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The Year I Met August

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by Renea Porter

  “You’re on!” August declared.

  I got on August’s shoulders while Mel got on Brandon’s. Facing her, I reached for her and we struggled for a bit until I knocked her off. Once I got her off, I fell back into the water.

  “That’s my girl!” August gave me a high five.

  After playing in the water and hiking for a few hours, we headed back. In his driveway, I bid August goodbye, promising to see him tomorrow. I was giddy as we walked the rest of the way home.

  “I can tell August really likes you, Murph. That make out sesh looked hot.” She fanned herself.

  “We were not making out,” I pointed out.

  She laughed. “You so were.”

  Back at home, Mom was fixing dinner and told us to go get cleaned up.

  Chapter Five


  “Today is my birthday! I’m officially eighteen!”

  The family is gathered outside. We were having a cookout and lounging by the pool.

  “How’s it feel to be eighteen?” my brother asked after my outburst.

  “I don’t feel different. But at the same time, I do.”

  “You’re no longer a baby. But you’ll always be my baby sister.” He rubbed his knuckle on my head.


  He looked to August. “And if you hurt her, I’m coming for you.”


  He shrugged. “What? I wouldn’t be a good brother if I wasn’t protective over you.”

  “You don’t have anything to worry about, man,” August stated.

  “I sure hope not,” Jacob retorted.

  “Can we please change the subject? Or are we going to have a pissing contest?” I asked.

  “Murphy Lee!” Mom scolded me.

  Mom brought out the cold side dishes to go with the meat Dad was grilling. We all grabbed a plate and got some food. August sat across from me at the picnic table. The gathering turned out perfect with my family.

  Nerves were balled up in my stomach, because I was secretly hoping that tonight would be the night. I had already been placed on birth control, courtesy of my mom because of what Melanie went through. I vowed I would never give away my innocence to just anyone. But then again, August was not just anyone, even if I’d just known him a short time ago.

  After dinner, Mom brought out the ice cream and cake lit with candles. Every one sang Happy Birthday to me. The sun was setting as things started winding down for the group as a few people started splitting off to do their own thing. August was sitting next to me on a lounge chaise, his arm around my waist, his fingers grazing the bare skin above my bikini bottom.

  My parents retreated into the house while we lounged with my sister and Brandon. Brandon got the fire pit going so we could make s’mores.

  “This is a great way to end a birthday,” I admitted.

  “Happy birthday, sis. I’m sure it will be a memorable one.” She winked.

  “Thanks. It’s already the best.”

  Feeling August close to me had been so great. Was that what couples did? My parents didn’t seem to mind.

  “Am I coming over later?” I turned to ask August.

  “If you can get away.”

  “I will.”

  “I have a special birthday present for you,” he announced.

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. You want it now? This is kind of the perfect setting.”

  “Sure,” I shrugged.

  He disappeared for several minutes, surprising me when he returned with a guitar. He sat and rested the guitar in his hands. “I didn’t write this, but it’s kind of fitting.” He strums the guitar and I see this is his element.

  I stand back while he sat facing me. He started to sing a song I was familiar with. One of my favorites, actually. It’s called ‘Till I fall Asleep’ by Jayme Dee. Yes the words are perfect; so fitting for us.

  Our eyes locked together and his never left mine. The words touched me so deep into my soul that I didn’t notice anything else but him singing the soulful words to me. It’s just the two of us. He was into the song, and the fact that he learned to play it, caught me off guard.

  We walked a fine line, so we could walk away in a week without being hurt. I was already in this, preparing myself for the heartbreak that would befall me.

  The song ended and I ran toward him, colliding into a crushing kiss. I didn’t care who was around. I wanted to get lost in him, and I could easily, until someone cleared their throat. “Get a room,” Brandon teased.

  I smiled against August’s lips. “That was the best gift ever,” I declared.

  “Good, because I learned it just for you. And with the fire going, it was a perfect time to bring out the guitar.”

  “How long have you played?” I questioned.

  “Since I was little. My dad taught me.”

  “Wow. That was amazing, August,” Melanie chimed in.

  August stood and pulled me into him. There was such a pull between us, and we weren’t stopping it. It felt electrifying, like a current rolling within me. He was the lightning to my thunder.

  “I should go, for now,” he whispered.

  “You should. I’ll see you later.”

  We kissed before separating, our hands still touching as we walked away to leave the other. I didn’t want to let go. I wanted to hold on tight for as long as possible. Mel put her arm over my shoulder and we walked into the house. It was late; we deemed we were headed to bed. I was exhausted. That was no lie.

  After a shower, I slid into bed, deciding to sleep for two hours. “Do you think you can wake me up in two hours?” I asked Mel while she got on the computer.

  “Sure. Get some rest,” she told me.

  My eyes closed and I was out like a light.

  Two hours later, I was being shaken awake. “Murph, wake up. Are you going to see August?” Mel asked.

