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The Guilty Generation

Page 16

by Pat Simmons

  The judge scanned over the documents before her, then peered over her glasses at Victoria and Grandma BB. She sighed and removed them.

  “Mrs. Beacon, why are you in my courtroom again?” She frowned. “After I ordered you thirty days shock time in jail for assault, I’d hope not to see you again, especially in the juvenile division where I am now assigned.”

  Not good. Victoria faced Grandma BB with a dumbfounded expression.

  Grandma BB jutted her chin. “I served my time and the terms of probation. I’m here today because this young girl needs a safe place to live, and despite my actions earlier, I’m an upstanding citizen of the community...”

  Cheney elbowed her husband when he choked at Grandma BB’s monologue. Evidently, Judge Wright didn’t believe it either when she waved her hand to silence Grandma BB. Next she directed her attention to Victoria. “Surely, there are others you can stay with until you’re eighteen.”

  “This is not about the broken system of foster care, but family. There is no age limit,” Grandma BB stated to the frown of the judge who didn’t like the comment about the broken system. “Let the state keep the money. I’m not in it for that.”

  After going back and forth for thirty minutes, Victoria Fields was temporarily placed in Mrs. Beatrice Tilley Beacon’s care. “I’m regretting this already, but Victoria is old enough to have a say in the matter, and she wants to live with you until we make other arrangements.” Judge Wright slammed the gavel down before calling the next case.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Satisfied that Victoria was safe, Kami was eager to learn whether they were related. It warmed her heart that her family was committed to her finding out more about her roots.

  The state did send Grandma BB monthly payments for Victoria’s care, which she opened a bank account and deposited the monies for Victoria’s college education. They no longer attended high school together. Victoria was studying to take her GED and start college classes next year. The girl had an impressive I.Q.

  No mission was too challenging for Park and his brothers. They created spreadsheets on documents requested and their status; calls they had made to agencies and those that responded; then there were miscellaneous notes.

  “What can I do?” Kami asked her uncles the next day after arriving home from school and still no signs of her classmate.

  “You can start by taking a DNA test through 23andMe. The results could be up to a month faster than Ancestry,” her uncle Cameron advised.

  Victoria didn’t share the same enthusiasm as Kami. She seemed content, or maybe she was conditioned to be by herself. Still, Kami broke down her defenses until Victoria agreed. The girl just took her time.

  Six weeks later, the DNA results were emailed to Parke and Kami’s nerves were on edge. Were they related, or was it wishful thinking on her part? Regardless of the outcome, Victoria would always have a surrogate family—the Jamiesons for life—despite her anti-family protests.

  The results were sent to her dad’s email, and he felt Kami and Victoria should see the results before sharing them with the rest of the family. They had become close over the months, almost inseparable when time permitted. Victoria even allowed Kami to experiment with hairstyles and makeup trends on her.

  Surely, Victoria felt loved—she had to. Kami gnawed on her lips. “This is the moment of truth,” she told her over the phone. “No matter what, we’ll always be family.”

  “Thank you,” Victoria said, almost choking.

  “One more thing...” She paused and prayed Victoria would agree. “Do you mind coming to my house?” When the line was quiet, she pressed on. “I’ll come and get you. The rest of my family—my knucklehead brothers—really want to meet you face-to-face, not glances from a distance.”

  “Ah, I don’t know. I really meant what I said about living my life without a man in it,” Victoria said. “They’re untrusting, cunning, and...”

  “Not the Jamiesons. They are smart, caring, loving, and protective. Trust me on the last part.” She thought about Pace delaying attending Tuskegee because he was worried about her. “If you begin to feel the slightest bit uncomfortable, I’ll take you back to Grandma BB’s and you can love them from a distance.”

  “Hmm, I don’t know.” Victoria was still hesitant. “I’m okay with you telling me the results over the phone.”

