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Sin With Me (With Me Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Lacey Silks

  What is he doing?

  I knew exactly what he was doing, but I didn’t want to admit it. I didn’t want to acknowledge that I was watching the priest of a parish I lived in getting ready to touch himself. In the back of my mind, alarms were ringing that I was invading his privacy. I shouldn’t be there. It was wrong, and I’d need to confess my sins to the same man I was staring at, but that didn’t matter. The moment felt so, so right that I couldn’t ignore the tingling sensation I had in my stomach. It traveled lower and lower, right to between my legs, and it felt so, so good.

  I strained in an attempt to see his laptop screen. The image of predominantly naked skin and two bodies writhing against one another was clear enough, and my mind took me on a ride, imagining it was me and him, skin against skin, twined limbs, slick bodies and satisfaction burning in our eyes. I saw Father Cameron grin as he began watching porn.

  He’s human.

  He’d said it himself, so why didn’t I ever think that he had unsatisfied needs? He grasped himself, removing his dick from his underwear, and I gasped. Even from this far away it looked huge, solid and strong, perfectly complementing his physique. He tensed at the first stroke, leaned forward, and squeezed clear lube onto his palm before sitting back against the couch, more relaxed. His grip was gentle at first as his hand slowly made its way down, pulling his uncircumcised skin though his hold all the way to the bottom, then back up. My breathing quickened.

  That was hot.

  His hand slid up and down with ease, slowly at first, then more quickly. The lines of his jaw tensed. I felt my thighs clench, my stomach swirl, and my whole body heat at the erotic sight. There was something arousing about watching someone doing an unforgivable deed. As far as I remembered, priests were supposed to be celibate. Did that mean that they couldn’t please themselves? I wasn’t sure. I didn’t know the ins and outs of Catholic rules, but I did know that standing there, absolutely mesmerized by the movement of his hand, was wrong.

  But how else was he to relieve himself? I could only imagine that celibacy wasn’t easy and definitely not for everyone. Definitely not for me.

  Maybe there was a monthly quota for priests, and he hadn’t reached his? Well, from the look of his quickening strokes and gasps, he’d definitely fulfill a large part of it tonight. If he weren’t a priest, I would have knocked on his door and asked if he needed help. I’d be naked and on my knees, with my mouth around him, sucking him deep into my mouth before he had a chance to say hello.

  As my yearning for this man grew, my hand slid down between my legs, underneath my leggings, where the fabric of my panties was dampened. My body craved pleasure. It had been so long that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt a man’s hands on my skin. I cupped my pussy over my panties, just to feel its warmth. Except there was much more going on down there than temperature change. The heat throbbed against my palm, urging my fingers to push past the fabric, so I gently rubbed my tip right over my panties. The image of Father Cameron masturbating behind the window captivated me. As his hand sped up, so did my heart and so did my need.

  Would he finish? Would he come?

  My gaze traveled away from his fast moving hand, up his torso where the tight shirt nicely highlighted the muscles, and then to his lips. The same cool lips that sipped on the beer moments ago now mouthed, “Shit,” and I gasped. His swearing made him more like a man, a real man. He bit his lower lip and leaned forward, closer to the screen. His jawline tensed even further, its bone structure becoming more prominent. As his nostrils flared and his eyes shut, I watched as his first spurt shot out of his crown, right over the laptop, and he reached the height of his pleasure. He leaned forward, his grip easing. His mouth opened and body tensed once more as the last squeeze of his wrist pulled the final drops of orgasm out of him.

  My breaths heavy, I realized that I was still holding myself, feeling the pulse there pound with intensity. Secretly, I wanted him to know what I’d done. I wanted him to know that I was watching him, and I wanted to see his reaction when he saw me with my hand between my legs, but that was wrong. I couldn’t even begin to count the ways in which that was wrong.

  What are you doing, Kate?

  A familiar voice echoed my thoughts: “Kate? What are you doing out here? It’s late.”