  Stirring in the bed, I woke and changed into a pair shorts and a tank, while I texted August that I’d be on my way. I brushed my hair and put it into a loose ponytail. I walked out the front door without being noticed. I wasn’t sure how’d I get back in, but I would worry about that later. I walked into the night, to August’s place. A figure appeared around the corner, and I spotted him waiting for me.

  Taking my hand into his, we walked together to his house. I wondered if he knew the reason for the late night visit. We made out a little bit once, but tonight I wanted more. I needed more. We never spoke until we entered the house.

  “What do you want to do? Watch a movie.”

  Biting my lip, I shook my head. “Can we go to your room?” I couldn’t look him in the face. I was too embarrassed to see his reaction.

  But when I did look up, he smiled and said, “Sure.”

  He closed the door behind us and pressed his forehead to mine. “What am I going to do with you, Murphy?”

  I whispered, “I only have five days left.” With our heads pressed together, I was getting a good view of his full lips. “Even though I’m leaving, I want you, August.”

  I looked at him, searching his eyes to answer mine. “You mean…”

  Biting my lower lip, I nodded.

  “Are you sure? We don’t have a lot of time together.”

  “I know. I’m willing to risk it. This is what I want. And I want to be with you.”

  My breathing was already accelerated as he leaned forward, cupping my face in his hands as he kissed me. His tongue slid inside and tangled with mine. I could barely breathe. I didn’t want to breathe. I wanted to be one with him.

  “I’m nervous,” I admitted.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll go slow. If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me. Okay?”

  I gripped his neck and looked deep in his eyes. “Okay. Now shut up and make love to me, August.”

  He chuckled. Taking my hand, we walked to the bed. With him hovering over me, he took most of the control, while I surrendered myself to him, heart and soul. He owned it all, and I was a crazy stupid girl who was in lov
e with a guy I barely knew and could not be with. It wasn’t like I could help it, or deny it. The pull between us was impalpable. He made me feel alive, and awakened things in me I didn’t know existed.

  Chapter Six


  It was late and I had to pull myself away from August. The night was magical as August went slow and took his time, making sure I was okay every step of the way. I was on a high from the way he made me feel.

  I moved to stand from the bed. “I have to go.”

  “You have to go?”

  “Yes, if I want to live. Don’t you have to work?” I giggled.

  He groaned. “We’re only open until one on Saturdays. Text me later if you want to hang out.”

  “I will. Thanks for everything.”

  I pulled my clothes on and leaned down to kiss him. My legs felt like jelly. I stumbled out of the room and walked home, alone. I didn’t regret my decision to lose my virginity to him.

  On the way home, I replayed the night. It was definitely something to remember. Now how was I getting back into the house? Obviously it was too early for anyone to be up, but there was always a risk when walking into the front door at six a.m. And I really didn’t need a lecture. Sneaking in the back door was my only option. Around here, we didn’t lock our doors at night. We probably should, but the community barely had any crime. It was mostly locals or summer renters.

  I turned the knob slowly and quietly and it opened with ease. But felt a jerk as I stumbled inside. It was my brother. “Are you just now coming in?” Jacob asked.

  “Um, yeah. Don’t you dare say anything,” I warned.

  “Were you with August?”

  “Yeah. What are you doing up?”

  “I’m going for a run before it gets too hot out.”

  I took the stairs two at a time and slid into bed unnoticed, besides being caught by Jacob. Finding sleep was difficult, because I was so awake from being with August. Sitting up in bed, I grabbed my Kindle and hoped that I could fall asleep soon.

  My mind was running in overdrive as I realized I had four days left. I had no idea how this was going to go. I guess I had no choice but to make the best of it. Slowly, my eyes drifted and dreams invaded my mind.


  Feeling a pounce on my bed, I awoke to Mel’s smiling face. “Wake up, sleepy head. How was your night?” She winked.

  “It was great.” I couldn’t help but smile. Even with our five year difference, I still confided in her, and she understood where I was coming from. Plus, she had more knowledge about stuff.

  “Yeah, it’s written all over your face. You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe. This is bad, isn’t it? I can’t help it. He’s so freaking perfect. He was an absolute gentleman, too, which means a lot to me.”

  “I’m so happy for you. This is your first love, Murphy. I think it’s only natural for you to feel this way. I mean, we are talking about August.” She laughed.

  “Yeah.” I joined her in laughing. “I’m leaving in four days, Mel.”

  She reached over and placed her hand on mine. “I know. But you will be okay. You’re following your dreams. Don’t lose sight of that. Besides, Dad would kill you.”

  “I know. Let’s go downstairs. I’m sure Mom is making breakfast.”

  We sat at the table; my brother was at work, so I didn’t have to see his suspicious eyes. Hopefully, he’d keep his mouth shut. He was older than me and Mel, so I’d imagine he wouldn’t mention it. He was just protective over me, like my father. It was suffocating sometimes. There was a plus side to leaving in four days. I wouldn’t have to answer to no one but myself. Maybe that made me sound like a spoiled brat.

  “So, you ready for your internship?” Dad asked at the table.

  I put on my brightest smile. “I’m so excited.”

  “Good. Your workload is going to be pretty hectic when school starts and I want you to stay focused.”

