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Mail Order Bride - Westward Destiny: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 4)

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by Linda Bridey

  “Hi, Sammi,” Jamie said as her friend got into the buggy.

  “Hi, yourself,” Sammi said. “Off to the post office again, huh?”

  “Yes. I have to see if my ranch hand is going to give me the go ahead to come out there,” Jamie said and she clicked her tongue at Lacey’s mare.

  Sammi laughed. “I love how you call him ‘your ranch hand’. You’ve already laid claim to him.”

  “Damn right I have. I’m not going to take the chance that some other woman is going to get to him first. He’s my ticket out of here,” Jamie said.

  Sammi tucked a strand of strawberry blonde hair behind her ear and said, “I still can’t believe that you’re going to this. I’m going to miss you.”

  “Like I told Lacey, you should come with me. You’re a pretty girl, too. Those baby blue eyes and blonde hair will get you a man in no time.”

  “I don’t know,” Sammi said, even though she was tempted.

  “Well, I told Lacey that I would go first and check it out and see if I could find her a cowboy. I could do that for you, too,” Jamie said as an enticement.

  Sammi chewed on her bottom lip as she thought about it. “Ok. Do it. It’ll be an exciting adventure, but I don’t want to go until you see what it’s like.”

  Jamie laughed. “Why is it that I always have to lead the charge?”

  “Because you’re crazy enough to do it and you don’t have any fear about anything,” Sammi answered.

  Jamie nodded. “Life’s too short to be going around all scared and not do what you want to do.”

  Sammi agreed and then fell silent.

  Sammi waited in the buggy as Jamie went to go check her mail. She was seriously contemplating being a mail-order bride if things worked out for Jamie. She laughed to herself as she thought of Jamie going there and how it would affect those poor people. They had no idea what they were in for.

  Jamie came bouncing back to the buggy and clambered into it. “He wrote back!”

  Sammi laughed as Jamie ripped the envelope open.

  Dear Jamie,

  I hope you’re doing well. I’m ready if you are. Make your plans and let me know when you’ll be coming so I can pick you up. I’m really looking forward to meeting you.

  Don’t keep me waiting,


  Jamie laughed as she read his closing. She thought it was cute that he would use one of hers. “Oh my. It’s a good thing I get paid tomorrow. Ever since I wrote him, I’ve been saving money for the trip. With my pay and what I already have saved, I’ll have enough to cover the trip.”

  Sammi said, “You already knew how much it would be? I think you planned to leave as soon as you read that ad.”

  “You’re right. I did.” Jamie’s eyes were alight with excitement. “I can’t wait. I’ll wait until the day after I get my pay to tell crotchety old Mr. Norton to shove it.”

  Sammi laughed. “You should be ashamed of the way you talk sometimes.”

  “Why? Because I tell it like it is? Why beat around the bush? I don’t have time for that,” Jamie said.

  Sammi replied, “Yes, but sometimes a little tact goes a long way. Remember that.”

  “I’ll try. Now let’s go so I can start to pack. I want to leave on Sunday,” Jamie said.

  Claire sat at their kitchen table going over some financial work. Her parents were in the process of moving to Dawson County and she’d been talking to her father, Geoff about the possibility of building a school. She was ready to put her teaching degree to use and there was no official school in the area. Some of her dowry had gone to make additions to their little house, but she had some left over that she could use to start building a schoolhouse.

  At first Marcus had balked at the idea of using her money, but she’d convinced him by saying, “That’s what it’s for, dummy. It’s not polite to refuse it. Papa wouldn’t like it very much.”

  Marcus had known it was useless to fight about it any longer and had agreed. Besides, they did need to expand because Claire was pregnant and they were going to need more room. Marcus also wanted to build a study that they could share.

  Claire was so engrossed in her work that when a knock sounded on the door, it startled her. She opened it and Luke stood outside.

  “Hello, Luke,” she said. “Come in.”

  “Hi, Claire. How are you?” Luke asked.

  “I’m fine and you?”

  Luke nodded. “Good. Is Marcus here?”

  “No, he went to the camp for a little while. Is there something I can help you with?” Claire asked.

