Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1)

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Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1) Page 4

by Kimberly Blalock

  I’m the boss of the Chicago outfit and must consider the famiglia and men when I react, but all I saw was red. Fucking red. I rounded the desk with deadly silence, I gripped the asshole by the throat, I lifted him off of his feet.“You ever disrespect me with that mouth again, I’ll tie it shut. You disrespect me with those hands and I’ll cut them off. You understandin’ where I’m going with this?” I'd work my way to every part of his body until he was a bloody unidentifiable blob.

  “Looks like someone else already had a piece of you.” I laughed“Looks like it hurts.” I grinned, digging my fingers harder into his throat. The bastard deserved a lot worse.

  He nodded and I released him, I straitened my suit“My apologies Mr. Moretti. I meant no disrespect.”

  His hand drew to his neck, his eyes became dark.“What can I say? She’s a wild one.”


  “Yeah, she was here just a few hours ago.” He cleared his throat.

  “And she did that?” My thoughts traveled to her in the car. Her fingernails were covered in blood and she was on the other side of this property. He just confirmed that she’d been here. She was running from him.

  I cleared my throat as I wondered if her father knew this. My face fell flat with anger.

  I felt my facial expression contort.“As always it’s been a pleasure.” He rounded the desk.“I’ll walk you out.”

  I nodded as I adjusted my cuffs.

  I followed Casconi, I slipped my hand behind my jacket gripping the cold metal. I could do this quick, right in the temple. We were at the door in a few seconds and I choose to save it for another day as I stepped out into the cold.

  I wondered why Bella had been running and why she would’ve scratched him. I don’t know her and I knew that I shouldn't even consider getting involved. I’m intrigued, though. He pretty much said she’d been spoken for so, I guess it'd be moot point. Salvatore Casconi deserved what he had coming. When he's finally taken out it’ll be sweet revenge.

  When I slipped into the limo I was ready to get this day over with. It’d been interesting that was for sure. The car drove away from Casconi’s house towards downtown Detroit.

  Chapter 5


  I woke to an ice-frozen window I’d fallen asleep against. The sun was shining brightly and I watched as the snowflake shaped ice melted away piece by piece from the warmth of the sun.

  My head followed to the alarm clock, seeing that it was only seven A.M. I Stretched my arms and legs. I finally stood and shuffled my feet to the door.

  Papa’s door was open, peaking in, I saw he wasn't in his room. I followed to the stairs as I dragged myself one sleepy step at a time.

  “Good morning.” I yawned as I entered the kitchen in search of coffee.

  “Good morning.” Papa took a sip from his mug, his eyes barely rising in acknowledgement.“I’m not going to have the time to take you home this morning. I have a meeting and need to get back to the city. Tony will take you home.”

  I nodded, while holding the hot mug in my hands.“No problem.” I tapped my foot against the stone floor.“Would it be okay if I came by for lunch? I could bring Galleys or we can go out somewhere if you’d like.” I bit the inside of my cheek hoping he wouldn’t refuse. The disappointment circled him and I’d never wanted to disappoint my Papa.

  “Fine,” He answered flatly not looking up from his newspaper.

  “I wasn’t making that up, Papa.” I stood and turned towards Sal.“I wasn’t.” I glared at him.

  He shrugged as he stood holding his body against the counter.

  I’d known Sal and Tony my entire life. They were only a few years older than I was. If anything they were like really annoying big brothers.

  “If he’d wanted to hurt you Isabella, he would’ve. His story checks out. There’s nothing that I could do without proof. You know that.”

  “Because he’s made? Are you serious? You’rethe boss Papa.” I began to walk from the kitchen. Flippantly I added.“You know he thinks he’s going to marry me.”

  “And would that be so bad? He’s a good boy. A good Sicilian boy Isabella.”

  What the fuck?“He’s not my type and he’s not a good boy, Papa.” I answered with maybe a bit too much sass.

  “Isabella watch how you speak to me.” Papa growled. I jumped. I may be an adult but that sure as hell didn’t matter to him. I’d always be his baby and he’d always know best, so he kept telling me.

