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Forever After (Montana Brides, Book 3)

Page 6

by Leeanna Morgan

  The bark of laughter from across the table calmed her nerves. Sam knew how much she hated going there. Figuring out what to wear anywhere had never been one of her strong points. Socializing with a roomful of women who prided themselves on wearing the latest fashion statements made Nicky’s skin itch. She’d always been a jeans and t-shirt girl, not a Chanel and Gucci convert.

  “One of these days you’re going to shock Maureen by taking her to a ladies luncheon.”

  “Not in this lifetime,” she sighed. Nicky bit into a piece of chicken. It melted in her mouth. She tried some of the vegetables.

  “How’s your meal?”

  “Delicious. It almost makes up for all your other faults.”

  Sam cleared his throat. “What faults might they be?”

  A hesitant grin slid over Nicky’s face. The gleam in his eye made the mischievous hussy lurking inside her wiggle in anticipation. “Well, first of all, you’re bossy. Then there’s the incredible flirt waiting in the background, and last but not least, you’ve developed the art of making women swoon to Casanova status. Is that enough?”

  He burst out laughing. “Swoon? I don’t think anyone’s ever told me I make them swoon. What would that involve?”

  Nicky concentrated on the food in front of her. Maybe if she stuffed a sock in her mouth she’d get through the rest of the night without making even more trouble for herself. “Forget I mentioned it. I’ll strike it off the list.”

  Holding his wineglass in his hand, Sam grinned over the rim. “I quite like the sound of someone swooning. Let me know if you ever feel that way inclined and I’ll do my best to remedy the situation.”

  Choking on a mouthful of wine, Nicky grabbed her napkin to save herself from turning into a total idiot.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, using the side of the napkin to dab tears from her eyes.

  “What do you like to cook?” Sam asked.

  The question surprised her, until she saw the look on his face. There was nothing innocent in the heat warming his brown eyes to gooey chocolate fudge. “Anything on a barbecue and canned soup.”

  “You’re welcome over here anytime for a meal. It’s more fun cooking for two people.”

  Nicky picked up a piece of bread and a warm trickle of butter ran down fingers. She raised her hand to her lips. “Or you could leave a bag of leftovers on my doorstep?” Her gaze collided with Sam’s.

  His eyes locked on her mouth.

  Nicky’s hand froze. She grabbed a napkin off the table and wiped her fingers clean.

  He cleared his throat. “Nope. No leftovers.”

  “It was worth a try,” she whispered. Sam had never been a leftovers kind of guy. It would always be all or nothing with him and she doubted he was fully prepared for either option.


  An hour later Nicky rinsed the last of the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. She sighed as her foot collided with her shoes, tucked up against the edge of the breakfast bar. Dinner had been…nice. Probably too nice.

  “Dishes are done, what’s next?” she asked.

  Sam turned to face her. Neither the smile on his face or the twinkle in his eye boded well for the rest of the night. Glancing at her shoes, then at the front door, she thought about how fast she could get out of his apartment without looking like she was sprinting away from trouble.

  “Oh no, you don’t. You’re not allowed to run away just yet. We still have business to discuss.”

  Nicky leaned against the counter. The gleam in Sam’s eyes turned her legs to jelly and sent her pulse skittering all over the place. Business or not, trouble wasn’t far away. “I gave up running away a long time ago,” she said bravely, tilting her chin a smidgen for extra impact.

  “Glad to hear it,” he said. “Coffee’s ready.” Lifting a tray off the counter, he headed toward the balcony.

  Coffee she could do. Coffee was probably the most sensible thing she’d done all night.

  Following behind him, Nicky’s gaze slid along Sam’s shoulders and down his back, appreciating the outline of rippling muscles against a black cotton t-shirt. The heat that met her on the balcony couldn’t compete with the fire building inside her body. She took a deep, calming breath, listening to the low murmur of other voices enjoying the sunset.

  Much better. This was safe. Nothing would happen. Nicky sat down in a chair. A gentle breeze ruffled the hem of her skirt, cooling her skin and unclogging her brain.

