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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

Page 61

by BWWM Club

  Debra felt her breath caught inside her throat; she could not breathe, there was no air and she wanted to take some time to recover but he was not letting her.

  "Michael, please," she whispered achingly.

  "Talk to me," he whispered urgently, lifting her pointed chin to stare at her. “Tell me I am not the only one feeling this way. My flesh is tingling for you. Tell me!” his voice had gotten urgent and Debra’s lips parted as she stared back at him, her breathing becoming restricted.

  “I need you,” she moaned. With a muffled oath he crushed her lips with his; his fingers gripping her hips and pulling her forward. Debra gasped inside his mouth, her arms going around his neck with a clinging force.

  He reached inside her dark blue sweater and touched her nipple inside her lace bra. Debra shuddered as he ran a finger over her hard nipple. “I want you desperately but not here,” he dragged his lips from hers and stared at her passion flushed face, his eyes stormy. His fingers had pushed up her bra and touched her nipples, sending shock waves through her body. “Come home with me,” he whispered urgently, bending his head to take a nipple inside his mouth. Debra cried out, gripping his head feverishly. His tongue moved over the nipple with deliberate slowness and Debra felt as if she was going to die from pleasure.

  “Yes,” she gasped as he pulled the nipple inside his mouth, bathing it with his saliva. He did not respond but continued his mind blowing pleasure on her nipple until Debra could not bear it anymore. “Michael, please, I need you,” she cried out.

  He stopped immediately and lifted his head to look at her. "Say it again," he said hoarsely, his hands was still holding her tightly.

  "I want to go home with you," she told him huskily, abandoning all pretense of indifference. Her body was crying out for his and she wanted to sink inside his body and never resurfaced. "Please."

  With a hoarse cry he covered her mouth with his, holding her to him with a tenderness that almost had her weeping.


  They made passionate love right in the middle of the living room on the soft white carpet, they could not make it into the bedroom and afterwards she slept inside the circle of his arms while he stared up at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression on his face. He was falling in love with her and the feeling was so new to him that he was scared stiff with the thought of it. He had never been in love before and the feeling made him feel like he wanted to run away; he did not want to face it. He wanted to tell her; to shout it out and take her away from all the gossip, the ugly remarks and the image he had before her and show her that he had changed and make her believe him. He had a company to run and he had become hardened with what he had had to do to keep his company a successful one. He glanced down at her tenderly, his expression unguarded; she was his woman and he hugged that to his chest, a wry smile lifting his lips as he wondered what she would say to that.

  It had frightened him how much desire he had felt for her. When they were coming home in the car he had driven with one hand on the steering wheel and the other busy underneath her skirt, feeling her warmth and his fingers deep inside her; he had almost landed them in a ditch when she had cried out with the orgasm that had rocked her body. He had wanted to stop on the side of the road and plunge his penis inside her but with a supreme effort of control he had somehow made it to the apartment. He had cursed the doorman silently as he delayed them; insisting on telling him about some problem with the heater in the lobby. He had impatiently told the poor man to let maintenance deal with it. Owning the building had felt like a curse just then.

  He had started kissing her as soon as they entered the elevator and did not give a damn whether they were seen or not, she was in his blood and that was all there was to it.

  With a tender smile, he kissed her softly on the forehead, disturbing the wisp of hair settled there. He was already in love with her.

  Chapter 6

  “So my dear tell me about this wedding that you have planned,” Aunt Sybil passed her the cup of steaming hot cocoa that she always served in the winter.

  Debra remembered as a child coming home from school and a steaming cup of hot cocoa would be waiting for her on the dining table. Things had not changed apparently and no matter how long she took to come and visit, it was like they picked up where they left off. The small house looked the same with the smell of baking and potpourri and was as neat as a pin.

  Aunt Sybil had retired from teaching but did a lot of charity work with homeless children and even volunteered twice a week at the local library. “It keeps me young,” she had told her niece with a smile. She was well into her sixties but looked ten years younger and insisted on wearing makeup even when she was inside the house. “Appearance is everything my dear,” she had told her niece a long time ago.

  Michael had wanted to come with her but she had told him that she wanted to go by herself this time. He had looked at her searchingly for a moment but had let her have her way. Ever since he had insisted she come to his apartment that night and they had made passionate and searing love in the living room, the bathroom and the bedroom, things had changed between them. It was something tenuous as if they did not know what to do around each other but were aware of a passion between them that lit up any room they were in; it was a feeling new to them and they did not quite know how to process it yet.

  The wedding was next week and she had been staying at his place almost every night. She had tried to say no but one touch from him and she weakened. They had been having a meeting in his office with several board members one evening at five when he had looked up at her and something passed between, something so strong that he had told them that the meeting was adjourned much to the extreme surprise of the men present. As soon as they left he had locked the door and pulled her into his arms, his mouth on her body, with a desperation matched only by her own. He had made love to her up against the wall and she had ended up going home with her coat buttoned up because he had ruined her blouse in his haste to take her nipples into his mouth.