  “Come on,” she pleaded. “This is an important moment we should share together.” Kami pouted as if her friend could see. “But,” she said, sighing, “I respect your objections. I’ll never know or want to imagine what you went through, but I do know I’ll always be there for you.” Victoria had recently started therapy, and the counselor stated she had a long road ahead to accept her self-worth, raped at a young age and throughout her teens.

  “You’re making me feel guilty. You, your mom, and Grandma BB have shown me kindness, and I appreciate it, so maybe...” She paused and sighed. “I’ll come, but I’m telling you, if I feel bad vibes, I’m out of there, and I won’t wait for you to give me a lift.”

  Tears of joy fell from Kami’s eyes. “Thank you,” she said above a whisper, becoming emotional. “Get ready. I can’t wait!” When they ended the call, Kami prayed God would take Victoria’s fear away.

  Downstairs, Kami told her family the good news. “She’s coming, but please be on your best behavior,” she said, looking from the youngest to her oldest brother. Chance and Paden wore angelic faces. Pace’s expression was unreadable.

  She took a deep breath. “I’ll be right back.”

  When she arrived at Grandma BB’s house, both of them were ready. “I didn’t know you were coming.”

  “And miss the party.” Grandma BB grinned and stepped out on the porch in her Stacy Adams shoes.

  “Party?” Victoria panicked. “You didn’t say anything about a party.”

  Kami squeezed her hand. “There is no party. She says that when she’s going somewhere uninvited, thinking she’s going to crash the party.”

  “Oh.” Victoria exhaled and wiped her hands on her jeans. In the car, her hands shook as she clicked her seatbelt. Victoria looked out the passenger window without saying another word.

  At Kami’s house, Grandma BB struggled to get out the backseat. “I should’ve drove myself,” she mumbled as both girls came to her aid and looped their arms through hers, then assisted the elderly woman up the porch stairs. The door opened before Kami could insert her key.

  Her mother smiled. “Welcome, Victoria. You and Kami look cute in your matching red sweaters.”

  Of course we do, Kami thought since it had been her idea to get them during a shopping spree with the aunties.

  “Hi, Mrs. Jamieson,” Victoria said in a soft voice, craning her neck inside the doorway as if to verify it was safe.

  “Come on in,” Cheney said, helping Grandma BB step up.

  Kami stayed by Victoria’s side as she made official introductions. Her two younger brothers sat stiff as if they were toy soldiers and only moved their arms to wave and say, “Hi.”

  “This is my dad, Parke Jamieson VI.” Kami beamed. She thought it was cool to have numbers behind names.

  Victoria blinked. “You two look just alike.” She frowned in confusion.

  Squeezing her father tight to show Victoria there was nothing but love in this house, she chuckled. “We get that all the time.”

  “She’s my favorite daughter,” Parke said. Kissing the top of her head.

  “Dad, I’m your only daughter,” she teased back. She loved the game they played, but toned down the affections when she noticed it was making Victoria more sad than uncomfortable.

  “Ready, ladies?” Her dad turned to lead them back to his home office when Pace cleared his throat.

  Kami turned around. Her older brother didn’t say a word, but lifted an eyebrow. “Oops. This is my brother Pace.”

  He nodded at Victoria. “Older brother,” he emphasized.

  “By less than a year.” She stuck out her tongue, then squeezed
Victoria’s hand. “You okay?”

  Victoria nodded, taking deep breaths, then exhaling.

  In his office, Parke signed into his email account. Of all the unread emails, only one got her attention: Results from Your DNA test. Kami and Victoria shared a seat in her father’s chair. “Ready?” Kami asked.

  “I guess so.”

  Parke backed out of the office and bowed his head before closing the doors. Kami counted to three, then clicked to open the email. She screamed first, then Victoria. They jumped up, hugging and performing a happy dance as they laughed through tears. “We’re sisters!” It didn’t matter they were half-sisters, they were blood.

  “Is everything okay?” her mother called from outside the door. “Can we come in?”

  “We’ll be out in a minute, Mom,” Kami yelled, then hugged her little sister longer. Sniffing, they stared at each other. As if God had opened their eyes, they could see similarities.

