markus asked, stroking his fingers over her anus. He didn’t push or press.

  “Yes, but I’ve never had anything up there. I mean…it’s an outy hole.”

  Markus and Brant both chuckled. Markus heard her growl in frustration. “We’ll be careful with you and in no time, you’ll be begging for something bigger to satisfy you.”

  Markus leaned forward, laid a kiss to her neck, and started to whisper in her ear. “We would never do anything to hurt you, Tessie. You’re our woman to love and to take care of. We’re both responsible for giving you mind-blowing pleasure. What kind of man would I be if I didn’t give you mind-blowing pleasure?”

  “A pretty bad one.”

  “Yeah, a pretty bad one, and I don’t like being bad at pleasure. I need you to relax before I do anything more. I need you to trust me. Can you do that?”

  She nodded her head. Brant cupped her face, pulling her down for a kiss.

  Slowly, Markus saw her relax into Brant’s kiss. Her body lost all signs of being tense and he took the time to stroke her anus once again. When she didn’t tense up, he pressed his fingers into her tight hole. He only got the first one in and sank all the way to the knuckle. Markus pumped the first finger inside her until she was pressing back against him. Even with Brant inside her, their Tessie wanted more.

  He added a second finger, sawing it into her ass. Markus watched her perfect, round ass swallow his fingers. His cock tightened and all he wanted to do was throw caution to the wind and take that tiny little asshole.

  Instead of doing that, he pumped his fingers repeatedly inside her, watching her accept more of him. She thrust back to meet each stroke of his hand.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “Do you like the feel of that?” he asked.

  “Yes, I do. So much.” Her voice sounded breathy.

  With his fingers inside her, he gave Brant a nod to fuck her hard and fast. His brother slammed her down on him. Her tits bounced with every hard thrust.

  She screamed and he kept his fingers in her ass during Brant’s harsh fucking.

  Brant stopped after several seconds and Markus removed his fingers and pressed the tip of the plug at her ass.

  In time with Brant’s thrust, Markus worked the well-lubed plug into her ass. He went slowly and made sure she was comfortable with every inch that he sank inside. When he was done, he heard his brother curse.

  “She’s tighter than before.”

  “I bet. I’ve got to change her position. I want to feel her mouth around my cock.” Markus kept his palm on the plug, wishing it was his cock inside her ass, feeling her tight, forbidden heat.

  “Please, give me a minute. I can’t think with you both moving. I need time.” Tessie held her hands up in surrender. She had a cock in her pussy and a plug up her ass. Markus stroked her back, moving the hair out of the way to kiss her shoulder.

  “You’re making me so proud. Your ass won’t be a virgin one for much longer.” He figured Brant would be claiming her ass, seeing as he claimed her pussy. Then, in a way, they’d both taken her virginity.

  “I’m ready to be changed.” She nodded her head. Brant looked at him, confused.

  “Her ass will be facing you. You’ll stay where you are, she’ll turn around, and you get to control the plug going in and out of her ass.”

  Brant let out a groan. Markus didn’t take the time to listen to him. He helped her off Brant once again, turned her and then settled her over his brother. Her knees were on either side of Brant’s waist. Her ass was in the air for Brant to see and her pussy sucking Brant’s cock inside.

  All Markus wanted was her perfect lips wrapped around his shaft. Only when she was comfortable did he settle in front of her face.

  “Why the change of position?” she asked.

  “If I didn’t change you around, I wouldn’t get the chance to have your lovely lips wrapped around my cock, and I want those lips on me.”

  He wrapped her hair around his fist, pulling her head up in the process.

  “She looks so sexy with this plug inside her.”

  “I know.” He looked down into her lust-filled eyes and knew in his heart of hearts there was no other woman for him. Tessie completed him.

  * * * *

  Brant couldn’t see what his brother was doing, but whatever it was tightened her pussy around his shaft. Staring at the plug, he felt his cock pulse with renewed pleasure. The changing of positions had made him lose some of his stiffness, but not enough to stop himself being hard.

  He watched his brother wrap her hair around his fist and then saw the relief cross Markus’s face.

  “Her mouth is on me,” he said.

  Smiling, Brant returned his attention to her ass and the tightness wrapped around him. Pressing his palm to the plug, he held it in place while with his free hand he caressed her buttocks. Her body shuddered above him.

  This was the perfect way to start a morning. He looked forward to taking her to breakfast and then coming back home to work.

  Pulling on the butt plug, he watched as her ass was spread around the device, and then worked the plug back inside her.

  He did this several times, relishing the view of the plug going in and out of her body. There was nothing stopping him from fucking her hard. Markus was getting his cock sucked and he wanted to enjoy watching her ass learn to take a cock. Her pussy fluttered around him, letting him know she was growing aroused.

  “Such a
pretty ass.” He finally left the plug and started stroking the cheeks of her ass. When he could no longer stand it anymore, he gripped her hips and thrust up inside her tight cunt.

  Tessie cried out. The sound was muffled with her mouth being full, but he’d recognize her cries of pleasure anywhere.

  Brant rammed inside her, relentless in his thrusts. He gave her everything, hitting the spot deep inside her.

  “I’m close,” Markus said.

  Reaching around, he caressed her clit, feeling the hard nub pulse anew. He couldn’t bear to come without her reaching orgasm and he’d already denied her one release.

  The grip in her hair tightened and Markus let out a groan. His brother’s release echoed around the room. Brant didn’t stop with his caresses. He rubbed her gently. She left Markus’s cock after she’d swallowed his cum.

  She let out a groan. Her ass moved up and down on his shaft as her pussy tightened around him.

  “I’m close,” she warned.

  Brant was holding off his release until she came. He kept stroking her and within seconds, she splintered apart in his arms. Her cries filled the room and even with his fingers on her clit, Brant fucked her hard.

  His orgasm was there for him, waiting. With one final thrust, he slammed inside and poured his seed into the waiting condom.

  His growl filled the room like Markus’s and Tessie’s had seconds ago. Collapsing to the bed, all he wanted to do was curl up in a ball and forget about going to work. He suddenly felt really tired and in need of plenty of rest.

  “Wow,” Tessie said, filling the silence.

  “Yeah, my thoughts exactly.” Brant reached out, stroking her hair.

  They lay together in blissful calm.

  “I hate to burst the bubble, but we’ve got to prepare Tessie to keep the plug inside her and get her to work in under an hour,” Markus said.

  Brant threw a pillow at him. “You’re such a spoilsport.”

  Markus threw it back at him. He caught it and put the pillow behind him. Tapping Tessie’s ass, he waited for her to turn toward him. “I’m going to take the plug out and then clean you up.”


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