  The heat between them had seared them so much that they had been shaken by it. Now Debra avoided going to his office during the day, relegating their conversation to the phone and only going to him when the office emptied. One day he had come into her office while she was on the phone and had locked the door behind him and without a word she had disconnected the call as he came over and pulled her up against him. The passion unleashed as he reached underneath her skirt and pulled down her leggings and panties and set her on her desk, while his mouth went to work on her genitals. Debra had sobbed uncontrollable as his tongue plunged inside her, bringing her to the powerful orgasm that he alone was capable of. He had stood up and unzipped his pants and placed his penis inside her, grabbing her hips and thrusting inside her rapidly, his mouth on hers with a feverish intensity that left them breathless. He had come inside her, capturing her cries and his groans inside his mouth as he continued to thrust inside her even when they had been spent.

  He had left her office after they had both freshened up inside her bathroom and even in there he had captured her mouth with his in a kiss that had left her drugged and shaken. They were having a hard time keeping their hands off each other and Debra found that she was insatiable where he was concerned and she could not help herself.

  In the mornings when they were getting ready for work she had to dress sometimes three times because he would look at her with those incredible green eyes and she would start undressing while he came over to where she was standing and they would be at each other. It was ongoing and when she slept at his apartment they did not get much sleep, when they touched each other it was like they were combustible. Even now sitting in her aunt’s small house, the house she grew up in she was thinking about him.

  “The wedding planner has gone overboard,” Debra told her aunt with a small smile, forcing herself to stop thinking about Michael. “It’s going to be this big society wedding that is supposed to be the wedding of the year.”

  “It’s that
what you want though dear?” her aunt looked at her shrewdly, admiring the beautiful girl in the black and white cashmere sweater and smart black pants and wondered as she always did, how such a beautiful girl could come from her plain as day sister, God rest her soul. But her father had been a looker and had had a wandering eye that her poor sister had put up with all the years they had been married. But Debra was not like her mother; she was made of stronger material and for that Sybil was happy. She had regretted never marrying and having children of her own but raising Debra as her own had lessened the regrets.

  “It’s not what I want, but marrying a man like Michael Tanner comes with a price,” Debra said with a grimace, reaching for the delicate and tasty chocolate chip cookie her aunt had made just that morning. She had stopped on her way home from work and had told Michael that she would be staying at her apartment tonight much to his displeasure. She had told him firmly that when she slept with him, they did not get much sleep and she needed to get at least a good night sleep.

  “Are you happy dear?” Sybil was looking at her curiously and Debra looked over to the beautiful cherry armoire that was probably the only expensive furniture her aunt had in the entire house. She had bought it at an auction a few years ago and it stood on proud display in the living room.

  “I am,” she told her with a smile, crinkling the corners of her eyes. “Michael is not what the press makes him out to be, he is sweet,” she laughed at the expression on her aunt’s face. “Well maybe sweet is not a word to describe him but he is strong and he treats me real good.”

  “I hope so my dear,” Aunt Sybil replaced her cup on the delicate white saucer and settled back in her chair. “He reminds me a little bit of your father. A very handsome man with charms that could make a snail run a marathon. All the women were in love with him or actually in heat for him.” She smiled a little in remembrance. “I was a little in love with him myself but he chose your mother, a choice that had everyone wondering why because as you know my dear your mother, though sweet, was not a beauty and he was used to beautiful women.” She paused a little bit and Debra sat there waiting for her to continue. “We figured it was love and left it at that but it was more than that; she had a strange hold over him; and even when he cheated on her time and again; it did not matter. It was a strange relationship and one that I could not put my finger on. I am glad to know that you and Michael are balanced in this relationship my dear because that’s the way it should be.”

  Her aunt’s words had a profound effect on her and even though they had ended up discussing the charities she was involved in, Debra could not get the conversation out of her head. She had fallen in love with Michael and it had happened so quickly that it had taken her breath away; but she knew he had the capacity to hurt her in a big way and she did not believe for one second that he had changed; even though they shared a passion that was far beyond anything she had ever experienced.


  It was a society wedding. The Christmas day dawned with a few flurries but otherwise it was a beautiful day that brought out the hundreds of people that filled the church to capacity. Debra was stunning in a glaring white designer dress that left her arms and shoulders bare in spite of the cold weather. The dress fit her like a designer’s dream and her makeup was flawless. She had worn a thick white fur coat that had been given to her as a gift from Michael, over the dress and took it off as soon as she entered the building. She had looked straight ahead and her heart had skipped a beat as she saw him standing at the front, his green eyes on hers.

  She had stayed at her apartment last night after he had ravished her at the office earlier in the evening, leaving her weak and wanting more. He had told her that the tradition of the bride not sleeping with the groom the night before the wedding was a stupid one and one designed to torture the couple. He had braced her against the wall in his office and plunged his penis inside her, his mouth on hers as she held him to her, her legs wrapped around his waist, her cries echoing inside the office along with his groans of fulfillment.