  Sam put the coffee on the table. “Have you made much progress on the missing money?”

  Leaning her head against the back of her chair, Nicky watched the stars twinkling overhead, focusing her brain on his question instead of her pounding heart. “My meetings with the finance team have gone well. All of the systems and processes you have in place are still being followed.” The company had been lucky. If it hadn’t been for one of the project managers asking about a product recall, they might never have realized any money was missing until it was too late. Her gaze slipped to their coffee cups.


  “Hmm?” Sitting forward, she pulled her cup closer. A grin slipped across her face at the star he’d created in the froth.

  “Missing money?”

  “Oh…Oh!” Giving herself a mental shake, she squinted at her coffee. “Giles had already worked out a time frame of when the money started to disappear, although smaller amounts could have been stolen before the first big hit.” Picking up a spoon, she scooped creamy cinnamon froth off the top of her coffee, popping it into her mouth. Glancing at Sam, she froze.

  Her eyes widened as his gaze followed the spoon sitting in her mouth. She pulled it out, watching a dull blush spread across his cheeks.

  Her spoon clattered on the wooden table. “I’ve reviewed the spreadsheets for your major contracts and they’ve all come in on budget. Nothing looks wrong, but I’m still not convinced I’m seeing the true costs.”

  Taking a gulp of hot coffee, Nicky tried to concentrate on what she had to tell him. “Patrick’s taking me to The Oasis development next week to show me how he manages the site.”

  Sam frowned. “Patrick’s a good man. Just be careful when you’re there. They’ve fitted out most of the apartments, but we’ve still got a lot of subcontractors working to get the building finished in the next few weeks.”

  “Yes, sir.” Raising her hand in a half salute, Nicky bit back a smile.

  “That’s what I like to see,” Sam grinned.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Nicky sat back in her chair. The prickling heat building inside her body slipped to a slow burn. They were professional friends. Friendship she could handle. Their relationship would be just as uncomplicated as the coffee they were sharing. Except for the frothy star. “What do you like to see?”

  A smile crept across his face. “A woman who knows how to take orders.”

  Nicky groaned. “You’re talking to the wrong person. I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Dropping her voice to a low whisper, she said, “That’s why I’m the boss of my own company. I’m only good at taking orders when it’s in my best interest.”

  Sam leaned forward, his eyes holding her captive. “That’s one of the things I like most about you.” Reaching for her hand, he held it gently. “Am I in your best interests, Nicky?”

  Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers tangled with hers. Part of her wanted to purr as flames of desire shot through her body – the slightly fuzzy part melting toward him like an overheated marshmallow roasting over a roaring campfire. The other part wanted to run fast, but her traitorous body stayed glued to the seat. “What was the question again?”

  He pulled her gently forward. “Am I in your best interests?”

  She shuddered as Sam’s mouth brushed against her cheek. Every resolution she’d ever made about him flew through the warm night air as need washed through her body. She tilted her head, eager for the feel of his mouth against hers. Their lips touched, nudging each other in a gentle caress that left
her breathless and wanting so much more. His hand cupped the side of her face, sliding across her skin as her mouth opened under his.

  Nicky’s fingers skimmed Sam’s t-shirt. A fine tremor rolled through his body. She remembered the hard planes and angles of his body like a half forgotten journey through time. She craved the texture of his bare skin beneath her palms, wanted to touch him in places that would shatter his self-control.

  Nicky twisted toward him, gasping as the wooden armrest dug into her ribs. What was she doing? Bunching his shirt beneath her hands, she pushed away from his chest. Dragging great mouthfuls of air into her lungs, she forced herself out of her chair, stumbling toward the balcony.

  Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the handrail, her gaze locked on the lights of apartments on the other side of the village. She closed her eyes. “This can’t happen. I never wanted to see you again, and here I am, making the same mistake again.”