  I jumped up and pulled my hand out of my pants, straining my sight for whom I thought was Lola.

  “I… I lost an earring earlier in the day and thought I’d look for it.”

  Couldn’t I have come up with a better excuse? Like… I followed a lost bunny into the woods? Argh, during the past month pretending to be someone else, a good and timid girl, I must have lost my touch. I felt all those little lies I’d told burn in my throat and carve into my heart. Maybe I should have taken my confessions more seriously. Maybe I should have listened to Father John, who told me that if I bared my soul to God, I’d feel cleaner and lighter on the inside.

  “Kate, how are you going to find it in the dark? Do you even have a flashlight?” she asked.

  Of course I didn’t.

  “Well, I lost that too.”

  Crap! I had a feeling that this wasn’t going to get easier any time soon.

  “A flashlight?”

  “Yes, and now I can’t find that either.”

  “Well, let me help you look.”

  “No, no. It’s pointless anyways. You can’t see anything.” I wiped my wet fingers on my leggings and stepped away from the forest, enough that if Lola met me halfway, she wouldn’t be privy to the show I’d just witnessed in Father Cameron’s bedroom window. But I wasn’t quick enough.

  “Wait – isn’t that Father Cameron’s cabin?” She pointed to the living room. I was ready to make a deal with Satan right about now, just so that she wouldn’t see our priest with his hand around his dick. Either that, or I’d hoped I could at least click my magical red heels and wake up far away from this nightmare. I looked down to my dirty sneakers and frowned.

  “Ahm, I don’t know. Did you hear that?” I pointed in the opposite direction.

  “Hear what?”

  “Come – I thought someone called out.” I pulled on her hand, urging her around the bend.

  Little did I know, Satan must have been laughing at me all the way from hell at this moment, because as we turned the corner, none other than Father Cameron closed the front door to his cabin. It appeared that while I was trying to cover up my peeping Tom experience, I hadn’t noticed when Father Cameron finished his business, got dressed, and came out of the cabin.

  “Good evening, Father,” Lola grinned, poking me in the ribcage with her elbow. I froze, hoping the ground would swallow me whole.

  “Lola, Kate. Is everything all right? I thought I heard someone outside.”

  “Yes, we were just looking for Kate’s earring.”

  “You lost it, Kate?”

  My face was burning up. Could he tell that I’d just seen him get himself off? Could he see the embarrassment brightening my cheeks?

  “I, ahm, I did,” I said. I could feel their stare on me, waiting for me to say something else, but what else was there?

  So, how was it, Father? Did you enjoy the video?

  “I think I should get off, I mean, put off looking for it until morning. It’s pretty dark,” I stuttered.

  “Well, where did you lose it?”

  No, no, no!

  “She already looked for it down there.” Lola pointed behind the cabin and I shut my eyes so tight, I’d hoped I’d never have to look Father Cameron straight in his eyes again. Right now would have been a good time for Mother Earth to open up and let me shamelessly slide down, right into hell. But no. Mother Earth had other ideas.

  “She was there when?”

  “A few minutes ago.”

  Shit, shit, shit!

  “Kate?” he asked. “Did you lose your earring behind my cabin, perhaps?” Oh, that hint of admonishment in his voice was enough for me to rate this moment as the most embarrassing one in my life.r />
  I peeked from underneath my eyelids as Father Cameron was studying me from below his. Oh, he so knew that I saw him. Now I had no choice but to go to confession; not that I wouldn’t have. Was Father John asleep? Because there was no way I could tell Father Cameron what I’d done. Could I even tell Father John? I was beginning to be convinced that one day, one of them would have a heart attack because of me.

  “Yes, that’s where I lost it.”

  “And what were you doing looking for it at this hour? It’s almost dark outside.”

  “She lost it earlier in the day,” Lola explained, grinning.

  Did she know what I’d done? Was she covering for me?

