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by Roland Graeme

  Table of Contents

  Our Dads’ Big Gay Wedding

  When two mature men who have been living together finally decide to tie the knot, their sons by their previous straight marriages find themselves planning their dads’ gay wedding. One of the young men takes after his father in more ways than one, but the other one is supposedly straight. Can love lead to a more carnal relationship?

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Our Dads’ Big Gay Wedding

  Copyright © 2012 Roland Graeme

  ISBN: 978-1-77111-159-1

  Cover art by Angela Waters

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books

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  Our Dads’ Big Gay Wedding


  Roland Graeme

  To the men of the Florida Keys

  Chapter One

  “I have to give you credit, Hector,” Hernan Nieves told his son. “When we first decided that you’d come work for me, I wasn’t so sure. But you’ve really stepped up to the plate and proven yourself.”

  “Gee, thanks for the backhanded compliment, Dad,” Hector said.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean it to come out quite that way.”

  Hector eyed his father suspiciously. “You’ve got that look on your face that you always get, when you’ve got something to tell me that you don’t think I want to hear. So come on, out with it. Tell me.”

  “The truth is, Graham and I would like to go out of town for a while. Not long, just a week.”

  “It’s about time you guys took a vacation.”

  “The point is you’d have to run things here while we’re gone.”

  “No sweat, Dad. I’ve done that before, remember? And the place was still here, intact, when you got back.” Hector was already looking forward to being able to boss around his father’s employees. “Where’re you two running off to?”

  “Ah, the Virgin Islands.”

  “Really? Wow. Now I’m envious.”

  “Actually, Hector, this isn’t going to be so much a vacation as it will be sort of a honeymoon.”

  “Sweet. You guys are overdue for something like that. You both work too hard.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way, Hector. Because you see, before we leave for this trip…Graham and I are going to get married.”

  “Married?” Hector exploded. “You mean like exchanging rings during a ceremony and the whole nine yards?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “You have got to be kidding.”

  “Afraid not.”

  “Dad, you and Graham cannot do this to me. All my friends think it is so cool that my old man is still so hot-looking and that he has a live-in boyfriend and that the two of you are still getting it on together like a couple of bright-eyed furry little minks in heat.”

  Hernan grimaced. “Thanks for the indelible mental image. So it’s astonishing that we’re still getting it on together at our age, huh? As opposed to what? Facing each other in matching wheelchairs in a nursing home and drooling in sync?”

  “Well, let’s face it, Dad. A lot of guys your age are popping prescription meds to keep their dicks hard.”

  “Something else for Graham and me to look forward to. Better living through chemistry.”

  “But seriously, Dad,” Hector persisted. “Having a foxy old man who is living in sin with another dude and still getting more than his fair share of smoking hot sex is cool. Having a father who is respectably remarried, even to another guy, is definitely not cool. And, oh my God, I just realized that you’re talking about Graham becoming my stepfather. Uncooler yet, if that’s even possible.”

  “I’m sorry to embarrass you among your, no doubt, discerning and tolerant friends, Hector. But Graham and I have made our minds up to make honest men of each other.”

  “Why, after all these years?”

  Hernan smiled. “It just seems like the right thing to do. Hard to put into words.”

  “Well, I for one refuse to give in to outmoded middle-class values. I’m never getting married.”

  The senior Nieves smiled. “Famous last words. Wait until you meet the right man.”

  “Well, at least we can agree on one thing, Dad. Graham is definitely the right man for you. You two are so lucky to have each other.”

  Hernan was genuinely touched. “Why thank you, son. I think that’s one of the nicest things you’ve ever said to me.”

  “I’m a considerate kind of guy,” Hector boasted. Then an awful possibility occurred to him. “You’re not going to make me rent a fucking tuxedo for this affair, are you?”

  “We haven’t decided on the venue or the dress code yet. But as a matter of fact, now that you mention it, maybe Graham and I could be married on the beach in the nude,” Hernan joked. “The entire wedding party could be in the nude.”

  “Now you’re talking, Dad! That would be way cool!”

  It occurred to Hernan that, in the highly unlikely event he and Graham decided to go down that route, theirs probably wouldn’t be the first nude wedding or even the first nude gay wedding to take place in the neighborhood. This was a resort community, after all, with a laid-back, tolerant attitude. As for poor Graham, when Hernan subsequently teased him with the possibility of a clothing-optional ceremony, he nearly choked from laughing so hard.

  Hernan and Hector lived in the Florida Keys and ran the family business together. They owned a fleet, or more accurately, a trio of fishing boats, which tourists could hire for deep-sea fishing expeditions. On a good day, all three boats would be out on the water. Hernan now spent much of his time in the office, but on occasion he still piloted one or other of the boats himself, just to keep his hand in, and because he loved the ocean and fishing. Hector had also begun piloting as soon as he was old enough, although now he was, for all practical purposes, his father’s assistant manager and second in command. Hernan and Hector’s mother had divorced years ago and she had remarried. Twice.

