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Billionaire's Playmate

Page 77

by Chance Carter

  The restaurant was absolutely gorgeous. It was located on the edge of a cliff, and was constructed of wood. It was the only building in sight, so it had a secluded feel that complimented the seaside vibe very well. The smell of the ocean and the whisper of the wind on the tall grass completed the scene beautifully. It was easy to see why Derek’s mother loved it so much.

  Since it was a little past the typical lunch time, there were only a few other cars in the parking lot. After carefully parking and inspecting the vehicle for damage, I got out my camera and took a ton of photos, hoping to preserve the allure of the setting.

  The interior of the building was somehow even more charming than the exterior. The design embraced the ocean theme, but in a classic, vintage way. The paintings on the wall portrayed images of sailors, ships and abandoned beaches. Everything was made of wood, almost as if we were on an actual boat.

  There was a comforting solitude about the place. It was quiet, but warm. Simple and nostalgic, invoking memories of a different time and place.

  A hostess greeted me and led me to a small table by the window. I had a perfect view of the ocean and the cloudy sky.

  I took my time looking over the menu before settling on salmon and a salad. While I waited, I sipped iced tea and watched out the window, daydreaming. I wondered if Derek had ever been here. It was easily one of the most enchanting places that I had ever stumbled upon—just as he was certainly the most enchanting man I had ever met. He would fit in well here. I knew without a doubt that he would love it as much as I did.

  The food was brought out quickly, and it was absolutely delicious. I couldn’t have enjoyed it more.

  When I finished, I asked for a slice of peach pie, plus a whole pie, to go. Walter was right, it was irresistible. I planned on bringing him the full pie, so he might remember his little nook of the world.

  After paying, I headed out, intent on getting back to the mansion and giving Walter the pie. I was excited, sure I’d come up with a nice treat for the old man. It would put a smile on his face. Something genuine—a brief pleasure, but a solid one.

  I set the pie in the passenger seat, and took another long look at the ocean before heading out. I vowed to myself that I would come back to this place as soon as I could, with Derek, or my sister perhaps, even by myself.

  I drove back along the snaking roads and twisting hills, feeling—for the first time in a while—completely at peace. There were no doubts haunting my mind. I was happy to be alive.

  By the time I saw the truck approaching from the corner of my eye, it was too late.

  Chapter 18


  My phone lit up on the table, distracting me from the discussion. I glanced down to see that it was my father calling.

  As much as I wanted to answer, I knew the older men would disapprove, rolling their eyes and talking behind my back. The majority of them didn’t think that I was good at my job, at least they thought they would be better at it than I was. I didn’t let it bother me anymore.

  Instead of leaving a voicemail, my father immediately called back. And then again after that, which was unusual, as he very rarely called me at all.

  “You’ll have to excuse me, gentlemen,” I said, picking up my phone. Sure enough, several of them glared at me as I left the room. “It’s my father. It must be urgent.”

  I answered as soon as I was in the privacy of my office.


  “Derek. It’s Amy. She’s in the hospital.”

  My whole world stopped. I felt dizzy.

  “What?” I leaned forward, my hand gripping the edge of the desk. “What happened? Is she okay? What hospital?”

  “Clark County. I don’t know anything. It was a car accident. I just received notification from the insurance company about the car. They wouldn’t tell me anything else.” My father sounded just as panicked as I was. “I tried calling her cell phone but it went straight to voicemail.”

  “Shit.” I tried to calm down before I started hyperventilating. I’d never felt so distressed in my life. I couldn’t form a thought. A massive, overwhelming cloud of fear consumed me. “Okay. Okay. I’m sure she’s alright. She has to be. Fuck.” My voice stuck in my throat, as the weight of the situation struck me.

  “Son,” my father said, suddenly strong and calm. “Listen to me. She’ll be okay. The baby will be okay. You just need to find her.”

  His level headedness served to relax me. I needed to be rational right now, not panic. Amy needed me.

  “You’re right. I’m headed there now. I’ll try calling her too. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out anything.”