  “Sorry.” I wasn’t.

  “Your type is a tattooed musician, Bell. You should find someone that could protect you. Providefor you.” Sal chimed in.

  I purposely rolled my eyes.“What about love?”

  Papa made a noise with his throat.“Love is over rated in this world Isabella. People don’t know how to love one another anymore.” he flipped the page of the paper loudly.

  “Like you and Momma?” I leaned against Sal, resting my head on his arm.

  “Exactly. Your momma was one of a kind.” His eyes fell distant. He missed her so much. She’d been gone for ten years. He’d not even looked at another woman, that I knew of anyway. Of course I knew he’d never tell me if he’d found someone. But he'd married momma for life, Papa’s old school.

  “She was.” My eyes close. We all had a moment of silence until it was interrupted by Papa’s phone.“Sagatori.” He hissed.

  “That’s my que.” I said to Sal as I turned towards the stairs.

  Tony was sitting on the bottom step when I approached from around the corner.“I’ll take you home today.”

  I nod.

  “I’ll hurry.”

  He stood, without another word then walked into the kitchen.

  When I’d showered and changed into an oversized sweater, leggings, and boots, I pulled my long dark hair into a messy bun on the top of my head, popped some gloss on my lips, a smudge of cream blush to my cheeks, and a few strokes of black mascara to my lashes and I was ready.

  I turned the cell phone off and tucked it back into the bag and hid it back inside the closet and left the room.“Until the next adventure.” I breathed.


  “Jesus!” I jumped.“You scared the shitout of me Tony!” I said smacking his shoulder.

  “Sorry, but it’s getting late and we need to go.”

  “Okay.” He followed my steps down the stairs.“Papa gone?”

  “Yeah.” He opened the door to the five car garage through the back of the house.

  “The Mercedes?” He asked rhetorically. Tony and Sal told me what to do, not the other way around. Like I'd said before, annoying big brothers.

  I stared at the reflection shinning off of the blacked out windows as he opened the white door for me to enter. I seated myself inside and flipped the visor down, taking a peek at my makeup. The lighting on the visor was fantastic.

  He stepped into the car.“Seatbelt.” He ordered.

  “So what’s up?” I asked, curious. He’d been hiding something from Papa, I could tell and he’d only do that if it was important enough that he not know, which never happens.

  “I think that Casconi is planning something.” He slowly backed out of the garage, stopped to watch the door close and set the house alarm with a remote.

  “You believe me?” I tilted my head surprised.

  “Oh yeah. I know you don’t make shit up, Bella. If you said it happened…” His narrow eyes met mine.“I believe you.”

  “Why doesn’t Papa believe me?” I asked as we turned into the winding road.

  He took a deep breath.“You were gone for an entire day. He only called right before you were found. If you’d ran through the woods to the highway, I guaranteed it took you at least thirty minutes to get there. He’d have plenty of time to call your father. He knew you got away and had to come up with something to save his ass.” He raised his right brow as he pulled onto the highway.

  “Did you tell Papa?” Maybe I hadn't been crazy after all.

  “Yeah, but he didn’
t want to believe that he could try something like that.”

  “Fabulous.” I leaned my head against the head rest.

  “I'll be guardingyou so don't protest.”

  “Why?” I hated having a guard.

  “Because I said.”

  I watched the seriousness in his face. "Okay," I hesitantly agreed.

  “I specifically want Casconi to know you have someone with you at all times. If he knows that, he’ll probably trip on his own feet. I really don’t get why Anthony doesn’t see that idiots intentions with you.”

  “Neither does Sal, so annoying.” I watched out the window as the bare trees flew by.“I scratched Sam’s neck. I still have the blood in my nails. I couldn’t get it all out. So gross.” I extended my hand to show him.

  “Damn Bella.” he sucked in a breath.

  “Yeah.” I sank into the seat.“Oh, my bag and phone are still at his house. Could we go there so that I can get it?”

  “Oh, I’d love to see that bastard.” He smiled.