  Luke shifted his feet a little. “Well, has Marcus told you that I’m getting a mail-order bride?”

  “Yes. How is that going?”

  Luke smiled. “Really well. In fact, she’s going to be here on Thursday and I was wondering if he’d go with me to pick her up. I know it’s stupid, but I think I’d feel better if he went along.”

  Claire smiled. “I can understand that. I’m very happy for you. Marcus says she’s very attractive.”

  “Yeah, she is. She sent me a picture and she’s a real beauty. She’s got auburn hair and green eyes. I can’t wait to meet her,” Luke said.

  “I’m looking forward to meeting her, too. She’s a lucky girl. You a wonderful person and you’ll make a good husband.”

  Luke blushed a little. “Thank you. Will you ask him for me? He can tell me in the morning if he can go.”

  “I’ll do that,” Claire said, as Aiyana started crying in her crib.

  “I’ll let you go,” Luke said. “See ya later and thanks again.”

  Claire watched Luke leave and then went to take care of Aiyana.

  Chapter Four

  The stage now came all the way to Dawson County, so there was no need to go to Wolf Point to pick up travelers. Luke knew that Beth would be on time. The woman driver kept a strict schedule.

  Marcus had happily agreed to go with Luke to offer his support–he was very curious about this woman. Seth had wanted to go, too, but Luke had said that it would look strange if three men went to get her. Seth hadn’t been happy, but he could see Luke’s point.

  They took the wagon with Buster and Nugget since Jack had the newer team, Devil and Duke. Jack had proven very responsible with driving the team, so they didn’t worry quite so much when he took them out. Dean was proud of his son for the fine young man Jack had become.

  As they travelled, Luke felt like he was going to have a heart attack. His palms were sweaty and his chest was tight with anxiety. Marcus tried to relieve his tension by telling him stories about the naughty things Aiyana was doing since she was now walking, but though he smiled, Luke wasn’t really paying much attention. All of his thoughts were on the woman he was about to meet. The stakes were high and he didn’t want to do anything that would mess things up with her.

  Memories of Charlene’s abandonment came to him, and he began having doubts about whether he could hold this woman’s attention. Then he remembered what Marcus had said about how maybe this woman would be better for him than Charlene. As they pulled up at the depot, Luke felt a little better about things, but not much.

  Marcus could tell that Luke was very tense. He put a hand on Luke’s shoulder.

  “Luke, you have nothing to worry about. Just be yourself. You’re a good guy and she’s going to be able to see that,” Marcus said.

  Luke nodded. “Thanks. I’m trying, but I’m nervous as hell.”

  “I know, but it’ll be fine,” Marcus said.

  Jamie waited impatiently. Her excitement increased the closer she got to her destination. It wasn’t that the driver didn’t go fast enough; she was just impatient. The coach came down over a mountain pass and Jamie could see a town spread out in the valley. It was quaint, with two churches and various businesses. As they got closer, Jamie could make out a sign for Thompson’s Feed Mill. A general store stood on one corner in the square, with a post office on the other.

  Beth pulled the coach in at the depot and halted her t
eam. Luke saw the coach stop and then the woman he knew had to be Jamie stepped down from it. She was even more gorgeous in person. Her auburn hair flowed over her shoulders in soft waves. Her dress showed her hourglass figure off to perfection. She stood looking around and then her gaze zeroed in him and Marcus.

  Marcus nudged Luke and said, “Wave and go get her bags.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Luke said. He waved at Jamie and then got down from the wagon.

  Jamie had spotted the wagon with the two men in it. They were both very handsome. One had jet-black hair and gray eyes, and she knew that he was not Luke. Then she got a load of Luke as he walked towards her and her heart skipped a few beats. She let her gaze roam over him from head to toe. His long legs carried him with confidence and his arms bulged with muscles. He had a broad, impressive chest and shoulders.

  “Hi,” Luke said upon reaching her. It was a struggle to get that much out. “You must be Jamie. It’s good to meet you,” he said and smiled.

  Jamie was speechless for a moment as she looked up into chocolate brown eyes and saw that he had dimples when he smiled. His dark hair was wind-blown, and she liked the way it looked a little wild. From head to toe, he was one big, delicious man and she wondered how anyone could not want to marry him.

