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Forever After (Montana Brides, Book 3)

Page 20

by Leeanna Morgan

  “Hold on,” Erin grunted. “You’ve got enough stuff here to start your own boutique. No peeking.”

  “Are you sure this is going to work?”

  “Of course I’m sure. Now I want you to imagine you’re already on your date with Sam. Are you wearing pants, a dress, or a skirt and blouse?”

  “Dress.” More fabric whizzed around the room. Nicky heard Erin move toward her.

  “Keep your eyes closed and take two steps forward. I want you to reach out and feel the fabrics in front of you. Tell me which one you like the best.”

  “I don’t think this is going to work,” Nicky moaned.

  “Trust me. If I can get eleven librarians decked out in fancy dress costumes in one hour, I can get you in an outfit in the next two minutes. Now reach forward and start touching fabric.”

  Nicky’s hands brushed against the dresses in front of her. She rubbed silky smooth fabric between her fingertips, scrunched rough sequins in her hands and felt the prickly texture of velvet when she rubbed her hands against its pile. “I don’t like this one,” Nicky held onto the velvety fabric. “It’s all wrong for summer.” She moved her hands around some more. “And this one is too silky.” The dress disappeared out of her hands. “And this stiff fabric feels all wrong for a dinner date.”

  “There are three more choices in front of you,” Erin said. “I’ll move them around.” Erin’s arm brushed against her body as she rearranged the dresses. “Okay, go for it.”

  Nicky’s hands reached toward her bed. The first dress felt like silk, but was far too heavy. “Not this one.”

  “Two more. Don’t scowl, you’re doing great.”

  Nicky touched the final two dresses. “This one.” She opened her eyes and stared at her outfit for the night. It was one of her favorite dresses. The pale blue chiffon skirt floated in a swirl of fabric just below her knees. And the crossover, sleeveless bodice hugged her body and would show off the last of her summer tan to perfection.

  Erin glanced down at her watch. “You’ve got twenty-four minutes to get your makeup on and get dressed before Sam arrives.”

  Nicky hugged her, “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “Of course you could have. Now go and get ready before I have to keep your boyfriend entertained.”


  Sam parked his truck outside Nicky’s parents’ house. The lights in the living room were on, throwing shadows across the flower beds and lawn. He took a deep breath, smelling a pungent mix of lavender and roses floating through the still night air.

  Dinner with food and no sex was on the menu and he’d been looking forward to it for the last eleven days. He didn’t know what Nicky thought of their in-transit dinner date, but it had to be better than another few weeks of long distance phone calls.

  Nicky had arrived in Bozeman that morning for the Project Manager interviews. This time around, he was the one that needed to catch a flight later that evening for an early morning meeting in Cheyenne.

  He headed toward the front door listening to the tread of his shoes echo on the slate tiles. Wiping his hands down the side of his pants, he took another deep breath and pushed the doorbell. Sam felt as jittery as a teenager on his first date. The door opened and he stared at the pretty brunette standing in front of him. He didn’t know what he’d expected, but it hadn’t been someone else answering the door.

  “Hi. I’m Sam Delaney. Is Nicky home?”

  The woman smiled and held out her hand. “I’m Erin, a friend of Nicky’s. She’s just finishing off getting ready. Do you want to come inside?”

  He followed her into the living room, putting the bunch of flowers he’d bought on the coffee table in front of him.

  “You probably don’t remember, but we met each other a few years ago, just before Nicky started her job with your company.”

  Sam sat forward, focusing on her face. “You work in the library.”

  “You’ve got a good memory.” Erin smiled, her green eyes looking at him curiously. “So…you’re taking Nicky out to dinner.”

  “That’s right.” He cleared his throat and loosened his tie. He felt the beginnings of a major inquisition getting underway.

  “Have you ever thought of moving to Denver to live?”

  Sam stared more intently at Erin’s face, trying to figure out if she was serious or just passing the time. She was serious. “As in permanently living there?”

  She nodded. “If you had the right…incentive.”