  “And I started looking when it was still light outside. I lost track of time,” I lied yet again. I was getting pretty good at covering up my little fibs, but I was afraid that if I kept stalking Father Cameron, I would eventually begin losing track of them.

  “I see. Well, if you’d like, I can help you look for it in the morning.”

  “Thank you, Father,” I said and lowered my head. It would be some time before I could look him in the eye — if ever.

  Lola cleared her throat and pointed to his leg. “Father, I don’t mean to be rude, but you have a stain on your jeans.”

  Curious about the stain, I glanced at his jeans. They were so perfectly fitted, especially around the zipper area. The slight curve there revived that tingling sensation in my stomach. When I saw the dried discoloration Lola was referring to, I wondered whether it was his cum. My cheeks burned so hot that I prayed the night’s darkness would hide my secrets.

  “Well, we don’t have the luxury of a full closet out here, and I dropped a melting marshmallow on my lap last night at the bonfire. Not one of my more graceful moments.”

  Was it a marshmallow stain? Or maybe something much more fresh? I felt Satan’s laugh underneath my feet as heat spread from there up my body.

  Argh, get your mind out of the gutter, Kate!

  “Well, Kate tends to lose her food down her shirt all the time, so this isn’t a surprise,” Lola added.

  Father Cameron’s right brow rose, and I thought I saw the corner of his mouth lift.

  “We all have our little quirks.” I shrugged and then grabbed Lola’s arm, squeezing it hard. “We should get going. It’s a busy day tomorrow. Goodnight, Father.”

  “Good night, Kate, Lola.”

  “Good night. Oh, and a flashlight. Kate lost a flashlight as well. Right behind your cabin, so if you happen to find it, it’s hers.”

  Great! Now he’ll think I purposefully ventured outside to find a cozy spot behind his cabin to watch him jerk off.

  He nodded. While I wasn’t looking directly at him, I could feel the heat of his stare on me and only me. Lola was grinning from ear to ear as she took me under my arm and we went back to our cabin.

  “I swear if I hear you say another word I will kill you,” I said through gritted teeth, and pushed her into our cabin. Inside, I put my earbuds in and turned on a playlist. Lola of course was already asking me a thousand questions, but I tuned her out as soon as Bon Jovi’s voice sounded. I closed my eyes and lay back on the bed.

  It was pointless to try to fall asleep, but I knew that when I did, I’d dream about Father Cameron in ways no one should ever dream about a priest.

  Chapter 15


  Thirty-some years ago

  “Daddy? Were there dinosaurs on the ark?” I asked.

  Still kneeling in the pew, my father turned toward me with a stern look and put his index finger to his lips. I’d interrupted him praying again, but I had so many questions that I couldn’t possibly remember them all or keep them in my head.

  Leo at preschool said that dinosaurs didn’t exist. I knew that was a lie because I’d seen their skeletons in museums – which Leo said were also fake. He also said that if dinosaurs were real, they would have been saved on the ark.

  My father resumed his prayer, and I swung my feet back and forth, patiently waiting. I wasn’t tall enough to reach the floor just yet, but I could touch the kneeler with my tiptoes. And if I stood on it, I looked like a third grader at least.

  When my father was done praying, he sat down beside me and put his arm around me. I liked it when he did that.

  “Dinosaurs on the ark, you ask?”

  My eyes opened wide.

  “They say the dinosaurs all died before the ark was built, and that’s why Noah couldn’t take any with him.”

  And now my mouth dropped open. My father knew everything.

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I pray.” He answered in the same way I’d heard him answer before.

  “Really, Daddy?”

  “Yes. God has all the answers. We may not hear them all the time, but he hears us. And if we have a question, He’ll guide you in life to help you seek the answers.”

  “You should ask God why Mommy is upset with you.”

  “Is she? Hmm, maybe I should ask Him. In the meantime, I love you. Both your mom and I do.”

  It made me feel all nice and warm on the inside when my parents told me they loved me. Despite their fights, they always hugged me and my brothers.

  “What do you say to God?” I asked.