  Out of everyone that works for my father, Tony and I are the closest. He was still an ass, but in comparison to the other guys, he was the coolest and best to look at.

  The drive took us another twenty minutes until we arrived at Sam’s house. I reached for the door.

  “I’ll go.” Tony pressed his hand on my arm.

  “No, I’d like to see this assholes face and those scratches.” I smirked.

  “Don’t say anything.” He pleaded.

  “Really?” A laugh slipped from my lips.

  Tony opened my door, I stepped out and approached the huge front door. I bang on it and then rang the doorbell a few times hoping to piss someone off at nine in the morning.

  “What the-?” A large man answered.“Can I help you?” A large man with a twitchy eye answered. I don’t know this man, but remembered seeing him before.

  “Yeah, you sure can. I’d like to get my belongings.” I snapped.

  “Umm, Mr. Casconi could you please come to the front door?”

  “Can’t I come in? It’s freezing out here.” I started to push my way in.

  He opened the door allowing Tony and me to pass.

  “Bella? What’re you doing here?” Sam hopped down the stairs in a hurry.

  “Wow!” His neck was messed up.

  His hand reached for his neck immediately. He approached us at the door, grabbing my arm. Tony stood at attention and I waves him off. I’m going to have a conversation with this asshole right here, right now. He pulled me into his office. He slammed the door causing me to jump.

  “What the fuck!” He deadpans.

  “What’s wrong Sam? Pissed I got away? And what the fuck are you doing telling my father that bullshit? You didn’t have the balls to go through with it did you. You want to take over but you know he’ll kill you.” I round his desk sitting in his chair.“Oh God,” I see a picture of me on his desk.“You haveto be kidding me?” I opened the back of the frame removing my picture.“What is this Sam?” Crazy freak.

  He quickly approached, pinning me against the chair.“You fucking know what this is, Bella. I want you. I want everything with you. I want this.” His hands pushed my legs apart, rubbing his hand over my clit. I wanted to kill him.

  I couldn’t help a moan that slips out, surprising me, but only because I hadn’t been touched there in so damn long. But trust that he’d never have me sexually. I leaned forward smacking his face.“Get the fuck off of me, Sam. I don’t like you. I’ll never love you. I will never marry you. You may have everyone else scammed, but not me. Your evil and I hate you. Stay the fuck away from me andmy father.” I warned him, pulling all of my Sicilian out. My heart pounded and scared coldness ran through my veins, but it had to be said.

  He gripped my wrists, pressing his lips to mine. His tongue entered my mouth before I could turn my head away.“You’ll change your mind soon, Bella. You’ll have to. I love you. I always have and always will. Bottom line, I get what want without fail. And if I can’t have you call assure that no oneelse will.”

  “I need my stuff.” I scoffed, ignoring the latter comment.

  I’d never backed down from Sam, no matter his power or rank. I couldn’t give two shits who he was. I grew up with Sam. I knew that he was just a bully and if there’s one thing in this world I hated more than the idea of him alone, it was a bully, so I kinda got a two for one on the hate scale.

  He backed off of me, walked to a large armoire and pulled my bag and clothes out.“Here.” He shoved them at me.

  I stood from his desk, snatched the bag and clothing from his hands, and opened the door.“I’m ready.” I said in Tony’s direction.

  Sam’s hired idiot stood in between Tony and me with his arms crossed over his chest. He was trying to intimidate me. I stilled my steps, tapping my foot on the stone floor.

  “Are you going to let me through?”

  He was silent.

  I saw Tony reach for his gun from the corner of my eye. Oh God, this was the last thing that we need to happen. I gave a very subtle shake of my head. Not that he’d listen, but he damn well better.

  “Do you know who I am?” I stood tall.

  His eyes followed to my left where Sam stood.“I don’t care who you are.”

  “In case you haven’t heard of him, I’m Anthony Sagatori’s daughter. You shouldcare asshole.” I turned an inch towards Sam“You should consider teaching your apes respect. Move ape.” I sneered looking him up and down. He was huge. I hoped he wasn't into hitting a woman.

  He moved to his right, letting me pass.