  Sam moved from his chair, leaning against the wall beside her. He looked down at her hands, still clutched tightly against the warm metal. “It’s not a mistake. I was a fool last time. I ran scared. I’m not running now.” His hand covered hers, gently stroking her fingers. “You’ve been back six days and I can’t stop thinking about you…about us. One night. That’s all I’m asking for.”

  Crazy, that’s what she was. Crazy to be here. Crazy to still be a little in love with a man who’d filled her dreams with sweet nothings.

  He moved closer, the heat from his hand connecting their bodies in a silent promise. “One night.”

  Nicky looked into his face. Desire turned his eyes pitch black, scorching her body from the inside out. But there was more, so much more than physical need burning in his gaze. Nicky’s heart hammered in her chest. He’d offered her one night of mindless sex to replace all the nights of remembering what his body felt like.

  But she wasn’t reckless. She lived her life like she ran her business. She made plans, analyzed risks, and made decisions based on concrete facts.

  There was nothing solid about the spine tingling attraction she felt for Sam. Walking through quicksand would have been easier than figuring out how she could be attracted to a man that had dumped her faster than a bad investment.

  He waited, silently standing guard while she decided what to do. His stillness gave her mind purpose. The honesty in his eyes gave her courage.

  Nicky craved the feel of him beneath her, around her, in her. Tonight would be for her. She’d take what he offered and demand more, filling her body with the smell, taste and texture of him until there wasn’t any room left for regrets.

  After tonight, Sam Delaney would be scrubbed from her personal life forever. He wanted one night, and one night she’d give him. No doubts, no second thoughts.

  Grabbing the edge of his t-shirt, she pulled it free of his pants before her courage disappeared completely. “One night,” she whispered.

  Sam sucked in a deep breath, closing his eyes as her hands trailed across his stomach. Leaning forward, he ran his lips against the side of Nicky’s neck, his mouth following the curve of her jaw. His hand brushed her breast, his fingertips moving in slow, torturous, circles until nothing else mattered except the need to touch and be touched.

  Nicky leaned into his hands, needing a whole lot more than the gentle caress he teased her body with. Desire stormed through her body, leaving her breathless and light headed. With her mouth attached to his, she pulled him back inside the apartment, pushing him down into the sofa. His hands reached out to gently cup her bottom as she lifted her skirt, straddling his legs. Nicky sank into his body with the abandonment of a woman on the edge of reason.

  Sam pulled her forward, growling in her ear as she used her legs to rock backwards and forwards. His fingers ran over the fabric of her dress, tugging at her zip. Cool air washed across her skin as her dress slipped off her shoulders, gathering in a soft cloud around her waist. His hands skimmed her hot skin sending waves of heat rippling through her body.

  Sam dropped her scrap of pink lace bra to the ground. “Undo your hair,” he whispered, his husky voice caressing her body. “I want to see it around your shoulders.”

  Lifting her arms, Nicky gasped as Sam bent forward, capturing her nipple in his mouth. Her back arched as he plundered her breasts, until all she could focus on was the pounding need building deep in her belly.

  He raised his head and her breath caught at the unguarded longing on his face. Sam’s hands moved slowly up her body, releasing her hair in a cascade of silk around her shoulders. “You’re beautiful. Everything about you is…”

  Leaning forward, Nicky caught the last of his words with her mouth. He pulled her tight, groaning as she moved above him, grinding her mouth and body into his. A soft purr of satisfaction hummed through her body when his breathing turned ragged, daring her to push a little harder, a little faster.

  Jerking his mouth free, Sam hands held her hips, swinging her off his lap. She smiled as he staggered to his feet, lifting her into his arms. “You’re coming with me.”

  He carried her through the apartment, doing his best to ignore her tongue and lips as she nuzzled his neck. Nicky laughed in surprise when he dropped her into the middle of his king size bed.

  The laughter died on her lips the moment she looked into his eyes.

  Sam reached for the bottom on his shirt. He watched her, watching him. A grin slid across his face as her gaze followed his hands. Her breath came out in shallow gasps as he lifted his arms, pulling his t-shirt over his head. Biceps flexed, rippling under sun kissed skin as he undid the top button on his pants.