  “Why, hello, Luke,” she said in a Texan drawl. “It’s so wonderful to meet you, too. My, but you are quite impressive.” She couldn’t help reaching out to squeeze one of his big biceps. Lord it felt hard as a rock.

  Luke was disconcerted by her touch. It felt as if there was an electric current running up his arm. He was transfixed by her eyes as she looked at him. They were entrancing, and he forgot to speak for a few moments. “Thanks. So are you,” he said.

  Marcus watched the stunningly beautiful woman run her hand along Luke’s arm with high amusement. The look on Luke’s face was priceless. He was getting a kick out of Jamie’s forward actions.

  Jamie dropped her hand and Luke seemed to come out of the fog he’d been in. “I’ll get your bags.”

  Luke gathered the three suitcases from the coach and carried them easily to the wagon.

  “Jamie, this is my cousin, Marcus Samuels,” Luke said. He felt he was doing pretty well so far. At least he hadn’t embarrassed himself.

  Jamie looked Marcus over and said, “Are all of the Samuels men handsome?”

  Marcus smiled back. “Yeah, as a matter of fact. We come from good stock. I’d say you do, too, Miss Collins. You’re one fine looking woman.”

  Jamie didn’t blush. She was used to receiving these kinds of comments. “Well, aren’t you sweet?”

  Luke could have killed Marcus for flirting with Jamie, even though it was harmless. Marcus had a natural charm and couldn’t help himself from flattering women. Luke didn’t like being shown up.

  Jamie said, “Your description of Luke was right on. He is built like Hercules.”

  Luke smiled, but didn’t know what to say to that. He put the suitcases in the back and Marcus moved into the back of the wagon so Luke could sit by Jamie on the wagon seat and drive. Luke helped Jamie get into the wagon and made sure she was settled before climbing up and taking up the reins.

  Jamie slid a hand around Luke’s right arm and leaned against him a little. Marcus had to stifle a laugh as he saw Luke look down at her and sit up a little straighter. Luke felt the heat of her body against him as he looked into her emerald eyes and wondered how he’d gotten lucky enough for a woman like her to answer his ad.

  “I can’t wait to see the ranch,” Jamie said, and snuggled against him a little more. She saw him looking at her with appreciation and she was going to play on that attraction.

  “I guess we’d better get going then. It’s not nice to keep a lady waiting,” Luke said. “I’m glad you didn’t keep me waiting, Miss Collins,” Luke said and winked at her. He was surprised at his playfulness, and proud at the same time. Maybe he had a little flirt in him after all.

  Marcus raised his eyebrows over that remark and then thought, that’s it, Luke. Keep it going.

  Luke whistled to Nugget and Buster and they began moving. Jamie’s touch and the feel of her lush body against him were doing very nice things to him, but he had to rein in his reaction.

  “They’re beautiful horses,” Jamie said. “Are they hard to drive?”

  “Nah. They’re really well trained and know the route home, so there’s nothing to it,” Luke said.

  “Maybe I could drive them sometime? I like driving a team. I haven’t done it for a while,” Jamie said. It was the truth. Her father had had a very nice team and had taught her to drive at a young age, because sometimes she had to go fetch supplies and such.

  “You know how to drive? Are you messing with me?” Luke said. He looked at her pretty hands and couldn’t imagine them holding the thick reins.

  Jamie arched a brow at him and said, “Try me.” She held out a hand for the reins.

  Luke was reluctant to hand them over. “Are you sure?”

  Jamie said nothing, but kept her hand where it was.

  “Is it ok with you, Marcus? It’s his team,” Luke said.

  Marcus laughed. “Yeah. Let’s see what the little lady’s got.”

  Luke gave Jamie the reins. She took them easily and adjusted them for her hands. “All right, boys, let’s get this show on the road.” She slapped the reins and said, “Ha!” Buster and Nugget leaped forward, and the force of the wagon moving so fast made Marcus fall off the sack of feed he’d been sitting on.