  “I have your eyes,” Victoria said in amazement.

  “We both have pointed chins.” She wrapped her arms around her sister again. “Ready to share the news?” When Victoria didn’t answer, Kami hugged her a little longer and kissed her hair like her father had done her in a loving gesture. She wanted her sister to feel loved. When Victoria nodded that she was ready, Kami draped an arm around Victoria’s shoulder, and her sister did the same.

  Kami couldn’t wait to tell Susanna she now had a sister. The two strolled out of the office together. Expectant looks were awaiting them from her family who was sitting, hands linked and leaning forward. Kami announced the results. “Daddy, you now have two favorite daughters. We share the same mother.”

  Cheers erupted throughout the house. While the boys gave each other high fives, her parents were wiping their eyes. Grandma BB shoved everyone out of the way to get to Victoria. “It’s official, I’m your grandma for real, Tori.”

  “Victoria,” her sister corrected and laughed as she welcomed Grandma BB’s embrace.

  Pace slipped his hands in his pants pockets with a warm expression. He took baby steps and stopped at some imaginary line he dared not cross. “Welcome to the family. We love you already. You’ll forever be safe.”

  Victoria said nothing. Kami could see her sister was overwhelmed.

  And the best is yet to come, God whispered.

  Deciding to give the sisters some bonding time, Parke gathered his family, plus Grandma BB, and drove to Malcolm’s house to deliver the news and celebrate.

  “I’m a daddy again, man,” he announced as soon as his brother opened the door. They exchanged hearty pats on the back.

  “Why are you surprised? They favored. So when do I get a chance to meet my new niece?” Malcolm was grinning as wide as Parke.

  “When she’s ready.” Parke’s protective streak kicked in. “But I hope soon.”

  The following Sunday, something did change. Victoria decided she wanted to attend church with them. She was still squeamish around Kami’s brothers. At least, she did engage them in short conversations. Pace took great interest in Victoria because he was impressed with her interest in science.

  “I wish God would talk to me like He did you that time,” Victoria confessed to Kami.

  Kami’s faced glowed after the comment. Although she had younger brothers, she seemed like a different person, knowing she had a younger sister.

  Riding in the backseat, the girls chatted away. Parke exchanged happy glances with Cheney. He loved being a father. When he turned into Faith Miracle Church’s parking lot, Pace soon followed with his brothers in his car and parked near them. Once inside the church, Kami glowed as she introduced Victoria as her sister.

  Pastor Baylor led the congregation with a rendition of “I Surrender All,” and the song seemed to encourage Victoria to unleash her burdens and praise God. Parke prayed the Lord would restore the girl’s body, mind, and spirit that the devil stole from her.

  Soon, the pastor directed everyone to First Corinthians, chapter six. He read verses nine to eleven. “This passage is not only heartbreaking but redeeming. The cost of sin is expensive. The fallout will make you mentally dysfunctional, keep you up at night, and die spiritually, but the good news is God redeemed us by dying on the cross. Whatever your sin is, God nailed it.” He paused and danced in place. “Confess your sins and Jesus will wash them with His Blood....”

  The message had Victoria riveted. When Pastor Baylor made the altar call, she stood. Parke whispered, “Would you like for one of us to walk with you?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “My sister.” Victoria reached out, and Kami grabbed her hand. Parke stepped out of the way and watched them walk down the aisle with a purpose. Minister Kerr prayed for both of them, then Victoria repented hard, falling to her knees. Kami was right there to lift her up.

  Kami returned to the pew with her lips trembling and tears dampening her cheeks. “Victoria’s going to be baptized in Jesus’ name. She said she believes Jesus’ promise to fill her with the gift of the Holy Ghost,” she told her parents. The word spread to the other Jamiesons who were taking up three pews. They became emotional too.

  More candidates joined Victoria in the water. They were dressed in white. The women wore swimming caps and long gowns. Men were in T-shirts and pants.