  “I know that, Dad. Don’t worry about it.”

  “I know you got this, Murphy. Just don’t get too attached to that boy,” he said.

  “You know what? I’m glad I’m leaving in four days.” I got up from the table and went straight to my room until I knew August would be home after work

  It was a little after one when I texted August.

  M- I’m outside of your house.

  A - Come on in. Doors open.

  I walked in and found him in the kitchen making something to eat.

  Stopping what he was doing, he came over and hugged me. “Are you okay?”

  I shoved my hands in the back of my shorts pockets. “Yes. No. I don’t know.”

  He tried not to laugh. “Why don’t you sit and tell me what’s going on? You hungry?”


  He sat down across from me.

  “My dad just aggravates me to no end. He’s always making snide comments about me seeing you, and how my priorities better be straight when I leave. Not to get too attached to you, and so on.”

  “Murph, relax. Take a breath.”

  I took a deep breath. More like a sigh. “I told him he didn’t have to worry. But he still makes his comments. Part of me is glad to leave because he won’t be hovering anymore. And my decisions will be my own.”

  “I’m sorry, Murph. You wanna hang here with me today?”

  I nodded.

  He finished eating and came over to me. “Come here.”

  I stood and he embraced me. With his arms around me, I felt safe and content.

  “If you’re staying here, at least text your sister to let her know you’re with me, so no one worries. I know it’s a pain. But you are still living under their roof, so you have to play by their rules.”

  “Good idea.” Pulling out my phone, I texted my sister that I was with August. She figured as much.

  “What do you want to do today?”

  “Get wrapped up in you,” I said, looking up at him.

  “That can be arranged. Then what?”

  “I guess we’ll see,” I said, giving him my best come hither look as I walked to his bedroom. I didn’t have to look to know he was following me.

  In his room, clothes came off fairly quick. I needed him. This was my second time with him, but that didn’t lessen the nervousness in me. He kissed me, and my cares drifted far away. I reveled in the kisses, and the way he was touching me and making me feel.

  If love was a drug, I’d be addicted. Addicted to August.

  We stayed in bed most of the day, only coming up for air to eat. It felt like we learned so much more about each other. We even asked the silliest questions, each other’s favorite colors, foods, and the simplest things that made us happy. But the day was slipping away from us fast, and I wasn’t prepared to leave, or to face my father.

  “Come on. Let me show you something.” He reached for my hand.

  “Where’s your mom?”

  “She’s working, like always,” he told me.

  The house was so grand that there was another floor of rooms. And once we were through a small door, we were on the roof of The Blue Beacon Manor. It was a sight. I was flabbergasted.


  The midnight sky was lit up with so many stars, it seemed like it was another galaxy.

  “This is my place…where I come and think. No one knows except you,” he said, lying on his back.

  I lay next to him, our heads almost touching. “I’m honored that you showed me. It’s magnificent.”

  Reaching over, our fingers interlocked and I felt peaceful with the surrounding; only we existed.

  “August,” I breathed.


  “I think I’m falling for you. I know I said I could walk away after ten days of knowing you…”

  Crashing his lips with mine, he cut me off. We kissed until I had to come up for air. Placing a finger over my lips, he shushed me. “Don’t make this any more complicated than it is.” He swept my cheek with the back of his hand, lessoning
the sting from his words. “My sweet Murphy.”

  Hooking my hand over his arm, I finally spoke. “I should go. It’s late.”

  “I’ll walk you home.”

  Offering his hand, he helped me up and we walked back through the house and out the front door. We held hands the whole time. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything about falling for him. We agreed to just walk away once I was supposed to leave, but I wasn’t so sure I could anymore.

  I didn’t want that to be the end of whatever this was. We deserved a chance to explore this further, if he would accept this was our fate.

  August walked me to the door, like a perfect gentleman. “Thanks for walking me home.”

  “Anytime. Call me tomorrow,” he requested.

  “I will. See ya. Thanks for today.”

  He looked back. “Anytime.”

  I walked into the house and found Mom in the kitchen straightening up. “Hey.” I grabbed an apple out of the basket on the counter.

  “Hey there, Murph. You with August?”

  “Yeah, Mel was supposed to tell you so you wouldn’t worry,” I told her.

  “She did. You really like him, huh?”

  “I do. It’s Mel’s fault for introducing us.” I laughed.

  “No matter what your dad says, I think August is good for you. You balance each other out. I see the way he looks at you, and he knows you are special.” She twirled one of my curls in her fingers. “Just don’t rush things, okay, kiddo?”

  “I won’t, Mom. I’m going to head to bed.” I leaned up and kissed her on the cheek.

  Chapter Seven


  I slept in on Sunday. But the commotion downstairs woke me. When I realized there was arguing, I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs.

  I was stunned by the scene before me. Dad was talking to August in his office, and I burst in like a tornado. “What’s going on?”

  I was confused seeing the two in his office. August was clearly pissed. “Your father is trying to buy me off so I stop seeing you. Clearly, he didn’t like my answer.” August’s jaw ticked.


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