  Tony opened and held the door for me as we exited the dark mansion.

  “What happened?” He asked once we were in the car.

  “You really want to know?” I asked as I was going through my bag making sure all of my stuff was still inside.

  “Probably not.”

  I found my cell phone and thanked God I had a lock on it, but what about my wallet that had personal stuff in it. I was sure he'd went through it.

  My face heated.“I want to shoot him myself.” My teeth clamped together.

  “I’ve never liked him.”

  “Psst… Fake. Everyone’s so damn fake. And you can’t trust anyone.”

  “You can trust me, Bella.”

  I released a breath.“I know.” I knew I could trust Tony.

  A laugh randomly escaped through the car.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked

  “You called him an ape. That was priceless.”

  I smiled.“Glad I could amuse you.” I stared out onto the highway that was filled with traffic.

  Tony increased his speed slipping in between two cars and exited the highway.

  “Would you mind taking me by Papa’s office?”

  “He has meetings this morning.”

  “I know. I just don’t feel like going home right now.”

  “Okay.” he sighed.

  The drive to Papa’s office was another twenty minutes. When we pulled into the driveway I saw Sagatori truckingdisplayed from the top of the building.“I love the new sign. It really pops.” I'd designed it for Papa.

  “I’ll drop you off at the front door so that I can park.” He shifted, coming to a stop. I stepped out as Tony held my door.

  “Thanks,” I offered.

  He nodded while straitening his blue tie.

  I tucked my bag over my arm and entered through the glass doors of the building seeing Ivy the receptionist smiling.

  “Welcome, Miss Sagatori.”

  I smiled.

  The elevator was two hundred feet around the corner. I passed through the long open corridor as I approached the elevators. Once I was on, I pressed the button for Papa’s floor and ascended. Elevators scare the shit out of me but I wasn't going climb ten flights of stairs, so it was what it was.

  When it began moving, I fell against the wall, tense. I hold my breath, ready to get off of this thing. Finally the doors open and I leap out from between the doors gasping
for air.

  “Bella!” Emily gasped shaking her head.

  I gathered myself, picking my bag up from the floor. I was so embarrassed. My eyes quickly swept the area for anyone that could've seen that. I didn’t see anyone. I took a deep breath when I stand from the floor.

  “Holy shit.” I straighten my sweater.

  Emily laughed from behind her hand.“You’re one of a kind.” She sat back down behind the black marble desk.

  I leaned over the marble staring down at Emily. She and I grew up together. We’d known each other since we were babies. We stick with our own around here.

  “What the hell happened? I’ve been blowing up your phone.” Emily turned in her chair as she looked towards Papa’s door that was closed.“He jumped my ass this morning. Apparentlywe aren’t allowed to drink in public.” She whispered leaning forward on her forearms so that I was the only one that heard her.

  “Was he pissed?”

  She dropped her head and lifted her eyes.“What happened when you left with Sam?”

  “We'll talk you later.”


  The elevator doors opened with Tony gliding out in his“I know Emily wants to fuck me cause I’m a bad ass.” walk.

  I raised my hand to my mouth stifling a laugh, then turned my head because I was gonna blow. All I could see in my head was what she'd told me the other night, about him and his six pack abs and nothing else. I wasn't into him like that, but hot damn who wouldn’t want to see that. I hadn't seen anything like that in a very, very, long time.

  We all grew up together and knew one another very well. But according to Emily, she and Tony knew each other a bit better than anyone else. I didn’t think he knew that I knew. She threatened to kill me if I said anything. Apparently he wanted to keep it on the down low, for now. Who the hell knows why.

  She'd always had a thing for bad boys, but to me Tony wasn’t a bad boy, he was actually one of the good guys, so she might have it backwards. I’m not gonna say anything. I want her to keep spilling all of her juicy details so I could laugh to myself every time I saw him. Or live vicariously through her if I was being honest.

  I offered her my best“I’m sorry eyes”, while she gave me her best“I’ll bury you in the desert.” glare. I couldn't help it. I erupted in laughter and had to walk away to catch my breath.


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