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The Year I Met August

Page 10

by Renea Porter

“You’ll get through this,” I assured her.

  “Are you coming right back here after your classes? I don’t want to be here alone.”

  Hooking my bag over my shoulder, I looked at her. “I’ll be here. I’ll bring pizza, okay?”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. Then we walked to class. I dropped her off at her class first, assuring her I’d see her after my classes, and then I continued on to my class.

  The light in her eyes was dim now. And the days from then on would be a struggle for her. She just had to take it day by day.


  A week later, the perp was arrested on campus. Several other ladies came forward with similar stories. Even Gwen stood with the ladies. I told her she was the bravest person I knew, and I was proud of her that she, too, came forward.

  “It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders,” she confessed.

  “Good. You can start moving on and putting your life back together. Try to heal and be okay. I’m always here.”

  But that wouldn’t be the last time the events of that day were mentioned.

  Chapter Twenty One

  It had been two weeks since Gwen’s attack. The guy accused was standing trial and had become national news. Everything was out in the open.

  Gwen had some good days, and some bad days. I was there for every second she needed me. If I wasn’t in class, I was with her. She never wanted to be alone. She was still scared and scarred.

  We’d grown closer than ever, revealing secrets that only the other knew. That was what friends were for, right? We were building the friendship on a deeper level. I tried to keep her mind occupied with everything else but that incident.

  Amongst everything else, the coursework increased, because clinicals start next year, so our instructors have been prepping us for the upcoming year. The workload is a lot. My brain felt fried by the end of the week. But, August and I have remained in contact, either by text or phone calls, and I was thankful for that. He’s was my escape, and there was only two more weeks before I get to see his gorgeous face.


  It was Friday night and Gwen and I were in our room. Gwen was having a bad day. She was lounging on my bed while I tried to study. But then she started to talk.

  “Every time I close my eyes, the events flash back to that day of the attack. I can’t get it out of my head. I’d sleep with a guy to get rid of that image, but the thought sickens me. But I need someone to take away this pain.”

  She was no virgin, but she didn’t sleep around a lot either. She chose her partners carefully.

  “It’ll get better with time. I promise. Maybe you can find some sort of meetings to attend, or do something to cope.”

  “Maybe. I’ll look into that. I just wish these nightmares would go away.”

  “I know. One day at a time, BFF.”


  Two weeks passed, and that day and the horrible event was never spoken of again.

  Gwen bounced on my bed, causing the books on my lap to shuffle. “Whatcha doing?”

  “Studying for a test. You should be, too.”

  She grabbed her bag and pulled out her books so we could study. Since the days passed, she didn’t seem to need me so much. Things were getting back to normal. And I needed time to myself as well. Slowly, the old Gwen was coming back. I was starting to see the glint in her eyes that was once vibrant. Gradually, she was getting back to her old self.

  With the work load from school, it was often hard to keep up, but I was exceling in all my classes. They didn’t call us the elites for nothing. But I was looking forward to winter break. And seeing August was definitely something I was looking forward to.

  Friday finally came. I was going home for two solid weeks. I was excited to see and touch August. Granted, we talked and Skyped, but that was nothing compared to actually touching him.

  As Gwen and I packed for our trips, I suddenly felt her arms wrapping around my shoulders. She hugged me tight. “I never thanked you for being there for me a few weeks back. I could never repay you for what you’ve done. You’re a true friend, and the most selfless person I know. You were there whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, or just to hear me vent.

  “What are friends for?” I smiled. “I’m glad to see my old Gwen coming back.”

  She smiled back at me.

  I zipped my suitcase up.

  Gwen and I continued chatting until there was a knock at the door.

  Swinging it open, August greeted me with the widest smile. He scooped me up in his arms and hugged me, then pressed his lips to mine for a quick peck. Setting me down, my feet landed back on land and I motioned him inside.

  “I’ll get my stuff.”

  “Hi, August. Nice to see you again,” Gwen said.

  “It’s Gwen, right?”

  “It is.”

  “It’s nice to see you, too.”

  Hooking one bag on my shoulder, August took possession of my suitcase.

  Gwen gave me a hug and waved us off.

  Hand in hand, August and I walked to his car and loaded my bags in the trunk. Then I took the passenger seat while August slipped in behind the wheel.

  “Finally, I get you all to myself,” August said, leaning over to kiss me.

  “I missed you.” His fingers lightly grazed my cheek.

  My eyes fluttered open and he took my hand, bringing my fingers up to his lips to kiss them. “I missed you, too.” He held onto it while he drove with the other hand.

  The car filled with silence before he spoke again. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m just worried about Gwen is all.”

  “Oh. Because of the rape and all?”

  “Yeah. She’s pulling through, though. She’s tough.”

  Obviously, he had heard the news since everything went public.

  “She has you to lean on, so I’m sure that’s helped her.”

  He kissed my fingers again. My stomach was in a ball of knots, but I smiled at him.

  We only stopped once so I could use the restroom, and then we continued to drive straight through to Dragon’s Bay.