  “Alright.” My father paused. “Derek?”


  “I’m proud of you.”

  “I…” The comment came out of nowhere, but his voice was strained. The sudden, genuine words raked my heart. “Thank you, dad.”

  “I’m proud of you for loving her.”

  I didn’t know how to respond.

  As soon as my father hung up, I texted Adam to be at the door as soon as he could, then tried calling Amy. Sure enough, her phone didn’t even ring.

  I hurried downstairs. Janet looked up from her desk.

  “Done already, Mr. Rittsman?”

  “There’s been an emergency. It’s Amy and I have to go,” I said, breathless.

  Concerned, Janet answered, “Will do, Mr. Rittsman. I hope everything’s okay.”

  I nodded at her, before going out the door. I stood there, bouncing on my toes as I waited for Adam to pull up. I wished desperately at that moment that I’d driven myself.

  Within ten minutes, Adam pulled up. Before he could get out of the car, I jumped in beside him.

  “We need to go to Clark Hospital,” I said urgently. “Amy’s there. She was in a car accident.”

  Adam didn’t need any further instruction. He whipped out of the parking lot and sped down the streets, weaving through traffic wherever he could. I gripped my phone in my hands until my knuckles turned white, praying that she would call and let me know that she was okay.

  The worst thoughts invaded my mind. Amy, seriously injured. Amy, dead. Amy, gone.

  I couldn’t live with that. It was not an option.

  Adam worked magic, somehow having me at the hospital within half an hour, a third of the time it would normally take. He hadn’t even completely stopped the car before I opened the door and jumped out, sprinting up the staircase and through the sliding doors.

  “Amelia Parker,” I told the receptionist. “I believe she was in a car accident. I need to see her. I need to know she’s okay.”

  “Relationship?” the receptionist asked, clearly not understanding how pressing the situation was.

  “Goddamn it, is she okay? Just tell me.” I fought back the tears that were threatening. “I’m her—her boyfriend.” I prayed that was a close enough relation that they would let me see her. “Listen, I don’t know what happened. My father called me. I don’t even know if she’s… please, can you help me?”

  The woman looked at me, and sighed, her expression sympathetic. “Let me check. I’ll let you know as soon as possible.”

  She typed a few things into her computer, studied it, and then reached for the phone.

  “Hi, this is the desk. We have a mister..?” She glanced up at me.

  “Derek. Derek Rittsman.”

  “We have a Derek Rittsman here. His girlfriend, Amelia Parker, was brought in earlier. Car accident, I think. Yes. He wants to know if he can come up. Alright.” She was quiet for a little bit as she waited. I tapped my finger nervously on the desk. “Okay. Thank you.” She hung up.

  “Room 306,” she told me.

  “How is she?”

  “I don’t know, sir. But they wouldn’t be letting you up if it was the worst.”

  “Thank you,” I said, turning away and heading down the hall. I took the stairs two at a time, climbing as fast as I could to the third floor. When I got there, I asked a passing
nurse where the room was, explaining the circumstances. Kindly, she led me there.

  The door opened, and there was Amy, sitting on the edge of a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown, but looking well. Her eyes lit up when she saw me. Without restraint, I ran over to her, throwing my arms around her and holding her tight.

  “Fucking hell,” I said into her hair. “I was terrified. What happened?”

  “Ouch,” she said, flinching. I immediately stood back, concerned. “No, I’m okay. Just a little sore. Oh, Derek, I’m so sorry.”

  “About what?”

  “The car. It’s completely totaled. This truck, the driver wasn’t paying attention and ran the red light. It hit the passenger side.”

  “Oh my God, Amelia.” I sat beside her and covered her face with kisses. “I don’t give a damn about the car. All that matters is that you’re okay. I was so… I thought…”

  “I’m fine. A few bruises. A little whiplash. They took some x-rays. I was going to call you, but they just finished all the testing and my phone was dead. I didn’t realize that you knew.”