  He knew damn well what incentive she was talking about, but he wasn’t inclined to discuss his relationship with Nicky. Hell, even he didn’t know what kind of relationship they had. “No. I’ve never considered living in Denver. It wouldn’t be easy doing the job I’m employed to do from another state, but I suppose in theory it could be done.”

  “Good.” Erin smiled as if he’d just passed her first test.

  Nicky walked into the room, wearing a soft floaty dress that made her eyes look as blue as a summer sky. “Ignore her, Sam. She’s being nosey.”

  “It’s a best friend’s prerogative to be a little curious,” Erin replied. “You didn’t mind too much did you, Sam?”

  He stared at the playful gleam in Erin’s eyes. “I’m just happy Nicky arrived in the room when she did.” He smiled. He’d dangled a piece of string in front of Erin’s nose and it looked as though she was going to pounce.

  “And why would that be?” The edge of her smile slipped into concern.

  “Because your next question might have involved naming my favorite vacation destination. And if I told you Italy, and that I’m going there in three months time, you might be tempted to pack your bags and come with me.”

  Erin’s face lit up. “I’m all yours. Name the date and I’ll meet you at the airport.”

  “You’re too late, he’s already taken.” Nicky laughed. “Now let’s get out of here before Erin starts asking if you have any brothers or cousins that might like to tussle with a gorgeous librarian.”

  Erin grinned. “If you decide to buy an extra ticket to Italy, Nicky knows where to find me.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Nicky yanked his hand toward the door. Over his shoulder he yelled, “It was nice meeting you again, Erin.”

  “Same here. I’ll lock the door on my way out.”

  Nicky stopped in the doorway, her blue eyes dancing with laughter. “Thanks, Erin. And don’t touch anything in my room. I’ll tidy it up when I get home.”

  “Just go and enjoy yourself. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Nicky pulled Sam’s hand. “Come on hotshot. We’ve got three hours until you need to check-in at the airport.”

  “Not that you’re counting down the minutes or anything.” He smiled.

  “Of course not. But if we dawdle to the restaurant I might not get a chance to have dessert.”

  “We could always skip the first course and you could have me for dessert,” he teased.

  The grin on Nicky’s face warmed his heart. Sam missed the easy banter they shared. He missed bumping into her outside their apartments and he missed saving her from the processed food she called nourishment.

  But most of all he missed having her beside him, enjoying something as mundane as a walk around town. She’d turned his life upside down and he felt like the biggest goofball for nearly letting her slip out of his life completely.

  “Dream on, cowboy. I’m not missing out on dessert at the Mexican Canteena. They have the most amazing ice cream sundaes I’ve ever seen.”

  Sam didn’t mind playing second fiddle to anything that bought a smile to her face, especially if he was there to enjoy the experience. He unlocked his truck and held her door open. “Step inside your magic coach, senorita. Ice cream heaven awaits.”


  Two hours later, Sam’s jacket fell in a tangled heap on the wooden floor of Nicky’s parents’ hallway. “Are you sure Maureen and your dad aren’t going to suddenly arrive home?”

  Adrenaline pumped throug
h his body as Nicky’s hands ran over his hot skin, dragging a desperate growl from his throat.

  “They’re in New York for another week,” Nicky whispered as she nibbled her way down his neck.

  “I’ve got to get to the airport…” Oh, man. Her fingers walked up the front of his shirt, flicking each button open along the way.

  “We’ve got twenty minutes,” she gasped, rubbing against him until he couldn’t think past the feel of her body. She wasn’t playing fair. Her mouth skimmed his chest, leaving a quivering wreck of heated muscles in its path. He bunched her skirt in his hands, dipping his hands beneath the icy blue fabric to create a little havoc of his own.

  Nicky’s soft cries of pleasure filled the house, driving his fingers deep inside her restless body. She rode his hand, bucking against his fingers. His body clenched tight, ready to explode.

  Nicky growled low in her throat, yanking her body away from him. He stumbled forward, trying to work out what the hell was going on.

  She kicked her shoes off and grabbed his arm. “This way.”