  He pulled in my driveway, Mom was already expecting us. As soon as we opened the door, we were greeted with hugs and kisses while Dad mumbled ‘Hi’ from his chair. The tension was still high between us. I brushed it off. I had other things on my mind.

  Hanging our coats, we followed Mom into the kitchen.

  “I’m just going to take this to your room,” August said, with my suitcase in hand.

  Once he wasn’t within earshot, Mom spoke in a whispered voice. “He’s a good one, Murph.”

  I smiled. “I know.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  “Well, come and sit. I’ll make you two some hot cocoa. Tell me about school. How are those girls holding up?” She moved about the kitchen.

  I folded my hands on the counter. “Okay, I guess. I’m only friends with one of the girls. We share a dorm room, and she’s holding up.”

  She passed August and I a mug of cocoa.

  “Nothing else is happening. I’m doing well in all my classes.”


  We sat around the kitchen table, chatting and drinking our cocoa. Mom was also interested in what August was doing. He was working a lot. The holidays were always busy for him, even in the dead of winter. I shivered as I sucked down the last drop of my cocoa.

  August excused himself to leave, giving me a wink. He hugged me at the door as we said goodnight.

  Heading upstairs I talked to Melanie for a bit.

  “How’s it going, little sis?” Melanie asked.

  “It’s going. Trying to keep up with everything. How are you?”

  “I’m okay.”

  Once the house was quiet, I snuck to August’s house. He was already waiting for me.

  He greeted me by crashing his lips with mine. I could feel his hunger. He was who I wanted to be with forever. Right now, I wanted to be selfish as we made our way to his room.

nbsp; The room was dark, so I couldn’t see him. I could only feel him as he undressed me. Once I got him undressed, I slid down to my knees, taking his full, erect length into my mouth. He moaned as I bobbed my mouth up and down his shaft. At one point, I swirled my tongue over the tip. “Jesus, Murphy.” When he couldn’t take much more, he pulled me up. “I need to bury myself in you.”

  I smirked against his lips. Underneath him we continued kissing and then he worked his way down to my neck. He made my body come alive. Rocking my hips against his, my fingers dug into his ass as I pulled him closer, deeper. “Deeper, harder,” I moaned.

  His body slammed into mine and with each thrust I moaned.

  “Is that what you want?”


  I came undone under his touch. My breathing tried catching up as he soon followed my lead. Then he rolled over and smirked at me. “You’re a little minx.”

  I laughed and moved to go clean up.


  It was Christmas Day. August and his mom were spending the day with my family. It was great having everyone under one roof. August and I agreed to only exchange one gift so there was no financial pressure. After Christmas dinner we all gathered around the tree to exchange gifts. Personally, I loved giving more than receiving.

  Picking up the small box, I passed it to August and watched like a giddy girl as he unwrapped it. He looked at me with curious eyes. Pulling the wrap off he looked pleased with the gift. It was a watch.

  “You like it? Turn it over.”

  The back of the watch read To August, With Love, Murphy 2006.

  “Wow, I absolutely love it. Thank you.” He hugged and kissed me and then shoved a box at me. “Here.”

  Unwrapping it, I found all my favorite candies and a silver bracelet nestled in the center. It was perfect. “Can you put it on me?” I held my wrist out. “I love it so much.” Reaching over, I hugged him and gave him a quick peck. The bracelet was thin and simple, which made me love it even more.

  I was over the moon in love with him.


  My alarm went off around six a.m the following morning. Grumbling at getting up at such an ungodly hour, I padded to the shower, and dressed warmly, after I was clean. August had a surprise for me, and it required me to bundle up. I wrapped myself in a thick coat, a scarf, a hat, and gloves. “Okay. I’m ready. Where we going?” I asked when he arrived.

  He smiled. “I told you it’s a surprise. Here, this should perk you up.” He shoved a donut and a cup of coffee at me.

  “I don’t like coffee,” I stated.

  “I know, but it will wake you up. So drink up, love.”

  “Thanks.” I managed a smile. Even though coffee wasn’t my thing, I happily accepted it at this ungodly hour. I’d need it.

  August drove to the edge of Dragon’s Bay. It was the reason my family vacationed there. The beach. Dragon’s Bay Beach, to be exact. I hadn’t been there since early summer. My family came every year. It was our own slice of heaven. But in the dead of winter, I’d never been.

  Light snow sprinkled the sandy beach as we exited the car.

  “I wanted to watch this with you.” He pointed to the sun rising. It was exquisite.

  “Wow. It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen it rise here before.”

  I felt him slide his arm across my shoulders from behind while we watched the sun rise. “We should take a picture,” I suggested. Maneuvering us so the sun was behind us, he snapped the photo.

  “Another for the memory book,” August said.


  Facing the sun again, I drank the last of the coffee and watched in awe. It was big and bright, even on this cold wintery day.

  “I have another surprise tomorrow,” August mentioned.

  “August, you don’t have to keep surprising me with stuff. I just want to spend time with you,” I confessed.

  “Well, I thought we could go skiing tomorrow. It doesn’t cost a lot. We could easily spend the day at the resort since it’s out of town.”

  “On one condition. I’d rather snowboard. Because I don’t want to be falling on my ass skiing.”