  * * * *

  Hector was twenty-three and his father was all of forty-eight. By Hector’s standards this was quite an advanced age for a man to still be leading an active sex life. Of course, Hernan did have the advantage of having Graham as his live-in boyfriend.

  Graham, the man who was responsible for Hernan’s lack of erectile dysfunction, was forty-six. He was a widower, who, like Hernan, had never remarried. Graham ran his own successful business. And he had a son, too. Barry was twenty and serving in the Marine Corps.

  Hector got along famously with Graham. Ever since Hernan had persuaded Graham to move in with him, for Hector it had been like having a second, sympathetic father. He’d long ago perfected the art of playing Graham and Hernan against each other in order to try to get what he wanted. Sometimes this ploy worked, more often it didn’t, but the game itself was fun. Despite all the ribbi
ng he’d just given Hernan, Hector was delighted at the prospect of having Graham as his stepdad. The three men lived in a house on the beach near the docks where the boats were kept. Hector had his own apartment in the house, which gave the two older men a modicum of privacy. Hector, a freewheeling sort, was never too concerned about privacy for himself and his frequent tricks.

  Hector had met Barry on several occasions, but they’d never spent too much time together and as a result, Hector couldn’t pretend he knew the other young man very well. He liked Barry, though. Part of this, Hector was honest enough to admit, was a physical attraction. In the last couple of years, Barry had blossomed from a slightly gawky teenage athlete into quite a hunk. The Marines had completed the transformation. Young though he was, Barry was now gorgeous and all man.

  Hector, like his father, was tall, husky, dark haired, and very deeply tanned. Similarly, Barry closely resembled Graham, who was a sleek dark blond.

  Somewhat cynically, Hector remembered when his father and Graham had first started living together. Their domestic arrangement might have inspired a book titled Hector Has Two Daddies. But it would have been a decidedly X-rated book, not at all suitable for children. Graham had warned Hernan and Hector that Barry was straight so if he ever visited they’d have to butch it up, as Graham put it, in front of him. Barry knew that Graham was gay, of course, and was supportive of his father’s relationship with Hernan. Hector, who now good-naturedly referred to his potential stepbrother as Rambo behind his back, had to admit that Hernan and Graham had come a long way. From you’re going to have to butch it up to we’re getting married in only a few years of living together.

  Barry always seemed to get along so well with Hernan that Hector didn’t see that there’d be any problem when Barry found out that Hernan and Graham still had the hots for each other after all this time and were now going to formalize their relationship. Still, Hector suspected that the young Marine was no doubt pretty naive in his macho way.

  Once he’d reconciled himself to the idea of his father becoming respectable, Hector predictably wanted to run the whole show. He tried to talk Hernan and Graham into having a church wedding with a large-scale reception afterward.

  “We’re only going to invite a few relatives and close friends,” Hernan insisted. “All we want is a simple ceremony, outdoors if the weather cooperates, and an informal party for the guests here at the house afterward.”

  Hector gave in, but he was aghast when he saw, printed on the invitations, No gifts, please. All we need is for you to join us and have a good time.

  “What’s the point of getting hitched if you’re not going to be registered at a decent department store and collect some loot?” he asked. “We could use now new dishes and appliances around here, for starters.”

  “Hernan, you’ve raised a monster,” Graham said, shaking his head.

  Graham and Hernan set the date, and made their travel arrangements. Barry, to Graham’s delight, was able to get a few weeks leave so he could attend the wedding. It was decided that he’d stay in the house with Hector while the two newlyweds were away. Upon their return, Barry would be able to spend some time with Graham.

  “I’ll take Rambo out fishing,” Hector promised. “Teach him the manly art.”

  “Good,” Graham replied. “Maybe he’ll keep you out of trouble and be a good influence on you.”

  Hector pretended to be puzzled by this comment. “Why would I need somebody to be a good influence on me?”

  Graham laughed. “Do you want the short list or the long one?”

  Hernan, for his part, invited his ex-wife to the wedding, but she declined the invitation. Hector didn’t mind.

  “She’d only have tried to run the show,” he said. “And that’s my job.”

  Hector volunteered to pick up Barry at the airport. He had ulterior motives. He wanted to see whether Barry was still as sexy as he remembered him, and he wanted to sound out his soon-to-be stepbrother’s reaction to this whole gay marriage business.

  Barry, who arrived at the terminal tricked out in camouflage fatigues, combat boots, and carrying an overstuffed duffel bag, looked very sexy indeed, although Hector wasn’t about to let him think so.

  “Holy shit. It’s a new version of the GI Joe doll,” he said. “Battery operated and anatomically correct. You wind him up and he salutes.”

  “Kiss my ass,” Barry retorted. “And for your information, GI Joe is an action figure, not a doll.”