  As she pulled him upstairs and into her bedroom, she wiggled out of her dress. “If I have to wait another few weeks to see you…” her bra and panties flew across the room, “then I’m going to make the next few minutes count.”

  Her body glowed in the moonlight streaming through the window. He stared at her lush breasts and narrow waist; stared at the need turning her eyes to liquid heat.

  She sauntered toward him, lifting her arms until they fell over his shoulders, holding him lightly against her body. “Love me, Sam.”

  His hands molded her bare skin against his body. Goosebumps streaked across her back. He kissed her gently, teasing her open mouth and restless tongue with butterfly kisses that left her groaning in frustration.

  “I need some expert assistance at getting naked,” he whispered. “Do you know anyone that might be able to help?”

  Nicky’s hand zeroed in on the front of his pants. “I might have a little bit of experience.” His legs nearly collapsed. “What do you think?”

  “Top of the…” Damn. He couldn’t get his shoes and pants off fast enough. Nicky tugged him toward the bed. They fell onto the duvet and straight into each other’s bodies. Sam ignited in a ball of fire, pumping hard.

  He shuddered, squeezed beyond endurance by Nicky’s tight, hot body, wrapped around him like a second skin. She arched her sweat slicked back, screaming his name, jerking with the same out of control abandonment that sent him soaring through space.

  He collapsed in a panting heap beside her. “Was that a good use of our last twenty minutes together?”

  “Very good.” Nicky smiled and rolled onto her side. “According to my trusty Mickey Mouse watch, we’ve got about twelve minutes to get out the door before you’re going to be late for your flight.”

  “Shit.” Sam bolted to his feet, grabbing his pants and boxers on the way to the ensuite. He skidded to a halt in the open doorway. “Do you want the first or second shower?”

  Nicky rolled over in bed, staring at him with a wicked grin on her face. “You go first. I enjoy seeing your naked body.”

  He didn’t wait to see if she’d change her mind. He turned the shower on full bore, hoping Mickey Mouse was running fast.

  “Here’s your shirt and shoes,” Nicky laughed when he jumped. “Want a hand getting soaped up?”

  “You’ve done enough with those hands tonight woman,” Sam growled. He knew a lot more things they could do together and a few of them could definitely involve shower gel. He grabbed the towel Nicky had draped over the edge of the vanity, drying his body fast.

  In five minutes he managed to shower, get his pants zipped up and his shoes on. But his shirt ended up half undone and his hair looked like he’d just run a four minute marathon. He walked back into the bedroom, buttoning the rest of his shirt.

  Nicky scooted past him with her dress bunched in her hands. “I won’t be long.”

  “You’ve got three minutes.” He laughed as the bathroom door slammed in his face.

  As soon as Nicky finished in the bathroom they raced across town to the airport, arriving out of breath at the security gates.

  Nicky sat down in a black plastic seat as he pulled his ticket out of his carry-on. “I’m going to miss you, Sam.”

  She looked about as miserable as he felt. He ignored the line of people waiting to pass through security and sat down beside her, draping his arm across her shoulders. “I’ll miss you, too.” He pushed a lock of blonde hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek. “I’ll give you a call in a couple of hours when I get to Cheyenne.”

  “You’d better.” She smiled. “Or I’ll ask granddad to have a word with you when you get back.”

  “I don’t think I’d survive another discussion with your grandfather. He’s got an annoying habit of getting what he wants all the time.”

  “He’s not the only one, Samuel Delaney. Now get your gorgeous butt through those gates before I start crying.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Sam kissed her cheek and gave her a final hug. “Take care.”

  He stood in line with the other passengers, watching Nicky as she walked out of the terminal building. With a sinking heart he realized their life would be like this for a long time unless something changed. And he was ready for what needed to happen next.


  Sam looked down at his watch. Two minutes left before final check-in. He unzipped the side pocket of his laptop case and pulled his cell phone out. He’d call Nicky and tell her he was about to board his flight. As soon as he turned it on, six messages blinked to life.

  He scrolled through the list of numbers, stopping at a call from Amanda. He listened to her message and smiled.