  He laughed. “Come on. Let’s get you warmed up.”

  We headed back to the car, with the heat on full blast. My nose was red from the cold.

  “Thanks for this morning. It was both awesome and beautiful.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  And the coffee helped.

  He turned onto the highway and headed back home. “So we are going to my grandmother’s house this afternoon. If you want to come along, you can. Which means spending more time with me.” I gave my cheesiest smile.

  “Sounds good. I’ll drive us so we can leave whenever we want.”

  I turned in the seat. “Just so you know, she is psychic. My grandmother, that is. So whatever you do, don’t let her read your palm. If you don’t want to.”

  “Really?” He seemed amused by that fact about my grandmother.

  I shook my head. “Yes. What she says is, like, the real deal. I’m not even kidding.”

  August laughed it off like he didn’t believe me. He was skeptical.

  That afternoon, we followed my mom and Melanie to Grandma Gemma’s house. She lived in the city. The drive was daunting.



  I thought Murphy was crazy when she said her grandmother was psychic. Part of me was tempted to have my palm read. I was curious. I pulled into the driveway of a ranch style home.

  “Did you warn him?” I heard Paige asking Murphy.

  “I did.” Murphy grinned.

  Murphy clutched my hand as we made our way in. An elder woman opened the door before we knocked. There was pure joy in her eyes when she saw us. Everyone stepped up to give her a hug. Murphy introduced us, and she immediately embraced me.

  “Murphy ain’t never brought a boy to meet me. You must be something.”

  I smiled. Her joyfulness was infectious. She made everyone hot tea and we all sat around her living room talking. When the talking and laughter died down, Gemma asked me a question. “I’m sure the girls told you already, but can I read your palm?”

  Murphy gave me the look, like ‘Don’t do it’. I was too curious. Plus, how could I even say no? “Okay. Sure.”

  She ushered me into a small room with a beaded curtain and a round table. I sat nervously as she placed some cards in front of herself. They weren’t tarot cards, though. “Now give me your hand,” she said, reaching.

  I placed my left hand on the table. She gently took it, and I saw her eyes crinkle. “I see a girl and a baby. The girl is not Murphy. You two won’t make it to the summer. But that’s not to say you won’t see her again.” Then she frowned. “There’s a death looming. It will be sooner rather than later.”

  Gemma’s reading had me completely freaked out. It was clear Murphy and I were not meant to be. And death… that was the worst to know.

  Pulling my hand away, I stood. “Okay. I think that’s enough.”

  “Don’t be alarmed, boy. This is life. You can’t stop anything.”

  I offered a weak smile and joined the others in the living room. There was no way I was repeating what she said. No even to Murphy. I loved that girl. She was my girl.

  I brushed off what she said and asked Murphy, “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yeah. We’ll see you guys back at the house.” She uncrossed her legs and we walked outside to my car.

  “You’re freaked out. What did she say?” Murphy asked.

  “Just a bunch of gibberish,” I waved off.

  “Clearly, she struck a nerve. And my grandma is anything but gibberish.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. That woman is out of her damn mind.”

  We entered the car, and I was already peeling out of the driveway by the time she had her seatbelt buckled. Murphy laughed.

  “If you knew what she said, you wouldn’t be laughing. And no; I’m not telling you.”

  Murphy tur
ned in her seat. “All I’m saying is she’s usually right about things.”

  We arrived at Murphy’s house in no time. I pulled into her driveway. “I think maybe I should spend the day with my family. And you and I can meet up tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good. Give me a call tonight.”

  She leaned over and kissed me before exiting the car. Dropping her off, I headed home to put the afternoon behind me. Knowing I wouldn’t see Murphy until tomorrow, I took two steps at a time to my room and immediately reached for the baggie from my night stand drawer, examining it. All it would take is one pill to carry me away for several hours. I had cut back on taking them, but I hadn’t quit entirely. That was easier said than done. I was a pill popping addict. That much was true. M was my choice of drug. Sometimes I smoked marijuana, but M gave me a better high.

  Reaching into the bag, I took two pills out and plopped them in my mouth, swallowing them. My brain became foggy. Resting my head against the headboard, I let the little white pills carry me away.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  The days kept on passing too quickly. August worked during the days, so I saw him in the evenings, sometimes spending the night. I clutched to him every chance I got. He didn’t seem to mind.

  It was New Year’s Eve and we were celebrating our first one together. With take-out in my hand I rang the doorbell. I wasn’t comfortable just walking into the house, even though he and his mom said I could at any time.

  August answered the door. “Hey, gorgeous.” He leaned in for a quick peck then took the bag from me.

  “I brought an array of Chinese dishes.”

  “It smells delicious,” he said.

  I dug out plates and silverware. While he dished the food out, I took in his tall frame and lean muscles. He caught me and smiled.

  “Your hair is getting longer. I like it,” he mentioned. “Especially when you wear it down like that.”

  “Oh. Thanks.”

  We took our full plates of food to the living room so we could watch Dick Clark’s Rockin’ Eve. I was happy being around August. He was enough for me. We finished eating and paused the show.


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