  She shivered as she remembered the feeling of total loss as he dropped her off at her apartment and before she had climb out of the car he had kissed her, a deep kiss that had left her lips stinging and bruised. She wondered if they would soon burn themselves out, surely what they were feeling; the excruciating passion would not last for much longer?

  The ceremony was brief and as they said their vows promising to honor and respect each other and forsake all others, Debra wondered if that was really true. He kissed her lingeringly, his tongue darting inside her mouth and she holding him close to her. Then she became Mrs. Debra Tanner, their picture was captured in that close moment and became the main picture in the society magazine, among others as they made their way outside in the frigid weather with a few flurries dripping from the sky to settle and then disappear as soon as it fell.

  The reception was held at the newly acquired Royal hotel that Tanners Technology had gutted and renovated in the past few weeks. The paparazzi were there in their numbers, each one vying with the other to take the best pictures of the newlyweds. The next morning’s paper would title it a modern Cinderella story and another one: ‘The CEO and the P.R.O.’

  Debra found herself a little overwhelmed by it all and several times during the night she felt Michael’s hand reaching for hers as if to reassure her that he was there for her. She found herself taking little peeks around the room to see if she recognized any of his past relationships but the crowd was too much and she was not sure she recognized anyone.

  They were going to be spending the night in the pent house suite and he had told her that they were not going to wait until the party broke up; he wanted to be with her.

  She smiled and spoke to the few people she knew from the office and from doing business with them in connection with Tanners Technology and gave the right answers but she hated the crush of the crowd and the way she was looked at and picked apart by eyes following them around the room. To his credit, Michael did not leave her side as they made their rounds around the room and for that Debra was grateful.

  Her aunt beamed at her and gave her a congratulatory hug and told Michael to take care of her niece or he would have to answer to her. Michael assured her smoothly that he had every intention of doing so. Debra gave his mother a brief hug, liking the woman who seemed out of place in the vast crowd littered with women who were vying with each other who would be photographed more, their jewelry blazing in the dim lights of the hotel’s ballroom. She made sure that she sat with Aunt Sybil and asked Jules to check on her.


  The party was still in full swing when they left and went up to the pent house suite. The luxury of the rooms took her breath away as her feet sank into the burgundy carpet. She had been here when some of the renovations were going on but she had not seen the finished work. It was a job well done. There was champagne nestled in a bucket by the huge four poster bed and a complimentary wedding cake on a table next to it.

  She was standing in the middle of the room and felt, rather than heard, him come up behind her. “What do you want to do now?” he asked her softly, his arms coming around her waist to pull her back against him.

  She was shy around him all of a sudden and she knew it was because she did not know where she stood with him. She turned around to face him, her hands going around his neck. “I need you,” she said simply, pulling down his head and taking his lips with hers. It was like setting off a spark as with a groan he opened his mouth under hers and his tongue met hers with a hungry desperation that had them panting with the force of it.

  He dragged his mouth from hers and with feverish haste he unzipped her wedding dress and careless of how much it cost, he flung it to the floor, his eyes taking in the flimsy camisole she had on. She was beautiful, so much so that he sometimes wondered if she was real. He had taken off his suit jacket and now he unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged out of it and next came his pants, his eyes still on her. With a muffled groan he swung
her up into his arms and strode with her to the bed where he laid her down gently on the soft cotton sheets.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known,” he muttered, his hands spanning her waist; his green eyes blazing with desire. “I can’t get enough of you and even when I am with you I want more,” his hands ran restlessly down her body, coming to rest against her pubic area, his finger drifting towards her mound.

  His slowness was killing her and with a moan Debra captured his hand placed it there, moving against it. “I want to take my time,” he told her hoarsely, his thumb rubbing against her; his eyes taking in the widening of her beautiful dark brown eyes. “My wife,” he said harshly, kneeling on the bed and peeling off the camisole from her body and leaving her totally naked for his eyes.

  “Michael,” she pleaded as he bent his head and took a hard nipple inside his mouth, licking it slowly and then pulling on it, his tongue moving over it hungrily. Debra tunneled her hands into his hair and held on as he transferred to the other breast. By the time his mouth drifted down to her flat stomach, she was almost delirious with need.

  “Michael now,” she told him feverishly, her hands pulling at his hair. He did not comply but went down further, taking her inside his mouth, his tongue tasting and slowly putting his tongue inside her. Debra arched her body in response and she felt the sensation starting from the pit of her stomach and traveling up as his tongue plunged in and out of her feverishly. He stopped just as she was about to explode and came over her, releasing his pulsing erection from his underwear and entering her gently, her tightness gripping him with a force that threatened to undo him. She moved under him restlessly, hurriedly taking him with her and with an aching groan he entered her until he was touching her core, his hands gripping her hips as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He bent his head and took her lips in a tender kiss that almost had her weeping.


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