  “Yeah, right. But he’s still dickless, as I recall. Come on, get in the car.”

  During the short drive to Hernan and Graham’s house, they discussed the upcoming nuptials.

  “No gifts, my ass,” Barry declared. “We’re going to have to get those two crazy kids something.”

  “My thought exactly. Maybe matching cock rings? Oh, I know. One of those double-headed dildos that two guys can use at once. They’re a blast.”

  “Please tell me you’re not speaking from personal experience.”

  “Let’s just say it was deeply personal. Ouch.”

  “You’re disgusting.” But Barry was fighting back laughter. “Come on, be serious. Suggest something. What could our dads really use?”

  They discussed the question and quickly laid some plans.

  “Okay, then that’s settled,” Hector said. “We’ll go shopping tomorrow and split the cost fifty-fifty. If that suits you, Rambo?”

  “It suits me just fine, but don’t call me Rambo. You know I don’t like it.”

  “Sure you do,” Hector insisted with an insolent grin. “You love it.”

  “Watch it or I’ll come up with a nickname for you. Maybe something like Fishboy or Hook Baiter. How’d you like that?”

  “I wouldn’t mind. I’ve been called a hell of a lot worse.”

  “I bet you have.”

  “Anyway, better Hook Baiter than Masturbator, right?”

  Barry burst out laughing. “You’ve got a point there.”

  Hector paid Barry a compliment. “You know, you’re not as tight-assed as I thought you’d be, considering that the military has gotten its hands on you.”

  “And you’re not as much of a flamer as you used to be the last time I was down here for a visit.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I do not now, nor have I ever, flamed.”

  “Sorry to disillusion you, buddy, but you were downright incandescent.”




  “Cock whore.”

  “I’ll have you know that in my case cock whore is not an insult. It’s a job description. Anyway, if we keep this up, Hernan and Graham will be delighted to see how well we’re getting along.”

  Barry laughed. “Yep, one big happy gay family.”

  “With you as the token straight.”

  “Somebody has to do the hetero fucking. Speaking of family planning, do you think our dads will ever adopt additional kids?”

  “Jesus, I hadn’t even thought of that. Let’s not go there. Unless these theoretical adopted siblings turn out to be a couple of hot dudes our age. Maybe twins. That could get kind of interesting.”

  “I’ll suggest that to Graham. Can’t wait to see the look on his face.”

  Once Barry was installed in the house, sleeping in the guest bedroom, Hector caught himself indulging in libidinous fantasies about the Marine. Barry was very blond with piercing blue eyes and a body that simply wouldn’t quit. Now that he had a chance to shed, temporarily, his combat boots and fatigues, he wore an assortment of tight jeans, gym shorts, and muscle man tank tops around the house and took advantage of every opportunity to sunbathe on the terrace or on the beach in the briefest of bathing suits.

  His hard, chiseled physique had gotten Hector’s saliva flowing all during dinner on the evening of Barry’s arrival.

  Soft-spoken by nature, Barry managed to keep up his end of the lively table conversation. Hector found himself wondering whether t
he younger guy was still a virgin. It had been so long since Hector was a virgin that he had only dim recollections of that unfortunate state and what it entailed. Lots of jacking off, he supposed.

  Presumably, Barry hadn’t had any homosexual experiences, although Hector couldn’t see how his fellow Marines would have been able to keep their hands off him in the forced intimacy of the barracks. And now that don’t ask, don’t tell was history, Hector fantasized about military life being one big, macho orgy.

  Hector teased his hunky soon-to-be stepbrother mercilessly, insisting that Barry would have to work for him and Hernan once he’d completed his hitch in the Corps.

  “With all those muscles, you’d be able to do the work of two men,” Hector pointed out salaciously. “I can just see you now, swabbing the deck and scraping barnacles off the hull.”

  Barry grinned at him with a boyish, narcissistic pride in his own fine body. “Yeah, but would you pay me double?” he retorted.

  “I wouldn’t have to. You’d make out all right just from tips.”


  “Sure. Most of the customers are extremely generous when it comes to tipping. Especially the gay guys and especially if you show them a little skin. You know, lose the shirt early on during the trip. Let ‘em flirt with you a little, let ‘em cop a feel, make them think they might have a chance at having sex with you. That encourages them to open their wallets, too.” Especially if you go ahead and have sex with them and you’re smart enough to negotiate the fee for such additional services ahead of time. Hector had to smile when he remembered one such recent outing. The customers had been two lovers in their mid-thirties on vacation. They were both hot and they had an open relationship. It was too bad they’d wasted their money renting fishing equipment. Once Hector had steered the boat well out to sea and turned off the engine, one thing had quickly led to another. The three men had ended up sucking and fucking in various combinations right there on the deck. They never even baited a hook. But Hector had earned himself a hefty tip that day.

  He noticed, with a certain malicious pleasure, that he’d succeeded in making Barry blush.


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