  One of two ministers in the pool raised one arm. “My dear sisters, upon the confession of your faith and the confidence that you have in the Word of God, concerning His death, burial and Grand Resurrection, we now indeed baptize you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for remission of your sins and God’s gift of the Holy Ghost is promised to you, your children and as many as He will call afar off.”

  As Victoria and the others were submerged under water, the Jamiesons released some crazy praise to God. When Victoria resurfaced, she was worshipping the Lord almost uncontrollably while still in the water, shouting, “I’m clean, I’m clean!”

  The words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., came to Parke’s mind. I’m free at last. Thank God almighty, I’m free at last. He lifted his hands in praise. “Thank you, Jesus, because my other favorite daughter is free at last from the jaws of darkness.”


  Victoria opened her eyes and blinked. It wasn’t a dream. She indeed was free from the torment of her past. She had ammunition now whenever the devil taunted her, she would talk back. “What sins? They were washed away.” She grinned in victory. Victoria was in awe that something so simple could be so powerful.

  The Holy Ghost had consumed her being as heavenly tongues flowed out of her mouth. It was still amazing every time she recalled the Nicodemus moment that changed her life.

  She thought her past would haunt her to her grave—the things done to her and the things she was forced to do no longer held her captive in a cycle of anger, hate, and self-destruction. Now, it was her former foster father who was now held captive, confined to walls, and possibly tormented by other inmates once they learned of the crimes he had committed against a child or children.

  Grandma BB stuck her head into the bedroom that Victoria claimed as her own in the elderly woman’s house. “Chile, you finished having church?”

  Sitting up in bed, Victoria frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Hmph. She planted her hands on her hips. “I barely got any sleep while you were shouting ‘Hallelujah and Thank You, Jesus’ in your sleep. Maybe, now that you’re awake, you’ll be quiet.” She smirked and backed out of the room.

  Victoria smiled at the woman’s feigned annoyance. Despite her harsh tone, Grandma BB had her favorites, and she was more bark than bite. Victoria was happy she had earned the “favorite” status. She lifted her hands in the air and waved. “Good morning, Jesus,” she said, then slid out of bed to her knees to pray. After whispering, Amen, God’s presence gave Victoria a peace that she couldn’t comprehend. If only the other girls who had fallen prey to evil, twisted people could be mentally and physically delivered like her. Now, she had hope, a future, and most importantly, knows what family love
looks like.

  Although the counseling sessions helped her to take baby steps, she hoped Jesus would increase her stride. At least, she was in the process of dealing with the uneasiness around her to interact with Kami’s brothers without apprehension. Trusting other males might take a lifetime.

  Tonight was a big deal for the Jamiesons since it was one of their quarterly family meetings. Kami said they played games, ate too much, and recited the family tree. She was invited even though she didn’t carry the Jamieson last name. More than once, her parents said they considered her as part of the family.

  That evening, her sister arrived at Grandma BB’s house to drive them to the hotel where family night would take place.

  “Stop primping. It’s not that serious,” Kami said, playfully nudging her out in front of the full-length mirror in Victoria’s bedroom. “Plus, I’m hungry. I think my stomach is trying to get me back for my praying and fasting time yesterday.” She rubbed her stomach for emphasis.

  “I want to make a good impression,” Victoria fussed to mask her ball of nerves. Before the Jamiesons invaded her life, she had never cared about whether people accepted her or not. Now, she wanted to be embraced by them.

  “We’re sisters. That’s impressive.” Kami flashed a perfect smile that made her face glow. Of course, Kami’s makeup application enhanced her beauty by highlighting her eyes and cheeks.

  Turning around, Victoria faced the girl who she didn’t like at her glance. Now, she hugged Kami every chance she got for comfort and strength, always thank God for sending her a friend first, a sister second—a big sister at that.

  Once they were at the hotel, she was in awe at the little ones who vied for her attention. The Jamieson wives insisted Victoria call them auntie while the Jamieson males welcomed her from afar, respecting her space all the while insisting she learn self-defense.


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