  “They called my father about the car, and he called me. We didn’t know anything, just that you’d been in a wreck.” I let out an airy, relieved laugh. “Holy shit, Amy. Don’t ever do that again. I almost had a heart attack.”

  “I’ll try not to.” She leaned against me, nestling her head into my shoulder. “It’s good to know you care, though,” she teased.

  “Care? I went into full blown panic,” I told her. “I really thought I’d lost you.”

  She peered up at me, with that sweet, unassuming face of hers. God, I couldn’t imagine my life without those eyes, and those lips.

  “I’m really sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to cause you so much worry.”

  “You don’t have anything to apologize for, Amelia. Ever. I’m just overjoyed that you are okay.”

  Looking at her, and realizing how close I’d come to losing her, clarified my thoughts. This woman was not some passing fling. In one short week, she had completely ingrained herself in me. I could not bear the thought of being without her.

  I had no explanation for how she had so swiftly taken over my life. I’d never been so drawn to a woman, so, so…

  It didn’t make sense.

  I was probably overreacting. I was filled with emotion and adrenaline. I wasn’t thinking straight.

  A nurse knocked and peaked into the room, smiling at us. “The doctor has cleared you to go home. Everything looks good. I assume you have a ride?”

  “She does,” I said, holding her hand as we stood up.

  The nurse ran over a few quick warning signs we should watch for over the next few days, but assured us that Amy shouldn’t have any lasting problems from the accident. She was incredibly lucky, the nurse said, to have done as well as she had considering how fast the truck had been going.

  Finally, I led her out of the hospital, grateful for her health.

  “Miss Parker,” Adam said, smiling at Amy when we got to the car. “You’re looking well.”

  “Hi, Adam,” Amy said. “Thank you. I’ll be leaving the driving up to you from now on, though.”

  Adam laughed. “A wise decision.” He turned to me. “Am I taking you back to work, Mr. Rittsman?”

  “No,” I said. “We’ll be going home.” After what happened, I wasn’t going to let a moment of today slide by without her. That sort of fear really shakes a man.

  I called my father to let him know that Amy was okay, and then settled in for the ride home. Amy cozied up to me, and I wrapped my arms around her. She was a little shaken too, and all she wanted was to be near me. The feeling was mutual.

  When we finally got home, I thanked Adam before helping Amy out of the car.

  The mansion was quiet, familiar, and safe. I was aware and thankful for what I had after facing the fear of losing Amy.

  As we made our way down the hallway, I glanced down at Amy. She had quickly bounced back to her normal self, looking cheerful and happy to be here.

  Perhaps it was the tide of emotion that had rolled over me today, but I was hit by a sudden wave of desire.

  Without warning, I took her in my arms and pulled her into a bedroom that we were passing, closing the door firmly behind us.

  She looked up at me with surprise, “Derek?”

  “Get undressed,” I said, my voice low and husky. “Get on the bed. I need to fuck you, now.”

  There must be something about near-death experiences that makes people horny, because Amy didn’t hesitate before obeying. I got out of my own clothes, specifically setting aside my tie and belt.

  I took a hold of her and pushed her down onto bed, before grabbing my tie and using it as a blindfold over her eyes. Amy bit her lip in anticipation, a smile creeping onto her lips. Once I’d secured the knot, I flipped her over and tossed her further onto the bed, climbing on top of her. Straddling her, I grabbed her wrists and pinned them together, before looping the belt around them, tightening it, and pulling her hands over her head. She was completely under my control.

  Then I kissed her, smashing my lips against hers. I wanted her to feel all of me, just as I wanted to taste all of her.

  The hand that wasn’t holding up her arms journeyed down her body, not skipping an inch of her skin. My fingertips took their time exploring her. They traced her collarbone, grazed her breasts, and played with her nipples, causing her to arch up, humming.

  My mouth followed after my fingers, trailing just behind. I nibbled at her neck for a bit, as Amy was particularly sensitive there. She tilted her head back as I kissed her throat, gently sucking the skin. I moved on to her nipples, which grew hard under my tongue, and my hand slipped between her thighs.