  “You know your prayers, son.”

  “But when I want to say other stuff.”

  “Then you talk to Him as if He were sitting beside you, the way I am, listening.”

  “And He’ll listen?”


  Present day

  I knelt in front of the cross and lowered my head.

  He’ll always listen.

  “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It’s been…” I took a deep breath, then released it. “It’s been a long time since my last confession.”

  To be honest… actually, I couldn’t remember the last time I was honest with myself. So much had happened in the past few months that I could barely remember my mission: to find Aaron Cortez before he found me. To set up a trap for one of the most powerful cartel operations in the country and to find the woman who’d stolen my father’s heart. The more I dug through the papers in the attic and spoke to Father John, the more evidence I found of Kate’s mother’s involvement with the Cortez family, and that scared me; though if Father John wasn’t aware of Kate, maybe the Cortezes weren’t either. Maybe that’s why her mother had never returned. She’d already lost one child in Pace, and my gut told me that she didn’t want to lose another.

  She’s kept Kate hidden.

  The gentle sound of footsteps approached from behind.

  Right on time.

  I made the sign of the cross, stood up, and turned around. Kate was standing in the chapel’s doorway, and she looked not only gorgeous but sinful. God was definitely not making this job easy on me.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she said.

  “It’s all right. You didn’t. I’m glad you found my note.”

  “You beat me to the punch, Father Cameron. I was going to come by here today.”

  She came closer, removed her sunglasses, and placed them on top of her head. The gesture seemed oddly familiar, and I had a déjà vu moment. I followed her gaze as she looked around the chapel. Small stained-glass windows decorated the sides, and a larger clear one right across from the entrance illuminated the space with natural light, giving it plenty of peace and warmth. The little chapel had been on my mind since Father John first mentioned it, and I’d wanted to come here as soon as we returned from the retreat last night.

  “I wouldn’t expect you not to. Did you see the inscription over the door?”

  “Yeah. My mother used to say those words all the time.”

  “That would explain the tattoo, then; but where are the gravestones? Father John said there was a crypt here.”

  Our gazes slowly fell to the floor. I watched her lightly open her mouth. Her response drifted on her quiet breath, with a barely audible note, “I don’t know.”

  She was looking around the chapel, slowly approaching the cross, and I wanted to know what thoughts were behind that look of curiosity on her face. Her breathing was deep, but that could have been because of the hot weather. The thicker vein at the side of her neck pulsed impatiently. I watched her kneel where I had earlier. She made the sign of the cross and closed her eyes. I focused on her lips as they gently moved to the whisper of her prayer. Her beauty stirred something new and raw in my heart.

  I shut my eyes, turned around, and stepped to the side, where I hoped to refocus. The boards shifted under my weight, and I looked down at the floor. There appeared to be a hollow opening underneath. I quickly turned around and bumped into Kate.

  “I’m sorry,” we said at the same time, but neither of us moved.

  Her front was pressed against mine and she just stood there, her body frozen with shock and her eyes wide open, looking up at me. She looked beautiful and innocent.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered.

  “Yeah…” her voice trembled. Kate cleared her throat and moved back, her gaze darting sideways. That same board I stepped over a moment ago squeaked again, slightly shifting underneath us, and so I crouched down.

  “There’s something under here.” I tugged at the side of the board. The nails gave way, sliding out of their spots as if they were lifting from sand. I looked up. “It’s probably the crypt.”

  I grabbed the second board.

  “That’s vandalism. What are you doing?” Kate stepped to the side, and I pulled on that one as well.

  “They often say that the dead take a lot of secrets to the grave with them. Let’s see what secrets are hiding underneath the chapel.”

  “Father Cameron, this is a holy place. We shouldn’t disturb it. I don’t know about you, but I sure as heck don’t want to disturb the dead.”

  She was right. I wasn’t acting in an expected way. I was so driven by this need to know more about Kate and her family that I was beginning to make stupid mistakes. “I’m sorry. You’re right.”


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