  Luke held onto the seat as the team trotted through town and then once they were clear of the streets Luke told her which way to go, and she kept the horses moving at a good clip. Luke had to admit that she was a good driver. She had no fear as she guided the horses. Her touch was light and she never hauled on the reins. After a little while, Jamie pulled Nugget and Buster down to a fast walk. She didn’t want to make them work harder than necessary.

  She handed the reins back to Luke making sure that their hands touched. “Thank you for letting me drive. It was fun.”

  Luke said, “Sure thing.”

  Jamie slipped her hand back under his arm and sidled closer again. She paid attention to the direction they were going, and which roads they took to get to the ranch. “You were right when you said it was pretty here, Luke. It’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah, it is,” Luke agreed. “So are you.”

  Jamie’s eyes twinkled as she said, “You’re quite attractive yourself.” She hugged his arm. “You certainly make a girl feel safe with all those muscles.”

  Marcus once again had to stifle laughter and he wished for the thousandth time that he had Claire’s ability to laugh silently. This Texan lady was a real trip, and it was going to be fun having her around. Marcus had a feeling that he’d met a female version of himself and if that were true, Luke was in for a wild ride.

  Luke laughed. “You say the nicest things.”

  “I just say what I think, that’s all. I’m not like some women who play guessing games. That’s one reason that the women in Walhalla didn’t like me. I spoke my mind too much,” Jamie said.

  Luke wondered at the brief look of unhappiness that passed over her face. “I take it that you didn’t get along with some people.”

  Jamie laughed. “I didn’t act ladylike enough for them. I told you I like to have fun and I don’t apologize for that. I like playing cards and singing in the saloon. I like dancing and drinking whiskey. All things that ladies aren’t supposed to do.”

  “You like to play cards?” Luke asked.

  “Yes. Poker, gin, you name it. Do you?” Jamie asked.

  Marcus was glad to see Luke forgetting his shyness.

  “I’m pretty good at cards,” he said.

  Marcus jumped into the conversation. “He’s being modest. He’s the best poker player I know.”

  “Really? I think we’ll have to play then, just see who’s the best. We should have a poker night,” Jamie said. “And drink whiskey.” She laughed. “That’ll m
ake quite an impression on everyone.”

  Luke laughed along with her. “I’d say so.”

  Marcus had known a few women who liked to carouse and they were very entertaining. It appeared that Jamie was one of those women.

  “I’ll try to behave a little. I don’t want to embarrass you,” Jamie said.

  Luke laughed. “We’re pretty hard to offend around here. Although, Dean is kind of reserved.”

  “Who’s Dean?”

  “One of my other cousins and my boss,” Luke answered. “He does the daily running of the ranch. My other cousin, Seth, likes to go on the cattle drives but he didn’t go on the last one because his wife, Maddie, is about eight months pregnant.”

  Jamie said, “That’s wonderful. They must be so happy.”

  “Yeah, they are. They tried for several years but nothing happened until Marcus made a potion for Maddie. It wasn’t long until she got pregnant,” Luke told her.

  Marcus said, “Well, the potion worked because it helps increase ovulation and makes conception more likely.”

  “Are you a doctor?” Jamie asked Marcus.

  “No. Not exactly,” Marcus said.

  Luke said, “You’re close enough. It’s just too bad there aren’t any medical schools around here.”

  “That’s ok. I doubt that any medical school would let me use my Lakota medicinal knowledge anyhow,” Marcus said with a shrug.

  “Lakota? You’re Lakota? I should have seen it. I know some Lakota people,” Jamie said.

  Marcus smiled. “That’s great. My biological father was Lakota. Dean, Seth, and I share the some mother, but that’s a story for another time.” Marcus didn’t want to take any of the focus from Luke.

  She shook Luke’s arm a little. “Are you Lakota?”

  “Nope. Sorry,” Luke said.

  “I’m not disappointed. Just curious,” Jamie assured him.

  They turned down the lane to the ranch and Jamie gazed out over a beautiful piece of land. The snowy mountains rose in the background, creating a beautiful backdrop for the ranch. The blue sky contrasted with the white and green land, and Jamie thought it looked like a painting. Cattle of a couple different varieties dotted the landscape. Two huge barns, two nice houses and four bunkhouses were situated nicely around the property.


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