  My fingertips grazed her clit, barely touching the bundle of nerves. I continued that gentle, teasing motion, watching her face as impatient desire took over her expression.

  “Please,” she moaned, bucking her hips in an attempt to rub harder against my hand. I held her hips firmly with my other hand, and didn’t give in to her pleas just yet. “Mm. Fuck me. Please, Derek.”

  “Patience, beautiful,” I said, taking two fingers and tracing down around her slit, feeling how wet she was, how badly she wanted me.

  I sat back, so that I wasn’t touching her at all, and waited for a moment. Unable to see, she stiffened in expectation, unsure of what I was going to do. I allowed her a minute of that anticipation, enjoying how her bottom lip trembled and her legs tensed. And then, when she couldn’t take the suspense a moment longer, I gave in.

  My mouth dove between her thighs. I flicked my tongue against her lips, before moving up to her clit, sucking gently. A breathless moan escaped Amy, encouraging me to push harder. As my tongue continued to swirl around her clit, I slid two fingers inside of her, moving them in a ‘come here’ motion that stroked the g-spot in her inner walls.

  Her back arched off the bed, and she squirmed, making it difficult to keep a steady pressure. I gripped her hip as tightly as I could, pulling her toward me.

  My mouth and hand switched places. While my fingers circled and massaged her clit, my tongue entered her, licking her wetness. As I sped up, Amy became louder, gasping and moaning and calling my name.

  I savored the sweet, warm taste of her. More than that, I delighted in pleasuring this woman, making her lose control.

  Once again, I stuck several fingers inside of her and sucked on her clit, fucking her hard with my fingers as I tripled my efforts. Amy’s whole body squirmed, while she tilted her head back and howled her pleasure.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged. I didn’t.

  I felt her cum, her inner walls convulsing tightly around my fingers, but I didn’t slow down. As the orgasm took hold of her, I continued rubbing and sucking her. My grip on her hip didn’t allow her to pull away.

  Amy moaned, unable to even form words, as her body shook. When I didn’t stop, she arched back and then bucked up, completely overcome. All mine.

the orgasm finally started to subside, she fell back onto the bed, gasping for breath. Her thighs trembled and twitched.

  I allowed her a few moments to rest as I sat up, rolling my neck. I studied her, hungrily taking in her beauty, her vulnerability, as she lay tied up before me. Filled with a feral sort of desire, I climbed back over her and started to kiss her again.

  Amy immediately responded, kissing me back, eager to taste herself on my lips. She pressed herself up against me, so that my erection grazed her swollen slit. I groaned as I felt her wetness on my cock, which throbbed with longing to be inside of her.

  “You gonna fuck me now?” Her voice was so playful, so coy, and so fucking provocative. It twisted my stomach with lust.

  In response, I pinned her arms back over her head again with the belt, and thrust hard into her. Having not expected the suddenness of my motion, Amy gasped, her whole body jolting as I filled her up. As her walls adjusted around me, she let out a shaky moan.

  “That feel good, baby?” I pulled out, then plunged back into her. This time, both of us moaned. “Fuck.”

  I started fucking her hard, her breasts bouncing to the rhythm that I set. I was so turned on from going down on her, the pressure built up in my core fast. I thrust relentlessly, without pause, until Amy was practically screaming in pleasure underneath me.

  I came, burying my cock deep into her as the waves of satisfaction rolled through me. There aren’t words to describe the pure pleasure, the complete gratification and mind-numbing thrill. My whole body was shaking by the end of it.

  Falling beside her, I lay on my back, breathing deeply. Amy wriggled her hands out of the belt loop and slid off the blindfold, before curling up beside me with her head on my chest. I ran a hand through her hair, completely content.

  For a while, we were quiet. I watched Amy’s face, her expression lost in thought.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked, kissing the side of her head.

  “How happy I am to be here, with you,” she responded. “And how happy I am to be alive.”

  Chapter 19



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