  The next message was from Jake Williams. He’d known Jake since college. They’d shared an apartment, starving together through classes aimed at sharpening their minds and the bones on their bodies.

  Jake was flying in a bigger tin can than Sam would be on. Right about now he was hovering thousands of feet above Nevada on a return flight to Bozeman. In between boarding calls, Sam listened to Jake tell him he was guest speaker at the charity ball in town tomorrow night.

  Jake was patron of Camp Discovery, a special needs summer camp for kids, and helped run their major fundraiser each year. For as long as Jake had been involved, Sam had bought tickets to the charity ball and sponsored auction prizes.

  Sam flicked to tomorrows work schedule. With a bit of juggling and a whole lot of luck he’d be able to make the ball. He rang Amanda.

  “Sam Delaney, this had better be good because I’m halfway through watching my favorite super hero kick ass on TV.”

  “I thought you’d be out on a hot date,” he laughed.

  “And you still rang? Shame on you. It’s just as well this call is going to earn me a big chocolate muffin on Monday, otherwise I might not have answered it.”

  Sam stared at the slow moving line, glad he wouldn’t be joining them. “I know how much you like Tess’ muffins, so how about I buy you a dozen? I need you to work a few miracles for tomorrow.”

  “Don’t you always,” she said dryly.

  He grabbed his laptop off the floor and headed toward a row of chairs welded together like tight peas in a pod. “I’m staying in Bozeman for the weekend. Can you organize teleconference meetings with Frank and Janette at the same time we were scheduled to meet in Cheyenne? And reschedule Harry’s meeting to the same time on Monday morning?” Sam could hear a piece of paper rustling through the phone.

  “Is that it?”

  “Did the papers arrive from Jacob Green?”

  “They’re on your desk.” Sam could hear the smile in Amanda’s voice. “Everything went through like clockwork. Anything else?”

  “No, that just about covers it. I don’t want to keep you from your super hero.”

  Amanda laughed. “You filled in a commercial break, so I guess I should be thankful. Is everything else all right?”

Couldn’t be better. Enjoy the movie.” Sam hung up and stared around the terminal looking for a customer service desk.

  He was about to take the biggest risk of his life and he didn’t know how it would turn out.


  Nicky punched her pillow, trying to get comfortable. Trying not to smell the musky scent of Sam’s body surrounding her. This was so not working. Standing up, she yanked the sheets off the bed and marched down the hallway and into the laundry. She’d do anything to get some sleep, and if that meant remaking her bed at eleven o’clock at night, then that’s what she’d do.

  Grabbing a pale lemon set of cotton sheets out of the linen closet, she headed back to her room. With a flick of her wrist the bottom sheet flew into place. After she’d jammed the edges under the mattress she threw the top sheet on. The duvet followed, landing like a parachute over her bed.

  A satisfied smile hovered on her lips. Stage one complete. Sleep coming right on up. She snuggled under the duvet, sniffing sunshine and lavender, not Sam and sex.

  She nearly leaped out of her skin when the doorbell rang. She padded on bare feet down the stairs, hoping it was Cody or Emily and not an axe wielding madman.

  She stared at the locked door and switched on the veranda lights, peeking out of the front window to see who was ringing the doorbell so late at night. She saw her madman and grinned like an idiot at the chocolate brown eyes laughing at her.

  “How much shower gel do you have left?” he yelled.

  Nicky ran for the door, throwing the lock open and pulling Sam inside. “Did you miss your flight?”

  “Nope. Change of plans. How do you feel about having a house guest for a couple of nights?”

  “As long as you don’t mind sharing my bed, you can stay as long as you like.”

  Sam kissed the end of her nose. “I promise not to snore or take all the blankets.”

  “That’s more than I’ll promise,” Nicky grinned. “Now come and show me what you can do when we’ve got all night.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Sam’s leaned his laptop against the wall and swept her up into his arms.

  Nicky laughed and hugged him close. Having Sam all to herself was so much better than clean sheets and a good night’s sleep.


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