  Nicky’s mouth went dry.

  His hand hesitated. “Want to help?”

  She shook her head. No. She wanted to watch.

  Licking her bottom lip, her gaze swept down his body, from the wicked grin on his face to the hand rolling his zip down.

  His pants ended up across the room and Nicky slid off the bed. She was tired of playtime. Standing beside him, she let her hands and mouth explore his body. Sam’s heart hammered under the palm of her hand as her teeth grazed his nipples.

  Moving lower, she used her fingertips to trace the outline of his erection. Fire blazed from his eyes when her touch became more wanton, more demanding. His breath exploded in a groan as her mouth followed her hands, licking and caressing his body until his hips bucked against her body.

  Reaching down, he hauled her upright. “My turn,” he whispered. Running his hands along the edge of her silk panties, he dipped his fingers below the lace, gently moving the pads of his fingers in slow deep circles. Her body clenched as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her body, leaving her aching for more. A groan escaped her lips as she rode his hand, needing the release that only his body could satisfy.

  His hand moved to her waist, leaving her body a wreathing mass of need spinning out of control.

  “Don’t stop now,” she moaned.

  “Condom,” he growled. Reaching over to the bedside table, he yanked the drawer open, fumbling with the foil packet.

  Grabbing the condom out of his hands, Nicky rolled it slowly down his hard length.

  He gasped. “I’m not going to last if you keep moving your hands like that.”

  Tugging him forward, she pulled him onto the bed. “You don’t need to last. I need you inside of me, Sam Delaney. Now.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” A smile that was pure wolf slipped across his face.

  Nicky opened her legs as Sam moved toward her. She welcomed him into her body with an abandonment that shocked her. As they teased and tormented each other, the rest of the world disappeared. Bare skin slapped against bare skin. Need consumed her mind and body in a tight, reckless, explosion that left her breathless and spent.

  Dropping her legs to the bed, she gasped for breath.

  Sam rolled onto his side, dragging her toward him in a one armed hug. Using his other hand, he pushed her damp hair off her face. “That was amazing.”

  Resting her hand on his
stomach, Nicky rubbed her fingers through his dark hair. Sam’s heart thudded against the side of her face.

  Silence echoed around the room.



  “What are you thinking?”

  Her fingers stopped moving. Thinking could be dangerous. If she’d done a little more thinking and less touching, then she wouldn’t be having this conversation. In bed. With Sam. “I’m thinking that it’s been a long time since I’ve had such incredible sex.” Two years to be precise. And she hadn’t learned a thing in the intervening years. “I’m also thinking that it wasn’t the brightest thing I’ve ever done.”

  Sam frowned. “Having sex with me?”

  “Having sex with my boss and the man I swore I’d never have sex with again.” Sitting upright, she pulled the cotton sheet up to her armpits. She was hot, sweaty, and fast moving into grumpy. And she only had herself to blame.

  She should have run at the first sign of the flowers and candles, but did she listen to the warning bells screaming through her brain? No. She’d listened to her rumbling stomach.

  Turning her head sideways, she looked across at Sam’s naked chest and winced. What had she done?

  Sex. Hot, heady, incredible sex that had been sugar coated in the most delicious packaging a woman could ever want or need. That’s what she’d done. With a man who didn’t know what the word commitment meant. With a man who traded girlfriends like baseball cards. With the man who’d torn her heart in two and didn’t even know it.

  Sam brushed his hand gently down her arm. “What’s so wrong about sleeping together?”

  “There wasn’t any sleeping involved, for one thing. And we’re supposed to be working with each other, not getting all hot and steamy under the sheets together.”

  Sam’s hand stopped moving. “What do you want me to say?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Sam ran his hands through his hair. “We can keep our professional relationship separate to what happened tonight.”

  If only it could be that simple. All it took was the echo of his voice along the office walls and Nicky went all mushy and hot thinking about him. And that had been before she’d straddled his legs.


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